Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 26, 1907, Image 1

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    . ' , ... .,-.....,-.,. .." . j- J ' 'ji ,;. ., ,n... ' J
VOL. 24.
no. urn-
8. E. CARR. Pres. B. F. GULP. Vice Pres. W. 8. WUARTON, Cashier
Bank of
A United llrethren preacher has
bought a 4,000 acre stock ranch id
Umatilla county for 827,193, giv
ing a mortgage on it for the full
amount. He wont make the price
Ilog'io rivor Cornice prars have
made h nnv record in New York
$0 20 (i box. Who wouldn't live
in llogue
river valley and raise
Organized under the laws of the state of, Oregon
, $25,000 daylight burglar insurance carried
Member of the American Bankers Association
Insured Bank money orders is6ued
Accounts by mail solicited . -
All communications aDBwered the same day. they are
The Bank of Heppner through its large connections is in a
position to extend large accommodations and the greatest safety
o all its depositors
Imperial Hotel
Portland. Oregon
Modern six story,
lire proof building.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 12. Notice
is hereby given: That the approver
plat of Hiirvey ot township 5 North, ranife
42 E. W. M., wiJJ be filed in this loilk'e
on Monday, the 20tli day of January,
1!K)8, nt 9 o'clock A. M.
On and after eaid date this office will
receive applications for the entry of
lands in Paid t wnship. .
A portion o' said lands are within the
Wenaha National Forest, created by
proclamation of the President, dated
March 1, 1907.
E. W. Davih, Register.
A. A. Korekts, Receiver
."Voticc of involution.
European Plan
Rates l.OO
and up.
Phil Metsciian, Manai er.
Phil Metsch an, Jr. Asst. Manag r.
Chinas Root and Horn Dootor.
lie is an experienced compounder of
Chinese Medicine. He treats success
fully all private, nervous and chronic
diseases, also blood, stomach, heart,
lung, liver, kidney, female weakness,
catarrh and all diseases of the body bv
the oss of roots and herbs, especially
prepared for each case. If you caot
call at bis office, write for home treat
ment. Consultation free J. Mao Foo,
successor to Hong Wo Tong Chinese
Aledicino C., 117 W. Second 8 1., Al
bany, Oregon. i
JEFF NEEL. Proprietor
Everything neat sod clean at popular
Corner Chase and May Sts.. Heppner
Robert Hart, Prop.
Ice Cream
Ice Cream Soda
High Grade Cigars
Fresh Candies
Nuts and Fruits .
Lunch Goods
Ice Cold Coca Cola
Other things too numerous to mention.
Smix HvtfKlies Xx Co,
Notice is hereby given that the
co-partnership heretofore existing
between James Farley and Pat
Farley, known under the firm name
of Farley Bros., has been dissolved
by mutual consent.
All accounts contracted by either
James Farley or Pat Farley will
be settled individually by the party
contracting the obligation.
Dated this 25th day of November,
James Farley
Pat Farley.
New Form For Applications an
Proof a.
Department of the Interior,
General Land Office, Washington, D. C.
New forms of applications fur Home
ntead En'rv, Soldier's Additional Hoine
Rtead Entry, Denert Land Entry, and for
Timber or Stone Sworn Statements,
Timber or Stone Final Proofs, Coal land
Proofs, anil yearly Proof in Desert Land
cases, have been adopted, and on and
alter March 1, 1938, no entiies will be
allowed in the class of cases above men
tioned unless executed., upon the new
official for in, or upon forms which are
exacfdnplicates Iheerf, bo'h as to word
ing, arrant'Pmcnt, ntd sizs. Each of
said forms is a com hi nation of the sev
eral lorrns and affidavits formerly re-quir-dl
to be 31d in eucn cases, and the
use thereof will result in a saving of
time, labor, and expense to the iocal
land officers, proof-taking officers, and
R. A. BALL1NGER, Commissioner
Shot to Death by Dan P.
Tragedy Occurred I. ate Friday
Night In Saloon at Lexington
-Doner!)- In Jail.
Wotirc of Final Settlement
Department of tbe Interior,
V. 8. Land Oflice, La Grande, Oregon.
December 14. 1907,
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in thin office by Warner G. Kennedy, con
testant, against homestead entrv No 1185, made
January '.!. 1902, for SW. Sec. 8, Township 4, 8.
Hanged, K. W. M. by Etta J. Meek, nee Ross
Contcstee, !n which it is alleged that Etta J.
Meek tins wholly abandoned said tract; that she
has changed her residence therefrom for more
than two years last past; that said tract is not
settled upon and cnl tivated by said party as re
quired by law, and that her said 'abandonment
was not due to her employment in the army,
navy or marine corps of the United States.
Bald parties are hereby notified to appear, re
spond eN offer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. m., on January 24, 1908, before
J. P. Williams, U. 8. Commissioner, at hi
office at Heppner, Oregon, and that final hear
ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on January
30, 19ii8, before the Register and Receiver at
the United States Land Oflice in La Grande, Oregon.
