Local Notes. C,E. Biabee came over from Spray on the 1st The masquerade ball on New Year's night wan well attended and netted the Clab a handsome sum of money. Go to H. Qoward for your car pet and rug weaving. Prompt at teniion to orders and satisfaction guaranteed. The recital given by Miss Ethel Martin, of Milton, last Monday evening was very successful and certainly merited praise. F. C. Marquardaen is in Spokane to meet the representative of East ern wholesalers to buy new goods for his big department store. Today there are six prisoners in the county jail. Thin is the larg est number of prisoners confined in the jail for a number of years. The number will be reduced today. Deputy sheriff Qua Mallory, assist ed by Wm. McRoberts, will take the three hobo burglars who plead gvilty to breaking into the Lexing ton depot, to the penitentiary. Their names are Howard, Heiser. and Moore. They have been in jail since November 5, They will also take young Hale to the reform echool. This will leave McCaslin and Doherty, both held for murder. for Sale. One Worthingtou boiler feed pump, 2 x x 2, guaranteed in good repair. Heppner Light & Water Co. Strayed or Stolen. One three yea old dark bay colt; one two year old bay colt with mall white epot on forehead ; bclh branded wi htri ncle on right (ore shoulder. Twenty-five dollars reward given for earne delivered to G. II. Kesterson, Ce cils, Oregon. Wanted and For Sale Glasses properly fitted at P. O. Borg's. tf. Highest cash price paid for bides, elt8 ami furs. Phi 1 1 Colin. .Semi-Weekly Portland Journal and Heppner Gazette only (1.75 per year. SALOON The Club For those who appreciate Quality. Miss Ethel G. Reid was an in coming passenger Monday evening from Lebanon, where she is teach ing school this winter. F. 0. Marquardson will leave to morrow for Spokane, where he will select a stock of spring goods for his department store. Lawrence Shutt is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Shutt. Lawrence at tends the school for the blind at Salem. The marriage of Mr. Fred Fleet and Miss Margaret Winnard oc curred Wednesday at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Winnard, of Black Horse, Rev. Torter officiating. Both are popular young Heppner people. Owing to poor health C. O. Ilue lat has sold the Cash Shoe Store and will seek for health in a dif ferent climate. The Gazette re grets to see the Iobs in Heppner of such business men as C, 0. Huelat. Taking charge of business that was anything but prosperous. Mr. Huelat 's ability and enterprise soon made a difference that could not help but be noticed. The final re sult was a neat, modern store do ing a large and profitable business. iIr. Hublat is not only liberal aud progressive in business, but is pub lic spirited and enthusiastic in every entei prise for the public good. E. E. Beaman and Robt. Gaynor are now in charge of. the Cash Shoe Store, "The Sign of the Boot." haviog purchased the business from G. 0. Huelat. The new firm will undoubtedly enjoy a good bus iness with this popular and well established store. Mr. Beaman is an old resident of Heppner and has always been very successful in business. As a shoe man, Mr. Ga)noriso specialist. For the past three years he has been con nected with the Cash Shoe Store, and his ability and untiring energy has been a great help in the suc cess of the business. Mr. Gaynor has been brought up in the shoe business. He can sell shoes and be can make shoes and understands every detail of the business in pleasing the public. It is not nec essary to state that Heppner will continue to have a first class shoe store. Heath & Walton REAL ESTATE Timber Locations a Specialty Farm Lands, Stock Ranches. HEPPNER, - - OREGON 9 HAPPY NEW YEAR The new firm starts with the New Year We will make it an object for you to start with us. We will give coupons with each cash purchase and redeem all coupons issued by the old firm. We will repair all rips free on shoes bought here, and nail all shoes bought here any way you desire free of charge. First, last and all the time we will give you the best value in Footwear that money can buy. SIGN OF THE BOOT Beaman & Gaynor Successors to C. O. Hu.lat There was some flue singing at the Methodist Episcopal church last SuDday, moruiog and evening. We have some Hpleudid talent aud there will be special music every Sunday, The choir is growing and we are anticipating better music all aloDg. The subject for next Sunday morning aud evening is "Our Prosperity and material growth as a Nation and the dan gers threatening us." All are cor dially iovited to attend. Chas. H. Porter. Timber lnd, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State- Lund Office. The Hallo, Oriwrpn. December 18th, 10U7- Notice ii hereby iriTon that in compliance with the pro-lioii of the act of (,ongre of Junes. 