The Heppner Gazette KstrHishv March 30. 1SSS. ISSUED THURSDAY MORNING. Fred Warnoek Kntored at tbe rostofl ce at Heppner Oregon, a second-class matter. Thursday.... December 13, 1906 BETTER UNITED (Continued from first page) THE MA 11. OttUKH HOI SE. now n r'arnirr Vies 'transaction Willi Kuktcrii Firms. Shears ami Suwbuck kept a etcr ! Such rs nevr whs befue. City foiks ti.ev wouldn't sel', Wuuuleii't let em have a Miiell. Fetched their money but by jtn ! Coilhiu b-iy a lilted thinw! Cjiildeti't meet 'em face fb face An' tiien sell 'em with mod urace. Country tra le was w hat I hey sought Folks wlm'd ji.iy fur what Kiev bought 'Fo;e tl.ey sn it, hide or tail. They send ca'aloues by mail Out to every h!ise I one i;ttin mail at Possum Kiin. We set up at night t nd read When we'd or'er been in bed. Look vv.n 'bout as bikj as sin Had a 'or f picters in. And a 'i-t ' f nifchandise, Kveiy kinl and every sie f iivin' prici." they swore Knocked out every country stoie 1ioked ko straight and seemed 80 true I bile at i: Jim did too. Jim's my neighbor Vros tlie way Best man ever woiked in hay, Jest let him top off a st rk Shed ram like a turtle's back. Plesnre j3St to see h:m work, Never knew ol Jim to shirk : Singa a scythe like it was play Love to watch him n the wav. Well, we lii e a pair of fools, Seat off -got some havi'n tools. Jim co" l a-n --98 and a plo, I , a ran I see it now ; Drate the thing, it was so light Used the thing for torch at night; Tbiow'd the darn thing in the yard Use it now for renderm' lard. "Fo-e Jim used the plow an hour Foun 1 tnat it wo ildn't scour: Tried his harness broke a tug dSoug-t for solace in his jug In the cooler all that night Jim reflected on his plight; la the morning Richard Stout, Hardware merchaot, bailed him out. Jim said after that he'd stick Close asbaik to good ol' Dick. Since he left fhe Tossum jail Says he won't buy goods bv mail, &ays I ilea's cheaper, am how Might have saved Home on tbe plow, On tue oilier tjods some more, At his ol' friend's ha. '1 ware 6tore. Jim say?, "we raVt sell no truck To :cii f-.lks a.s Shears- Sawhuck. Thev' 1 take all cur cash away I', it w n't n". (' n 'r bay." Thai peniifl pu: '.v strange to me, So I t-jid ! . in ' 'd e 1 w iiZe to them that night Ji?t to Fc-e if Jim was riht. A'.' 'em "What they'd pay for cats? Conld they use pome likely shoats? Had abnii- four tuns of hay 1 conld ship 'em right away. Could I furnish Mr. Snears With bis family ronstin' ears? Also would my friend Sawbuck Buy fome of my garden truck?" Answei came one summer day, Faid they "Couldn't use our hay, Couldn't use our shoats nor oats. Didn't 1 ki our billy goats. When they needed truck to eat Boagbt it down on Water street fiorry bH they nmit refuse Anything but cxth to use. I sat down and wrjte 'em then: "liate to troub e you aain, But I want to thank you, sirs, For your bunch of cockle burrs. Jf you e yo:ir fellow man, I him 'd, si , hen you can While ou- merchants sweetly sleep FLeurs Sawbscks shear our sheep.' Sx nn-n r . ' p -hitettiarv Pen ter.f" t Lew i-'oi , l lahe, during the term ff nrt wirch sijourned Decem ber 8. j opening of tbe Columbia, irriga tion, and io fact all of our interests point out the logical conclusion that we should work together." Dr. N. G. Unlock, of Walla Walla, tbe veteran advocate of an open river, was tbe next apeaker. Dr. BlaluOk'ri address was both in structive and able. He said that while be was not a citizen of Oregoo, he was a near neighbor, and that our interests were onp. That he was here on an important mission. "Washingtou has not ch ne her part iu the development of this grea- pit of tbe northwest in the past," said the speaker. "The cau-e was from the lack of a proper KaJer. The state is now waking up to her interests and re SDonsibilites. I tefer to an oppu river. Oregon hns given 300,000 and I am ashamed that Washing tou has not given a cent," con tinued the speaker. The doctor explained that the reason that Washington had ndt given anything was on account of the constitution, but that now Washington would do her part as neighbors and citizens. Tbat a bill would be passed appropriating $300,000 for the Columbia river. Next year with three Bteam- boats on the upper river, while the business might not be great, he expected regulation of freight rates from the ocean to the Inland em pire. He said that we were pay ing a