Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 18, 1908, Image 1

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VOL. 24.
NO. 1187
was sentenced to one year in the
penitentiary. Friedrich stole apair
T Hp of opera glasses from Mrs. 0. E
w - Redfield about one year ago and
was detected by offering the glasHee
for sale a- ebort time ago.
Court Business Will Prob
ably, be Finished .This
Herren Saw Mill Now
Ready for Sawing
The new plant for the Herren
i l 1 1 L . t 1 1 -1
saw mill lias ueen lumaueu auu
Circuit court is still in session will soon be in active operation.
i . . . i
in finishiue ud the longest term ihe new mactnnery is oi me
held in Morrow county for years, latest pattern, gaud power is tur-
Thecase of Dan Doberty who nisbed with a k horse power en
was indicted for murder in the sec- g'Qe
i . n . I 1 1 Ml 1
ond decree for the killine of Os- '1 he capacity ot me mm win De
ar Allen occupied more time 20,000 feet per day. The mill is
than any other case tried. located on Willard tier hub place,
t-. , . , , . near tne V Mow ureeK coal mines
II II I 1.1 US III! W X4M M I II I III! I lim 1 I
citizen aud well kuowD, occupied where there is a fine body of tim-
mnph ntrntirm I ber.
The prosecution, beaded by Dis
trict Attorney Phelps, was vigor
ous and active in the case and no
thing was overlooked in prosecut
ing every phrase of the circum-
stances surrounding the case.
In the delene, Judge Fee, of
In Itlemorlam.
To the oflioei s and members of
SanSouci Bebekah Lodge No. 33
I. O. O F,
We your committee appointed
to draw up ItHolutions of Sym-
' 41 11... ,1nntU , P m . niotnn
Tendleton and Sam Van Vactor of Vy " -
this city put up a strong case for ce Haye8, beg to submit the
the defendant. loiiowing.
Every inch of ground was con- Whereas: The supreme ruler
tested. No points were overlook- of the Universe in his inhuite wis-
il. The case was ablv presented dom has called t.i her eternal rest
by tbe defense and the verdict was our beloved sister Grace Hayes,
somewhat of a surprise. Therefore be it Kksolved: lhat
Immediately following the Do- tbe members of San Souci Rebekak
berty case came the trial of Me- Lodge Iso. 3d bereby tender tneir
f!'is'io, charged with tiio murder sincere sympathy and condolence
of E. F. Zaspell. to the family iu this bour of sad
McCaslin was indited for mur- bereavement
der iu the flrse decree. To secure Resolved: That these resolu-
a jury took more time than in any tious be spread upon the minutes
other case at this term. of our Lodge aud a copy be sent to
In all 37 men were examined the family aud also a like copy be
before the necessary twelve were pant to the Heppner Times and
accepted. The bigger part of Gazette for publication.
three days were taken up in sccur- Fraternally submitted,
inctheiurv. ( Olive Frve, ,
vi.'T(n:v van Tin? wfkvse Committee Mai;GA1SKT J isTt'S,
Makgaret Emeusox
la securing the jury tor tlie Mc
Caslin' case it is not strange that it
took sometime, for the reason that
the citizens in general weie in-
C M. White Appointed to
fill Vacancy
Owing to the fact that Deputy
District Attorney Notson was elec
ted County school superintenden
and has resigned, Attorney C. M
White of lone, has been appointed
by District Attorney Phelps to fil
the vacancy.
Mr. White was recommended by
the Morrow County Bar, and his
appointment will meet with gene
ral satisfaction.
Jeff Neal went to Portland this
8. I. Stratton was up from lone,
E. Bergstrom was in from Goose
berry, Tuesday.
Einil Scharff of Monument, was
in the city Monday.
Mrs. Lntie Heed returned to her
home at Sind Point, Idabo, Wed
Allen Porter and daughter of
Long JCreek, were guests at tbe
Palace, Saturday.
Uncle Bill Brown of Dalles is
sure he has struck oil on his farm
near that town.
Tbe Independence creameiy is
making from 8,000 to 4,000 pounds
of butter a week.
II IK faille Mi 1 1 in en Is.
Nearly 10,000 bead of cattle bave
I i .1.: l t : .1..-:
terested and consequently well ac oet?P ""W uu,u v"JWiIU' "UMU5
quainted with the details in gene- part two weeks, sajs a letter
, from Ontario. Ontario is the
rai. .
