Local and Pesonal Notes was was Harry Warren, of Spray, ia in the city. Nate Cecil came up from Cecil, Saturday. A. L. Ayeru was in from Parker's Mill, Saturday. Claud Knowela came up from lone, Monday. Ed Currin was an outgoing pas senger Sunday. John Zollinger was in from Hardman Monday. E. P. Jarmon, of Cutter Creek, was in the city Tuesday. Jeff Neel returned from Portland yesterday evening. . C. O. Huelat and little son baye returned from Newport. T. J. Merrill, of Hardman, a Heppner visitor Saturday. II. 8. Neel, of Lone Rock, a business visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Roberts were in from Hardman, Friday. Allen Thompson, of Echo, was registered at the Palace Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bleakman were in from Hardman, Saturday. Willard Barren came down from the coal mines, yesterday evening. F. P. Vaughn and wife of Eight Mile, were Heppner visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilkins Lave returned from a visit to Port land. Miss Pearl Penland was a pas senger Tuesday for Portland where he will visit friends. t Wm, Barratt and family who liave been at Austin enjoying an outing returned Saturday evening. Charley Parish left on Sunday morning's train for Oregon City, lie goes to work in a logging camp on the Columbia. Tom Matlock and son B. F. Lave returned from a trip to Canyon City. They came back by way of Pendleton. R Mr. Harvey Parcell and children and Mrs. Frank Gentry were pas eengers for Portland Sunday where they will visit relatives. W. It. Irwin and family and Cal Ztlly and wife returned Tuesday from Spray where they have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Potter. Paper wall Jackson bandies Sanats. Only way can be bought is through him. Wall paper 2 cents roll up. All goes at same old rates yet. Heppner barbers have announced a raise in the price of work. After September 1, the price of hair cutting will be 35 cents, massage CO cents, baths 35 cents and 50 to hone a razor. Irrigon is pretty dull these days, about everyboy who is able to work and not having a steady job being out in the harvest fields, where the wages are good, some branches of the work paying as much as three dollars per day and board, and extra good men are in some cases getting as high as five dollars per day. Irrigon Irrigator. All is in fine shape for the Astoria Regatta and County Fair, the Norwegian Saengerfest, and theouting of the State Editorial Association, which will be held in Astoria from August 30 to Sep tember 4. It is going to be the biggest event of the kind ever held on the coast and the Labor Day sports especially, will be of monstrous size. Moso Ashbaugh was in from Eight Mile, Monday. aus Johnson was in from Gooseberry, Tuesday, t' Robert Gaynor was a passenger Sunday for Baker City. E. Jay Merrill, of Hardman, was a Heppner visitor Tuesday. J. M. , Hansford, of Hardman, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Hansford was down to The Dalles in quest of a timber claim during the big rush at the land office last Monday. It is expected the Rev. Perry Chandler will preach next Sunday morning at the M. E. church and at 7:30 p. m., change of time from 8 p.m., the Rev. B. L. Hoadley will preach the last sermon of the present conference year. Welcome. J. B. Morehead was in from the Blackhorse country. Mr. More- bead states that crops are good in the Blackhorse wheat belt, in fact they were never, better in the history of the country. John Allstott, a pioneer resident of Morrow county died at the family home on Eight Mile last Thursday night. Mr. Allstott has been a resident of Eight Mile for the past 20 years and was well known in the county. By applying to J. B. Huddleston, agent of the O. R. & N. Co., a fine wall map of the United States west of Chicago can be seemed. These maps are issued by the Union Pacific and are reliable and good maps in every way. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Whetstone left on Sunday morning's train for New Baltimore, Ohio, where they will make an extended visit. They will go to Jamestown and visit the fair before returning to Heppner, New Baltimore, Ohio, is Mr Whetstone's old home and he goes to visit the scenes of his childhood days after an absence of 20 years. Dave Adams was arrested by Sheriff Sbutt, while working in the harvest field last Monday, upon a warrant. It seems that the day before in Lexington, Adams was too handy in Hashing a gun which was not in harmony with the enjoyment of the bystanders who prooeeded to get away. Adams was taken back to Lexington and wbb fined 320 in the Recorder Barnett's court which paid for the fun. Clothes for Boys Don t Misplace your Confidence and Trade Which Store is Going to get your Confidence and Favor? The one where they attempt to persuade, argue and cajole you into buying Clothing with a