Local Notes. Anson Wright came down from Ilardman Saturday, Herman Neilaon was down from Hardman Saturday, T. W. Outsfortb, of Lexington, was in the city yesterday. Harvey McAlieter, of Lexington, pent several days in tbia city this week. Bert Ward is down from man. Hard Chas. Burcbell came up from! T L 1 J 1 I l,exingiuu yeierUay on uusiness , from EIla BU(1 eppnt eeveral the f ore part of this week. at the court house, Ed Brown, the Lexington bank er, accompanied by his wife, spent yesterday in Heppner. Eph Eskelsen, a prominent ranouer near .Lexington, was a business visitor in Heppner yesterday. W. W. Smead left yesterday afternoon for Spray, where he goes on official business for the Qrand Lodge of Knights of Pythias. The lambing season is' here John Kilkenny and others in the lower altitudes have already com menced. The weather is about all that could be desired and a hugh per centage of the lambs will be saved. Wm. Troensigoord, Postoffice inspector, came in Saturday even ing, having been sent here to in vestigate a case of sending obscene matter through the mail at the Ileponer office. The party send ing it when confronted by the evi dence gathered made a confession, and owing to the fact that it proved to be a 15 year old school girl, the inspector and Postmaster Smead have recommended to the U. S. District Attorney that no further action be taken. Clothes cleaned and pressed, called for and deli vered. Guy McKmght It. W. Ilickok, the lone grain buyer, will be at Heppner Thurs day of each week. Get offers on your grain. Phi'.l Colin, at the Heppner warehouse, will pay the highest price for hides, pelts, nnl ftit Seed wheat, oats, rye, and barley on hand. Mike McCabe was up from Ceci Monday and Tuesday. Al Ayers and wife came in from Parker's Mill yesterday. Oscar Borg is confined to his room this week with the Grip. W. J. Blake and wife, of lone. came up from that city last even ing. m - . mm a .rat McDaid and wire were up days Rev. Charles II. I'orter lias some of the finest White Wvando'te chickens in the Noi thwet. They are beauties and the greatest os fill ecu layers. Three Venn, each headed by jiriae winning uialea. Ten No. 1 hv cocke el w nnina in six shows. No. 2 by cockerel winning in three shows this year. Ni. 3 by 3-d prize cockerel at Salem three years ago JSee these "Iliyal Whites" and get some settings of eggs. J. F. Ward and wife were in the city yesterday and this forenoon from their ranch south ot Hard man. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conser re. turced from Portland last evening, where they had been in hopes of benefiting Mr. Conner's health. A. 8. Akeis returned from Port land Tuesday evening where he had been as a delegate to the state socialist convention. Guy L. Hadley was in from Hardman, Saturday. He reports a little too much moisture in the for plowing. Crops are looking well in the Hardman country. The Elks lod-e of this city will give another lodge affair on Friday, night, March 28. They have se cured the Birgfeld orchestra of The Dalles, and the affair will be held in the Club budding. Mem bers are requested to hand in the names of parties tbey desire to be invited. The program will consist of a concert and a dance to follow. Leave names with E. L. Freeland at National Bank. E. M. Shut? h.a too many fine thor oughbred Legtiorn hens, one year old, and will sell a coupie of dozen of them cheap. Leghorn fgs f 1.50 per setting. Black Langshan egn $2 0J ier setting. J vV. Cradick is in the city to- X&3C UOJ IIUU1 ilgUU IUIIVI Flue Jark for Kale. The finest jack ever brought to Mor row county will Le sold under positive guarantee as a foal getter. Registration papers and pedigree to go with the ani mal. Price, if 1000. Good horses or cat- tie will he taken in part payment. This jack must he sold wi'iiin 3J days. Jordan No 107;, black ju:k, white points, 15 hands titandaid. lie is sired by Iemiis Jumbo, he by Imported Jumbo, who sold for $:M0O. First dam I y itnpo'ted St. Martin, second dam a native Jennet. T'ns fel low has a long body, firm head and ears, Hat bono and big feet. Weighs 1000 pounds. For further information inquire at the Gazette otlice. Con Carty, the Strawberry sheepmao, is in the city today. Medford is advertising itself ex- tensively. It will pay. Fruit spraying is going on all over the county, in town and out of town, siys the Hillsboro Argns Most of Washington county's or Mhopia tin 1 1 ha anrotioH f-Viia itaov and there will be a decided im provement in the quality as well as the quantity of the apples raised. Spraying pays: there is do doubt about it. In the Hillsborocourtbouaeyard may be seen some fine redwood trees, which were set out in 1876, says the Argus. Thpy were brought t) this county by the late John Porter, who had a nursery north of , Cornelius. The trees are rapid growers, and while they are not the same as the big California redwood, they beloDg to the redwood species. Just how high they will grow can not be foretold, but tbey will aver. age about 40 feet at the present time. Frank Forrest a