larger tribute to the rail roads than any other state io the Union. With an open river we will have the paraphernalia to regu late freight rates. As an object lesson tbe doctor quoted rates between Tbe Dalles and Portland He said that he expected to live to see the time when the rate on wheat would be only one halt what it is now. Hut we mast unit) to ac complish results. Prof. Lyman, of Walla Walla was the npxt speaker. By com parison of statistics, the speaker put in a strong plea for an open river and tbe benefits to come from united efforts on the part of Oregon and Washington. Rev. Allen, of Irrigon deliverod a bright and interesting talk on irrigation. Rev. Allen's loyalty for hts district was greatly admir ed. Rev. Allen said that be would l prefer to take the water out of the channel of the Columbia and put it on the sands, nnd it would he only a short time nntill we would have 50,000 people and open river. TheJ speeches were interspers ed with splendid music by the Eagles band. After the speeches, Secretary Willis, of the Umatilla League, stated that tbe most important part of the meeting was to come. Mr. Willis stated that tbe time had arrived for the merging of the two county leagues which was the main intent of tbe mee ing. Mr. Willis made a good business talk. G. W. Phelps moved thht a com mittee of five be appointed on resolutions. After the atpoint nient of the committee by the chair, the meeting adjourned to meet the next day at the com mercial club rooms and unite the two clubs. THIKD DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE. Wednesday's meeting at the commercial club rooms was a .short one. The following resolutions rganiza ion till the k neral meetbu in March next. Besolvad that the Third District De velopment League indorses the con struction of a jute mill by the State at tbe Penitentiary at Salem. Oregon and asks onr Senators and Representatives in Legislature to support sncb a measure. Resolved, that tbe Third District De velopment League favors action to sub scribe stock in the company to the ex tent of 850,000,known as tbe Open River Transportation Co. to an amount equivalent to that already held in Port land, said amount to be apportioned to the different localities of Eastern Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, by the Directors of the Association. Resolved that the Third District De velopment Leaune transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States the fo lowing expression. To the Honorable Secretary of tbe Treasury of the United States. The Third Db'.rict Development League ft its meeting in Heppner, Ore gon Dec, 11 and 12, consisting of 10 JO repreentativezens cities of Oregon and Washington desires to recognize with gratitude your liberal recommendations for the opening of the Columbia River, and to assure you tbe States of Oregon, Wiifhing'on and Idaho are fully alive to the vast benefits of this work and are now actively moving to co-operate with the Federal Government in accomplishing it at the earliest possib'e date. With best acknowledgement, Very Respectfully Yours, Third District Development League. Resolved, by the Third District Devel opment League that the shortage of cars and general inadeqncy of railway facilities by the O. K. N. Co. is so detri mental to ail business interests as to call for both public and private, investi gations, and that unless reasons not yet apparent can be fie red by the Company, it is subject to censure for a disregard of the proper interests of tbe country tributary to its lines. Resolved, that the Third District Develop went League, io view of the unsatisfactory terminal facilities at tbe Western end of the Portage Railroad, favors the extension by the State of Oregon of the said road to Dalles City, with the proviso tbat a free right of way and free terminal be furnished by the locality. Resolved, that the Third District Development League endorses tbe movement ot tbe Federal government toward tbe establishment of good roads, and reoognizes gratefullv tbe work thus far done and pledges itself to co-operate in so far as possible in its further prose cution. Resolved, that the Third District1 Development Leagne recognize with leartfeit gratitude the manifestation of interest in this meeting and the aim of this league shown by tha towns oo the line, Echo, Herraiston, Umatilla, Irrigon, lone and Lexington, and