The Hcppner Gazette Kitubliehw' March 30, 1S8S. ISSUED THURSDAY MORNING. Fred Warnook .ttored at the Poitofflce at Heppner Oregon, m lecouj -class matter. TiirRSDAY. . . . Au-. 20, 1907. A. Bennett has been appointed pjfeimaster at In ion. Mr. Becuett .Iits the Irrigon Irrigator and The Paitas Optimesf, hiiJ now he is pjf tmaster. If he keeps on he will eoxwa have Editor Thomas of the Jy?tDgton Wheatfie'd ou the shelf ia iha matter of work. The interstate commerce com mission issued a note of warning recently to the people of the north- a: est states sayirjg a fuel famine threatens to strike this section the Mmiog winter, tnd urges them to get tbeii Reason's supply of fuel now. The commission prophesies coal will command $25 a too in Montana before the winter is over. The Morrow-Umatilla fair held at Pendleton, September 23-28, under the management of the Third District Agricultural Society, promises to be much more interest ing than last year. Three thousand dollars in cash will be awarded in premiums. Special attention will bt giveu to the exhibits and both Morrow and Umatilla counties will be well represented. There is decidedly mere inteiest taken in the fair this seas in in Morrow county, and our exhibit will be much more complete and attractive it- A. .x a t I man jasr year, jmow tnat we are goiug to have an exhibit let us make it a good one. The Gold Hill Chamber of Com merce is arranging for the first annual convention of the Oregon Angler's Astoc'ation, to be held on the 14th of September. Owing to u error of the legislature there is practically no law for the pro tection of tro'it in Oregon and this Meeting will be for the protection of trout which are fast disappear- The Portland Commercial Club oooa circulated 327,000 leaflets in thirty dajs. The club will begin iext Thursday the circulation of 400,000 tomewhat similar prints in tvrenty days. The central feature of this leaflet, a copy ol which it is aesirea snau accompany every letter that goes- out of Portland and vicinity, is the colonist rates which begin September 1st and rontinne until October 31st, and should by this time be familiar to ear readers. Two persons, Mary Clemonson and Thomas Hauge, lost their lives in a tornado at Eau Claire Wis. In addition one boy was in jured, 27 barns, two school houses, one church and various other build ings were destroyed. Property loss is estimated at $75,000. A burglar entered the home of R. J. Young at The Dalles and stole about 20 in money from the house early in the morning while Mr. Young was doing the chores and his wife was getting breakfast. One of the children saw a man getting into the window. Words of Praise For the Several Ingredients of which Pr. Plorce's medicines are composed, as given by leaders in all the several schools of medicine, should have lar moro weight than any amount of non-professional tes timonials. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorltel'rescrlp- tion has thk badgk of uoxkstvoh every bottle-wrapper, In a full list of all Its in eredients printed In plain English. If you are an Invalid woman and suffer from frequent headache, backache, gnaw ing distress in stomach, periodical pains, disagreeable, catarrhal, pelvic drain, drawing-down distress in lower tdxlomoD or pelvis, perhaps dark spots or specks dancing before the eyes, faint spells and kindred symptoms caused by female weak ness, or other derangement of tho feminine organs, you can not do better than take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The hospital, surgeon's knife and opera ting table may bo avoided by the timely use of "Favorite Prescription" in such cases. Thereby the obnoxious examin ations and local treatments of the family physician can bo avoided and a thorough course of successful treatment carried out in tho privacy of the home. "Favorite Prescription " Is composed of tho very best native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments, contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from "Favorite Prescription; " it will not perform mira cles ; it will not disolvo or cure tumors. No medicine will. It will do as much to establish vigorous health in most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to women as any medicine can. It must be given a fair chance bv perseverance in its use for a reasonable length of time. You can't afford to accept a secret nos trum as a substitute for this remedy of known composition. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond ence is guarded as sacredlv secret and womanly confidences are protected b' professional privacy. Address Dr. , Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the laxative and regulator of the be They invigorate stomach, liver bowels. One a laxative ; two or ti cathartic. Easy to take as candy SDZGZS HURRAH Shool Opens September 9 To M arquardsen's FOR Cifas' Soils, Caps, Shoes, Hosiery, etc. The trouble always has been, and always will be, mostly with Hepp aec and her people. Anything that does not materially help Heppner is of do consequence to them says the Lexington Wheat fietd, and in another breath the "Wheatfield eays that no town can fcoild itself by trying to down some titer town, we must all work in iarmony. It would seem that the Wfae&tfield rejoices in a dig at Heppner but would like "harmony" f coui Heppner peop e. The Wheat field has several other waila that ace so far from the facts that they are not worthy of notice. The Wfeeatfield man has probably been working too hard and has had a bad attack of dyspepsia. MK JJU WM f TEA S CEYLON l. f fo'S roiQera- (joldenCate There are all Kinds of Tea Good tea bad tea artificially colored tea and pure tea. They may all look alike but there is a vast difference. Folger's Golden Gate Teas are pure flavory health ful. Six flavors Ceylon EnglisH BreaKfast Gunpowder Oolontf Japan BlacR & Green Packed flavor-tight in dust proof cartons to protect the The choice of flavor j i i r r ua matter of taste, delicate leaf trorn exposure. J. A. Folger 01 Co. San Francisco Importers of Pure Teas With the commencement of school the boys and girls requre a general "Outfitting," in fact a com plete "going over." "Start Them Right" Stop into Marquardsen's and inspect the large line of Boys Clothing, from age 3 to 16 in knee lengths; from 9 to 21 in long. Prices $1.65 to $9.65. Each child fitted with a suit before Sept. 9th shall receive their choice of a large assortment of handsome tablets ABSOLUTELY FREE. piRST Rational ank OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA.. T. A. RHEA. President I G. W. CONSER Casbiei .Vic-President 1 E. L. FREEL AND. .Assistant Cashier Transact a General Banking Business. Four per cent, paid on Time Deposits. KXCHANGK ON ALL PARTS Ot THE WORLD BO0UHT AND SOLD Collection! made on all points on reasonable terms. Burvlui and undivided profit $70,000. Morrow - Umatilla Fair 3d District Agricultural Society Management at SCHOOL SHOES The strongest, most complete Shoe Stock shown in Morrow County. Prices to suit the Purse. Quality higher an Price. Don't make the mistake of buying before you see this line. A Tablet Free With Every Pair of Shoes Remember your "Old Friend Topsy" better hose ickitick at less prices than any other make affords. Built $ -tfrP&V J for wear. Prices to suit. Save a handsome per cent $ u f J on buying this brand. S irprfa Specia to Hade A rubber tipped lead pencil free with every tablet purchased before September 16th. mm School Children S OSIERY. ns Department Store, Heppner, Oregon PENDLETON, OREGON SEPTEMBER 23-24-25-26-27-28 $3,000 W ffi S PIBI Buildings and Stock Yards Increased 50 per cent, in Space. Larger and better than last year. Bring or send your exhibits of all kinds. Excursions at reduced rates on all railroads. Get ready and come. Write for premium list and other information. Address Letters to Thos. Fitz Gerald, Secy, 3rd District Fair, Pendleton, Oregon. "MEET ME AT THE FOUNTAIN." Jtte -r. c- r l I Hpfldprs Binders Hay Rakes Every thing needed in the harvest field. We are doing things in Farm Machinery. See our modern, up-to-date farm equipment, the best. GILLIAM & BISBEE WfflV,B?f! ""ilf"'" If you are hunting Vacant Government land, J. T. Williamson. La Grande, Ore gon makes maps of any township in the La Grande Land District showing the condition of the township at the date made for $1 each, as shown by the records of the land office. Land office practice a specialty. June7-tf. Independent and relUbleTae Oregon- Ideal Gentleman's Resort BILLIARD AND POOL ROOMS We take epecial pride in keeping our Tobacco and Cigars in excellent condition. Forty different brands ot high grade cigars constantly in stock. Try one of our Hayanas. Cigars wholesale and Retail.