The said contestant having. In a proper
affidavit, filed October 28, 1907. set forth facts
which show that after doe diligence personal
service of this notice can not be made, It la
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
Pecl9.)anlQ . W DAVIi. Register.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed administrator of the Estate of J
Roberts, deceased, has filed in Hie
County Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow county hi final account as such
administrator. The said County Court
has app inted and fixed the 3rd day of
February. 1938, attue hourt f 10 o'clock,
A. Al., at tbe county courtroom in Hepp
ner, Morn w County, Oregon, as the
time and pi -tee for the bearing and set
tlement if said final account. All per
sons interest or objecting to such ac
oount are required to appear at such
time and place or file their objections to
such accouut and settlement thereof.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
Dee. 7,1907.
Notice is hereby (riven that Sadche Bowen,
of Heppner, Oregon, has filed notice of her in
tention to make final five-year proof in support
of har claim, vis: Homestead Entry No. 11728
made Nov, 5th, 1902. for the S'4 SE Section 30,
NKK NE Section 31. NWJ4 NWJ Section 82,
Township 3, 8., Range 29 E. W. M., and that said
proof will be made before J. P. Williams, TJ. 8.
Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Feb. 4
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous, residence upoc, and cultivation
of, the land, viz:
William Hendrix, Henry Scberzinger. Millie
Miller, aid EmU Qrotkopp, all of Heppner,
Decl2-Janl6 C, W. MO ORE, Register.
Where you want It 7
When yon want it-
No smoke no smell no trouble.
Often you want heat in a hurry
in some room in the house the fur
nace does not reach. L It's so easy to
pick up and carry a
Men's Clothing
Made to Order
Cleaning, Pressing
Star Hotel Building. May St.. Heppner.
Everybody want to know what Tbe
Dregonlan hM to say. , A
John Zollinger, Proprietor
Wines, Liquors and
Lunches of all Kinds
Hartlinan, - - tOregou
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
to the rom you want to heat suitable lor any room in the
house. It has a real smokeless device absolutely preventing
l II . .1 I - 1 L
smoke or smeii--turn me wick as nigu as yua im ui
as low as you like brass lont holds 4 quarts o! oil
that gives out glowing heat lor 9 hours. Fin
ished in japan and nickel an ornament
anywhere. Every heater warranted.
it the limp tor the staJent or
... n- . . i i.i.
reader, ll gives a onuiant, stony ugm
tKal mikes irody a pleasure. Made ol Iran, akkel ptitrJ and equipped
with the latest improved central drill burner. Every lamp warranted.
II yon cannot obtain the Psrlerfon Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp ansa
your dealer write to our neatest agency lor dewtiptirt circular,
Din P. D.berty slot and almost
instantly killed J. O. Allen in A.
D. Ioskeep's saloon at Lexingtou
last Friday niyht.
The t-hooting occurred at a little
before 12 o'clock.
DoLerty, who owds a saloon iu
ijexiugtoD, let dis license expire
and hie) place of business was
closed at the time of the trngedy.
Doherty, who Lad been drinking
heavily went into lnskeep's place
late in the evening and in an alter
cation over the matter of treating,
pulled a revolver and fired five
!News of the affair was sant to
this city Boon after thj shooting
aud'She-iff Shutt accompanied by
Coroner Yeager and Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Notson left for the
scene of the tragedy at about 1:30
a. m. Saturday morning.
The inquest was held at about
4 o'clock.
Coroner Yeager impaneled the
following jury; -
E. L. Berry, D. A. Porter, Wm.
H. Padberg, A. D. Inskeep, A. P.
Parker, and C. H. Breshears.
Howard Lane was the first wit
uess examined. He testified that
he was behind the bar in lnskeep's
saloon at the time of the shooting.
Doherty asked Allen to treat,
which he did. . Doherty insisted
upon his treating again. Allen re-
fused. Had dispute and Allen
grabbed Doherty by the neck. Mr.
Padberg interfered and told A len
that they bad gone far enough.
Allen turned and walked away, but
turned Bgain and struck Doherty.
Lane ran from behind the bar and
met Doherty pulling his gun. The
ursi suoi eirucK Alien s nau xa.
herty fired four more times and
then ran out of the house. Allen
staggered back to a chair in the
back room of the saloon and said
he was shot through tbe side.
Lane ran lor a physician and
when be returned five minutes
later Allen was dead.
Lane testified that it was his
opinion that Allen imposed the
quarrel upon Dohertv.
Dr. R C. Hunter was the next
Dr. Hunter stated that Lane
called him about midnight. Found
Allen lying on the floor of the sa
loon dead from gunshot wound jast
below the seventh rib a little baik
ward of the center of the side. A I.
so found wound on right arm just
above wrist, also another glancing
wound on breast.
Wra. H. Padberg testified that
he was in saloon with Doherty.
Mr. llresbears came in and Doher
ty asked him to treat which he did.
Allen was lying on billiard table.
J from him, which. were tx"uiA c-?ir
to the marshfil.
C. II. Breehou !ei!iS.j! thxtb
lid not hear ruiich of th? co.uvrr&x.
tion aad saw u-vhin0' of the Jt'jkJt"
but saw a revolver in De'&'jrtf-
D. A. Fortr stated that ! sa.nr '
but little nf the tro ible. St .
pistol in D jhii tv'rt hjin 3.