,, , . ,. . principal stock shipping point be
. -r., t tween Portland Bnd bait Lake
J . , j f ollowing is the shipment: Homer
aecutor was certainly carried out , . . . , ()AO , , . 0
7 . . , & Bivina shipped 203 head to South
in this case where he bad the best , -n c Tr , , . ,
" . Omaha; Parsons ix Hauley shipped
VL 1U 302 head to Granite county. Mont
It seemed the old story of a 1032 head to South Omaha, 514
drowning man grabing at a straw head to Fort Benton, Mont., 75
for tee defense. Sam Van Vactor head to Malta, Mont., 419 head to
who has been erapioyea in an 01 Horace, Neb., 1704 head to Merrill,
the principal oases in this term Mont, 1207 head to Miles City,
won the admiration ot all in tue Mont- paraon & Hanley Bhipped
able and strong defense put up for 100 more carB o cattie ye8terday
his client. an(j today.
Alone and unaided in the de.
tense, Mr. van v acior preBenxeu La Grande Observer: With the
a m asterpiece of oratory in defense adveDt Gf arm weather cornea a
for the man without a friend and
without money on the trial for his
Uneducated, without friends and
a miserable excuse for his life, Mc
Caslin can thank the stars and hia
able and eloquent lawyer, Sam E.
Van Vactor, that he is saved from
the stretching of hemp.
Van Vactor's speech was touch
dug in the extreme in this case and a
verdict of second degree was con
eidered a great victory for the de
The jury in this case was:
II. A. Yocum, H. It. Smith. Jas.
A Tirnwn. II. r. Lone, K. F.
Wigglesworth, Frank Young, John
H. Miller, N. A. Claik, Teter Nash,
vGeo. M. Allen, F. C. Dillingham,
John Jenkins, out of 37.
Frank 0. Friedrich plead guilty
o larceny from a dwelling and
serious problem to tbe fruitgrowers
of Union county. From every dis
trict iu the valley come calls for
cherry pickers. So bumppr like is
the crop that the growers feel as
sured they will be unable to care
for the picking in the proper time
unless there is an influx of pickers
from points without.
Estacada has beeo eued lor the
interest ou its water bonds, no- in
terest having ever been paid. One
quite good reason, accoiding to the
News ia that there bave been no
funds to pay with, and second, the
present mayor and city council
consider the bond issue illegal and
are disposed to bring it to a test at
law. It is claimed that tbe debt
incurred by the issuance of these
bonds is in excess of the amount
which tbe charter says the city
may contract.
F C Marquardsen returned from
Spokane, Tuesday, where he has
been buying goods.
Hood River's Nourth celebration
will be an exceptionally big one,
because of the new county.
Gate Creek precinct, in Lane
e-Minty, gave 05 votes in 'favor of
the university and only five against.
A Ked June apple tree in The
1 aiies v nose apples win ripen in
July has put forth a second supply
of blossoms.
Borers for oil north of Dallas
got a slight flow at a depth of 300
feet, and will sood try blasting
with nitro-glycerine.
Judge Ayers was a passenger for
Hermiston, this morning where he
goes to attend a convention of the
Baptist church.
Marquardseu conducts his own
sales, thence the 10 per cent paid
to sales agent he will give to his
customers who are the only persons
entitled to a rake off.
A woman 45 years old arrived
in Mosier driving a team of three
dogs that drew a wagon carrying
300 pounds. She had traveled over
200 miles.
The little town of Haines, about
12 miles north of Baker City is
growing very fast, says the Baker
City Democrat, which gives a lot
of particulars.
A woman with three little chil
dren and a few effects in a push
cart and entirely destitute passed
through Eugene from Marion coun
ty to California.
Rust caused by tbe long spell of
cold damp weather last month will
: 1 i.i .1 . . . ...
i-uuBiueiHuiy uecrease tue yield of I
wheat in portions of Umatilla
Mrs. R. S. Penell is viHiting in
Albany's new fruit cmnery has
started up. '
Having gone dry, Silverton will
also go dark, for awhile.
Clatsop county is doing a good
deal of road improvement.
Fine catches of fhh are made in
the Nehalem and Clatskanie.
Dalles will have a three days
street fair, June 25-27.
One man near Monmouth has
contracted 30 tons of cherries to
be canned.
More than 1,000 pickers will te
employed in the Milton-Freewater
berry fields.
A great Fourth celebration is
planned oi Joseph, ou Wallowa
Mrs. Vivian Tullis of Pendleton
came to Heppner Tuesday to visit
Nearly 10,000 bead of cattle.
were shipped from Ontario in the
last two weeks.
New arrivals looking for f uit
lands continue to appear in the
now famous Rogue River valley.
Miss Daisy Hendrickson and
Mrs. Emerson returned Saturday,
from a two weeks visit to Portland
and other valley points.
