Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 26, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 11
VOL. 24.
Entirely Under Local Control and JHanagement
Bank of Heppner
Capital $50,000
Fully Paid .
W. O. MINOR, President
J. H . McHALEY, Vice-President
W. S. WHARTON, Cashier
Asst. Cashier
Loans Made at Eight Per Cent.
Gain in Deposits, month of January $19153.53
' February 8S1M.01
ii ii !
Sale of
Beginning Saturday morning
Feb. 29, and Saturday Eve.,
March 7. We do not wish to
carry them over the summer
months and will sell them at
the above discount.
20 inch top draft regular price $3.50 now $2. 80
20 " bottom " 44 3.25 " 2.60
20 44 top 44 t 44 44 3.00 44 2.40
22 " 44 44 " 44 3.50 " 2.80
24 44 44 44 44 44 4.50 44 3.60
24 44 slide 44 44 44 5.50 44 4.40
24 44 bottom draft 44 4.50 4 4 3.60
These are a few of the many styles we carry
Now is the time to buy at wholesale prices.
Be Wise and buy of
Furniture Co.
The up-to-date Store
Ideal Gentleman's Resort
We take special pride in keeping our Tobacco and
Cipars in excellent condition. Forty different brands
ot high grade cigars constantly in stock. Try one of
oar Hayanas. Cigars wholesale and Retail.
Total gain for first two toonths, 1908. 827,746.54
Morrow County Wheat at
Head of the List.
Better Than the I'al.UH and Hot
Excelled for milling Pur.
pose In Northwest.
The big wheat crop of last year
grown in Morrow county has been
about all disposed of.
It. V. Hiokok who has been
one of the most active buyers iu
the field has closed operations and
has gone to California to return
about the first of My.
Mr. Hickok estimates that about
1,250,000 bushels of last year's
wheat crop have already been sold
and shipped out on the Heppuer
branch of the O. P. & X.
Only about 70,000 bushels yet
for eala remains in the hands of
the growers and this is mostly in
email lots widely scattered over
t'.e county.
Last year's crop is estimated at
1,000,000 bushels which is probab
ly very close to the actual amount
The acreage this year be
less than last.
In speakirjg of the future Mr.
Ilickok is of the opinion that this
county ought to average 1,250,000
bushels of wheat each year.
One thing has been thoroughly
demonstrated and that is the fact
that Morrow county wheat is
among the finest in quality grown
iu the Northwest.
Mr. Hickok who is an expert,
thinks that our wheat is better
than that grown in the Palouse
country, and for milling purposes
is not excelled in the Pacific North
west. The berry is extremely hard and
the flour from It is of extra quality.
A California buyer states 'that
the wheat received from here was
very acceptable. Another order
for 200 tons was recently received
but this order could not be filled
for the rpason that the wheat was
cot here.
Conser Very Low.
Registration TliU Year in Far Be
low That of Two Yeara Ago.
Geo. Conser is very low at his
apartments in the Morrow block
in this city.
At the time of going to press
Mr. Coneer is gradually sinking
and his death is expected at anv
Elks Concert Postponed.
Owing to the serious illness of
Brother George Conser, the Elks
conceit and dance to have been
given on tomorrow evening (Fri
day, Feb 27) has been postponed.
The date has not been set, but it
will likely be April 10 before the
affair can be pulled off. Preserve
your invitations and remember
that thoy are not transferable.
Committee, E. L. Fr eel and,
J. G. Crawford,
S. W. Spencer.
rfeppncr Koilee No. ZtS, B. P. O. Elk. Rcr
lilur meetitiK nighti second and fourth Thurs
day of each month, Harry Johnson, E. U
Thou. Bieiman, Sec,
Rednced Hates.
For Tri-State Inter-Scholastic Track
Meet aod Declamation Contest, und r
auspices Whitman College, Walla
Walla. April 30, May 1, the O. 11. & N.
Co. will make rata of one and one third
fare for round trip. Sales dates April
29, 30. Mar 1. Continuous passage (in
each direction. Final return limit May 2.
Voters are either too busy or are
very neglectful of their duties as
citizens relative to registering.
Take an interest in the affairs of
vour county, state, and government
and by so doing place the best men
in office.