Crooked river farmer, who has lived in Crook county for 30 years, says that the solution of the problem for the far mers of that section at the present time lies in putting their grain into hogs and other stock. Last fall he tarted in with 30 bead of hogs counting sows and pigs. This spring he sold at Prineville one bunch of hogs which brought him $714, and he still has between 70 and SO hogs left. This fall he wil have another lot to in&vket. from which ha expects to realize abou $1200. still keeping his brood sows and pigs. Our Clothing Possesses the Distinction of Style and Quality tNCMITV J, CLOThlt COFTMOMT Without the Handicap HIjf Dinner, The ladies of the Methodist church, Souih, will give one of their famous dinners on election day, June 1st, at the old Star Res taurant opposite the Palace Hotel. Iiemember the time and place, Kcdurrd Kates. Semi-Weekly Portland Journal and Heppner Gazette only if 1.75 per year. Bears the wlh9 YoU HaV6 AIWa),S CASTOR f A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought For Tri-State Int-r-Scholaetic Track Meet and Declamation Contest, und atopics Whitman College, Walla U'aD.i. April ;;;), M iv 1, the O. 11. A N ). w!il make rain of one and tie third urn fur round trip. Sules dates April '!), .'50. Mav 1. Continuous passage (ill each diitctiijn. Final return limit May 2. Bears the Signature Cash Shoe Store The Place to Save Money OREGON 2h OUTLINE gfrVifv PACIFIC Onlv Line EAST via SET LAKE U DENVER TWO TRAINS DAILY- of High Price At a time like the present when some people feel it necessary to safeguard their expenditures, it is more important than usual to make your clothing money count for satisfaction and ser vice. Our lines represent the foremost in America for quality at moderate prices. All the new styles are here without the ridiculous ear marks of foppishness, but with the quiet, gentle effects favored by the moderate dresser. Among our lines which you will know by reputation are Sincerity- Oioifclie famous fo$ workmanship, quality as well as style. n The Sincerity Clothes Shop VIC GROSHENS Proprietor Union Saloon WINES, LIQUORS THE CELEBRATED Indervveis BEER Hieh Grade' Gears HEPPNER, OREGON Daily Dbfarts 7:45 a.m. 7:43 a, m. 17:43 a. m. TIME BCHEDCLKS Hippnib Ob. FMt Mll-For East and West Fast Mail From East and West Express For utand West Express From East and West tjtinday Dally Abkitis 4:15 p. m. 4:15 p. 4:80 p, m. STEAM LR LINES. Boat service between Portland, Astoria, OroRon City, Dayton. Salem, Independence, CorvalUs and all Columbia and Willauiett River points. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. V-eteamers between Rlparia and Lewifton leave Rlparia dally at 10:40 a. m. except Saturday, returning leave Lewlstou daily at 7 a. m. except Friday. J. B. QUPDLiESON, Apent, llerpner. Wm MiMfKKAY, G. V. A. Th Heppner Gasette the new of Mor row County; The Weekly Oregonian tne news and thought of the world. Both at a special price. Inquire cr address The Oasette, Heppner. Or. The- Bel w edere FINEST WINES LIQUORS &OGARS One hundred empty barrels for pale. Five hundred barrels of ex tra fine cider vinenar on tap. . . . Redfield & VanVactor, 1 TTOliXEYS AT LA W. Office on west end of May Street Heppuer Oregon. C. E. WOODSON. A TTORKE Y-A T-LA V Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon HIGGS & WINNARD FHYSICIAXS fc SURGEOyS. Special attention given to diseases of toe eye, ear, nose and throat. Office: The Fair Boilding. Hkppnkr, Oregon. Phelps & Notson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Odd Fellows Bid g Heppner, Oregon. Frank B. Kistner PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. Office in Patterson & Son's drugstore Reeideuce in Morrow building over Patterson A Son's Drugstore. IV. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstract books in Morrow county. I HEPPNER, - ORE. SIGN OF THE BOOT Elmer Beaman Successors to C. O. Huolat 1 1 Tmmzm PflLflCE hotei HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Hotvi MODERN CONVENIENCES ELECTR.C LIGHTED . . . Under NewJ MsDSgement. Thoroaghlj lienovatedjand Ketiitted. Beet Meals in the City. MiDDOCR k CO. Profs. IIeppnkb, Oregon DR. METZLER. DENTIST Located in Odd Fellows building. Ilooms and 0. Red Front Livery & feed SatDles Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST.CLASS LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on i aa.i and can be furnitlies ct short notice n paitiea wishing to drive into he interior. Fir das : : Hacks and Buouies CALX. JRCUNH AND Shi V. WE CATER TO YIIE : : . . OOMIKRCIAL TRAVELERS CAN FURNISH KIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : HGDDner, Oreoon The Brick Saloon DR. Al. A. LEACH L)1XTIHT Permanently Inoated iu Heppner. Office in the new Fair tnn'uliuu. Gas administered. 1 THE GAZETTE AND WEEKLY OREGONIAN $2.00 A YEAR We carry in stock only a very high grade of Barrel and Bottled Goods We carry the lead ing brauds i f FINE CIGARS Draft and Eottled Beer. EKrrsKi; Oregon. Call at tha Gatette oSlca nj learn t our clubbing offer with th Wteklj Ore-coolan.