The Heppner Gazette EatabUshe Mrch SO. 1SSS. ISSUED THURSDAY MORNING. Fred Wanioek Entered at the Fiwtoftice t Heppner Oregon, at second-class matter. Thursday October 4, 1900. Tea Satisfaction Bring yourself to comprehend by comparison, the magnitude of single industry that promise? t stow away into Uucle S.imV pockets 150,000,000 a year more than ia now swelling them almost to burstmg and this huge sum. too, going principally iuto the bands of farmers and farm laborers. Ttin amount would bp more than enough to pay the nation's pension rolls find would nearly maintain the army and navy. At the average, nnnnal expenditure estimated by Josiah Strong iu the North Atlantic "States, it wonld suppoit 213.0GS families, of 1,022, 726 persons about the'population of Boston and Baltimore. What is this wonderful thing "tbit promises so much? Sugr "beet culture and the manufacture of the bept iuto the product that is demanded in every household. Last year the United States im ported 1,S40,4G6 tons of sugar, valaed at $97,645,449. Upon this waa paid a doty of $51,171,283.18. At the present rate of growth of the beet sugar industry in this coontry, it will be possible to pro vide, soon not only all the sugar needed in America 2,032,216 tons were consumed last year but probably to provide also a surplus i.for export "The industry is advancing by leaps aDd bouuds. Five years ago American beet sugar amounted to 9 per cent of the imports; this year it ia expected to reach 23 per cent, of the imparts. To the farmers alone this season's crop of sugar beets ia expected to bring 820,300, 000; five years ago they received about $8,500,000. It is an industry that brings multiplied blessings in its train Deserts are made to bloom as rose gardens and prospesous commani ties epriDg up like magic ia beet' erowinc sections. Land values increase and enterprises flourish. A veritable magician of prosperity is this heretofore neglected pro duct of the soil. Journal. JAfbbriEg Ml CEYLON SEVEN FLAVORS Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate English Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong Golden Gate Fancy Blend Golden Gate Gunpowder Golden Gate Black and Green 'Packtl in Flavor-Tijht Cartons J. A. Folger & Co., San f, rancisco UET flUAYY SETI5Ci;. lurk nnd IVIIIiams must Serve Four Years lu Stale Penitentiary. And now, according to the Wheatfield, Lexington is the best town in Morrow county. Be care. ful Brother Thomas are you will be in the same ward with the lone Proclaimer. Goat and sheep raisers of Polk county are learning that it pays better to raise the pure-bred than common animate, for the demand for Polk county Angoras, and Lincoln and Cotswold sheep now exceeds the supply. The Riddel and Stump theep and goat farms, in particular, have national fame, especially since carrying away premiums at the St. Louis fair. Fancy prices have been received for much of the livestock b Lipped out of Polk lately. As much as $100 is often obtained for a single "billy" goat, and as high as So a pound Lus teen realized for the mohair. JSTEAOV IMRCtSi:. i:uiM- at llcppnrr Pawtofflce Show 1k Ide t.aln Over t.ast Year. Business at the Heppner post effice for the month of September, like the month of August shows a decided gain over the business for the same month of last year. Money order business for Sep tember of this year amounts to 2210. For the same month last year the business was $1804. Stamp sales for September this vaar were 349 while for the corresponding month of last year me B&ies were c-w. Edward E. Tuik a-.d Char'ea D. Williai s, se'f coa t ssed horse hieves, were sentenced to serve 'our years each ia the state penitentiary by Judge Geo. E. Davis, Mod .i.y afternom . Deputy District Attorney J. E. Marks late last week filed an information aeainst Turn and V illiams and on Saturday both plead guilty. The renten'e is considered a heavy one, as heret fo-e about two ye .rs was the longest sentence given horse thieves Kent tip from this county. Judge Davis nave Turk and W'i'liams a shot t lecture before passing sentence and stated that tiortie stealing was becoming altogether too common in Grant county and he would not at this time or hereafter be lenient with that class of offenders. Both Turk and Williams resided in the north part ot the county. Williams living on a bomest ji d near Kilbride and Turk on his ranch n Cottonwood creek a few miles from Hamilton. Turk has a wifs and two children. Williams is single. Williams was arrested at Pocatella, I labo, wbile en route to Omaha with a carloa 1 of sto'en horses and Turk was arrested near Susanville and after a sensational escape from the sheriff was ajjain caught at La Grande. Turk was implicated with Williams in the ship ment of the carload of horses overhaul ed at Pocatello. Turk and Williams were taken to the penitentiary this week, Sheriff Ambrose leaving here with his prisoners Wednes day morning. Alva Dore, of John Day, and Haaford Lyon, of this city, accom panied the sheriff as guards. Blue Mountain Eagle. EQUALIZATION BOARD MEETING. Only Three Complaints Entered Durlug tue meeting- of Tuc Board, The county boaid of equalization consisting of Judge T. W. Ayerp. Clerk W. O. Hill and Assessor W. S. Conner finished its labors last Saturday. There were threa complaints registered during the meeting of the board. Ed Day appeared before the board to see that no personal property was listed for the reason that he U now a non-resident. J. R. Simons and Mrs. Lichtenthal entered claims of excessive valua tion on their property. Mr. Simons was allowed a reduction of $100 on the valuation of his prop erty while Mrs. Lichtenthai's was left as listed by the assessor. A number of improvements were discovered that had been over looked by the assessor and the added valuations were prDperly enrolled. It was not found necessary to make a raise on any assessment. Oregon Breaks l"p. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 29. Word was received in Seattle late last night by the Northwestern Steamship Company tbat the steamer Oregon, which went on the rocks on Hinchinbrook Island, at the entrance of Prince William Sound, in Alaska, on the night cf September 14, h id broken up and sunk. Several portions cf the uppjr works of the vessel floated to the surface, but were battered to pieces against th9 rocks by fierce storms that have been raging in tbe North for the pa-t few days. Tbe Oregon iua cn the t'cVe ia a dense tog while setkii g the entrance to tbe Sound. The wrecked vessel h s been on the Alaska run.for many years and was known as the "Alassa Flyer," it making about six round tr'ps a year to tbe North. The Oregon bad a checke ed career and was at one time aid to be unseaworthy. A cement hull was rigged up and tb.9 vessel once again was placed in commission. At Marysville, Ky., James Chester Savage, aged 13, confessed that he de liberately shot his cousin, Wiliam L Savage. The boy said : "I love cousin, but I just wanted to shoot somebody, so I shot him." Cures Woman's Weaknesses. We rcfor to that boon to eak, rotrvous, suffering women known as Dr. l'lerce'i FavorlUs Prescription. Dr. John Fyfo one of the Editorial Staff of The Eclectic Medical Review says j material, he has accumulated an ex- ot Unicorn root (HelonUia Diolca) which : haustive array of valuable (scientific Is one of the chief ingredients of the "Fa-, facts, which he presents so pleasingly SOON TO APPEAR. George Gilbert Bancroft,: ' The Famous Educator and. Lecturer needs no formal introduction to the American public. Hailing trom the city by the Golden Gate, for fifteen consecutive seasons he has appeared upon the platform in all of the pria cipal cities on the continent. By edu cation both a lawyer and physician; by natural adaptation and preference an educator, lecturer and entertainer, Dr. Bancroft brings to the platform a wealth of practical and technical knowledge and experience such as few of his chosen profession possess. Stu diously inclined from his youth, natur ally of an investigative tendency along original lines, his mind at an early age became centered in the fascinating study of Human Nature. To hold the key to man's mind became his dream; "To know thyself" became his motto. Having made a special study for years of Insanity, criminology, soci ology and original psychological re search, be stands today one of Amer lea's greatest authorities in the study of insanity, normal and abnormal men tality, criminology, etc., his ability to see in man's face, form and actions a reflection of the mentality and predis position within is not a speculative philosophy, but an exact and mathe matical science. Privileged by profession to travel extensively both at home and abroad, and being constantly alert for new vorito Prescription "A remedy which Invariably arts as a uter ine In vU'orator makes for normal ac tivity of iho entire reproductive system." lie continues "In llelonias we have a medica ment which mure fully answers the aiiove purpose than mi; other drug with which I am ai-iuaint'd. In tin; treatment of diseases pu ruliar to women it is seldom that a case Is wen which docs not present some indication for this remedial agent." Iir. Fyfo further says: "The fullowinir are amontr the leading Indications for llelonias (L mcorn loot), l ain or aching in the hack, with leucorrliiea ; ! atonic hvc.iUi conditions of the reproductive organs of women, menial depression and ir ritability, associated with chronic diseases of I the I epiod active orirans of women; constant j hciisiiuon oi neai in ine region 01 me kiu and startlingly from the public plat form that to hear him once only in sures that you will make strenuous efforts to hear him again. Not only has he acquired fame as a versatile and logical platform reasoner and in structor, but he brings to his aid a spontaneous, blunt, eccentric humor that is well nigh irresistible. From hilarious laughter to sympathetic tears has become his consummate art. Dr. Bancroft is an inspirational speaker, steering clear of the set and reir: neys: nienorrhak-ia (flooding), due to a weak- ol'.y platitudes of the average plat- a WC8K- 4 .i i i- ...! ened condition of the reproductive system; ulaml ,lt l;l,ls a""a unng nio amenorrhea isurpressed by absent monthly noarers. ills reasoning is exact ana periods', arisi-iir from or accompanying an profound ana ane mic i 11,111 iiioxi i iiaoit; uratrk'niir bensatii ns ia the extreme lower part of the abdomen." If more or loss of the above symptoms are prc.