Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 29, 1907, Image 8

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of Iteaervea to I'lrci mid
Tnorpapinu the acreage of the Jnational
forests, more familiarly known as the
forpet reserve, as well aa adding to the
timber of forest rangers, is claimed bv
the friends of the Roosevelt administra
tion to be responsible to a large extent
for the absence of forest fires in this
etate, says a Portland correspondent.
Others contend that we have had
more rain than U6ual, and still some of
the old-timers say that there have been
eummera in the past when the forest
fire was unknown.
Be that aa it may, citizens of Tortlan d
have not forgotten the remark of Henry
"Ward Beecher, when interviewed by a
reporter as to the ' northwest and its
ecenery, said: "I might as well have
been in a mail sack for all I saw." And
there have been many occasions daring
August when the smoke from the in
numerable forest fires hid the scenery
and almost obscured the sky.
The increased value of timber is
having much to do with the care the
forests are receiving, and the private
owners are guarding their great store of
wealth even more zealously than the
The advance in the value ot timber
during the past three years is so
enormous as to be almost unbelievable-
There are three hundred billions of feet
p! standing timber in Oregon alone, and
c -Hinting the advance at only $5 per
thousand feet, and in many kinds of
lumber it has been five times that, the
increased value would be a billion and
a half dollars, or a hundred million
more than the capitalization of the
United States Steel and Standard Oil
companies combined.
James J. Hill recently made the
statement that one acre of Oregon
timber was worth as much to a railroad
from a transportation standpoint as 160
acres of wheat or as he graphically put
it, "One harvest from your well timber
ed acres gives the trrnspertation com
pany as much freight as the same area
in wheat would supply in a hundred
and sixty years."
The scarcity of timber throughout
the United States and Europe is
probably the chiet reason why skilled
timbermen from all parts of the world
are gathering in the Pacific northwest.
It is not unusual to meet men who have
made their millions out of the develop
ment of the timber resources of Texas,
Louieana and the Mississippi, joining
with these from Michigan, Minnesota
and Wisconsin in acquiring timber
holdings here and the millions that have
been transferred from the older Btates
to the northwest in such purchases have
had much to do with making Oregon
and Washington independent in their
development ,
JSiabwood, the outside or trimming
from the log, including the bark, has
become a luxury instead of a drug on
the market, as formerlv, for years "slab"
has been the staple fnel for the home
A few yeara ago it was delivered to any
part of the city for $1 a cord, then it rose
in price, np to two years ago to 91-75
per cord, and the housekeepers groaned
at the advance and figured over the
increased cost of running their furnaces
and their stoves, and many pat in coal
Now this slabwood brings J$4 per crod,
where 'formerly the mills were so
anxious to get rid of it that they used it
as a filling for the low landa around their
Ordinary fir wood in four foot lengths
was iorcerly 83 per cord ; then it rose
t) M and 4.50. Now it is $ 6 per cord
and the buyer is the one who is favored
The waste resulting from the erection
of new buildings was until last year
ft eked ud in the street and burned. It
Bsemed a wasteful thing to those from
the eastern states, where kindling is
carefu'ly put away, but the people out
here have the habit now of saving this
waste, and it is carefully stacked away
in the basement for the coming winter
with the same care as it would be in
Ohio or Illinois.
Then in the yards of the larger mills
cars can be eeen loading lumber for
Cleveland, New York and even points
in Kansas and Oklahoma, just north of
the timber belt in Toxas, Louisiana and
Arkansas. There seems to be an
especially vigorous demand for large
timbers which require two or three cars
to transport them, and these go to every
point of the compass and are today
Valuable only in the northwest.
When the forest lands are cleared
they take the name of "logged off
lands" or "cut
over timber lands"
valuable for farms
and are
fruit and dairying, and these land
are particulaoly sought by the new
The increased cost of timber for fuel
and power has caused the people of the
northwest to realize the worth of their
water powers, for while there is an
extremely progressive population in
tliis section of the country, tney are like
those everywhere, in not caring to
make a change until necessity compels
The increased value of fuel has
brought into service yariona coal fields,
and there will not be many years before
Notice is hereby given that I, the
undersigned, under and by virtue of the
laws of the State of Oregon, prohibiting
the running at large of animals within
Morrow county, have taken up and have
in my possession at my farm, two miles
east of Hardman, Morrow county,
Oregon, the following described horses:
One dark borwn horse, small white
spot in forehead, branded II S on left
shoulder, also on left hip.
The owner and owners of said animal
or either of them are hereby notified
that unless the same is claimed within
the proper time and manner, th it said
animal will be sold in the manner and
for the purposes provided by law at my
farm known as theMcKinney ranch two
miles east of Hardman, Morrow county,
Oregon, on Saturday, September 14,
good wood will not be used for fuel even
in this section where Uncle Sim holds
his largest fund of wealth in that
People all over the state are hungry
for more details of the colonist rates.?
