U U ZS LnJ V-J U U CJ ... ; "" oily U HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 29, 190G, NO. 119.5 VOL. 24. PBOFE3SIOI-TAL CXaliS. Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office ou west eud of May Street Heppner, Oregon. C. E. WOODSON, A TTORNE Y- A T-LA W Office in Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Phelps Notson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Odd Fellow BldR Heppner, Oregon. W. P. A1YERS, LAND ATTORNEY. Have made a specialty of land onu tests and eoutest defenocB before U. M Larjd Office and Department of the In terior for ten years. Ions, Okkqon. W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only oomplete set of abstract books id Morrow county. Heppner, Oregon HIGGS & WINNARD PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. flpeoial attentioo given to diseases of tbe eye, ear, nose and throat. Ofviob : Tbe Fair Bailding. Hkppnkr, Orkoon. Frank B. Klstncr, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson & Son's drugstore Residence in Morrow building over I'atterson A Son's Drugstore. DR. METZLER. DBNTIHT Located in Odd Fellows building. Rooms 5 and 6. DR. Al. A. LEACH OBNTIST I'ermBnently Inoated id Heppner. Offioe in tbe new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. Belvedere FINEST WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS' One hundred empty barrels for pale. Five hundred barrels of ex tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . HEPPNER, ORE. 8. E. CARR, rres. B. F. GULP, Vice Bank of Heppner Capital Stock SaO.OOO Folly Paid LOANS MADE AT EIGHT PER GENT PER ANNUM Organized under tbe las of the state of Oregon $25,000 daylight burglar insurance carried Member of the American Bankers Association Insured Bank money orders issued Accounts by mail solicited All communications answered the same day they are received The Bank of Heppner through its large connections is in a position to extend large accommodations and the greatest safety o all its depositors FOOD PER CENT INTEREST PAID OH TIME DEPOSITS SWOLLEN VEINS SPRAINS 'STRAINS Cured by our Hand Woven Elastic Bands and Stock ings. 11 Over-fatness and weaknesses relieved by our Abdominal Belts. Write for blanks and book. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. PORTLAND, OREGON Groshens & Shaw Proprietors Union Saloon and Star Restaurant In Connection- Meals Night and Day Everything First-class The Brick Saloon We carry in stook only a very high (trade of Barrel and Bottled Goods We oarry tbe lead ing braoda of FINE CIGARS Draft and Bottled Beer. Hbppner, - Oregon. 60 YEARS' m EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anrone .ending a sketch and dp.rrlptlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable, Cnninninlcn tlona strictly rniiUdeiitlal. HANDBOOK on Patents ient free. Oldest airenoy for serurinii patents. Patents taken tbrouuli Munn A Co. receive tptcial nntUe, without charge, iu tbe Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest elr culatlon of any sclentltlc jniiriial. Terms. 3 a year: four months, CL Bold bj all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.36,BrMd New York Branch Office, 625 F PU Washington, t. C For news and opinions ths OregooUa Pres. W. 8. WHARTON, Cashier SSL Hotel Lexington (Opp. Leach Bros.' stoie.) REFITTED AND FURNISHED UP TO DATE Hot and Cold Water Electric- Lights Rates $1.00 Per Day and Upwards Special attention to Travel ng Men. MRS. D. P. DOIIERTY, Prop. Lexinoton, - - Oregon OSTEOPATH DR. ELIZA M. CAREY Graduate Kirksvhle school, Suite 39, Star Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. Chronic and neivous diseases, and diseases of women and children. Appendicitis successfully treated without the knife. THE BREWERY The Best Liquors and Wines. HOPGOLD BEER Leading Brands of Cigars C. F. McCarter, Prop. Red Front Livery & Feed Stables ( Stewart 6. Kirk, Props FIRST-CLASS: .LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnishes on short notice to parties wishing to drive into tbe interior. First class : : JiaGks and Bogyles CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERClAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner. Oregon Liberty Meat Market Rasmus & Boyer Fresh and Salted Meats Fish on Fridays Highest market price paid for fat stock IIEPPNEIi. OREGON Heppner Gazette tjl per year !otlre of ritml trrsunl. In the County Court (if Morrow County, State of Oregon In the mHttcr of the eetate of Margaret Dun can. iti-r'HSoil, NiiiiiK t hereby (liven tha' the undercieneii administrator ha riled his liiml account in the hihvi piuitlet matter and omrt, nn.l that naid final irnmnt will come on for heartnu and settlement at the Court House in lleiinner. Morrow county. State of Oregon, ie the ntiove entitled court on the 2nd day of April. P at 1" o'clock A, M. Anypermn lnt'retd in aaid etate may file oj.Kction. to mid account on or tietore the time tiief for the hearing of the same. 1 hi. no' Ire la published in pursuance of an order of the Hon. T W. Ajrers, jtnle of the atoventit.el court, duly made and entered in aaid matter on the ;t:i day of Kebrnray. 