Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 07, 1906, Image 5

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    The Weed's News
Local and Personal Happenings
in and About the City.
M. A. Bates of Hardman, is in
tbe city.
V. O. Minor left yesterday for
N. K. Paul, of Hardman was in
the city Friday.
Ed. Far dh worth came up from
Arlington Monday.
B. P. Bleakman, of Hardman,
'W49 in the city Saturday.
Gas Walker, of lone, -was a
JHeppner visitor yesterday.
Percy Jarmon was in from his
'Butter creek ranch, Fridav.
Dr. Higgn, Eyes, Ear, Nose and
Throat. Glasses properly fitted. tf
Semi-Weekly Portland Jonrnal and
Heppner Gazette only $2 00 per year.
Geo. Perry, of Lone Reck, was a
businesa visitor in Heppner, Fri
day. Mr. end Mn. C. A. Lsvgren, of
Gooseberry, were lleppuer vibitois
M. S. Cornwall, of Butter creek,
T. Teel and O. D. Tpel, of Echo
were registered at the Falace,
L. D. McCall has relumed from
a visit to Waitbburg and Dayton,
Phill Colin will pny Highest
Cash price for Beef IIi!es, pells
and furs at Heppner & Co. Ware
C. .E. Jones, of Eight Mile, was
in the city yesterday. Mr. Jones
says that surveying oo the propos
ed Eight Mile railroad is still in
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ayers came
in from Parker's Mill, Tuesday.
Mr. Avers who recently received a
fracture of the ankle is rapidly
ini proving.
Notices are up announcing the
annual school meeting to be held
at the council chamber, on Mou
dy, June 18, for the purpose of
electing a director and clerk.
J. W. Beymer of Hardman, wa?
in the city Saturday; he was ac
companed by his little nephew
Teddy Young, who had been visit
ing in the city for the past two
Come quick and get located on
some of the best timber land in
Morrow and Umatilla counties, for
only $100. These choice claims
will soon be taken. Inquire at
Gazette office for further particu
lars. Mr. D. A. Uerren arrived from
Heppner with his family Thurs
day. Daring his absence, he visit
ed Portland and ordered a fresh
stock of goods, which he is very
anxious to get hauled from tbe
railroad. Spray Courier.
The city council met in regular
session Tuenday evening. Grosh
ens & Shaw whose liquor license
was revoked by the circuit court,
was granted to take effect after
the 18th of June. The ueual
number of bills were allowed.
Kecelrea nigheat Number of Vote
In Oretfonlan Conteet.
Mayor Frank Gilliam returned
from Portland, Monday evening
where he had been as one of tbe
judges in the Oregonian's voting
contest for a trip to Yellowstone
The contest between Miss Ona
Gilliam, of Heppner and Miss
Nola Goad, of Dallas, was spirited
and was contested to the last
minute, however Afies Gilliam
came out with 25,000 votes to
spare. Miss Gilliam is receiving
the congratulations of her many
friends on her success.
James Carty will start in about
10 days for hi old home in Ire
land where he will make an extend
ed visit.
V. II. Heath, deputy game and
forestry warden, was in from his
mountain home, above Hardman,
the latter part of last week. Mr.
Heath reportes that he has torn
out a lot of trout traps which have
been put in on Wall creek, con
trary to law. Mr. Heath states
that he will enforce tbe game
laws strictly arjd if the pai ties who
have b en onttina in tbe traps can
be found they will gat into trouble.
At one plfrCJ he found where a
ditch hfd been (?u.2 from Wall
creek taking out a large amount
of wfter and depositing it in each
a way in r p ol thit fish could net
escape. In a shallow pool in this
ditch he found a large number of
dead trou1. Tbe raetbo 1 of drain
ing the smaller j-trearns in order to
get the trout from the pools must
be Btoppel syn Mr. Heath. He
also stated that a few cattle tlied
during the heavy rain of tbe past
week. In the higher altitudes th?
rain wa3 mixed with ecovv and it
wss ver, ba 1 weather on stcck.
Hill Has the Whip Hand.