There are but ten days left to
register m before primaries and
every taxpayer in Morrow county
should take advantage of the re
maining days and see that his name
appears on the registration.
RfgislrRtion of voters for week en d-
iojr March 21, l'JfKS, compared with total
recintr;itionur 100(1.
Precinct. 1903 1900
Alpine 16 47
Cecil 2S 50
Dairy 3.2S 141
Dry Fork 17 52
Eight Mile 39 57
Gentry 58 82
Heppner 97 111
Irriijon 39 60
Lena 24 45
Lexington 76 136
Matteson 95 166
Mt Vernon 134 151
North lone r 25 61
Pine City 14 27
South lone 61 134
Wells Springs - 12 45
Total 862 1365
Local and Personal Notes.
J. A. Waters and wife were up
from lone Tuesday evening.
Elmer Shields, of Long Creek
was registered at the Palace Mon
T. B. Keeney, of Long Creek,
was a visitor in Heppner last Saturday.
W. H. French and wife were
down from their ranch, south of
Hardman, Tuesday.
John Zollinger, of Hardman,
was a business visitor in the city
the first of the week.
Mrs. L. E. Cohn carries the
nicest line of millinery in Morrow
county. Call aod see.
Mrs. L. E. Cohn has a most up-to-date
line of spriDg millinery at
very reasonable prices.
The styles are right and the
prices are right at Mrs. Cohn's
millinery establishment.
R. H. Johnson, of Hamilton,
was a business visitor in Heppner
the fore part of the week.
W. T. Hamilton, tha Hamilton
merchant, spent a few days in our
city the first of the week.
Mrs. T. J. Davidson came up
fioni lone Tuesday evening to at
tend to some estate matters.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will give a tea Friday, April 3rd,
at the heme of Mrs. Yeager.
John Hayes aud wife returned
from Portland Monday evening,
where they had spent the winter.
Stacey and Hugh Roberts were
business visitors in Heppuer the
first ot the week, from Hardman.
County School Superintendent
Stratton came up from Ioue Mon
day and attended to some matters
relative to his office.
Mistresses W. O. Hill, Frank
Elder, L. Elder, and A. Rood left
last Thursday for a month's visit
at Medical Springs near Union.
Frank Lee, the wool buyer, is
again with ns for the season. When
asked about the outlook for wool,
Mr. Lee said, "I don't know just
what the prospects are, have heard
nothing myself." Mr. Leo spent
the winter in San Francisco.
when eating, that your food is of
highest wholesomeness that it has
nothing in it that can injure or
distress you makes the repast
doubly comfortable and satisfactory.
This supreme confidence you
have when the food is raised with
The only baking povder made
' with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
There can be no comforting confi
dence when eating alum baking pow
der food. Chemists say that more or
less of the alum powder in unchanged
alum or alum salts remains in the food.
Edwin Ashbaugh, Government
Naturalization Inspector, of Seattle
Wash., spent several days here the
first of the week acting in his offi
cial capacity.
. Now is the time to buy your new
hat. Don't wait. The earlier you
buy the more you have to select
from. For style and economy go
to Mrs. Cohn'e.
A new deputy prosecuting attor
ney in Morrow county is one of
the recent arrivals. A boy at the
home of Attorney. Notson is the
fellow that has come in for his
father's job. We have not heard
of the appointment being con
firmed, but Sam wears a smile that
can't come off.
The Sew Seconal Homestead.
Representative Mondtll's second
homestead bill is now a law and is as
follows ;
"Be it enacted by the senate and
house of representatives of the United
States of America in congress assembled
that any person who, prior to the pai
sage of this act, has made entry tinder
the homestead laws, but from any
cause has Inst, for f ited or abandoned
the same, shall be entitled to the bene
fits of the homestead law as though
su?h former homestead entry had not
been made, and any person applying
for a second homestead entry under
this law shall furnish the description
and date of his former entry; provided,
that the provisions of tt.is act shall not
apply to any person whose former entiy
was cancelled for fraud, or who re- j
linquished the former entrv lor a val-
liable consideration." i
"Approved February S, 19?$." j
Man' people who were unable 'o'
prove tip on their former il.iimstc-
linqiiished before the act of Februaiv ct
l!0S, and are therefore entitled to at.- j
other entry.