Letters are arriving from all sections of.
the state, asking for exact rates from
different points throughout the United
States, to Oregon. From Kansas City
and other Missouri River points, St.
Paul, Duluth and Winnipeg, the rate is
$25, from Oklahoma City and St. Louis
$30, Chicago $33, Itnffalo 842 50,
Cincinnati and Louisville $38, DesMoines
$29, Indianapolis 835 85, Boston $40.90,
New York 850, Pittsburg $42, Memphis
$37.50, Birmingham, Alabama $44 50.
Each ticket is $2 50 less than when
bought to points east of Umatilla. The
rates given above about cover almost
the entire country, and are the same
proportionately from all smaller stations.
Keep in mind that tickets must be
bought reading to your station.
Take it in Time
Just as Scores of People Have,
Wanted and For Sale
Notice is hereby given that I, the un
drsigned, under and bv viitue of the
laws oi the State of Oregon, prohibiting
the running at large of animals within
Morrow ounty, have taken up and have
in my possession at the farm of W. H
Musgrave, one mile west of South
Springs, Morrow county, Oregon, the
following described animals, to wit:
One bay mare, branded M on left
shoulder and H on the neck, with
sucking colt. One gray mare branded
7IIE connected on right shouldei. One
brown mare and colt, branded C. D. on
left hip. One brown mare branded
7HE connected on left shoulder. One
bay mare branded 22 on right hip.
The owner or owners of said animals,
or either of them are hereby ioti6ed
that unless the same are claimeJ within
the proper time and manner, that said
animals will be sold in the manoer and
for the purposes provided by law at the
farm of W. H. Musgrave, on Saturday,
September 7, 1907,at 2 c'cloek p. m. of
said day.
Dated this 24th day of August, 1907.
Waiting doesn't pay.
If you neglect the aching back,
Urinary troubles, diabetes, surely
Doan'a Kidney Pills relieve backache
Cure every kiduey ill.
N. C. W. Risley, carpenter, of 705 S
Montgomery street, Albany, Oregon
says: "Having been troubled with pai
in the back just over the kidneys and
annoying irregularities of the kidney
action, I decided to try Doan's Kidnev
Pills and got a box at a drug store. Re
lief came after the first dose or two an
in a short time the aching and other
symptoms were removed. The action
of the kidneys was corrected and regu
lafed and I am now in a position to con
scientiously recommend Doan's Kidney
Fills and do not hesitate to do so."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York
Bole agents forthe United States. Re'
member the name Doan's, and take no
Glasses properly
fitted at P.
Highest cash price paid for hides,
pelts and furs. Pbill Cohn.
Semi-Weekly Portland Journal and
Heppner Gazette only $1.75 per year.
Highest cash price paid tor second
hand grain sacks at the flour mill, tf
Treasury Department.
Office of Comptroller ot the Cur
Washington, July 26, 1907.
Whereas by satisfactory evidence
presented to the undersigned, it
has been made to appear that' 'The
First National Bank of Heppner-,'
in the town of Heppner, in the
County of Morrow and State of
Oregon, has complied with all the
provisions of the "Act of Congress
to enable National Banking Asso
ciations to extend their corporate
existence and for other purposes,"
approved July 12, 1882.
Now therefore, I, Thomas P.
Kne, Deputy and Acting Comp
troller of the Currency, do hereby
certify that "The First National
Bank of Heppner," in the town of
Heppner, in the County of Mor
row, and State of Oregon, is au
thorized to have succession for the
period specified in its amended ar
ticles of association, namely until
close of business on July 26, 1927.
In testimony whereof, witness
my hand and seal of office this
twenty-sixth day of July, 1907,
seal J. P. KANE,
No. 3774. Deputy and Acting
Comptroller of the
A1-S5 Currency.
Department of the Interior,
land Office at La Grande Oregon.
Atiimst 19. 1907.
Notice is hereby siren that Emma howtv. 5"r. "A.."
of Heppner, Oregon, has filed notice of her In- luir Opt a
The Pacific Coast
I Salem,!Sept. 16-21
Open day and night.
The West is a good and promis
ing Live Stock district. This ex
hibition will be of great value to
breeders and purchasers. - The
entire stock-loving West will be'
at Salem.
Come and see the display of
Swine and
Also a grand display of. Agricul
tural, Horticultural, Mechanical
and Fine Art Works.
Racing Events Daily
Special Railroad Bates. Corres
pondence solicited.