Tacoma, Wash., June 2. The report
tbat the II 11 and Harrirnnn interest?
may reach an ireement whereby they
will coo.erat' in the bniiding of
double track down ihe north bank of
tbe Columbia Uire? is not irmerally be
lieved lie-e by railroad men. llarri
man'a title to rights of way on the north
bank is nowhera clear, save at the
Celilo portage road, and that could he
condemned under the detile and canyon
"The defeated may surrender," said
prominent railroad man today, one
too, who bas been in tbe thick of the
north-bank fight, "but he cannot offer a
compromise to tbe disadvantage of the
victor. Harriman can't block the
north-bank line now being built by
Hill. Completed, it wilt shorten the
distance between Portland and Spokane
by five or six hours. Harriman thor
oughly understands how serious a
menace that is to hie interests. He ii
moat apl to improve bis own line to
meet the competition and retaliate by
shortening the journey between Fort
land and the S mod cities.
"But he cannot compromise on a
doable track down the north bank.
Why? The Northern Pacifis bas al
ready surveyed that route for a double
Card of Thacki.
Asa B. Thomson recently sold
100 acres of land on Hatter creek
for $13,500 to V. A. Thomson, his
brother, who expects soon to gradu
ate from the Corvalis Argicultural
college. This land fold a few
years ago for $3.'J0 a section.
Echo News.
Reports from all over Morrow
county are to the effect that the
wheat crop is making a wonderful
growth since the rains have fallen.
Wheat that was badly burned
from the dry weather is taking on
new life and will cow make a
fairly good crop. In the Eight
Mile country there is every indica
tion of a heavy yield, some of the
fields giving promise of CO bushels
to the f ere. Grass is a!so making
a vigorous growth snd 'here will
be plenty of 'eei for st.ci.
The family of the late Mary E. Ayers
take this method of expressing their
heartfelt thanks to the many kind
friends who assisted them during tbe
sickness and death of their mother.
Hood Itlver t'rult Land for Sale.
Buy a ten acre tract of choice straw
berry and apple land in the great Hood
River Valley, Oregon. You can enjo
life and rest comfortably, with a good
income from an ore-hard, after a few
veara labor, growing berries, until
apple trees produce fruit. Plenty of
water for irrigation. Climate best on
earth. I am selling the splendid farm
of M. B. Potter in lots to suit. One
third cash balance terms. $125 to $22
per acre.
Address Frank McFarland. Ag-nt.
lS'.t 13th st, Portland, Oregon.
To tanner and Stockmen..
I ana in posceesion of the brands and
description of nearly all the horses driv
en or ipped from M- rrow and Grant
c unties. All lo have mi'sed horses
from the raoge will pleas report the
earxe to m a once, personally or by
letter. E, M. hctt, SHenff, St
Ilener Conaee to Portland Hex
Oregon wilt again become the center
of land fraud attraction next month.
As eoon as Special Prosecutor Ileney
gets through with tbe letterbook trial of
Binger Hermann in Washington, it is
expected that he will come to Portland
and resume the trial of important cases
pending there.
It is not expected that the Hermann
cases in Washington will ke mueb
time. Now tbat the dilatory tactics of
the congressional defendant have been
put to a corner, and the case is schedul
ed to come to trial before tbe 10th of
nest month, it is expected to fk)ih it in
little time. The government's evi
dence in the letter-book case u believed
to he compact in form and tittle time
will be taken up in placing it before the
jurv. The case is unlike the- long con
spiracy cases heretofore tried.
District Atto'ney Bristol has said that
it is the policy of tbe covernntent to
complete the land fraud casea between
now and fa 1 to c ear the docket. This
means that the federal court house will
be tbe scene of ureal activity soon.
Many important cases are pending
tril. Among tbe notables in official
rank to stai d the shafts ot Prosecutor
Heney and Bristol are Binger Hermann
on the Oregon conspiracy indictments ;
former United Sta'es Attorney John II.
Hall; 8iates Senators F. B. Mays.
George C. Brownell and Iiobrrt A.
Booth. Besides these there are manv
men of prominence in the state and in
the east, mostly indicted by the crand
jury recently adjourned.
Terror will aain strike the hearts of
the timber grabbers when the federnl
grand jary is called into action next
According to a dispatch from Port
land, United States District Attorney
Bisttl bas receivtd a telegram irom
Frauci J. He 'ey. f pecri! prosecutor in
the land fiaml mees, apprUing him of
the fact that the suit of the government
against Binger Hermann, involving the
alleged destruction of 30 letter press
copy books hi longing to the general
land office, W'UilJ come up for trial at
Washington, D. C. not eailier than
June 5, and not later than June 10.
Mr. Heney expressed the opinion that
the taking of testimony would not last
lunger than five days and that in any
vent he would reach there between
June 15 and 20, and be prepared to take
up the first of the Hermann cases be
fore Judge Hunt without further delay.