name, label or brand that is not universally recognized as the work of the highest quality, or the store where they show you a standard, trade marked, superior garment of reliable, honest, widely known makers. EXTRAGOOD clothing is known to be the best made for boys. Only the best merchants all over the country sell it. The mother who buys it for her son is buying more satisfaction than she can get in any other brand. We want the confidence and trade of all particular people in this section. That's why we sell XTRAGOOD and not the other kinds. Only a few days until your boys have to be out fitted for school. We invite your inspection. Glen Frakes the young man who is charged with forging an order on his brother and who passed the forged instrument on Gilliam & Bisbee of this city, waw brought here Monday evening by Deputy Sheriff George Blackman from The Dalles. Young Frakes was given a hearing in Judge Williams' court Tuesday afternoon. He waived examination and was bound over to the circuit court. Frakes had just finished a 50 day sentence in the county jail of Wasco county at The Dalles for burglary. We Sell Kuhn-Nathan & Fischers Sincerity Clothing For Men Minor & Co, Clothiers We Sell GORDON HATS For Men and Boys THE ALPS John Zollinger, Proprietor Wines, Liquors and Cigai s Lunches of all Kinds Hardman, - - Oregon VIC GROSHENS Proprietor Union Saloon If you UJk. thu paper ami Weekly OregTOlan you won't nave to bee; your aewa. For new and opinion tie Oregoalaa. You can get at Cumniings Nurseries spray pumps with nozzles that won clog. Kubber hose. Sprays made fresh and guaranteed lull strength at as near cost as can be handled. Harry Cum miogB. tf I will open a fruit and vegetable store in the Scrivner restaurant building, July 1st. Will keep ice cream, candies, nuts, tronical fruits, cigars and tobacco, berries, fruits, jams and jellies, in Ma son jars, put up by ourselves. IIakky Cimmings. FOR SALE Eight room house, with big reception hall, batli and pantry, cood orchard and all kinds of berries. Inquire of Henry Johnson, city. WINES, LIQUORS THE CELEBRATED Inderweis BEER High Grade Cigars HEPPNER, OREGON Village School Shoes Every Pair Made to Wear Village School Shoes are made in Vici Kid, Bluch- er or straight lace. Pat ent tips, single or double soles, also in Box Calf, dull tips, full double soles every pair made to wear Not how Cheap, but how Good to 8, 1.4.V-SV, to 11, $1.7.") UK to $2.00 1 to ;j, TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL B.. PRINCIPAL Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for thorough work brings ns over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in structiou insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ; easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free ffritc Vlaj,.. Relcreuce; anj jacrchaot, any bank, any newspaper ia Portfaad, book of Hi'' Maps and Flags of Nations and colors to paint them with every pair of Village School Shoes. FREE A The new Fall Styles of Shoes are Here SIGN OF THE BOOT G. O. HUELAT FBOFEBSXOIiTA.Ii CXA.3tXS Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street Heppner Oregon. C. E. WOODSON, ATTORNEY-A T-LA W Oftic la Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon HICGS & IVINNARD PHTSICIANS & SURGEONS. special attention given to diseases of me eye, ear, nose and throat. Omoi : The Fair Baildinir. Heppneb, . Obboon. Phelps & Notson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Odd Fellow Bids Heppner, Oregon, Frank B. Kistner, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson & Son's drugstore Residence in Morrow buildinsr over t atterson A bon's Drugstore. VV. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of n Morrow county. Heppner, abstract books Orkoos. DR. A1ETZLER. Located in Odd ..Fellows building. Rooms 5 and 6. DR. Al. A. LEACH DBXTIST Permanently located in Heppner. Office in tue new Fair building. Gas administered. J. MAX POO Chines Rootand Herb Doctor. He is an experienced compounder of Chinese Medicine. He treats success fully all private, nervous and chronic diseases, also blood, stomach, heart, luriii, liver, kidney, female weakness, catarrh and alt diseases of the body b ttie use of roots and herbs, especially tircnared for each rase. If vou rant call at his office, write for home treat-! ment. Consultation free. J. Man Foo, successor to Hong Wo Tone Chinese Medicine C, 117 W. Second St., Al bany, Oregon. THE GAZETTE AND WEEKLY OREGONIAN 2.00 A YEAR Red Front Llveru & Feed Saibles Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnishes on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Boguies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner, Oregon The Palm Robert Hart. Prop. hv Civam hv Civam Soda Iliirh (irado Cigars 1'ivsh (audit's Nuts and Fruits Lunch (Joods I iv Cold Coca Cola Orangeade Hoot Invr I