Orogou niritorioal Sooiafy City Hull HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1907 NO. 1131 VOL. 24. orN. PUOFESSIOITAL CA-XX5S. Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Btreet Heppiier, Oregon. C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNEY-A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Phelps & Notson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Odd Fellows BldR Heppner, Oregon. HIGGS & VV1NNARD PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Special attention given to diseases of the eye, ear, nope rind throat. Office: Tbe Fair BaildiDg. IfKPrNKR, Oregon. Frank B. Kistner, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson & Son's drugstore Resideuce in Morrow building over Patterson A Son's Drugstore. DR. METZLER. DKXTIST Located in Odd Fellows building. Rooms 5 and 6. DR. JW. A. LEACH Permanently looated in Heppner. OfHce in tbe new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. Belvedere FINEST WINES LIQUORS & CIGARS. One hundred empty barrels for sale. Five hundred barrels of ex tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . HEPPNER, ORE. Buy on Credit F this $60 Machine for $25 FREIGHT PREPAID. Tt 1. . Mffh-fcrm. droll head, bull bearing, lock ititcb, doubla feed, aelf threading ahnttle: hai automatic bobbin winder and other lateat improve ment!. Thia li the ANTI TRUST MACHINE. It li the same machine agenta are aoking you ffiO for. All attachment. go with aaah machine. Bold for only , -..h unit 13 mnnlhlT. Write TOOtT for free nilNITURE CT10GUE -howing , i vi ouum ws will whip (Fre aht frepald) on Eatr fament-our new CREDIT plan. Covurtr Furniture Company 17S173FlratSt, PORTLAND, OR. 8. E. CARR. Pre B. F. CULP, Vice Bank of f Heppner Capital Stock $50,000 Fully Paid LOANS MADE AT EIGHT PER GENT r: PER ANNUM Organized under tho laws of the state of Oregon $23,000 daylight burglar insurance, carried Member of the American Hankers Association Insured Bank money orders issued Accounts by mail solicited All communications answered the same day they are received The Plank of Heppner through its large connections is in a position to extend large accommodations and the greatest safety o all its depositors FOUR PER CUT INTEREST PAID 0,1 TIP1EIEP11SITS W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstract books in Morrow oouuty. Hkppnkr, Oregon. Groshens & Shaw ' Proprietors Union Saloon WINES, LIOUORS THE CELEBRATED Indcrweis BEER High Grade Cigars IIEPrNEU, OREGON The Brick Saloon We carry in stook only a very high grade ot Barrel and Bottled Goods We carry tbe lead ing brands of FINE CIGARS Draft and Bottled Beer. Hkppner, Oregon. Liberty Moat Market Boyer & Wherry Fresh and Salted Meats Fish on Fridays Highest market price paid for fat stock HEPPNER. OREGON For news and opinions tba Oregonlan. Pres. W. S. WHARTON. Cashier BEOULRTIOHS BF F0BE3T RESERVE Allotment of Territory by the Stockmen. COMMITTEES WORK HARD Only two Allotments to be Made Thli Year. The meeting of Btockmen in terested in the Heppner Forest Reserve, held in Heppner last week, came to a close last Satur day evening after a Btrenuous week's work. p;verything was Bettled as well as could have been expected under the circumstances. While a number of etockmen are not entirely satisfied with the results of the meeting, still a great many are inclined to believe that ultimately the reserve policy will be for the best. Anyhow, the stockmen in gen eral have been impressed with the objecis of the meeting. Now, that the reserve has been created, conditions that are differ out from former times are here and uiust be confronted. In order to establish the forest reserve policy, a1 meeting was ab solutely necessary in order lor the men in charge of the forestry de partment to get at the actual facts in determining a solution as to the equitable adjustment of the questions involved. Who could be better acquainted with the facts than the stockmen themselves? The main question was: Who was really entitled to graze in the Heppner forest reserve? The Gazette hopes that this has been settled right. The next question was the allotment of the range privileges. In this the representatives of the stockmen in their committees have 6poken bs published below: The Heppner forest reserve con tains 292,176 acres. For this amount of public range there are approximately 250 stockmen ask ing for grazing or trail privileges. For grazing purposes alone per mits were asked for 122,185 sheep, 19,215 being rejected; 222 horses were rejected out of the applica tions for 831; permits for 13,275 cattle were asked for; out of this uumber 11,259 were approved. With the exception of John Madden and the Butte Creek Land & Livestock Co., no allotments will be made this year. The two allotments w ill be made owing to the fact tLat the parties are now running sheep within the limits of the Lone Rock cattle range. Krporta of Committees. A serious problem and a heavy burden of the work in arriving at conclusions and results rested up on the members of the different committees appointed by both the bheop End cattle inteiests. The fact is apparent that the seutiment of fairness and a desire to furnish a report that would be as free from favoritism as possible was uppermost in the minds of the men in charge of the committee work. The question of territory allot ment coming under what is the start of a system which is entirely new and different from the condi tions which have prevailed for many years was certainly difficult to handle.; The committeemen worked hard and exhibited patience indeed in their deliberations. SPASl'MS TO GUARD 'SKIPS against the unseen dangers it SM, WrfMMMvWi &e United States Government maintains lighthouses. L.MMII...I.. ,,, , W W-" .?x..7ZKZX-'JZl't The work required both day and night sesions from Tuesday after