:ijcrurrTirT',T'f 1 ' "I.."" v SJ4W1 a1 V The Heppner Gazette Fkt8bliber March SO, 1888, ISSUED THURSDAY MORNING. Fred Warnock Kn tared at the Postofflee at Heppner Oregon, ai econd-clast matter. Thursday June 6, 1907. Heppner is to have a ga-loriout eelebration on the Fourth, and lone and Lexington are trying fo do the same. Come off, boys. Let all of Morrow county people go over to the county seat and have a good time. We are now speaking for the people of IrrigoD, some of whom hare already accepted invi tations to the Heppner event. The Dalles Optiro.ot. The last isaue of the Times fa speaking of the stock shipments ays: "The grand total shipments aggregating about 150 carloads or m the neighborhood of 125,000 sheep." This is going some. The maximum load for the cars that were used here is about 300 head tf sheep, but the Times has suc ceeded in loading each car with over 800 head. The facts are that it took over 230 cars and the exact aamber shipped was 77,722 head, 4,000 of the sheep being trailed out Heppner has to date this season ahipped more than 80,000 sheep and. will ship 2,500,000 pounds of wool.. During the same period several thousand head of cattle have been shipped and about 200, COO bushels of wheat will be 3ilrketed at that point during the season. This showing for one of a.ur interior cities, and especially cue that was practically wiped out of existence only a few years ago, is a remarkable one, and is addi tional testimony that Oregon is the greatest state in the union. Qregonian. Window sale at The Palm o" Saturday, Jane 8, at 2 p. tn., con iucted by the ladies of All Saints Guild. A Bold Step. " To overcome the well-grounded and reasonable objections of the more Intel llgent to the use of secret, medicinal com pounds, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y some time ago, decided to make a bold drparturo from the usual course pursued by tho makers of put-up medicines for do mestic use, and so has published broad cast and openly to the whole world, a full and complete list of all tho Ingredients entering Into the composition of his widely celebrated medicines. Thus he has taken his numerous patrons and patients into his full confidence. Thus too he has re moved his medicines from anions secret nostrums of doubtful merits, and made them licmcdlea of Known Composition. Hy this bold stop Dr. l'ierco has shown that his formulas are of such excellence that he is not afraid to subject them to tho fullest scrutiny. Not only does the wrapper of every bottle of Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the J mniuus uitHiicine lor wean stomarn, torpid liver or biliousness and all catarrhal diseases wherever located, have printed umm it. in plain Kngluth, a full and complete list of all the ingredients composing it, but a small book has been compiled from numerous standard medical works, of all the different schools of practice, containing very numer ous extracts from the writings of leading practitioners of medicine, endorsing in the ttronoett possible terms, each and every incre dlent contained in Dr. Pierce's medicines. One of these little books will be mailed free to any one sending address on postal card or by letter, to Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., and reuuestlng the same. From this littbj book it will be learned that Dr. Pierce's med icines contain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral agents or other poisonous or Injurious agents and that ttey are made from native, medici nal roots of great value: also that some of the most valuable Ingredients contained in Dr. Pierce's ravorlte Prescrintlon fnr w..nlr. nervous, over-worked, "run-down." nervous and debilitated women, were employed, long years ago, by the Indians for similar ailments Bui-cuuK meir squaws, in ract, one of the most valuable medicinal plants entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pro scription was known to the Indians as "Squaw-Weed." Our knowledge of the uses of not a few of our most valuable native, me dicinal plants was gained from the