Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 22, 1906, Image 5

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    The Weed's News
Local and Personal Happenings
in and About the City.
George Perry left for his home
at Lone Rock yesterday.
uooert watkiDB and mle were
io from their ranch Saturday.
Pemi-Weekly Portland Journal and
He ppner Gazette only $200 per year.
R. 0. Kelly and L. H. Ziegler,
of lone, were in the city, Monday.
Dr. Hipga, Eyes, Ear, Nose and
Throat. Glasses properly fitted. tf
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ayer, of
Parker's Mill were in the city
Eugene Noble shipped three of
bi well known saddles to Idaho
this week,
Chas. Bockler and daughter, of
Monument were Heppner viuitori
Seed Rye, Wheat, Barley aod
Alfa'U fi r sale at Heppner & Co,
It is r. ported that J. J. McGe
will bfl h candidate for Sheriff on
the democratic ticket.
Mrs. Lu'.iB Young entertained a
number of bar friends with a card
pariy yeB'.er'a evening.
" I hill Cohn will pay Highest
Ca9h pric for Beef Htc'e pelts
and furj at Hcppoer & Co. Ware-
J. L. Howard and family re
turned Mond-ty evening from
Troutdale. They have been visit
ing Alex Lindsey, Mr. Howard's
A. E. Fullet, republican candi
date for sheriff was in the city
Monday. It seems to be generally
conceded the Mr. Fuller is in the
lead for the nomination.
Yesterday was a busy day in U.
S. Commissioner J. P. Williams'
office. Special Agent McMechen
was hpre nod there were ten appli
cants for homestead final proofs.
A bouncing baby boy is reported
bb the latest arrival at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Hart at Cam
bridge, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Hart
are former well known residents of
Chas. rrker, of Lexington
while pruning fruit trees for James
Hager, neir the city was quite
seriously hurt MonTav. He fell
from a trej nd received a bad
fractu-e of the sliou'der. Dr
Kistner attended lo bis iiijuiers,
The fevere rokl weather and
snow of thrastweek have dis
appeared and spring weather has
again rtturced. WLile some dam
age from tbe cold weather has
been rerorte, the losses will not
be prea Io a few cases light
losses are reported among early
lambs. Ia tome districts the
wheat crop was injured. Fall
wheat generally over the county
was not injured.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. VanVactor
were pleasantly surprised Tuesday
eveninc bv a number of their
friends. The comfortable home
was taken possession of and tbe
evening was spent in games and
Boc'al conversation. Tbe visitors
were well nreDared with lunch.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. S. E. VanVactor, Mr. aud
Mrs. Thill Cohn, Dr. and Mrs. M
B. Metzler. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred War
nock, Mrs. Henry Blackman.
Klein & Ashbaugh have received
their new 16 foot lathe for iron
work. This will be a valuable ad
dition to their already well
equipped iron and wood working
establishment. They are also mak
improvementa in their foundry
which will enable them to turn off
any 'class of work that cornea
along. The fact that they have a
good foundry speaks much for
their enterprise. It will be a
great convenience for Morrow
county people and will save money
and time for people who formerly
sent castings to Portland.
Thos. Morgan, of Gooseberry,
republican candidate vfor county
clerk was in the city this week.
C. C. Hutchinson, superintend
ent of the Oregon Land & Water
company, has purchased tbe lrri-
gon Irrigator of A. A. Bennett,
who will seek a location elsewhere.
Tbe Ladies Aid of the Christian
church will give a supper in the
Masonic Hall, Saturday night
March 24, 1906. Supper begins at
5 p. m. Price 25c. All are in
vited. H. J. Bean, of Pendleton, repub
lican candidate for nomination for
circuit judge for the sixth district,
was in the city this week in the
interests of his candidacy. J udge
Bean informs tbe Gazette that the
outlook for the nomination is very
bright. He will get a good vote
io Morrow county,
Thera was a meeting of tbe
Royal Arch Masons of Heppner
last Friday and 8atarday. Newt.
Robison, Nick Long and F. E.