in these manifestations, the league sees the promise of its complete success. Resolved, tbat this convention ex tend ttt s ncere thanks and appreciation ot ti e courteous manner in which the people of H ppner has entertained tbe visiting members of tbe lesgne. Resolved that the League extend Its thanks to tbe Eagle's band of Pendleton for tbe excellent music furnished for the occasion. The editorial page ot tbe Weekly Ore xonlan ctvaa a broad traatnMBt to a wida rano of aubjeota, The Modesty of Women Naturally makes them shrink from the Indelicate questions, the obnoxious ex aminations, and unpleasant local treat ments, which some physicians consider essential in the treatment of diseases of women. Yet, if help can bo had, It Is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread. The trouble Is that so often the woman undergoes all the annoyance and shame for nothing. Thousands of women who have been cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion write In appreciation of the euro which dispenses with the examinations and local treatments. There is no other medicine so sure and safe for delicate women as "Favorite Prescription." It cures debilitating drains, irregularity and female weakness. It always helps. It almost always cures. It is strictly non alcoholic, non - secret, all its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper; con tains no deleterious or habit-forming drugs, and every native medicinal root entering into its composition has the full endorsement of those most eminent in the several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of its ingredients, will bo found in a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also in a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, l Buffalo, N. Y. Theso professional en dorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials. The most intelligent women now-a-days insist on knowing what they take as med icine Instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever is offered them. "Favorite Pre scription " is Of KNOWS COMPOSITION. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. . Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser Is sentrcr on receipt of stamps to pav expense of mailing oniy. Send to Dr. It. . Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications are held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorate and regulate stomach, liver and bowels. 4-S47. SlackkoMari' moating. Notice is hereby given that . the Annual Meeting of the stockholders of tbe Oregon Northern Railway Company will be held at tbe office of C. E. Wood son in tbe City of Heppner, en Tuesday the Uth day of December, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for tbe purpose of electing directors and for tbe transac tion of such other business as may come before tbe meeting. O. E. WOODSON, Secretary. Dated Dec. 10, 1906. Novl5-Dec6. The Famous EUMH HI The Weppnec Oaaette tbe news of Mor row County; The Weakly Oregonian tna news and thought of the world. Both at a special prlca. Inquire or address Tbe Oaaette, Heppner. Or. Tbe news of both bamiapbarea m Tba Weekly OreKonian. THE BREWERY The Best Liquors and Wines. HOPGOLD BEER Leading Brands of C F. McCarter, Prop. Cigars Extra High Grade Old Goods HANDLED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE PALACE BAR Oregon Short line and union Pacific Red Front Livery & Feed SatDles Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS :LIVERY RIGS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon. December 7th. 1908. Kotlce ia hereby riven that Maln-tk.n ft Halnee ol Harduiat), Urexoii, ha filed iioiice of hli intention to make hnal hve year proof In upport of his claim, .viz: Homestead K'ntery No. 11375 made ut.. 20. Mi. for the MkSKU of Sectljn 12, Tp. 63oaih Kaage 25 Ktet, uta 2 and 3 and Sk'4NW'-4 of Section 7, Township n Sou h, Kaiige & YV. M., anl ihn eaid p'oof will ba made before the County Clerk, at Uepp uer, Oregon, on Jnu.ry li, m7. ne name the following witnesses to prove his continuous rettidenoe upon and cultivation of Atid land, viz.: Win. l.iiHlling, of Troutdaln. Oregon, David H. Jenkins, of Dayton, Washington. AUt-dAf-L T. UL,AS, Register. D-cl3-Janl0. THE CASH SHOE STORE Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now Buy Them Here Where You Get Your Moneys Worth Shoes and Slippers For Father, mother, sister