Indians. As made up by improved and exact pro cesses, the "I avorite Prescription " Is a most efficient remedy for regulating all tho wom anly functions, correcting displacements, as prolapsus, anteversion andi retorversion. overcoming painful periods, toning up the nerves and bringing about a perfect state of bealth. Sold by ail dealers in medicines. J. XTOO Chlne Root and Horb Dootor. He is a experienced compounder of Chinese Medicine. He treats success fully all private, nervous and chronic diseases, also blood, stomach, heart, lung, liver, kidney, female weakness, catarrh and all diseases of the body bv tbe use of roots and herbs, especially prepared for each case. If you cant call at his office, write for home treat ment. Consultation free. J. Man Foo. successor to Hong Wo Tong Chinese Medicine C, 117 W. Second St., Al bany, Oregon, For Sale A full blooded registered Hereford bull, five years old and in fine condition. Inquire at tbe Gazette office. f E8TRAY NOTICE-Notlco is hereby given that I have taken up the following described stock: One red yearling heifer, marked with under half crop on right ear, branded HI) con nected on right hip. one white faced 2-yenr-old steer, branded fish hook on left side. If not called for the above described stock will be sold my residence on Willow creek, on June 15. 1907. KOBE it T DEXTER. Strange how the aspect of land ahanges with changing conditions. The Bast Oregonian can remem ber when the Sand Ridge, the best wheat land in Grand Jttonde valley was looked upon as worthless grass tend, not worth the homestead Sling fee. It can also remember, more recently, when much of the finest wheat land in the northwest part of Umatilla county was oounted "cultus" and farmers looked upon the tenderfeet who first located upon it in pity and oorapaesion. Now the Sand Kidge land is worth $100 per acre for wheat, sugar beet or orchards and tfce Tand northwest of Pendleton is not for sale at any reasonable price. "Will not the same be true of Har ney, Malheur, Gilliam, Morrow and other counties having vast areas of waste lacd? Eftst Ore gonian. The Gazette believes that there ere thousands of acres of Morrow county wheat lands that are just as good as the Sand Bidge country or any other part of Eastern Oregon, and the time if oiming when it will be selling for J ist aa much money. The fact that eome of our Morrow county farmers now expect 40 bushels 0 wheat to tne acre tor tne coming nop is cood foundation for this belief. McCabe-Doherty. Wanted and For Sale I The Palm I ; Robert Hart, Prop. ! l Ice Cream ! Ice Cream Soda, ;j High Grade Cigars j Fresh Candies j !;j Nuts and Fruits !; Lunch Goods j !; Ice Cold Coca Cola Orangeade !; Root Beer The Publisher's Claims Sustained Glasses BorR'e. proparly fitted at P. O. tf. Highest cash price paid for hides, pelts and furs. Fhill Cohn. Semi-Weekly Portland Journal and Heppner Gazette only $1.75 per year. Highest cash price paid ior second hand grain sacks at the flour mill, tf Seed wheat, Oats, Kve and Barley or sale by Phill Cohn, at Heppner Warehouse. United States Court of Claims The Publishers of Webster's International Dictionary allege that it " is, in fm't.the popu lar Unabridged thoroughly re-edited iuevery detail, and vastly enriched in every part, with the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger and severer requirements of another genera tion." - We are of tho opinion that this allegation most clearly and accurately describes the work that nas been accomplished and tho result that has been reached. The Dict ionary, as it now stands, hns becruthoroughly re edited in every detail, has been corrected in every part, and is admirably adapted to meet the larger and severer requirements of a generation which demands more of popular philological knowledge than any generation that the world basevcr contained. It is perhaps needless to add that we refer to the dictionary in our judicial work as of the highest authority in accuracy of defini tion; and that in the future as in the past it will be the source of constant