1878. entitle! "An act for the Bale ol timber landa io'he Htatoaof (California. Oregon. Nevada and WahiiiBion Terrllor," ai extended to all the Public Land State by at of August 4, 18S8. Jamea Feraon, of Hard man, county ol Morrow, State of Oregon, hat this day filed In thU ofllce hla -worn statement No. M87, for the purohaae of the NEW SKfc of Section No. 31, in Townihip No.. 6 B.. Range No. 98 E. W. M.. and HI offer proof to bIiow that the land sought is more Taluable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before J. P. William, U. 8. Com missioner at bin office in Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th day of March. 1008. He names as witnesses: George W. Chapin, William E. Severance, William McDaniel. and Edward 8. McDaniel all of Hardman, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely tne above-desqribed lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 10th day of March. 19U8. Jan2-Mar5 C. W. MOOltE, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, La Grande. Oregon. December 20, 1907. Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with the provisions of the act o( Congress of June 3. IMS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in t tie States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wanht nton Territory" as extended to all the Public Laud Btau-sb.. act of August 4 lS'.fi. C arence C. Currin, of Jlood Klver, county of Wasco, State i.f Oregon, has th is dsy filed in this office his sworn stu emcnt No .W- for the purchase of theS! 8W', Stt SK!4 Section 12, NW'i NE'i f Sr-stio:: No. 13, In lownehip No. 4 S. lUnge No. at K. V. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land Bought is more val uable for Iih timber or stoi,e than lor agricul tural piirpufc s nuil to et;ibl:hli hi-i cluira to Bid land before the Register and Receiver at La Grande. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 11th day of Mnrch, l'.tw. He nmnea as witnesses: I)aid '. Briehoiix. of 1-a (irande, Oregon, Everett O. Hall. Charles hail, aud Hugh U. .ba son, of Hood River, Oregon. Any Slid all persons elaiining adversely the above-described bind are requested to Hie their claims in th soltice on or before said lltn day of March. 1!KI8. , Jan 2-Mar 5 t. W . DAVIS. Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Laud Office at La Grande, Oregon. December 2S. 190". Notice is her by given tlmt Fridolph Ander son, of liurdaue, Or.-fc"". I. h Hied notice of his intention to mke tii'.il five year proof in sup port of his claim, viz: H.,iiieetM(l Entry No. 11482 m de May ai. 1W2. for the CE! NKfc. NEfc SEVs Section 4.8W NW N W SWJ4, Section 3, Township 4 8., Kaiig 29 K. W. M., and that ld proof will be made before I. P. Williams, U. ft. Oommimloner, at ids office in Heppner, Oregon, on Feliy 10, 1908. lie names the following witnesses to prove bis continuons residence upon, and cultivation of, the land viz: Jesse D. French, of Guidane, Oregon; Joseph Hays, of Hepptier, Oregon; William L. Shell, ol Ourdane, Oregon; THois J. Burroughs, of Gurdane, Oregon, Jan2-Feb8 E. W DAVIS, Register Aotice. In the District Court of the United State for the District of Oreg..n. In the matter of Thus. C. Stephens, bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 2t)ih 'aT of December A. D. UW7. Xnoe. C. Stephens, of Hardman, Oregon, was duly adjudicated bank rupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Rooms 204.5, Fenton Building, Portland, Oregon, on the 7th day of January. 1008. at 10 A. M., at which time the wfld creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before suoh meeting. The schedule filed disclose assets, amounting to $1238.7$. Dated December 28, 19P7. CHESTER G.MUBPHY Baferee In Bankruptcy. 