brother, husband, wife and sweetheart are a useful and accepted gilt. We carry the Best makes. The Best are the cheapest to Save You Money Kept constantly on hand and can be furnishes on short notio to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Burjules CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WK CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : HepDner, Oregon We Guarrantee Tbe lirtle chill of M. King, who lives wLijli cover the v!iiV ground ' r.ear innvsue, laK.rna county, was ; r nuw.l m. niim-iiiv " burned to death by its clothes innitinp j - .. r . ,, , ., , , i hereas, the two Counties of L ma from the fire in if," kitchen stove. .. , ' ... ! tiliA a n 1 .Morrow have orfariized 1'e-vel-f'i.".it l.-.i.'i:e-i whose ohjects are identical, namely the improvement of I the two counties and of the entire region j, :r. 'he cae of litis contignruq to the Columbia river, in- Jensen, a prominent randier an.! stork-icu jng the complete opening ot the in itk - river Htrict, charged j river and in the f.'h.Tj. o..t ith nniawtully f'-'icii.g ' t f- of government land, the jrj, a;e ii'.i out for eeveral Lours, fai'ed Juet at the hor1tir rr. le. Ya While U.o ,uv;.t . v frHvinj! atelv to .i" v!a'i O - chill's th- hou-e burutd Jown. At V, :.: :i v:j, if. the i !e-per- A Few Other Useful Presents Hose, Socks, Gloves Ties, Suspenders, Silk Handkerchiefs, Dress Shirts, Collars Suit Cases. Don't forget the TALKING MACHINES An Angel Cake that H more delicious than the Nectar the Gods fed on high OlTmpo. wa will furnish yon if your palate craves it, bot for good, ordinary wordly. everyday fare there's nothing that will compel with onr pare and delicious breads, healthful, palataMe and nutelclona. We pride ourselvea on making the the best bread in this part of the state, and those who use It will bear Ua np in onr aa- ertion. Geo. Rohrman. I Whereas a meeting of the citizens of j both counties at Heppner on Dec, 11, j i was enthusiastically conducted without 0 'l-rtL' renrd to county hoandirles, aod with! i-t moment the lands i an evident and fu.l appreciation of the J'r' Me lake, Idaho, ' common benefits to all: Thertfore, which h 1 ; were wi: h ir.i-'i land boaiJ v. , h vertid for sale. 1 .'lis action of the the approval of vety on i ;t:a'i.t - i with this pictures- l'ie spot. The stale laud around Like ebo-i : " 'e e s'ate j-srk. be it Resolved that the two counties be united under the title of the Third Dis trict Development League and that the thisjby-lawi and fficers of the Umatilla County Leagne be retained ia tie Be Ideal Gentleman's Resort 1ULLIARI) AND POOL ROOMS We take special pride in keeping our Tobacco and Cigars in excelient conditioo. Forty different brands ot high grade cigars constantly in stock. Try one of our Hayanas. Cigars wholesale and Retail. I lm Eughes Co. I I I Hf STORE j !j Groceries I ;!' Our Specialty ; i EVERYTHING : !l: NEW ; FRESH i; : AND jj CLEAN j: WE CAN PLEASE YOU J; Onlv Line EAST via salt lake ana Denver TWO TRAINS DAILY- Daily TIME 8CHKDULEB D'y DkPAKTS .. ABKIVBS Hiri'NBR, Ob. Fast Mall-For 9:00 a.m. East and West Faat Mall From Kaat and West 6:35 p. m. Express For 9:00 a.m. Sast and Weal Express From Xaal and West 5;5p. STEAMER LINES. Boat service between Portland, Astoria, Oroson City, Day ton, Salem, Independent. Corvallli and all Columbia and Willamette River points. SNAKE PHVIR ROUTE. Bteamev aeHreen Rlpasta and Law!ton leave Rl parte daily at 10:40 a. m. except Saturday, rtturnUileava Lew Is ton dally at 7 a. m. except Friday. J. B. BUDDLESON, Aaaat, Happnar, WaMsMURRAY, O.F.. Before Yon Order Tombstones, Marble or Granite Work Yon will do well to Bee Monterastelli Brothers and get prices. Tbej have a fine stock on band. MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, ORE. THE ALPS John Zollinger, Proprietor Wines, Liquors and Cigais Lunches of all Kinds Hardman, - - Oregon I The Palm ' Robert Hart, Prop, i; ; Ice Cream Soda ;! ; High Grade Cigars j ' Fresh Candies I Nuts and Fruits Lunch (Hoods Ice Cold Coca Cola Orangeade Iloot llcvv Met UAi Friedrich THE TAILOR Is here again and to stay. Oar knowledge and skill in the ait of taking measures, cutting and makinu garments enables ns to give perfect satisfaction to tbe man seeking good fitting clothes. Remember ail the work is dona right here and cot in Eastern sweat shops. FRICOIIICH, THE TAILOR