Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 19, 1908, Image 8

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A egelaMe PrcparationforAs-similaiiiigthcFootfandRcgula-ting
Utc Sioraachs andBawds of
Promotes Dte;esuonhccrfur
ncss and Rest.Contains ndttur
Ooiura .Monjhine norMaeraL
A nprfpet Retnedv for Gmsfina-
Hnn - Srmr Stnmarh.nianmea
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Fac Simile Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Announcements of Candidates.
The Gazette is authorized to announce
the candidacy of C. L. Road'uck. of
Irrigon, for the nomination for theoffice
of county Commissioner, short term,
subject to the will of the republican
party at the primary election.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Joint Representative for the 22nd
representative di trict, consisting of
Morrow and Umatilla counties, subject
,lo the will of the republican party at the
doming primary eleet'on. If nominated
and elected I will fill the office (o the
t,est of my ability and for the interests
of the State of Oregon and of the dis
trict which I represent, and I further
promise to vote for the republican can
didate for C. S. Senator receiving the
highest number ot votes at the primary
election. T. J. MA HONEY.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the nomination for county As
sessor, subject to the will of the voters
of the Republican party, at the primary
ele :tion April 17, 1908. My platform:
competent, single, equal and just assess
ments; no lavorites.
To the members of the Republican
I hereby announce mvself a candidate
for nomination for the office of Assessor
for Morrow county, Oregon, by the
members of the Republican party at the
primaries to be held April 17. 1908.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for county Commissioner for the
long term subject to the will ol the
Republican primary election.
I hereby announ-e myself as a candi
date for the office of county Commis
6ioner for the four year term subject to
the will of the Republican voters of
Morrow county at the coming primary
To the Republican voters of Morrow
county :
1 hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of county Judge of Morrow
county, subject to the will of the Repub
lican voters at the primary election to
be held on April 17, next.
To the Republicans of Morrow county:
I desire to announce the tact that 1
am a candidate for reelection for the of
fice of county .Surveyor, eubje.t to the
wiil of tha Republican voters at the
i-onilug primary election.
The Gazette is authorized to announce
the candidacy of Paul Ilielor, of Lena
precinct, for the office of county Com
missioner, snbject to the will of the Re
publicans of Morrow county, at the com
ing primary election.
I will be a Republican candidate for
nomination for Assessor at the nut pri
maries. I wis1! to express my thanks
for the endorsement already accorded
;ae and trust that the public good may
always be held above personal ends.
Tb editorial pe-ge of the Weekly Or,
fonlu gives a broad UwaUMnt U a wide
ran- ot eutecta .
I M'.J
Lai." : - ' -- 5
g?55 a ' I l
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
To the voters of Morrow county, Ore
gon :
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-nomination for Assessor on the
Repub.ican ticket, subject to the will of
the voters at the primaries on April 17,
190S. Respectfully,
To the Republican voters of Morrow
county :
My name will appear on the official
nominating election ballot for the Re
publican party, as a candidate for nomi
nation for the office of county Clerk of
Morrow county, Oregon.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of county Judge on the Re
publican ticket, subject to the will of the
voters ot Morrow county, and prom'se
it nominated and elected, to give my
undivided attention to the affairs of the
county to the end that the taxpayers
may reap the best results from an eco
nomical and conservative administration
of the finances ot said county, and for
the benefit oi all I artiea that I am unac
quainted with. I would further state
that I have been a resident of Morrow
county tor the past 25 years. Have al
ways been used to an active tovntry life
nd think that I know something of the
county's needs. I am astau ch Repub
lican, but no politician, and will employ
no methods bat that are just and-honorable
to obtain this office.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for county School Superintendent,
subject to the decision of the Republican
primary election. Respectfully,
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of county Judge, sub
ject to the decision of the Republican
primary election. Respectfully,
To the voters of Morrow county:
I take this method of announcing my
candidacy for the office of .Sheriff on the
Democratic ticket, at the coming pri
mary and election. If nominated and
elected I shall use all legal means to en
force law and order in Monow county.
I shall endeavor at ail times to pprform
the dnties pertaining to the office of
sheriff in a competent and business like
manner to the best interest of the tax
payers and if elected will not ask to be
retained in office inde finatelv.
