Orgon Historical SooUly City Hall A RIP-SNORTER OF A TIME IN HEPPNER JULY FOURTH AND FIFTH V VOL. 24: , HEPPNEIl, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 20. 1907 NO. tl Folger's Golden Gate Ok ! .V II JAJol$er &C?- AT " - XW .. -f Baking Powder Is composed of the following ingredients and none other: Pure Cream Tartar and Pure Bicarbonate Soda J. A. FOLQER & CO San Francisco 8. E. CARR, Pres. B. F. GULP, Vice Pres. W. 8. WHARTON, Cashier .4 Bank of . Heppner Capital Ski $50,000 Fully Paid k LOANS MADE AT BIGHT PER GENT PER ANNUM - Organized under the laws of the state of Oregon $25,000 daylight burglar insurance carried Member of the American Bankers Association Insured Bank money orderB issued Accounts by mail solicited All communications answered the same day they are received y The Bank of Heppner through its large connections is in a position to extend large accommodations and the greatest safety o all its depositors FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID OH TTIE DEPOSITS MEMORIAL SERVICES Graves of Flood Victims Decorated. Fourteenth of Juue Quietly Ob. serve by the Citizens of Heppner. Write For Our Free Booklet on I Banking by Mail ft 0 nvaroRKsoD ox it Savings Accounts I ft SAVINGS BANK OF THE TITLE GUHRHHTEE k TMST CBDIPflUT it i i i il it) it vS( PORTLAND, OREGON Pars 4 per cent on Savings Accounts. Pars 4 per cent on Certificates of Deposit. Tays 3 per cent on Accounts Subject to Check. J. Thornburn Ross President George II. Hill Vice-President T. T. Burkhart .V Treasurer John E. Aitcbison Secretary Cbas. it. Kopf Ass't. Treasurer 240 Washington Street, Cor. Second. 'Last Friday, the 14th of June, was a sad day in Heppner, bring ing back to memory the awful dis aster of June 14, 1903. The day was quietly observed without any regular order of ex ercises. All business houses were closed in the afternoon and a great many people went to the Heppner cemetery to decorate the graves with a profusion of beautiful flow. ers. WOOL SALES POSTPONED FELL FROM - THE TRAIN Unknown Man Killed at Judson. Supposed to Have Been Stealing: a Hide at the Time of tbe Aceident. f Nezt Sales Will be Held on June 28. The date of the Heppner wool sales has been postponed from June 18 to June 28. Owing to the fact that the first sales were postponed made the second sale come too soon there after in adhering to the dates first arranged. The postponement will 'make the sales more satisfactory by giv ing tbe r6wers more time to get in their wool. During the past 10 days Par- eons & Hanley have shipped from Ontario, 7000 head of cattle. The animals were sent to Montana, the Dakotas and Nebraska. Ed. Farnsworth came in from Hardman Saturday. Mr. Farns worth has sold his band of 2300 sheep to John Hayes. mi- . i - ioe ooay oi an unknown man was found by two section men on the main line of the O. R. & N., at Judson, where the trains pass, about five miles east of Coyote, last Saturday morning. Coroner J. L. Yeager accom. panied by Dr. E. R. Hunlock, Price Plorence, Henry Blahm, of Hepp ner, Mr. Green of Lexington, and F. H. Robison, of lone, went to the scene of the accident Satur day. They found Dixon and Sprague, two section men '"who found the body and were watching it. After investigation of all the facts that could be ascertained, the coroner's jury consisting of Price Florence, Henry Blahm Mr. Green, F.H. Robison and Dixon and Sprague, rendered a verdict to the effect the man's death was acci dental being , caused by falling from or being struck by a train. There was nothing to 6how the identity of the body. He was about 25 years of age, light hair, smoothly shaven, fairly good dark grey suit of clothes with striped bib overalls on over hisjpants. Tbe body was buried near where it was found. About a month ago a an un known man was drowned in the Columbia river near where the ast body was found. A recognised Ore sro nlu. authority The Weekly TWO PION EERS GONE C. T. Walker and Joseph Mason Pass Away. Uotb Early Pioneers of Morrow County -- Funerals Were Largely Attended. WANT LOW ER RATES Railroad Commission Aj pealed to- Action to b! Taken by Heppma- Commerclal Club for tk Shlppers of tbls Coustty. Ed. Ashbaugh came up from Portland, Thursday evening to at tend memorial exercises on the 14th. Mr. Ashbaugh is now city salesman in Portland for the Ha zelwood Creamery Co. J. 1. Walker died at his home The recent protest of Morrow at lone, last Saturday evening, county shippers sent to the Ra Mr. Walker has been suffering road Commission of Oregon, i with cancer of the stomach for which the shippers allege that tk-5 some time. freight rates on wheat oa points The funeral which was one the on the Heppner branch to laigeok ever ueiu m xoue, was uuu- muu arts out ut proporilOU and as. ducted from the family residence cessive, Las commenced to beat. Trnr1aTT o Tf nn Ann T?an f .nif in 4-1.- . 1 " m ijiuuuaj auoiuuuu) AfcCT yujtpu t ii uit l i i Q nay Ui replies irvX4 uuie, or Heppner preaching the Doth the railroad commission asxkl funeral sermon. The remaicp the O. R. & ' M". comnanv. were buried in the lone cemetery. It means tbat the mattpr ?i 'tn .h Deceased was born in Blossom, taken up and fully investigKt?2 iau. 1" r m t i . 