1 10 W EM
Our entire stock will be placed on sale at money saving prices,
and in addition ourSt. Louis buyer has secured for us many
cases of LOOM ENDS of strictly new desirable and stiictly
the season's merchandise. These will all be priced at less than
k regular wholesale cost. Come expecting big bargains as we
will have them in abundance.
Wednesday June 20,
Death From Lockjaw.
never follows rn ir jury drepsad witb
Bncklen's Amira Salve. Its antiseptic
rd healing properties prevent blood
nnifooiug. ChftS. O-xvftld, merchant, of
ReDsselaersville, N. Y... writes: "It
cured Setb Barch, of this place, of tbe
ujliest sore on bis ceok I ever saw."
Cures Cuts, Wounds. Burns and Sores.
25c at Patterson & Son's drug store.
Foiling The Flag.
When onr foldiers went to Cuba and
tbe Philippines, health was the most
important consideration. Willie T.
Morgan, ret red Commissary Sergeant
U. S. A., ot Rural Route 1, Concord, N.
H., eays: "I was two years in Cub
and two years in the Philippines, and
being aobjeot to cold", I took Dr. King's
New Disoovery for Consumption, which
kept me in perfect health. And now,
in New Hampshire, we find it the best
medicine in tbe world for aongbs. colds,
bronobiat tronb'es and all long diaeaeea.
Guaranteed at Patterson Bon druggist.
Price 50c and f 1.00. Trial bottle free.
to Saturday June 30
Our guarantee of your
entire satisfaction with
each transaction.
1 lie ran
Arrange to come at
least one day during
this great .sale.
FOK SALE miscellaneous lot of wire
cable new and second hand, anv length,
pipe of any description and size,
machinery to suit anybody, write for
prices on anything; mrtal scrap iron
and all kinds of junk end machinery
bought and sold. Address M. Barde &
Son, Portland, Oregon. Aprill9-tf.
The fine Shire Stallion St. Marquis,
will make the season of 1906, as follows:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at
Gordon'a livery stable in Heppner.
Tbe balance of the week at the farm of
T. J. Matlock on Hinton Creek.
Terms Season, 112 50
The Htppner Gaaette the news of Mor
row County; The Weekly Oregoniao Uie
news and thought of the world. Both at
a special price. Inquire cr address Ta
QaseUe, Heppner. Or.
Cash Shoe Store
i New Heater for Winter
And Other PopuZar Makes
Fist Line si Stem ia Morrow I .
Hose For All
White, Chocolate,
Tan and Black
Hose For All
10c to 75c
White Cnnviis
Tan Viri r.n 1 Calf
Dlack Patent ami
(inn Metal
Chocolate Vici
Tan Russian Calf
Rlack Patent ami
(Sun Metal
White Canvas
Chocolate Vici
Dlack Vici ami
We Have a First Class Plumber
Nature's Wondrous
New 10 Inch Records and Needles
J03 of the lateft and bet 10 inch Diac Recorda now io atd plent of
needles. Theee will fit any diac machine.
CMle Gt.rnn ot The Grand.
Mark Csr.on. Marshall ami Tn
nmn I'atioee. and the World.
Famous Roial Uorge
For Descriptive and Illustrated Pampbete
write to
W. C. Mc BRIDE. Gen. Agt.
34 Third Sret POKTLANP, OR.
383 pp.5'4i7 inLark-eType; Fine Cloth
For alim ted period th s boo Is offered a
trade rates. 50 cents,
with 9 cenU postage for mailing
The Orisin of the Aneelg. The Essential Nature
f Heaveu. Character of the Angels. Testimony
I 11I Scripture. Tiie Sure Way to Heaven.. Prac
i tiel Tendency of this Disclosure. Environ
' inent in Heaven, and What Determines It. 8
I cieties In Heaven. -A Heaven for the Non-
Christian World. Aie Earth y K'elat ionsii ips
! Contiuued in Heaven ."Meer eh and Recuani-
tiun of Friends in the Hereafter. Personal Ap
pearance Of Angels. Kcjuver.eacenve anil
Growth In Heaven. House and Hontee in
Htwven. Garments in Heaven. Children iu
Heaven. Sex and Marriage in Heaven. Work
in Heaven. The Three Heave mat HeV ft
lated. Eternal I'rogree ia UaaveBvCjOf
tioa of Angela with Men.
Call at the Gasette office end learn ot
our clubbing offer with tne Weekly Ore-
Everybody want te knew W&at The
: Oreffoaiaa baa M ea(. . .
. At wear coultcn strcct