The Heppner Gazette EaUblish March SO, 1883. ISSUED THURSDAY MORNING. Fred Warnock Bute rod at the PcxtoRlce at Heppner Oregon, at econd-clai matter. Somo Curtoii Facta. nm . . . ine greatest neat m never round on the equator, bot souie ten decrees to the north, while more severe cold has be m registered io northern Siberia than has been found near the Pole. All German soldiers must learn to cwirn. Some of them are to expert that, with their guns and ammunition on their head and carrying guns and THURSDAY March 19, 1908 ammuiition; hjr can swim streams rnom uuuuieu yams wiue. fewer than 40,000 hard times, dou DEATH OF Fails to There are never tramps in EngUnd. hie that number. Burning orange peel has the faculty of dissipating the odor of tobacco smoke iu a roctn. The first place of worship in western Australia was unique in two respects the materials of which it was built and also the several purposes to which it 1 was devoted. This remarkable building was made at Perth by so;diers shortly after their first arrival in IS29, and was composrd almost entire'y of bulrushes. Io addition to its use on Sundays for di vine worship, it occasionally served as JUDGE HAILEY Hn amate,,r thea'er in the week and dur ing me wuuie time a a barrack-. Among the birds the swan lives to be the oldest, in extreme cases reaching 300 years. The fa'con has been known to live over 162 years. Elections for 1908. Registration opened Jan. Ctb. (.'loses for primaries April 7. Primary elections April 17. Registration reopens April 21. Closes for election May i5. GeLeral election June 1. Registration reopens Sept. 20. Closes for election Oct 20. Presidential election Nov. 3. Builders say that brick in very acarce iu the valley and it is feared that not enough for the contempla ted business blocks iu Eugene for this summer can be had, says the Guard. We have J oved our office tt the Yea- ger building on Main street, where we w ll keep on hand dour, mill feed of all kinds, rolled barley, seed grain and baled hay. Call and see us when in town. Morrow Waiehouse Milling Co. Kail- After Operuliou. Surgical J. MAN JBOO Chinese Root and Hmrb Doctor. He is an experienced comuounder of Chinese Medicine. He treats success fully all private, nervous and chronic diseases, also blood, stomach, heart, lung, liver, kidney, female weakness, catarrh and all diseases of the body hv the use of roots and herbs, especially prepared for each case. If you cant call at his office, write for home treat ment. Consultation free. J. Man Foo, successor to Hong Wo Tong Chinese Medicine C, 117 W. Second St., Al bany, Oregou, Judge Thomas G. Ilniley died it bis borne in Portland, Sunday veningr, from tha effects of a sur gical operation performed at St. Vincent's Hospital recently. Judge Stephen Harer, a sheepiran of Long Creek, has undertaken a move that would, perhaps, pay other ar.eepmen to watch. Lambing is in full blast. He has constructed a. larca burn for thnnnr- Hailey tailed t" railv alter tne op- p08e and eas arranged at at taints for eratiwb, and his condition had been the ewes and lambs where heat can be regarded as serious ever since the obtained by stoves. Mr. Hater believes Deration was cerformed. He was that u wiil Pa bi ,0 lamb ftt ll,is Bea I onn fir Mtia .a. ann 1 1- I. . ....'1 1 . l" large enough to wean IWore winter sets home a few days ago, and soon jn.and the ewe can have ample th e to afterward collapsed. lie did not get fat and will have a larger c ip of rally aain. and rjas-ed auietlv wool at shearing time . Monument En away Sunday evcniEg. wrp,IM Judgj Hailey w;;s wida'j known Coos county socialists have ucm in this stati and iu Idaho. He mated a ticket, as usual. as formerly a Ju-tice of the Ore- To whom it may concern : I have the work to sue to at the ceme tery for the summer, and having worked there last summer would say that I am better prepared to do the work now. I pay lor the water, Charges reasonable ALBERT WILLIAMS. Lock box 75, Heppner. on Supreme Court. Mayor of Pen aleton, District Attorney for the .Sixth District and a leading mem &er of the Oregon bar and of the Democratic party. He was born at La Graud Or., July 13, 1865. His father, John Hailey, was at ue time Congressman from Idaho. Judge Hailey '3 parents moved to Bois?, Idaho, when he was quite young, and it whs there he received his early education., lie then etud k; Jaw in the ofTuji of Cox & Bears tie Signature of Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Take it in Time Juslai Scores of People Have. ruiuor, at reudLioi), and wasgrad- c u , i ,1 1. l r unieu iiuiii iub mv uepni tuieui 01 Montgomery iV;angt u and L-?e I niversity. fiavs: In 16S3 he beg-n tho practice of law and continued it until the "Winter of I'.KKJ, when lie was ap pointed to the Supreme Bench to succeed Judge Wolverton, who was transferred to th-'-'Federal bench. When Judge ilniloy's term as Supreme Court Judge expired, he afcioduted him-oli' with the law Sra of Chamberlain, Thomas & Hailey, of Portland, and has since been practicing law ihere. Judge Hailey, in 1892, marripd Uliss Maud L. Beach, of Ackley, la. Mrs. Hailey, with their two daughters. Genevieve pnd Eliza beth, survive him. The Jndge was a life-long member of the Epis opal church. When the end came lis father and brother, both of Boise, and Mrs. Hailey, were at his bedside. Judge H-ti'.ey was well known in Morrow county and had many friends Lere. Waiting doesn't pay. If you neglect the aching back, Urinary troubles, diabetes, surely follow. Doan's Kidney Pills relievo backache, Care every kiduey ill. N. C. V. Kislev. caruenter. of 70.") S. street, Albany, Oregon. "Having been troubled with pain in the back just over the kidneys and annoying irregularities of the kidney action, I decided to try Doan's Kidnev Tills and got a box at a d'ug store, ke lief came after the first dose or two and in a short time the aching and other symptoms were removed. The action of the kidneys was corrected and regu lated and 1 am now in a position to con scientiously recommend Doan's Kidney Pills and do not hesitate to do so." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Re member the name Doan's, and take no other. NOriCK (UK FIULIOATIU.X. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, La Grande, Oregon March 16. 1908. Notice is hereby given that Fred E. Leonard of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, niu filed notice of his intention to make final five-year proof In support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 12532, made Muroh 11th, 1908, for the S'.; N'E E'i NWfc, Suction 20. Township 3 S. K(iiige27E. W. U,. and that said proof will be mada before 3 . P. Williams, 0. 8. Com., at his oflice in Heppner, Oregon, on May 5th, 1908, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Myron J. Schlaght, William M. Voos, Joseph C, Hayes, and Lucy E Voos, all of Heppner, Oregjn. McnUI-ArSO F. C. RRAMWBLL, Kjgister. 4 283 a. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. (Public Land Sale.) FREE FREE Basket Social Saturday Night, March Program of Recitations, Instrumental and Orchestra Music Commercial Club House Baskets Sold 21 Songs, Department of the Interior. (Isolated Tract.) U. 8. Land Office, LaGrande, Oregon. March 11, 1j08, Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the ('omm'.esioiier of the General laud Oilice, under the ptovisloiis of the act of Cougmsa ap proved June 27, 195, (31 S'a's . 517'., we will of fer at public sale to the highest bidder, at lu o'clock a m., on the 2iml day of April, next, at this office, the following tract of land: N'j NE h, SKJi N'Wi4 Sec. in, T. 2 8., K. E. W. Jf, Any persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are advised to file their claims or objections on or before the time designated for sale. F. C. BRAM WELT', Register. Mchl9-AprlS A. A. ROBERTS, Keciiver. FREE FREE Heath & Walton Wanted aoil For Sale ESTATE Timber Locations a Specialty Farm Lands, Stock Ranches. HEPPNER. - - OR.EGON Bend Bull-tin: Five farmers Jjviii ia tLe Laidlaw and Tumalo districts Lave dug wella and have feeen so fortunate as to find water t a depth of 10 feet. The water is cold and pure and ia there in great abundance for etock and do mestic purposes. Prairie City Miner: Grant coun ty ia sound asleep, and nothing will ewake ber except a real good earth quake. It is about time the quake came, or Bhe will sleep eternally forever mid ever an J no one to bury Ler. PrineviKr-f Review: From all partd of tiie county come reports of the thriving condition of all kinds of livestock. rJIi3 winter has been bo mild tliti. tl: -re ar numerous big fctacLs ..f Lay Mt f.,r feeding in a po-.sile wiuter that may yet vir-it Crook r'ounty. An AtheriH mm was arrested on complaint of hid wire, from whom Dercent. 3 u off for CASH at Thomson ercen ; Bros. Glasses Bora's. properly fitted at P, ''AiS I.'' A " V! FT ! If 7-V.m rr- m ....... ....... - U . . ., ii, t M, j Ejnnrj tf. Highest cash price paid for hides, pelts and furs. Phill Cohn. Pacific Lodging House C. N.SHINN. Prop. Good clean rooms, none better in town. Come and Stop With Us MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, ORE iiiB SALOON he ia separated, cow. for stealing her Buy Your Furnishings and Clothing Here We ask your trade because we know you will appre ciate goods of reliable quality sold at moderate prices. Our stocks were never so large. The variety to select from is v-ry extensive, comprising all the latest and most desirnble patterns. Examine and compare quality; you'll find we give the largest se lection and absolutely the most for your money. Our new styles of shirts, neckwear, hosiery, gloves, hats and underwear are in. We are showing the nicest line of ladies waists ever brought to Heppner, comprising all the latest styles. Come and be con vinced. Our grocery stock is complete. We are here all the time Five per cent off for Cash We consider our monthly accounts the same as cash Thomson Bros. The Club For Ihose who appreciate Qual ity. 13 T3 TLXTTT .Tr Liberty Meat Market Boyer & Wherry Fresh and Salted Meats Fish on Fridays Hkhect market m of I-Io joiner C. A. HUi;.V, Pre-inr. T. A, K1IKA, Vi;t-lVeHid,-nt iKO. CONSKK. Cashier Jv L. FRDKLANI), Asst. Cashier Oldest Bank in Morrow Co. The First National has been identified with Morrow County lntprems for over twenty years, and with oar past experience we are prepare. 10 furnish ail Hccommodations consistent with bound bank ing under the National Hank Act. WehvealwaymadeaHpeciltyofbankinif bymail. Customers out of town receive the same attention as those doing business at the bank. General banking business solicited. Four per cent paid on Lima dannBira ' w m m GILLIAM & BISBEE HARDWARE price paid for fat stock 1 HEPPNER. OREGON ' See our beautiful line of Holiday goods consisting of cut glass, hand painted china, fancy crockery and glassware, silverware. Nov- city sets tor all tastes hining both beauty service. GILLIAM & BISBEE com-and i v j 3 -J j) r$j The Heppner Gazette and Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal for, 1.75