W. H. Downing, President.
Frank A. Welch, Sec. d
JEFF NEEL. Proprietor
Everything neat and clean at popular
Corner Chase and May Sts.. Heppner.
Pacific Lodging
C. N. SHINN, Prop.
We take especial care in
looking after our Pa
trons by giving the best
service with clean beds
and comfortable rooms.
Our Rates are
tention to make tinal commutation proof in sup
port of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 15031
made May 1906. for the NWu, Button 10.
Township 3 8., Range 23 E and that said proof
will be made before J. P. Williams. U. 8.
Commissioner at his office at Heppner, Oregon,
on October lrtth. I9fi7.
She names the following witnesses to prove
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon.
August 19, 1997.
Norice is hereby eiven that Willard H. Herren
of Heppner, Oregon, has filed notice of his In
tention to make final five-year proof in support
of nil claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 11741
made July 10. 1HM. for the NW of 8Efc: NEW
of 8W)4:SE54of NW!and 8WJ of KE'4, Sec
tion 27, Township 4 8., Range 2H E. and that said
proof will be made before J. P. Williams. C. 8.
Commissioner at his office at Heppner, Oregon,
on Ostober 18. 1907.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon. and cnlMvatinn
of, tbe land, viz:
Charles is. Kedneld, John w. Rasmus,
Wallace W. Smead and John N. Jones all of
W. E. DAVIS, Register.
Department of tbe Interior,
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon.
Aueiist 1!) l'i7.
A ufficfpnt mntpnt nfRrinv;. h.finn uAAn
her continuous residence upon and cultivation I filed in this office bv Emp r 1lTfior,;..i nr.
of said land, viz: I testant. against homestead entry No7rt:,'made
-Awwnt'i vnriiu, Mnmiu uimuin, rfCMie sepwiiiwr J, inm1 oJ4. Sec. 19 S VV
Davis and Patrick Williams all of Heppner, SEfc, Bee. 19. N W, Bee. aO. Township a
Imperial Hotel
Portland, Oregon
Modern six story,
fireproof building.
European Plan
Rates $1.00
Phil Metsciian, Manager.
Phil Metsciian, Jk. Asst. Manager.
Liberty Meat Market
Boycr & Wherry
Fresh and Salted Meats
Fish on Fridays
Highest market price
paid for fat stock
and union Pacific
Onlv Lino EAST via
One hundred empty barrels for
sale. Five hundred barrels of ex
tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . , .
P'""" HgPFNHii, Ob. Abriv"
Fast Mall-For
10:40 a. m. East and West
Fait Mall From
Emit and West 6:85 p. m,
Expresn For
10:40 a. m. East and West
Express From
East and West 6:35 p.
11:30 a.m. Sunday 4:30p,nv..
Boat service between Portland, Astoria,
OroKon City, Dayton. Salem, Independence,
Corvallls and all Columbia and Willamette
River polnti.
Steamers between Rlparla and Lewlrton leave
Riparia dally at 10:40 a. m. except Saturday,
returning leave LewUton daily at 7 a. m. except
J. B. EUDDLESON, Acent, Heppner.
WmMcMCRRAY, g.p. a.
Leading Eastern Oregon Hotw
Under" New! (Management. Thoroughly
Renovated and Beflitted. Beat
MeiUs in the City.
M1DD0U i CO. Prop.
Department of the Interior, United States
Land Office.
La Grande, Oregon, July 8, 1907.
To Whom It May Corcern.
Notice is hereby given lhat the State of Ore
gon, made application, on the 8th day of July,
1907, forthe following described lands, as In
demnity for the designated losses sustained to
its grant of pnblic lands lor common schools,
made by the act of Congress of Aug 14, 1848. and
acta supplemental and amendatory thereto, and
agrees to accept the same in fall satisfaction of
the losses assigned, to-wlt; 6Eli 8WJ Sec 26
Tp3 8. R. 29 E. W. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims m this office during the period of publi
E. W. Davis,
The Brick Saloon
Aug. 29-Oct 3.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
Contestee, in which it is alleged that Eliza J
Harer nas whom abandoned said tr.rt-
iiiai wo ana cnangeu cer reniaence therefrom
for more than three years since making uii
entry; that said Eliza J. Harer has never resided
npon said tract of land or cn tivated or Im
proved the same and that her said abandonment
till exists; that said abandonment is not due
to her employment In the army, navy or
marine corps of the United States in time of war.
earn parties are nereoy noimed to appear. re-
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon.
Aneuot 21. 117.