Westerberg, of Monument, and
Ben Wilson, of Heppner were
given the degrees of the order.
The meeting ended with a big
banquet on Fridny night and a
general good time.
After two weeks, spent ia Port
land studying Spring 6tyles in
Millinery, Mrs. L. E. Cohn invites
the ladies of Heppner to call and
inspect the large stock selected for
them, from the San Francisco j
houses and Gage Bros. & Co , of
Chicago, whose agency she has fr
Heppner. Largest stock and
lowest prices. A call will convince
you ol tms. 1'aiiera uais ami
novelties now ready.
Rev. II. S. Shangle tbe Presid
ing Elder, will preach at the
Southern Methodist church, Sun
day night.
Rev. H. A. Green our asgooia
tional missionary is in Heppner
and will be here for several daB
to come. When he comes to your
home with Bibles and religion?
literature please receive him kind
ly, for bis visit will be a blessing
to you. You may also call at the
Baptist parsonage to see him if
you desire to purchase some Bibles
and good books. Brother Greet)
will preach at the Baptist cburcb
next Sunday morning and evening.
Brother Green is an able preacher.
He was the former pastor at
Eugene. W. C. Sale.
H. 11. Cake, Candidate for Senator,
Has Good Record. ..
Regular Communion services at
the Christian church Sunday
morning at 11:15; at the evening
services, 7 o'clock, the subject will
be, "The Logic of a Lawyer." The
argument will be to prove the
olaims of Jesus as the Messiah
The Savior of the, world. Anyone
who may doubt the divinity of
Christ is urged to be present to
hear this discussion. A cordial
welcoue to all. Regular Christian
Endeavor services at 6 p. m., Sub
ject "Bountiful Sowing."
Mr. Arthur K. Fuller, formerly
one of Shermau county's tuccesa-
ful fanners, but now of Morrow
couuty, is a candidate for the Re
publican uominalion of Sheriff of
Morrov county. Mr. Fuller s rep
utation is of the "square deal'' kind,
n 1 Morrow county can not do
better tlnn elect such men to
ollic-. Mr. FulU'r'a many friend
in Sherman county will be pleased
to hear of his success in receiving
the nomination, which is tquiva
lent to an election. Wasco News.
There are said to be more large
land and cattle owners in Harney
couDty than in anv other county
in OregoD, nine companies holding
land as follows: California & Ore
gon Land company, 19,722 acres;
John Devine estate, 14,660 acres;
French-Glenn Livestock company,
106,331 acres; Wm. Hanley, 10,308
acres; F. C. Lusk, 15,640 acres;
Oregon Stock & Butchering com
pany, 10,327 acres; Oregon Acc:-
dential Stock company, 19,819
acres; Pacific Livestock company
S6.374 acres; Willamette Valley
Road company, 243,161 acres;
making a total of 516.794 acres of
taxable property assessed at 81,
265,650. Frequent sales has characteriz -d
the sheep business of Wallowa
county the past few weeks. A
large hand was recently purchased
by J. Frank Stubblefield, of Enter
prise, for which be paid ?5 each
for the ewes. Even now $5.25 is
offered, without takers, for choice
stock. Wool is being contracted
by some for 20 cents a pound,
while many producers are holding
for 22 cents or better. Ross Fal
coner, a wealthy sheep man who
went East several months ago, has
returned, and says that he is ready
to purchase more stock to take the
place of that sold by him last year.
ne had thonght he sold well until
he investigated condtions in the
eastern states. He now expresses
greater faith in Wallowa sheep
than ever.
People who know what H. M,
Cake has done as an organizer of
the greater Oregon movement,
know that if he is elected to thp
United States Senate, he will gef
results of a substantial character.
Fpw men in this state have de
voted as much time and energy to
making the state progressive aB H
M. Cake. He bas always cham
pioned the policy or an amend
rnent to the Federal constitution,
providing for the election of Unit
ed States Senators by the direct
vote of the people.
He has a pood record on the
labor question and is strenuously
ODDosed to any change of tbe
Chinese Exclusion law that would
admit the pauper labor of China
into competition with the intel
ligent workingmen of this country.