8tockhl4ere faceting. Notice It hereby given that the annual meet ii g of the stockholders of Heppner Improve ment Company will be held at the office of C. K. Woodson, in Heppner, Oregon, at the hoar of 7 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, the 14th day of Jan nary, 19(18, tor the election of live directors, and the transaction of such other bnslnesa as may properly come before said meeting. VAWTER CRAWFORD, Secretary Notice. Notice is her-by given that I, theundersigned. under and bv virtue of the laws of the Stale of Oregon, prohibiting the running at large of ani mals within Morrow county, have taken up and have in my possession at m place 2 miles west of Sand Hollow, In Morrow County, Oregon, the following described animal: One bay sad dle pony, weight about iKK) pounds. 7 years old. saddle marked, branded Diamond over 1 H on left stifle, circle triangle on right slioulder. The owner or owners of said animal are hereby notified that unless the same is claimed within the proper time or maniiMr, that I will on the 11th day of January, 1V08, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at my said farm sell the said described animal in the mau tier and for the purpose provided by law. Dated this' 2nd day of January, 19u. W. L. Co l'KN HAVER. MINOR'S Annual Pre-Inventory Sale. In two weeks we will take our Annual Invoice. In going thru' our stock afte the unprecedented Holiday rush, we find many broken lines of seasonable goods. "Also a few lines of strictly cold weather merchandise, that owing to the continued mildweather, we find our selves too heavily stocked. Years ago we discovered the fact that it was not only easier but better business to invoice cash than mer chandise. Consequently, for the next two weeks we are going to give our customers some long-to-be-remembered values in these lines. Ladies, Misses, and Children's Coats. Children's Wool Un derwear. Silks and Dress Goods, Furs. Remnants of everything. MINOR COMPANY VIC GROSHENS Proprietor Union Saloon WINES, LI0UORS THE CELEBRATED Inderweis BEER High Grade Cigars HEPPNER, OREGON Tb. Heppner Gaaette th. new of Mor row County; Tb. Weekly Oregonian tne news ul thought of th. world. Both at special prtea, Inquire or addresa The Qasette, Heppner. Or. Be.iedere FINEST WINES LIQUORS & CiGARS' One hundred empty barrels for sale. Five hundred barrels of ex tra fine cider vineaar on tap. . . . HEPPNER, ORE. PfLrqCE hotei HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Motvi MODERN CONVENIENCES ELECTRIC LIGHTED . . . Cnder New 'Management. Thorough! Renovatedj;and Refiitted. Best Mania in the City. MiDDOCK 4 CO. Props. PKOrESSIOlTAl. OAJBOB Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street Heppner Oregon. C. E. WOODSON, A TTORNEY-A T-LA W Offlc. In Palac. Hotel Heppner, Oregon HIGGS & WINNARD PHYSICIANS t SURGEONS. Bpeoial attention given to dieeaies of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Ofjiob: The Fair Building. Heppner, Oregon. Phelps & Notson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Odd Fellowi Bldg Heppner, Oregon. Frank B. Kistner, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson & Son's drugstore Kesideuce in Morrow building over Patterson & Son's Drugstore. Red Front Liveru & Feed SatDles Willis St.wart, Prep FIRST-CLASS: :LIVERY RIGS W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstract books in Morrow oounty. Heppner, Oregon. DR. A.ETZLER. DENTIST Located in Odd. Fellows building. Rooms 3 and 6. DR. A. LEACH LBXTIST Permanently located in Heppner. Office in the new Fair building. Gas administered. THE GAZETTE AND WEEKLY OREGON IAN $2.00 A YEAR Kept constantly on l an l and can be furnishes cn short notice t parties wishing to drive icto he interior. First tlasj : : flacks and Buoyics CALX, i! BOUND AND 8Ei U. WE CATER TO "iTIE : : : : U)IV!MERC1AL TRAVELERS x.ND CAN FURNISH KIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner, Oreoon The Brick Saloon We carry in stock only a very high grade of Barrel and Bottled Good; We carry the lead ing brands cf FINE CIGARS Draft and Eottled B par Hkppnkb, Oreoon. Call at the Oaxette offlc. and learn t our dubbing offer wltn the Weekly Ore gonlaa, .