ltcsoliitions of Condolence.
his many acts o' 'kindly Kympatuy hai
endeared himself to us and to the world
at large, and one whose place among ui
will be hard to fill, f ndjbe it further
Resolved that we do, as individuals
and as an order extend to his family and
relatives our beaitfelt sympathies in
their deep affliction and crmmend them
to our Heavenly Father for strength
and comfort, and be it also,
Resolved, that a copy of these reso
lutions be published In the Heppner
Times, Heppner Gazette and the Ime
Proclaimer, and that a copy be sent the
wife anrl daughter-, an 1 that a eopy be
spread on the minutes of this Encamp
ment. O P. Hendricson.
E. G. Noble.
Thos. E. Chi.'sev.
most intelligent people to use only'
pers and
are daily
position of
olllnes of k
It Ig ttiifl
Mo wS
n r
nown composition. There-
Dr. Pierce's medicines, the
ich print every ingredient
hem upon the bott.e wrap-
its correctness under oa th.
,Ing in favor. TMe com-
Piercc s medicines Is ope
to evervbodv.VDr. Pierce be!n2 de!rou
of having the se.m-h light ot investiga
tion turned fully upon hi formulte, beinfc
con h Ji-n tt h a t I : ho V- 1 t cr t he t o ; 1 1 '
ol these medicines is known the mora
will their gra,tciTr:iTive. merits berecT?
Tnzed.. . lieing wholly made ofthe active
medicinal principles extracted -from na
tive forest roots, by exact processes
original with Dr. Pierce, and without the
use of a drop of alcohol, triple-refined and
chemically pure glycerine being used in
stead in extracting and preserving the
curative virtues residing in the roots
employed, these medicines are entirely
free from the objection of doing harai
by creating an appetite for either al
coholic beverages or habit - forming
drugs. Examine the formula on their
bottle wrappers the same as sworn to by
Pr. Pierce, and you will find that his
"Golden Medical Discovery," the great,
blood-purifier. stomaeh tonic and bo vol
regulator the medicine which, while not
recommended to cure consumption in its
advanced stages (no medicine w ill dothap
yet linen cure all those catarrhal condi
tions of head and throat, we a if stonru-n.
tor;J liver and bro
Inmrs and h::i ir-o;;-
lee'u u or 1 :!.! tr.
finally rv. :':iat.; :-.
Take tin- " ioid' i
in time and it is n.
vou if only v m si:
jf.ir tral. Don't
won't do ';r r-.atr.
ex-Tci.-o y,.i;i pa.iet
use f.ir .; r. : -..iia''
its full belli l.ts. Tli
:1 troubles, v eafc
:.:iis. w h ich. if iiecr
. i ii lead up to u:S
i Vedval lV,'oVerT
t likelv to di-vii
ft a t.Vr-.-:;.'
Whereas the Great Chief Patriarch.
in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to
remove from among us our belovtd
Patriarch Joseph A- YVoolery; and in
accordance with the love and respect in
which he was held by U9 as en order
and as individuals it behooves us to ex
tend to his sorrowing family and rela
tives our heartfelt sympathies, theri
tore be it
Resolved, that by the death of Patri
arch Woolery Cayuse Encampment Nc.
40 I. O. O. F. has lost a tuuci valued
Tatriarch and brother. One who by
:i thins. You )
" a:.i: per-ver-' .
;:. -rM:erits ui v
are c inn
'T than anv a
. i;
,1 ! MV
, or
Dr. Pierce's n. edur..
the inoinb;
medical loader Nt
of lav. or iie:i-m '. .-sioiia). testimoi.ia
Thev' are. not civtn a'?v to W exoon
niemod with iut are -,'., 1 .y : idle! iB
InodicillCS Hi lYUSUliwi l-Io J i'tCOt.
-. i . . I v ' - - "
outftndiiiK Morrow i-our.ty wsrrHiits re
i-tero.l i-rior to nd incliliiiftli'mli-l
29 lifi. will he pn1 ujon preentatiuu at th
oJice of the treurer of l.t county.
Intorcft cen' alter date of this notW. Thin
ltcd at ilt'i'Pker, Or., Xrcb i'.
K. l N"M
lixfc Jrer uf Muim C-.o.