reference. f - CHARLES C. NOTT, Chief Justice. LAWRENCE WELDON . JOHN DAVIS. STANTON J. PEELLE, M CHARLES B. HOWRY - - . . I .J v xne aoove refers to truusiiiK's r INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY ONE WEEK 5c ONE WEEK Delayed Laces Shipment of and Embroideries Beginning MONDAY will place on Sale our entire stock of Embroidery LOT 1 Thousands of yards of very fine Lace and Embroidery in splendid pat terns and different widths. Will place on sale Monday. Never be- ioie ami you may not be able again for a long time to supply yourself with the above goods at such little prices, so do not miss this odportunity to buy all you need. We place no limit while tins lot lasts. Per yard 5c LOT 2 A splendid assortment of Corset Cover Embroidery 18 inches wide with eyelet holes for ribbon, cheaper than you have ever bought such goods before. Per yard . A better quality for Corset Covers. Per yard . . . . 23c 30c DON'T MISS THIS SALE MARQUARDSEN'S Department Store THE GRAND PRIZE (the highest award) was given to the Interna tional at the World's Fair, Kt. Louis. GET THE LATEST AND BEST You will be interested in our specimen pages, sent free. G.&.C. MERRIAM CO. . to PUBLISHERS, 8PRINGFIELD, MASS. Where Quality is Higher Than Price l VEBSTEHrS 1 UNTERNATIONALI MOTONARIi THE STAR HOTBI.- JBPP NEELV, Prop, Neat, Clean Rooms Modern Conveniences Good Service. Open Day and Night 3sf 5 "i Most Sanitary House in the City Free 'Bus to and from Train Tlx Star Resturant" M. 13. IIAIXIJS, Pro ti. Meals at all Hours. Best Service in the City. MAY STREET . . . HEPPNER I. Heppner, Oregon laaammssmmsm 1 mmBSBBBsmll A wedding of more or less note ccured at the Catholic church laet Sunday in thie city. The contracting parties were Frank McCabe and Misa Norah Doheriy and the ceremony was performed Ly Father Kelley. A wedding dinner was served at the Palace hotel after which tLf happy coupie and a ltre fchare ol f stH 'pft for the Jas. Dohertj lore a dance was engai?f.-G knowL prett ia until Holiday moraing. Both parties are well l ie, JIhs Pditrty. a Irh.b i: !, w':o ha? ir.aile her horn with. L-ir Lrothc.-induw, Ja.h. Dohciiy, is v,t!i ihouht cl by hci frifcadji ar,d Mr. McCabe is a pros perccs ehepprn.n and owns the T!:f. r:it!'-'?j 'inch on Butter ci-lk, v.Lt-ii; iLe couple will maLt Ibcir home. To kill a gmzly bear al one tKol require! t mighty powerful cartndK" and a strong, accurate gun. Poor guni have cost many lives among big game hunters. But whether the game be dangerous ox Dot the 777srrfin man alwayi geu perfect service. 77?orifl rifles are tare, simple, strong and accurate. fflurfin rifles are comfortable to carry, balance well and eome to the shouMrr with that ease and certainty which guarantees gxxl shooting always. Wtzt&t 2:s are made ia all calibers for all kinds ol game. Send 6 cents in stamps for a catalogue, and you will surely find the gun you have been looking tor. be it anything from .22 to 43-yO 77ic TTIarlrzJIrearns Co., 42 V.'iDcw Street, New Haven, Conn. -e . --V 4 . . -. t 5 n IS 1)12 1VJ MEN'S FURMI Staple and Fancy Groceries. Stock men's Supplies a Spccialv. Courteous Treatment. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sam Hughes Co, is-?T.; rj. V ft, : 2 i.-l&tiiCi sss 1 iff . -'11 Headers Binders Hay Rakes Every thing needed in the harvest field. We are doing things in Farm Machinery. See our modern, up-to-date farm equipment, the best. GILLIAM & BISBEE At. The Brick Saloon We carry in stock only a very higb (jrade of Barrel and Jiolllcd Goods We carry tbe Jeail iog brauua of FINE CIGARS THE BREWERY The Best Liquors and Wines. HOPGOLD BEER Leading Brands of C. F. McCarter, Prop Cigars THE ALPS John Zolll(!er, Proprietor Wines, Liquors and Cigai s Lunelics of all Kinds irardinnn, Oivgon Draft and B M Beer. DarrsEB, Obeg&k. Ideal Gentlenmii's Eesort MLLIARI) AND POOL ROOMS We take ppprial pride in keeping onr Tobacco and Ciaars in excellent condition. Forty different lirandet ot Ligh grade cigars constantly in etock. Try oue of our Ilavanas. Cigars wholesale and Retail.