-nt, no invalid woman can do better tiiaii tuke l)r. Pierre's Favorite Prescription, one of tflie leading Ingredi ents of which Is Unicorn root, or llelonias. and the mdical properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Finley Elllngwood, M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: It 1 an Important remedy in disorders of tbe worn li. In all catarrhal conditions and federal entablement, it is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to iu g-eneral effect on the yitem, Ihrrt it no nwdfeinc in WM about ichirh there it ucA general uwinfmtf y vf opinion. It Is itnfrerwiUy regarded as CAc tonic useful in all debilitated states." Prof. R. Kartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical CollegA, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable In ntrln hAmnrrtiitffL tnAnAr- rtiada (fluodlnr) and congest ire dyamenur- rtKna (painful menstruation). . fierce Favorite Prescription faith- Dr. frilly repisa4nta all the above named In- mdienta and cures the diseases for which they are recommended. his logic perfect, his lan guage is torso and blunt, yet fluent and fascinating: his wit and humor startling, original and laugh-producing: his imitations eccentric and true to life, and his instruction is priceless; he leaves you with a practical and new jewel that you may treasure for all time in your eternal storehouse of memory, not made by hands the hu man mind. Dr. Bancroft Is ably assisted each evening by the charming Vocalist and Impersonator, D. Lillian Lewis, In a brilliant and versatile repertoire of vocal and literary gems. Miss Lewis Is no novice In the art of platform en tertainment. Endowed by nature with an artistic temperament, a sweet voice and a pleasing personality, she has under the constant guidance and sug gestion of some of the best artists gradually advanced to the enviable po sition which she holds today The peer of the best Opera House, Heppoer, one week beginning Monday, October 8. . Cash Shoe Store RUBBERS WALES GOODYEAR We Have a Complete Assortment of Rubbers, Overshoes, Arctics, Rubber Boots, Arctic Sox, Felts and German Sox The Best tte is ftbldmr WE SELL 'EM Boys and Girls all Wear Village School Shoes and Black Cat Slockinsrs. I GILLIAM & BISBEE GENERAL HARDWARE FARM MACHINERY HARDWARE TOOLS CUTLERY TINWARE We Have a First Class Plumber GILLIAM & BISBEE 4-283 R. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Bale,) (Public Land (Isolated Traot.) U. S, Land Ollice, LaQrande, Oregon, September 18, 1U06. Notice ia hereby rlven. that nt directed by the Comml68oiiur of the General I-aud Office, under provlHioiiR of act of Congress approved June 27, m, Public No. son. we will oiler at public sale, to tbe highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 2Mh day of October, next, at this office, the following tract of lend, to-wit: i N W'4 Sec. 0. tiKli Sec. 4, T. 1 8. B. 27 E W. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above described hinds are advised to tile their claims, or objoctioim, ou or before the day above designated for sale. E. W. DAVId, Register. No. 5394. 8ept20-Oot25. 4 283 a. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. me.) (Publio Land (Isolated Tract.) U. S. Land Ofilce, LaGrande, Oregon, September 18, 1(106. Notice is hereby given, tlmt as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Ollice, under provisions ol act of Congress approved June 27, 1WM, I'ublic No. 803, w will offer st public sule, to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. in., on the 24th day of October, next, at this ollice, thn following tract of laud, to-wit: ht. ME) beo. T. 3. It. 'tH JS. W. M. Any persona claiming adversely the above described lands are advi -ed to hie their claims. or objections, on or net ore the day above designated for Bale. is. w. ua v IB, uegiiter. No. 53fi4. Septra Oct25. Oregon and union pacific Onlv Line EAST via SALT LORE 0 DENVER TWO TRAINS DAILY. Fait Hall For 9:00 a.m. East and West Fast Mall From East and West 6:85 p. m. Express For 9:00 a, ra. East and West Express From East and West 5:S5p. "it? STEAMER LINES. Boat service between Portland, Astoria, Orogon City, Dayton, Salem, Independence, Corvallls and all Columbia and Willamette River points. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Steamers between Rlparia and Lewlrton leave Riparia dally at 10:40 a. m. except Saturday, returning leave Lewlston daily at 7 a. m. except Friday. J. 13. HUDDLESON, Agent, Eeppner, A. L. CRAIG, WANTED: Gentleman or ladv with good reference, to travel by rail or with a rig, for a firm of lAVMKXl 0(1 capital. Salary ll.072.OU iHr year and expenses; salary paid weekly and expenses advanced. Address with stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Heppner, Oregon. MhjIO-NovIS. Mm CO -Jyyy tctih Tr (f A, Crsod Prix, Paris, 1900 Double Grand Prize, SI. Levis, 1904 Highest Award, Portland, 1903 Columbia Phonograph Co., 90-92 West Broadway. New York. i DC 0V Send me full details of yonr Ksity I'syment and exenaoge nan. A Written Guarantee tgERS " r" II With this guarantee you don't guess you KNOW which is best. ASK YOlit OWN BANKER as to our responsibility and standing. TrCG Trifll Ontl Easy Payment Offer Then send to our nearest dealer or to us, and get our .... This is your chance to secure the CEST TALKING MACHINE MADE, on payments which will not be felt. WE ACCEPT OLD MACHINES OP ANY MAKE IN PART PAYMENT. The Graphophone is the Ideal Entertainer in the Home! Hnvc you ever MSed it? Try il ond judga tor yourself. Name. Addr