I5y hard, persistent, active work the
law-breaking forces of Morrow county
have been held in subjection the past
few yeare, and especially during the
coming two years will it rpquire con
stant vigilance to keep the lid on and to
maintain our present reputation of hav
ing our laws more rigidly enforced than
in any other county in the state of Ore
gon. If my past experience and record
in this capacity prompts the voters o
believe that they will receive the best
service by nominating and electing me
their sheriff, I shall accept the great re
sponsibility again and will continne to
give the duties of the office my entire
time and energy, as I have done 5n the
Everybody wante to knore what The
Ore-onlaa baa to aay.
The news of botn Hemisphere la The
th9 A J
atnre AM
f p
(Present Incumbent) DISTRICT AT
TORNEY. Candidate for renomination
by the republican party at the corain
primary election to be held April 17,
t or loiirrrw, T. T. lil'.DU.
Candidate for republican Congression
al nomination in the second district.
Liberal appropriations for waterways,
enual onDortunitiea and privileges for
labor and capital, and government cod
trot of corporations.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of county Surveyor of Morrow
county, subject to the will of the Demo
cratic electors at the coming primary
D. V. S. REID.
P. H. Couch carried the mail
from the depot to the postoffice in
Harrisburg continuously for 20
years, and has resigned.
Sergent No. 5344
Will make the season of 1908, com
mencing Wednesday, April 1, asfollows :
Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and
Saturdays at Billy McRoberts stable in
Heppner. Balance of the week at the
farm of H. W. Fell.
Twenty dollars by insurance, payable
when mare is known te be in foal Sea
son, flo in advance, with privilege ot
another season. Single service, $10 in
SERQENT No. 5344 sired by San.rado
2290; dam, Rigolette 21892; sire Bon
Espoir L5618 ; sire, Sultan 4713. First
dam Pauline, 500701; Fire Yolcan,
30050; dam, Pe'otte, (439S7 ; sire, Pic
ador 2nd ofi06 ; dam, Pelotte, 43SS7 ;
sire, Hon n,spoir 1U0J-J. color and
description Daple grey ; foalded Jan.
'6, 1901. Bred by M. Ballier, Depart
ment of Sartbe, France. Imported by
the Hartman Stock Farm, of Columbus,
Ohio, May 24th, 1904. height, 2000
pounds. Heighth, 18 bands,
A few mares will be taken on pastor
ge and bred at mv farm if deein, d.
H. W. FELL, Owner.
Imperial Hotel
Portland, Oregon
Modern six story,
fire proof building.
European Plan
Rates $1.00
and tvp
Phil Metmchan, Manaj er.
Phil Metschan, Jr. Asst. Manager.
4-283 a,
Sale.) t
(Isolated Tract.)
TJ. 8. Land Ofllce, La Grande. Oregon.
' February 14. 1908.
Notice le hereby given that as directed by the
Commissioner ot the General Land Office, under
provisions of the net of Congress approved
June 27. 1906. Public No. SOS. we will offer at
public sale, te the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock
A, M. on the 2rtth day of March, 1908, next, at
thin office the following tract of land. to-wf:
K'2 HEH Sec 32, T. 3 8.. K. 28 E. W. M.
Any person claiming adversely the above des
cribed lands are advised to fi e their claima. or
objections, oh or before the day above designa
ted, for sale.
No.74:i7. E. W.DAVIS. Register.
F20-M28 A. A. ROBERTS. Receiver.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at LnGrande, Oregon.
March 2, 1908
Notice is hereby Riven that Andrew J. Clem,
of Heppner Morrow County, Oregon, has filed
notice of his intention to make final five-year
proof in support of 1) is claim, viz: Homestead
Entry No. made January 27. 1!03, for the
NW'4 se-f :on 8, Towi ship 1 N range 27 E W M,
and that said proof wiil be made before J. P.
Wiliisms, I". S. Commissioner, at his office in
Heppner, On-jon, on April 20, VMi.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of the land viz:
Jacob Wuttenberger, of Heppner, Oregon,
John B. Morehr-a-1, Kosell II. Jones, and Henry
Robinson, all of Galloway, Oregon.