Mitchell will soon have a drug
store, Bays tbe Sentinel. This
happening just as Mitchell be
comes legally dry may be a mere
The counties going dry have
given a great boost for skating
rinks,' bowling Alleys, merry-go-,
rounds, soda water shops, lemo
nade fctands and other dry con
A Curry county German farmer
heard what he thought was his dog
tryiog to get into his smoke house
one evening, ana went out and
gave the animal a kick, when it
urned around and grasped him,
nd be yelled so that his ifecame
out and poured hot water on the
brute, which let loose just in time
tt 1 ft -r
to save tue mans nie. it was a
big black bear. Nobody can dis
prove this.
Van Vactor To Mr. and Mrs.
S. E. Van Vactor, Thursday, June
11th, a boy.
Notice is hereby given that I
will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by my wife, she
having left my bed and board.
M 23-J18. Mahlon Haworth.
( liroiilc Constipation Cured.
One who suffers from chronic consti
pation is in danger of many serious ail
ments. Foley's Orino Laxative cures
chronic Constipation as i aids digestion
and stimulates the lives and bowels, re
storing the natural actioii ot these or
gans. commence taking it today and
you will teel better at once. Foley's
Orino Laxative does not nauseate or
eripe and is pleacRnt to take. Refuse
substitutes. Slocum Iru' Company
Wood River valley may appro.
priately be termed the land of ar
tesian wells. Already there are 12
wells flowing steady streams, and
in many instances the water is
forced from 3 to 15 feet above the
evel of the ground. These wells
range in depth from 110 to 230
feet, Jand the water is cool and
clear, making it suitable for all
uses, Bays the Klamath Fall
Human filters.
The function of the kidneys is tostra in
ut the impuiities of the blood which i p
constantly parsing through them. Fo
ley's Kidney Keniedy makes the kid"
neys healthy so they will strain out all
waste matter from the blood. Take Fo
ley's Kidner Kemedy at once and it will
make you well, Slocum Drug Co.
Wanmd Man to appo nt sub-agentB
'o sell stock for a larye timber and lum
ber company, liberal commission. 515
Rothchild BIdg, Portland. Oregon.
Krtrjbotj wants to know wbat Tb
OrecoDlam haa to aay.
Notice is hen bv Riven that I, the an
(lei signed, under and by virlue of th
laws of the State of Oiegon, piobibiting
the running at large of animal within
Morrow-county, have taken up and have
in my possesion at my place 7 miles
southeast of I J eppner on Willow creek
in Morrow County, Oregon, the follow
ing described animals : One blue roao,
gelding, about 12 years old, brand ith
bar under letter F on right tdio lder,
weigh! about 8'WJ pounds.
One sorrel gelding, about 12 years old,
branded with mutilated triangle on hft
otifle and letter P on left shoulder,
weight about 80!) pounds.
The owner or owners of said animals
are hereby notified that unless the same
is claimed within the proper time or
manner, that I will ou the 13th day of
June; 1WI8, at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon of said day at my said
farm Bed tin said described animals in
the manner and for the purposes pro
vided by lay.
Dated this 4ih day of June, 1908.
Al Florence.
Ts Star
is erecting a plant at
for the manufacture of their
world famous
for water, oil, gas, etc., etc.
A moderate amount of
money will start yon in
a profitable business.
have been proved by
Competitive Tests to be
The Best In The World.
For full particulars regard
ing well drilling machines,
tools, supplies, etc., write to
ANfcgetabte rVeparafionforAs
similaiingtheFoodafitfRegula tmg fj Stomadis andUorwcis of
fe sav J- H
R-omofes DigcsKonheeifur
ncss and Rest.Containsnciihtr
X)piuni.Morphiac norliacraL
jnot Narcotic.
Dmijikui Seed"
ItiCMfioiuileSiia WrmSef
Clarified tojop.
htmajreen ilmw.
Aperfect Remedy for Ccmsfija
Hon, Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoca
Worms ,ConvaIsions.Fevcnsh
ncss aiulLoss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
,. ifJruaranleed. under the no
Exact Copy ot Wrapper.
Bears the 1
Signature Am
of AAF
nr Use
KJ1 Kir UVGi'
Thirty Years
Entirely Under Local Control a nd Management
Bank of Heppner
Capital $50,000
Fully Paid
V. O. MINOR. President
J. II. Mc II A LEV, Vice-President
W. S. WHARTON, Cashier
Asst. Cashier
Loans Made at Eight Per Cent.
Gain in Deposits, month of January SlOITi.1
" " February f5'i.;.itl
" " " " March 10.3W.S
" " " ' April and May 51.H4o4
Total gain for first five months, 190S
SS!,77') tV)