Votlce Is herebr riven that Ke E. Cnllrk nf
HepDner. Oresron. haa filed notice of her in-1 Imnnd and nffpr AviHpnrVk tnnrhlnv alii
tentfon to make final commutation proof In I Hon at l'lo'clock a. m-, onf()ctober 1, l'07 before
support of her claim, Tis: Homestead Entry I i. P. Williams, V. 8. OommlsHion.r. 'at bU
no. iwwmanerfuue 11, iwjn, lor we Bit BH I ottoe at HepDner, Oregon, and that tinal html
Sec. 2: K KE!4 Section I. Town Sh ID 2 8.. Rnr I 1n will hahelHat tllnVWI,. m o
2H E. and that said proof will be made before 18U7, before the Register and Receiver at the
J. P. Williams, V. 8. Commissioner at his office I United Btatea Land Office in The Dalle Onv
at Heppner, Oregon, October 18. 1807. I ton. '
fcne name tne 101 lowing witnewea to prove I Tbe laid contestant having. In a proper
her continuous residence unon. and cultivation I affidavit, filed Jtma 93 torn
Percy Hngbes. Gosle E. Ajcn, George I service of this notice can not be made it is
vlnaon and David M. Preeslev all of Heonner. I herbv ordered nl HI riWUMl that .n.h
t""- . - I ' "7 uuoauu proper puoiicalion.
AUg. WCt. I. E. W. UAVIS, Begiater. Aug -8ept K C. W.liOORE. Reriit.r
We carry in stock only a
very high grade of
Barrel and Bottled Goods
Notice for Publication.
Department of thi Interior.
Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Oregon. June 20, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that James L. Kirk, of
Heppner, Oregon, haB filed notice of his in
tention to make final five-year proot in support
of his claim, viz: Bomestead entry No. 9,000
made February 13, 1901, for the BW SKfc of
section 33, T 3 SoutbT Range 26 Bast, Lots 2 and
3 and SW!4 NE!4 of section 4, Township 4
South, Bange 26 fast. W. M., and that said
proof will be made before J. P. Wllllama, U. 8.
Commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Oregon,
on August 17th, 1907.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of the land, viz;'
Jeff Jones, Henry Scherringer, John Bprowlea,
George Bmith, all of Heppner, Oregon.
July 4-Aug. 8 C. W. MOORE, Register,
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
August 1, 1(107.
Notice Is hereby given that Hiram E. Clark,
notice of his Intention to make final five-year
one of the heirs and for the heirs of Mary A,
Clark, doceased, of Heppner, Oregon, haa filed
proof in support of his claim, Tis: Homestead
EntrvNo WJ8 made Oct. 9, 90l,fortheEWNW!4
and EHMW of Hpction 22, Township 2 ttouth.
Range 2tf E W. M., and that said proof will be
made before J. P. Williams. V. 8. Comm'r. at
his office in Heppner, Oregon, on September
l'., i'JU7.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of the land, viz:
VVIlliHm P. Dntton, John C. Brown, John
Hughes aud Edward Brown all of Heppner,
AlS Sept 19. C. W. MOORE, Register.
Many people who are neglecting
symptoms of kidney trouble,,
hoping "it will wear away," are
drifting towards Bright's Disease,
which is kidney trouble in one of
its worst forms.
We carry the lead
ing brands of
Draft and Bottled
The Best Liquors
and Wines.
Leading Brands of Cigars
C. F. McCarter, Prop.
Weekly Oreronlan Heppner GasetUt
stops irregularities, strengthens
the urinary organs and builds up
the worn-out tissues of the kid
neys so they will perform their
functions properly. Healthy kid
neys strain out the impurities
from the blood as it passes
through them. Diseased kidneys
do not, and the poisonous waste
matter is carried by the circulation
to every part of the body, causing"
dizziness, backache, stomach,
trouble, sluggish .liver, irregular
heart action, etc. '
If you have any signs of Kidney
or Bladder trouble commence tak
at once, as it will cure a slight dis
order in a few days and prevent
a tatal malady. It is pleasant to
take and benefits the whole system
How to Find Out.
You can easily determine if your kid
neys are out of order by setting aside
for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed
upon arising. If upon examination it
is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust
sediment or small particles float about
in it, vour kidnevs are diseased, and
taken at once.
G. B. Burhans Testifies After
Four Years.
C. B. Bsrnass of Carlisle Ceiter, . V, wrttet:
"About four years ago I wrote you stating that
I had been entirely cured of severe kidney
trouble by taking lcsa than two bottles of Foley's)
Kidney Cure. It entirely stoptied the brick
dust sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney
disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I
have nr-rer bad a return ot any of those symp
toms during the four years that have elapsed,,
and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and
heartily recommend Folev'a Kidnev Cure to an
CM suffering from kidney or bladder trouble. '
' Two Sites, 50o and IOO. i
ei.oc"crx asatro- coipatt