MuhS-Arnt K. C. riKAMWKLL. Register.
(Isolated Tract)
Pnblie Land Pale
The Dalles, Oregon, Land Office,
March 7th, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the
Commissioner of the General Land Office, under
provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27,
1906. Public-No. , we will offer at public wale,
to the highest bidder, at ID a'clock a. m , on the
14th day of April next, at thfa office, the follow
ing tract of land, to wit: 8E of the NIK of
Section 28, T. 2 South, Range 2rt E. W. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to file their
claims, or objections, on or bef jre the day
above designated for sale.
Mca 12-A c. W. MOORE, Register,
Louis H, Arneton. Eeceiver
Men's Clothing
Made to Order
Cleaning, Pressing
Star Hotel Bulldina, May St., Heppner.
JEFF. INEEL. Proprietor
Everything neat and clean
Corner Chase and May Sis,
at popular
. Heppnei
Department of the Interior,
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
February 7th, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that John B. Morebead
of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, has lited
notice of his intention to make final five year
proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead
Entry No. 11974, made Jan. 2nd, 1903, for the SE
M Section 23 Township 1 N., Range 26 E. W. M
and that said proof will be made before J. P,
Williams, U. S. Com. at hie office In Heppner,
Oregon, on March 28. 19W.
, He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resider.ee upon, and cnltivation
of, the land, viz:
R. E. Tyler, ot Lexington, Oregon; J. R. Ash
inhuret. David Hynd, and William Hynd, all of
Heppner, Oregon.
C. W. MOOHE, Register.
4- 347.
Department of the Interior,
Land OiUce at The Dalles, Oregon.
February 7th, 1903.
Not'ce is hereby given that Ida V. Gray, one
of the heirs and for the heirs of Thomas R,
Howard, deceased, of Heppner, Morrow County
Oregon, has tiled notice of her Intention to
make final five year proof in support of her
claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 9725, made
: for the NE5 SWH, SEM N".-, 8 Wit
NEy, and N'!4 SEU Section 3. Township 5 S.,
Range 26 E. W. M., and t at said proof will be
made before J. P. Williams. V. 8, Com., at his
office In Heppner, Oregon, on March 27, 1908.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
the land, viz.
William Y. Bill, Matt HugheB, Osmer Shaner,
and Paul Webb, all of Heppner, Oregon,
C. W. MO )RK, Register.
Department of the Interior, Lane. Office at The
Dalles, Oregon,
Feb. 7th, 1908.
Notice la hereb? given that Ida V. Grny, one
of the heirs and for the beirs of Mary Howard,
deceased, of Heppner, Morrow Connty, Oregon,
has filed notice of her intention to make final
five year proof In support of her claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. !M92, made , fnr
the SEKi NEU, NEJ4 SEU pec. 3. and 8WH N W
K, S W'K SW'-i Section 2, Tow nship 5 S-, Rane
28 E. W. M., and that said proof will be made
before J. P. Williams, V. S. Corn, at his office in
Heppner, Oregon, on Mnrch 27, 19;i8.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, the land, viz:
William Y. I!(ill. Matt Hughes, Paul Webb,
and Osmer Slmner, all of neppner, Oregon.
C. V, MOORE, Register.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1K7S.
Notice For Publication.
Pepsrtmpnt of the Interior,
Land Ollice at The RiIIpa, Oregon.
February 20th, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that fclla C. Fell, of
Heppner, County of Morrow. Stat of Oregon,
has appliel to purchase, under the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1h78, as extended by act of Au
gtist 4, lk92, the SWi SW4. Section 2, NWH
NWH Section II, and NH Nf?fc of Section 10, T.
5 S., R. 2rt E. W. M., and will oiler proof to show
that the land Sought is more valuable, for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land before
the Register and Recel ver, at The Dalles, Oregon,
on the ltn day of May, 1908,
She names as ber witnesses;
V. H. Heath, John Hidgeway, Enoch nive,
and Oscar Davis, all of Heppner, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-d escribed lands are requested to file their
claims io this office on or bt-fore said 18th day of
May, 1908.
Feb27-Apr30 C.W.MOORE, Register.
A rtjcorrJaecl authority The Weekly
Weekly Orefoaiaa. . . .