noon nntll Saturday evening at 8 o'clock when the work was fin ished. The reports follow: Heppner, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1907. Hon. D. 13. Sle;ler, Forest Superintendent, Sir: We, your committee of cattle and sheev men for the Eastern Division of the Heppner Forest R-serve, do hereby agree to set aside for the Willow Creek cattlemen, the following described ter ritory, to wit: Commencing at the N. E. corner of Sec. IS, Tp. 4 S. R 29 E ; thence run ning three nvles Wasl to N. V. corner of jSec. 14; thence South miles; thence East mile; thence South mile; thence East 1 mile; thence South miles, thence East to intersect the Arbuckle and Boots Camp wagon road; thence following the old Arbuckle road in a northerly direction to the place nf beginning at theN E. corner of Sec. 18. We further agree that that part of the reserve Iving east of the following line shall be used exclusively for cattle and hoses, viz: Beginning at the N. W. corner of Sec. 24, T. 4 S., R 29 E. M. thence south 3 miles, to the S. W. cor ner of Sec. 36, thence East 1 mile to S. E. corner of said section, thence South 5 miles to South reserve boundary, at N. E. comer of Sec. 36, T. 5 S., R 2i E. W. M. Geo. L. Horsman, J. Y. French, H. B. Uiliuan. C A. Minor, John Kil kenny, V. B, Barratt. Heppner, Ore on, Feb. 2:5, 1907. Hon. I). B. Sheller : We, t ! joint committee of sheep and cattle men for the Eastern Division of Heppner Forest Ies?rve, do hereby agree to set aside for the Madison Butte cattlemen the following described terri tory : Commencing at the N. W. corner of Sec. 19, T. 5 S. R. 27 E. W. M. ; thence running d-ie East to the N. E. coi ner of Sec. 22 ; ''lence south .'I miles to the S. E. corr '. of Sec. Gl ; thence Weft 4 miles t - the S. W. corner of Sec, thence v. y th to place of beginning in T. 5 S U. 27, E. W. M. We further recommend that the cattlem-n from the lower Pola nus have the following described territory: Commencing at S. W. corner of Sec. 30, T. (1 S., R 28 E. W. M. ; thence 1 mile North; thence 4 miles East; thence l1 miles uorth ; thence l1 3' miles west; thence disgonallv across S. W. quarter of Sec 2i to the S. W. corner; thence West lV miles to N. E. corner of Sec. 2-"; thence north 14' mile; thence West ., mile; thence north '4' mile; thence West mife; thence north '4 mile; thence West J mile, tnence south 1 mile; thence East i mile; thence To guard your heme against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enr.ct3d a pure food law. The lav compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. The Government has made the label ycur protection so that you can avoid alum read it carefully, if it docs not say pure cream cf tartar hand it back and Sap piamty ROYAL is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder a pure product of grapes aids the digestion adds to the health fulness of food. south to township line at S. W. corner of Sec. 34, T. S., 28 E. W. M. ; thence amth to boundary line at S. W. corner of Sec. 3, T. 7 S. R. 23 E. W. M. ; thence East following boundary line to place of beginning. Geo. L. Horsman, J. D. French, H. B. Gi man, C. A. Minor, John Kil kenny, W. B. Barratt. TRAIL NO 1. We the committee of sheepmen rec commend the foil wing described trail across' the Weetern Division of the Heppner Reserve. On the old estab lished trail commencing at a point where the Lone Rock and Haystack road intersects the reserve on the N. in Tp. 6 S. S. R.24 E. and thence along the dividing ridge between the waters of Kalher creek, Haystack creek on one side and Walt creek on tho other and thence leaving the ridge between Wall and Kalhpr creeks to a point near the Rockv ridge horse corrall and follow the most practical route to a point about ?4 mile below th junction of Wall and Wilson creeks, thence N. E. one mile to top of rim between Big and Little Wall creeks, thence E. to Monument end Heppner wagon road. J. H. Wyland, L. A. Miller, Geo. Perry, W. W. Steiwer, T. J. Merrill, R. J. Carsner. flKST gATIONAL jjAIvlv OF HEPPNER. (J. A. RHEA President I . W. CONSER....: Cashier T. A. RHEA.! Vio President I E. L. FKEELAND. .AssistHut Cashier Transact a General Bankinq Business. Four per cent, paid on Time Deposits. EXCTI ANOE OK A T.I. PA ST.-5 O? T!! Wr: T V'VS-IT y -il.'J Collections made on ail pomtson re.ifotiaV.eterms. fir; v. ! :-. '.:vi tc ! rr': iJ. fx 3 POWDER TIFT trail so 2. Hi ppner, Oregon, Feb. 23. 1907. Hon. D. B. Sheller, Sit: We, the joint committee of sheep and cattle men from the Eesstern District o the Heppner Forest Reserve, woul i recommend tht trail No, 2, beginning at a point where the Monument County road intersects the North boundary of the Reserve, be amended in that s;iid trail shall be one half mile wide from the beginning point to the S. W. quar ter of Sec. 0, T 6 S. R. 28 E. W. MM and the balance of said trail shall ba one-quarter mile wide, except a stop over or camp one half mile square where the old trail crosses the G'Osnerj 'and on Mallory Creek, and also a stop over or camp on East side of main Pot amna Creek, one half mile wide and one mile up and djwn the creek; thence East to reserve boundary. (Signed by same committee as absve..) tkail so. 3. Beginning ht Bo t Camp ; thence in a southeasterly direction along county road past Arbuckle Springs; thence about 2 mtles along said roa t to forks on ridge between Ellis and Pole creeks,; then down the rige along this road to crossing of Ellis Creek, thence around the head of Deep Creek, alontr the ridge between Deep and Matlock creeks to where it intersects tiail No. 2 on the Concluded m page J.j PflLflCE HOTEL HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Hotvi MOwERN' CONVENIENCES E.ECTR:C LIGHTED . . . Under" New! Management. Thoroughly RenoTftted rjd Kffiitted. Best Mfrls in tbe City. M1PPUCR CO. FrofA