1 1 . - ju.MHv v.o., jLexaa, uecemuer , way mar win mafce it possible- looy. ne was hrst married to to accomplish results, provided,: Miss Sally Suggs. course, if . the shippers take 4hLil When a young man he was en- proper Bteps as advised bj t2a- gaged in railroad construction railroad commission. work and as foreman of a working J he question in Morrow coanfrr crew helped in the construction of was first taken up by farmers iau . the Oregon Short Line all the way the Eight Mile country. Tha- from Omaha to Hnntinrton. I farmers as well aa thA nwinl O I l f - 1- . . n n i . r -rrr 1 1 I T . l 1 . un iuarcu io. loo, iir. aiKer uuuw county ibko ior compai came to Alkali, now Arlington, ison tne wheat rate of PendlefoB.. which was then in Umatilla county. The distance from Pendleton to Coming to what is now Morrow Portland is 231 miles and the rat srri V 4-vr Vi k 4 rv- r- iiv o y1?w mw I 1ft I .1p TTrrm t---w .. X . Portland the rate is 18c per hnc dred. The people believe here that tiin rate on the' branch is out of nrc- portion and excessive. .n. icuuuu abjiiug ior a reauencau traa ri rinl a nA n.A 1 . ber of signatures were secured. Geo. O. Goodall, secretary f? the railroad commission in a letter - to the secretarv of the Hpnnntw Commercial Club states that tha commission will be glad to coofeE- with repreeentatives of the peti tinners in thn nnaa ind t tm He has been closely identified for 8Uch conference to take place,4 either m Salem or Portland whear settled on the south prong of Jor dan Fork. In April 18S8. his wife died. in jeoraary, loyc., he was again united in marriage with Miss Sintha Winters. In 1S93 Mr. Walker engaged in the mercantile business in lone. Being a careful and good business man he was successful and built up a large business, leaving a big estate in the large general mer chandise store and Morrow county wheat lands. with the history of Morrow county Concluded on page 8. XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Tbe Dal l, Oregon. June 8. 1907. Nntioeis hereby given that John M. Calaran, of Heppner. Oregon, has filed notice of hia inten tion to make final pommntation proof in sup port of hia claim, via; Home-tead Entry No. 14841) made Dec , 1905, for the N W'-, of Section as, Townahip 2 Sooth, Range 2W E. W. M. and that aaiil proof will be made before J. P. Wllliama, U. 8. Corum'rat hia office is Heprner, Oregon, on July l'-K 1U07. He names the folio-ring wltneaoea to prove hia continnona residenos upon and cultivation of aaid land, viit: ... . Thomas Marlatt. Horace J. Matlock. Daniel Benabew and Waiter Bray, all of Heppner, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. June S, 1907. 1 Notice is hereby given that Herman Goetach, of Hepnner, Oregon, has filed notice of his in tention to make final live-year proof in support of his claim, via: Homestead Entry No. 85s6 made Oct 19, 1900, for the NE1 NE, 8H NK4 and Sooth Kat quarter North West qnarter of Section 8, Townahip 5 South, Range 25JB., W. M. and that said praof will be trade before J. P. Williams, U. 8. Comm'r. at hia office in Heppner. Oregon, on Jnly 19, 1907. be names the following witnesses to prove his continnona residence upon, end cultivation Of, the land via: John Adams, William Reynolds. Robert Adams and James Wyland all of Hardman. w m m .v rj, eyer convenient. The commisaksifa will also be glad to draw up Jbic mal complaint in the mattejyecr to furnish skeleton form of cosv areo- Plaint together with suggestiona? that may be offered. In answer to the complaint t&s. are here and will remain p. R. & N. company offers the foL- lowing: Wheat rates from Heppnsr branch points to Portland. Hepp--ner, 197 miles, 18c per hundred?; Lexington, 188 miles, 18c;. Ion sions will be given byi, a i.zc I iS ThA r at a f mm TTurtwia. ThmaKa-k. these gentlemen, one on to Portland, a distance of 1st: the 4th and One on the miles 18 14 l-2c, and for the braaefca I linfi RPrriCA ihn fr.Untp?n "- They will ascend traries are added in making that into the heavens from tnrougn rate8 Vlz: t Heppa,? I .Tnnif inn frnm TTnrinnom .4 51 3,000 to 5,000 feet and !? "T " " ITT"-: , , . . , - Prof. Wardell and W. R. McDonald, the nauts of wide reputation until after the celebra tion. Two balloory ascen- 5th. Come to Heppner on the Fourth and have a good time. will from this gerat highth make a para chute jump back to earth. . This attraction alone is well worth miles to see. The many other at tractions are being look ed after and boosted miles, 3 l-2e? lone to Junction, S3 miles, 3c. The local rates to Hepp-ia.v Junction are as follows: Fro as. i Hepper, . 4-3 miles, 9c; from les ington, 30 miles, 9c; from lone, O i miles, 7c. From which it will be ojsorv. :.! going that the through rates from Depp-- ner branch points five nov cos si.:--erably lower than the branch lii locals added to the main line - rat?. The rate of U l-2c ICv) pounds for the main line servica from Heppner Junction to fbrt a-1 land is not excessive. The flrl 1 1 Ll 1 lung uy me commitiees. traries added for the branch Mm The Echo Band has service are less than the regal s- rates for the same service. Tho been secured for this through rates to Tortland are bj Occasion and the best Of onlr reasonable themselves, bsi J are no higher than the rates front music is assured. Oregon. 4 13-J uly 13. C. W; MOORE, Register. lCcnclutt4 on page 3