The Palm j
I Robert Hart, Prop. l
j Ice Cream jjl
!j Ice Cream Soda i,
? High Grade Cigars j!
Fresh Candies !
i Nuts and Fruits !
Lunch Goods !
!;) Ice Cold Coca Cola !
j -Orangeade jji
Hoot lieer (
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Oilioo, La Grande, Oregon
January 17, 1908.
Notice h hereby given that In compliance
W illi the provisloi s of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the, sale of
timber binds in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada und Washington Territory," tin extend
ed to all tho "Public Laud States bv act of
August 4, l8ir.,
Tharldeus A. Monro' of Heppner, county of
Morrow, Statu of Oregon, has this day lilml in
this olllct' his sworn stiitmmmt No. 5912, for tho
purchase of til" Southeast quarter ol th North
west quarter of Section No 7, in Township No. 4
8., Hungo No 'J9 K., V. M. and v ill ulTtir proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than fo agricultural tur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before J, P. Williams, V, H Com. at Heppner,
Oregon, on Monday, the 13th day of April, 1908.
He names as witnesses:
Paul Hlsler. E. D. Palmer, (inorge Monro, and
Add Moore, all of Heppner, Oregon.
Auy and all prsous claiming adversely thn
bove-desorihed lands are requested to file their
claims in this olllceon or before said Uth day
of April, m.
FebO-AprQ E. W. DAV18, Register.
Admliilftriilor'a Notice.
In the Matter of the Estate of Martin Anderson,
Notice ia hereby given that all persons Inter
ested in theestatcof Martin Anderson, deceased,
are hereby notified that J. P. Williams, admin.
Utrator of the estate of Mnrt:n Anderson, de
ceased, has filed his final account In the above
entit'ed matter, in the above entitled court,
and the heading of tlie said final account, will
come on to be heard before the County Court o
Morrow County, Htate of Oregon, on th 6th day
ot April, 19ii8, at 10 o'clock a. in. And that all
persons interested in said estate are hereby
given notice that any objections made to said
final account must bo filed on or before said
This notieo is published in pursuance ofl an
order duly made and entered by tho Hon. T, W.
Ayorr, County Judge of Morrow County, State of
Oregon, oil tho d iy of February, l'.KlS.
Administrator of the estuto of Martin Anderson,
Department of the Interior,
Laud Office at 'Jhe Dalles, Oregon.
Fcbinary 7tb,l!K8.
Notice Is hereby given that John Clark of
Hanlman, Oregon, has filed notice of his iutoc
tion to make final five year proof in support of
his claim, viz: iiomtstead Entry No 10579,
made March v'rt h. 1902, for the N'4 NEy, 8KV4
Nfci-i Section 2.1, and NW4 NWl4 Section 24.
Township 5 S., Range 2t E. W, M and that snid
proof will be made btf..re J. P. William. l 8.
i:oin. at bis office in Heppner, Oregon, on Mar.
25, 1908,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous renidence upon, aud cultivation of,
the land, viz:
Theodore H. Drum, William A. Burton, Creed
Oweni, and Holly Leathers, all of Hardman,
F20-M28 c, W. MOORE. Register.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land office. La Grande, Oregon.
February 14, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that Narcissa C. Smith
formerly Narcissa C. Sprinkle, of Heppner,
Oregon, has tiled notice of her intention to
make final fiv year proof in support of her
claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 11153, made
Mar. 12, 19u2, for the Lots 8 & 4, Sec. 80, Lot 1.
Section 81. Township 4 8., Hange 27 E. W. M.,
and that said proof will be made before J. P.
W illiams. C. t. Commissioner, at hla office in
Heppner, Oregon, on March 21, 1908.
Khe names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon, aud cultivation
of, the land, viz:
Matt Hughes. Charles A. Minor, Charles Osten
and Erb L Kirk, all of Heppner, Oregon.
Feb20-Mch2t) E. W.DaViS, hegister.
otlce to Creditor.