1W8. tilOK'ill HlNI'SIT. Administrator of the estate of Margaret Dun can, deceased. UUtUUH IS UAKIttl), SWecp Cannot Enter Islalio l iilesn Dipped. Within lO I)h) Hefore Crossinif the Uoundary. Boise. Mrch 22 Finding that the praclamation issued on March 1, quar antining all the sheep of the six adj .in iog states because of scab that existed there would not be euforced by the federal bueaii of animal industry, Governor Gooding yesterday issued another proclamation of quarantine, placing the burden of enforcing it upon the sta'e veteiinary Burgeon and the state inspectors. The new proclamation, the same as tbe former one, prohibita tbe impor tation of sheep from any of tbe sur rounding states unless they have been previous y dipped, under either federal or state supervision, within a period of 10 days b fore crossing tiie boundary hue. The former prouuueiamento pro vided only for dipping by the federal authorities, and it was found these officials would not undertake to enforce the state quarantine and a new pro claraat on was therefore issued. - Ttie states quarantine 1 are Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, it being provided that sheep may not be driven into Idaho fiom any of them without dipping. Wyoming e'pecially is said to be quite flee from scab, but the sheep of some of the other states, including Utah and Jevada, where the sheepmen threaten ed under the former proclamation to in vade tue state with their flocks, are said U be quite badly affected by tbe disease. The question has lately been quite frequently asked, especially by the parties who tried to annul tbe livestock sanitary law, "What has become of tbe (Continue on page 2.) i ijOlVA'THAS v. 0 Republican Candidate Champion of Jonathan Bourne, Jr., candidate be fore the Republican primaries for tne nomination of United States Senator in Congress, for the long term commenc ing March 4, li)7, was born In New Bedford, Mass., February 23, ISoo; was a member of the class of 1S77 at Har vard University ; came to l'ortland May lii. 1878 ; was a Republican memoer of t ths Oregon Legislature in the session of Oregon. Ivv3 and the extra session of lvi; was yT- Rourne has always favored ex one of Oregon's delegates to the KepuU- tending the direct power of the people lictn National Convention of an,over their government as far as possi- Oregon'a member of the Keputmcan National Committee from 1SSS to 1VJ, and a delegate to the Republican Na- tional Convention of lS'.j and was elected as a Mitchell Republican to the Oregon Legislature in lS'.'ii. Mr. r3urno liaa ben more prom inently identified with the development of the mineral resources of Oregon than aov other man in the state, having ex pended in the last 20 years over f 1,000, -000 of his own money in the acquisition ad development of Oregon mines. While Mr. Bonrne has had bis resi dence and min office at Portland since 1S78, he has had another office at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried oa ths Absolutely .Phi Made from Ture Grape Cream of Tartar In baking powder Royal is the standard, the powder of highest reputation; found by the United States Government tests of greatest strength and purity. It renders the food more healthful and palat able nd is most economical in practical use. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy alum powders because they are " cheap." Yet some of the cheapest made powders are sold to consumers at the highest price. Housekeepers should stop and think. Is it not better to buy the Royal and take no chances the powder whose goodness and honesty are-never questioned ? Is it economy to spoil your digestion by an alum-phosphate or other adultered powder to save a few pennies ? ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK BOURNE, JR. Ae v 4 for I tilled Male Senator. Statement One businefs of his father's estate since 1S89, which makes him familiar with m the large interests and leading m the Fact. These qualifications, in con junction with his eneigv, originality, executive ability and experience in business and political affairs preemi nently qualify him for making an able and influential Senator for the State of ble. He wt one of the leading spirits , printed alter 111 V liailie Oil in the Initiative and Referendum move- nominating ballot: ment front lV'i until it was approve ! iv ( the voters at the June election in 1""L'. j I WILL Si PPORP PRLS In llJ4 be was a member of the exe, u- j IJJXT ROOSE VELT'S DE tive committee of the direct Frim-i'V , , v . r.-, . . r,, ... . Nominations League, and holds ttiej I LKMIAA 1 IO. I1IA1.I1- Miiie portion with the People's Power jTICE 1E D( NE ALL MEN." League at this time. In a'.l these move-J , . - ments he ha been one of the few tn ; p -r.'t s oil your wife w hen sl.e cranks guarantee the nereiary txpenhea of . a- ,nt that stinking cigar or pipe t.-t preparing and proposing their measures j 0 .moke. You are the one to b'.iir. to the peop'e. , Suppose ycu trv The Pastime, who ha He svs that tlie choice ot Unit i for years been selling only the be.-t States Senator should be by direct v e cigars and tobacco, tnd we are sure of the people, and that the Igis' rure ' there will be no more trouble for you. should bj compelled to elect luc man "1 tbe people select. To accomplish this result, be lWaaptMriaC Statement 1 of the primary elections 'aw as the only method by which public opinion may be crystallized and mads effective upon the Legislature. In his petition for nomina tion he says: ''If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, Favor: Re publican Politics. Amend ing National Constitution for People'; Elt'ctionof I'llit Senators. Pnl- e 1 States Jicitv Political l ami a rn-ii h.x ienses. National Control of Cor)orati()iis in Interstate Commerce. Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; (iood Wages Make Good Citizens. Legal Limitation Labor Hours for Safety on Railroads. Parcels Post, in cluding Rural Delivery. Pure Food Laws. Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defenses, River and Harbor Improvements. Including Columbia, Willa mette Rivers, Coos, Yaquina and other Oregon Harbors. snyofjCelilo Canal, (toveinmeiit ien in! Canal at Oregon ('it v. Fail- Share of Irrigation Fund for Oregon. Loyal Support of SiH-eessful Candidates. Rigid Enforcement Statement One. Roosevelt for Second Elec tive Term. I desire that the following statement be , she will meet you with a emile. IS i