The verdict of tlx coroner's j-orjr
was that Allen cuu s to hi.s -i'-atSv-i
by a gansliofVound produce! tryst .
revolver in the hand of D-ks 2T
Doherty aad fired by said Dtta PL
Doherty. Doherty is cow in the cois&fjr-
j'Hi. Jlrj is a married man xjm m
old resident of Morrow county suul .
is well known.
Allen came to thifi county r .
three years ago from Eti?ete n&A
has worked at ranch work kK
tnis time. lie id a single zsaa,
He wa an Odd Fello.v and his ia
neral was couducied Mundtij fcy
the Odd Fellow?.
A Dallas man was found igiiltj
of fehaking dice and fiued $'40.
Tlie Rev.lrl It. Hickk lOOS Al
la ready for delivery and excel atit
former editions in, beauty and Ta&wt
The cover is a beautiful design nKftMtv"
tbe eotire book is full of fine haftcww
astronomical engravings and ifiterotfjaar
matter. It contains the Hicka wehtsr
forecasts complete for the whole mr, .
finely illustrated. The price by taM 3i.
35 ce "s. on news stands 3tk-ents. 3r-rr
and Works, tbe Rev. Irl R. Hick liior,
monthly magazine, contains all 1k8 a
ther forecasts from month to muKi, fcs
gether with a vast amount of the ft
family reading. The price is $1 1 xMa
and one almanac goes with eacfc 3r- -
scnption. Add. ess, Word and Tbm.-
Publishing Company, 2201 Lv:..
Street, St. Louis, Missouri. Wrrte fiar
rates on almanacs in quantities. S rv
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalies, Ot&tu.
December l&A m-C
Notice Is hereby given that EIJa Bi. fri..
widow of Edward 8. Tyler; deceased, TlsnSl
ton, Oregon, has filed notice of her ir.&m.
to make final five-year proof in sappart f kmx
claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. IKS m?- -Not.
4, J902 for the NESV H and Lute IXJ
3 of Section SI, Township 1 South. Rao E..
W. M. and that said proof will be mad :.
the Register aad Receiver, at The iJafc, Oo
gon, on February 4th, 1W8,
She names the following witnesses tojrfwfatsr -continnons
residence upon and cultiv&aa uf
the land, vizu
H. A. Yocum. John Piper, Hoy TjJer. a 'W,
B. McAlister, all of LexingioH, Oiewiv
Dec 26-JanSO C. W. MOORK. Rrt -
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregiatr:
December lltfc, CMBtZ.
Notice 1 hereby "ai?en that Mabel A. Titian
of Lexington, Oregon, has filed notice of btri- '
tention to make final fire-year proof InMnart
other claim, t!e: Homesrend Entry So. . jn,
msdeDeclO, fortheSWii of Seotioa
Township 1 N.. Rane 26E., W. M., andtbttasKsT
proof will be made before the Keaister i &m
ceiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on Febru- a.
She names the following witnesses tsynaw
her continnona residence upon and cultji&jS!t
of the land, viz:
R. E.Tyler, of Lexington. Oregon; 3L K-Mrj-luhtiet.
of Lexington, Oregon; David H;u'k s, .
Heppner, Oregon, William Hynd, of Hq'ss"--
Dec29Jan;)0 C.W.MOORE, Br.-:tvr.
Timber Land. .Act June S, l!TS.
OTH i: FOU IM BI.lt .tTJM,
j repayment of the Interior.
: Cuite.i Stati Ijtnd Office, The Dallea. O-rrv.
i l'ei'.:''r 1 a".
! NotifO is herein aiven that Ausnsfw
He was asked to treat by Doherty. ' of n irir- i-,, c,m:y ef Morr-. --,
Refmed second request to treat. ! Zex U'XU
Doherty called him cheap. Al-! act of Aucn-t i.i:-:. the sw4xwv, .-.'.
len caa-ht Doherty by the neck Tfu h'T '1 75wi-
73 ottr pnnit u show that tlie In:ul fi.viglt.-ai't-r
and pushed him Up against Corner valuable for iu timber or stone than fr jrria-
tnral purposes, and to eftall.h liiscldtaetu--tS
land be.'ore J. P. Willimr.. V. s. Comm'r.4 : v
office in Heppner, Or., ou the t"th day o w- tt
He names as h:s witneseee:
Hardy P. Long, Edittr Mattein. Artl-ir Ht4
John Brown, all of Heppner. Orean.
Any and all persons claiming advraartf Ua
above-described lands ar reqnested ac B rv
claims in this office on or before Said it Uj .
March. 1WS.
C. W. MOORE. Ujuoa.
Dec. 26-Mcb .
of the ba. Lane said that wont
do, and Allen stepped back, Do
herty aain asked hirn to treat,
when Allen said that he would hit
Doherty if he asked him to treat
m . i -B--V a
Atter tue snooting uoiierty ran
out and was captured by Padberg!
and brought back to the saloon.
Took revolver and pocket kuife
Alweru rtllabla Tb Wet Ely Orajyntas.