In the County Court of
for Morrow County,
the State of Oregon,
In the matter of the estate of Ann E
, Ctapel,
The undersigned having been appointed by
the County Court ol the State of Oregon, for
Morrow County, administrator of the estate of
Ann E Chapel, deceased, notice is hereby given
to the creditors, and all persons having claims
against said deceased, to present them verified
as required bv law, within six months after the
first publication of this notice to said admlnis
trator at his residence in Hardman, Oregon.
Administrator of thecsuteof Ann E. Chapel
Dated March 3, 1918. Mch5Apr2
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Laud Office, La Grande, Oregon.
Feby, 28, 19U8.
To Whom it raiy Concern: CU
Notice is hereby given that the State of Ore
gon did, on the 28'h day of February, 1908, make
application, list No. 381, for the following des
cribed lauds, as indemnity for the designated
losses sustained to its grant of public lands for
common schools, made by the act of Congress
of August 14, 1848, and acts supplementary there
to, and agrees to accept the same in full satis
faction of the losses assigned, to-wlt: SWJ of
tho SW4 See. 32. Tp 2 8. R. 27 E. W. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this effice during the period of publi.
Mch5 Apr9 F, C. BRAMWELL, Register.
Notice of t'liiiil Account.
In the County Court of Morrow Connty, State
of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of Edward duff,
Notice is he-eby given that all persons In
terested In the estate of Edward Cluff, do
ceased, are hereby notified that J. A. Woolcry,
administrator of the estate of Edward Cluff
deceased, has filed his final account in the
hh-.tve entitled matter, in the above entitled
court, and the hearing of the said final account
will come on to be heard before th Connty
Conrt of Morrow County, State of Oregon, on
tha(Ui day of April, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
and that all porsuns interested in snid estate are
hereby given notice that any objections mode
to said final account must be filed on or before
said time.
This notice is published In pursuance of an
order duly male and entered by the Hon. T. W
Ayers, Connty Judge of Morrow County, State
of Oregon, on the 4th day of March, 1908.
Administrator of the estate of Edward Cluff
deceased. Mch5-Apr2
Wanted: Information as to address of fol
lowing named parties who lived in Morrow
Connty a few years ago Small recoveries can
probablv be made. Address Harvey Spalding
& Sons, Washington, D. C.
John Oei.rge Benning Joseph Barf ley
Milton E, Arthur Emma K.Allen
Lemuel C. Ade
Wanted: Information as to address of fol
lowing names, persons whose address was Mor
row County pome years ago. Address Harvey
Spaldina A Hons, Washington, D. C.
Edward Caey Henry Carter
Daniel Carpenter Edward Cos tern
Joseph Curran
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office, Tho Dalles, Oregon
January 11th, 19M
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JunH-3, 187H, entitled "An ant for the aalo of
timber lands in tho Ft ales of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extsnd
od to all tho Public Laud States by aut or An
gugt4, 1892, Tildeall. Williams, of lfardman,
county of Morrow, Statu of Oregon, has thla day
filed in this ollico bin sworn statement No. 1510,
for the purchase of the Lot 4 HJ NW54 it SW!
NE'j of Section No, 8, in Township No. B
Kango No. JtlK. W. M.,and will offer proof toy
show that tho land silight is moro valuabloTTf
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, aud to establish his claim to said land bo
foro S. P. Williams. TJ. 8. Com. at his office irt
Heppner, Oregon, on the 25th day of March,
Ha names as witnesses: '
James C. Koithley, 4oo. A. Bleakman, of
Hurdman, Oreg n; Bilas A. Harris, Jesse Emory,
of Parker's Mill, Oregon.
Any and oil persons claiming adversely the
above-desoribed lutidi are requested to file their
claims in this office ou or before said 25th day of
March, 1908.
Jau28 Mohl9 C, W. MOORE, Register.
Timber Land. Aot June 8, 1878.
Notice For Publication,
United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oregorr
Jannary 11th, 1908.
Notioo is hereby given that la coninlfatice
with the provisions of the aot of Congress of
Junes. 1ST8, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the "tates of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, aud Vashington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land H'.atOii by act of
August 4, 1892, Nellie Howell, of Hardman..
county of Morrow, State of Oregon, has thin day
filed in this offleelier sworn statement No. 4"U,.
for th purchase of the S W K KE U 4 SE! i 8 W4 of
Sectio.i No. 13, in Township No. 5 S, Ratigo No.