How's ThlaY
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be eared by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. F. J, CHENEY & Co., Toledo. O-
We, the undersigned, hare known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 year?, and beliere him perfectly
honorab'e in the business transactions, and
Gnancinlly able to Carry out any obligations
made by bis firm.
Waldino, Rinnan & Martin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and m neons surfaces of
tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c,
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pill for constipation.
A Lively Tussle.
with that old enemy of tho raoe, Con
ptipnlioo often ends in Appendicitis.
To avoid nil serious trouble with Stom
ach, L;ver Burj Bowel, tnk Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They perfect'y regulate
these ortfaua, without piin or disoom
fort, 251 at Patterson & Hon druggist.
Sales Utiles Arranged,
In accctdar.ee with the costom of the
past few rears. H. C. Hoper, sec
retary ot the .State Woolroweis' ase-oci-ition,
ha arranged dut-s f jr s ties davs
for the different invketa iu esstern O e
tou. The foil iwitig ia the nchedual ax
Qjade oat by the eecetary and it will be
tollowed during the season, though
some changes miy be found necessary:
Pendleton, May 22 and 23; June 5.
Heppner, May 25; June 8: June 22.
Co; d n, May 29; J one 27.
Shaniko, May 31; June 1; June 19
and 20; July 10,
Wallowa. June 12; June 29
Baker City. June 14; July 12.
Last year no sales days were held at
Condon or Bker City.
The New Styles of
Are Now Ready
Combining with moderate price, all the
elements of Fashion, Individuality, Comfort
and Perfect Fit.
will supply the demand of the fashionable
dressers who want the latest style garment.
In no other moderate priced corset in the
world to-day are the elements of fashion
and figure building given such complete
Exposition. Prices r0cts, S1.00, $1.50,
and $2.00.
Exclusive Agents.
Torture toy Savages.
"Speaking of tbe torture to which
some of the savage tribe) in tbe Philip
pines eubjeot their captives, reminds me
of tbe intense suffering I endured for
three months from inflammation ot the
Kidneys," says W. M . Sbermao, of Cusb
iug, Me., "Nothing helped me until I
tried Electrio Bitters, three bottles of
wbiob completely cured me." Cures
Liver Oomplaint, Dyepepcia, Blood dis
orders atid Mslana: and restores the
webk sod nervous to robust health.
Guaranteed by Patterson k Sjn drug
gist. Prioe 50c.
Noiicelof Dissolution.
Notice is hereby piven that the
co-pirtnership heretofore existing
between George Whi'.eis aud C. C.
Patterson, under the firm came of
Whiteia & Patterson, has been dis
solved by mutual consent, George
VVhiteis retiring from tbe above
named firm. C. E. Patterson will
continue the business.
Geo. Whiteis
0. C. Patterson.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Mar.
3rd 1906
We Want You To See This
Tbe exclusive
agency for its
sale bas been
given us and we
wo'ild like to
show you tbe
good points a-
bo ut this Range
to tell you
why Malleable
iron is so su-
5?? perior to tbe old
style ca9t Range
why it wi
not only outlast
Ue cast Range
and eff.ct a
saving in fuel
This Range was
awardtd the
(Gold Meda)
Highest Award
at the Lewis &
Clark Fair and
has no superior.
Have You Bought That
New Heater for Winter
And Other Popular Makes
Finest Line ot lmi ia Marrow Co,
We Have a First Class Plumber
irst Rational Jank
Monarch Malleable, "Stay Satisfactory" Range
S.J. WING, I Iousefurnisher.
O. A.
T. A.
President I O. W. CONNER....
..Vio-President j E. L. FREE LAND.
.Assistant Cashier
Transact a General Banking Business.
paid on Time Deposits.
Four per cent.
Collections made on all point on reanonable terms. Surplus aud undivided profits fid.uoo.
i'H i i riTLiiii. if i rrg
Leading Eastern Oregon Hotv.
Under New Management. Thoroughly
KeuoTstei cod Kefiitted. Be A
Metvls io tbe Citj.