25 E. W. M and will offer proof to show that tho
land sought is mors valuable for its timbor or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim to said latul before J. P. Wil
liams, U. 8. Commissioner at his office in Hepp
ner, Oregon, on the 25th day of March, l'.'OH.
She names as witnesses :
Thomas J. Merrill, Albert Emery, Guy Hud
ley, aJul Clifford Merrill, all of Hardman, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described landiaro returned to file their
claims in this office en or before said 25th day
of March, 1908,
Jan2S-Mchl9 C, W, MOORE, Register.
4 -345. "
Lepartmentof the Interior.
United States Land Offlee, La Grande. Oregon ,
March 5, Mfev-
A iufficicnt contest affidavit having beetf
filed In this office by Lafe Penland, contestant,
against homestead entry No 12942, made May 2.
1908, for 8W)4 SWj Sec. SB. the Wtf NW and
theSEUNWSec. 85, Township 4, S.Kange 27,
E. W. M. by William N. Johnson, Contestee, in
which His alleged that William N. Johtwon
has wholly abandoned said tract; that he hag
changed his residence therefrom for more than
six months last pasf that said tract is not settled
upon and cultivated by said party as required by
law; that he has never established residence oo
said land; that said abandonment still exist
and is not due to h.s employment in the army,
navy or marine corps of the Imited State.
Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re
spond and offer evidence touching said allega
tion at lOo'clock a. m., on April 21, 1908, before
J. P. Williams, U, 8. Commissioner, at hla
office nt Heppner, Oregon, and that final hear
Ing will be held at 10 o'clock a.m., on April 25,
1908, before the RegiBter and Receiver at the
United States Land Office in La Grande, Oresron,
The said contestant having, in a proper
affldovlt, filed March 4, 190s. ret forth facts
which show that after due diligence personal
service of this notice can not be made, it is
hereby ordered and directed that such notieo
be given by due and proper publication.
Marl2 Aprl6 F. C. BBAMWELL, Register
Wanted: Information as to address of fol
lowing named persons whoss address was Mor
row County some ypara ago. AddreBs Harvey
Spalding & Sons, Washington, D C.
John D. Cuiran Jacob Cheadle
Phillip L. Coleman Frank Conkliu
Orson 8. Cove '
Wanted: Information as to address of fol
lowing named Persons whose address was Mor
row County some years ago, addreSf Harvey
Spalding & Sofas, Washington, D, C.
Rosa E. Doyle David O. Ditfican
Thomas F. Dolan Thomas Dnmery
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon.
January 30: 190i
Notice is hereby given that Charles 8. Can 11 iff,,
of Galloway, Oregon, has filed notice of his in
tention to make final five year proof in snpport
of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 12425
made Feb. 5th, 1903, for the NW!i Section 21,
Township 1 N., Range 27 E. W. M .. and thatsald
proof will be made before J. P. Williams, V. 8
Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, ou March'
lfl, 14)08.
He names the following witnewres to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, the land, viz:
William W. Howard, Moses M. Thomas, Ed
ward Neel, and Roy II. Neel, all of Galloway,
Febr.-Mehl2 K, W. DAVIS, Register.
Department of the Interior,.
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon.
January 30. 190H.
Notice is hereby given that Una viva Canniff,
of Galloway, Oregon, has filed notice of her in
tontion to make final five year proof in support
of hor claim, viz:. Homestead Entry No, lituT,
made Jan. 2S, 19f)3, for the SEUSectioi. 20. town
ship 1 N., Range 27 E. W. M., and that said
proof will be made before J. P. Williams. TJ. S.
Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on March
18, 1908.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
the land, viz:
William W. Howard, Mos's M. Thomas, Ed
ward Neel, and Roy B. Neel, all of Galloway,
Feb6-Nchl2 - E. W. DAVIS, Register.
Wanted: Information as to address of fol
lowing named parties who lived in Morrow
C lUnty a few years ago. Smtll recoveries can
probably be made. Address Harvey Spalding &
Sens, Washington D. C.
Albert W. Bnssell v John E. Bremer
Angnst W. Brletzke Win. A. Bogard
UeorgeS. Bidwpll
Independent and reliable Tne Oregon