Lumber to Oo l'p. Tarom.t, F.-b. 2?t T!it Pirifiii Cot 1. in.licr V;iiv.f ii'tH'Pic' -nt-ili n to dnv agreed o Hip leoonitiiiMnlijiions of ttn iiiv-lit cnmnWti' m kintf an lvanot of a tliuiiMn.I on tlte existing 1-imh r pch'.l'.le. This embraces com won i!rmle. ii'i ension, flooring aiding ami all tinis'iinu him'tei. There will be bo advance on lailroad lies. Fully two ho us were devoted t the question of obtaining achbge in the xit'lii'iij py-teiv. Lu ber for the Hast is now vu'ihI at the Minnesota trans it 'id be c-inniitte o i fanspo ta'ion II trv to arrange with th railroad- to .A e the freight Jiaes listed in Wali- There was alfo consulerable d'scn". ion relative ti e-tablinhin-r uniform irr .dt-s for the .i-ntire etxte. In Ea 'n-n Wahinirton there are fonr KraHes in vnirne, while t! ere a rut two here. 'Be.-ane of tie feiior qnality, th Eastern de,ilerR be'bve thev shnu'd be allowed the four crade, no at present. The mitte wan refem-d lo the en init tpp on trradeo. The himbe men were advied that the ear shoitaL'e pjtntion would be mater ial' improved in two we ks bv the t'1d;tion of more motive power. The cariro committee met to consider the present inspection sys'em, which makes it os ible to l- ve lumber reject ed in Ca'ifornia after the freight has been pa' 1 to thit stto Th' ma nfac inrers believe the svste " should be fuc'n thst all ije:tio--8 shall be made in Washing ion. to as to save any needless extene. Ke'ative to CHn bnsinps", 't 8' greed th t te m xiniU'i amount of Kn. 2 'ock in a carno should be 50 yer cent. Lights for Coast. VICTORIA, B. C. Feb. 22 Immedi ate construction i to be omenced of a liehtohip, to be established by Canada Swiftsnre Ban, between Carm n h and Cape Beale, about seveu miles from fhe eoat. and a numner of leadins! light )innsH of the first onl-r wi'l be built on the Vancouv" Ilnd coast between Kace Rocks and Cave Cook. A new fi-ht will be entibli ed r.ear S'lerricsf liain Po'ni, between C-uminah ami Victoria. Carmanob will be improved by the acld tion of a perpendicular rav siunal, simiUrto those on the Fret C i coat, thrown high in the air and visible for 40 or 50 miles, and light will he placed on Kntrance Island and Bsrc.ay Sound, with a re 1 sector acr s Danger Ro' k, -on Estevan Point, t Uclnetet, and on the small island off C'pe Cook, the most prominent point of the Vancouver Island coast, this Iwht to b a great leading light for ships coming from the southeast. Wireless stat'ons will be est"b ished at many points, al'Oiit ten in all. con necting with a Victoria he dqua ters. F-ghor-s of the dinphone system wi'l e establisnpd at all lights, and two self prope'led iifenoats of the modern t oe wil b' co stnicte l. as well as a surf lifebrat. The self-prope'Mng lifeboats Kill be stationed, wi h a lifepaving crew at ear-h p'sce, t.t San Juan harbor and Eani6eid. Ex-Speaker Dead. T:inqne, I.. Feb. 2o -Es-Speaker Ilavid K. TIend-rson, of the Nationa' House of Representatives, drd at 2 o'clock this afternoo i atM-cr Ho- pita', of paresis, which attacked him nine months i go. He began to sink Fridav afternoon, ra'Ited Saturday morning, but in the morning lapsed into uscon ecio.isness and failed repidlv u-tti" th end came. All his family, except a son in CalifoTi . were at tbe bedside. Colonel Henderson had been unable 10 ro"02ni7 artv one but bis wifn tince week ago except on Friday, when he partly regained his me' tal lac ll ies. Colonel Henderson was stricken with pa-es'? last Myand his cordition grew eo t-ruve that he ws removed 'o a Lop til in September. His condition remained un-haoied except for the nsiiil p.-ok' ess of such a dispas until a week aco last Friday, when he suffered another st-oke which resulted in total blinlnes. Trie ex-Speaker failed rapid ly physically and m r.tal'y until Friday, when hia mental powes returned for a few hours, followed ly a re'apee ending in death. none .flarkrt I-lvelr The horse market of the coat is more lively now than at any time for many years, and the deals are more import ant, p-jinting the way to the bei.efits of iaiproved bre df. The rpcentlv pnrci.r.s d by J. I). Ct'.'th c-jn-Uts of eome of the best, evtr from the countv. Draft, :j.r:r. atj-I ad j-i'po arnrod- are rep-rfh-tiU-l in ihe band. Tie "rangn" I, or:.-, "( j pony" or "c ytis..;." for ut''y t':.fJ rr.i'i it not 'lie otdy type ot torse dilven to mi'keti'roui this sec, a3 r,ot in it at al . N -t . cayue adorne! tf lot, and other five dollar varieties weie entirely lacking. TI.e b--t of the draft hore wer' bought at f,;'i ea that lend great tn-ttuie-Leui tothelioreebreeler who really wishes to grow the best. The initial cost of such is p ob ibly rouble that of -he native stock, and toe selling iice wss four times as much. Surely a tine lesson in selecting b ee l-". P-roh rons, gray and b'a k. seems o take the lead in this valley. Two spans, one cf e.-eh frtyle. were included in tie ht, and gave an imposing look to the bunch . Mr. Comha -nd Hamp OiHcer left for The Dalles ves ml y with the bunch of horses, ard will e th.r ship o-- drive from that point John Dav News. Karly Sheep Sale-. That contiacts have already been made for most ot the naWble sheep of Vaseo. C ook and Wtipe'er counties was st ted tod iv hv J. N. "nrgt-ss of the Cnnnint'ha'O Shep fc L-nl company, who has just relumed from his old home near Antelope. The prices paid. ..(cording to 'r. Burgess, have varied f om S2 5.) to 3 25 per head fo- yea'lings. The hi est prices w s psid tor ewes, while ma-.y yearling wethers have sold for $ !.7o per head. Never before have so many sheep been 8 ld at t' is time of h year, de cares Mr. Pnrirens, who has an oppor' tunity of knowing the state of the market as w It as anv man in this sec tion. He savs that already this season as many eheep lnve b-en sold as is usual a motif' later ihn 'his date, llrs condit on is d largely to the fact that there is a scarcity of hi eep to be sold, and a- a result buyers have come j into the field earlv. Kspeeiahv are j yeailing ewes in de : and, and eon- j sequeutly splendid prices have Deen secured by men having such to sell. There has been n ditf.i'ence of about 50 cents per head in the price of ewes and wethers, the former celling for $3 25, whi'e the price of we' hers has ranrd in the vicinity o $2. "5 Alhwuod Sheep Sell for S. One thousand head of ewes at $8 per head, said to bu the higlu at price ever paid for range sheep in this tstute, is the la'est sale of Central Oegon livestock to go on record. The sheep were pur chased of T. S. Hamilton, of Ash wood. The Shanibo Republican estimates that 1( 0,000 head of sheep have I t-en sold out of Crook, Wheeler and Wasco counties a d enumerates over one-fifth of that nuinhe.- which have been dis posed of by lo al stock-i.eo throughout the Antelope and Shaniko districts. The Republican says : The Cent.-al Oregon sheep market has opened up in earnest, and since Febru ary 1 the field has been full of Eastern buyerB The total number, aggregating about 100 000 head of s eep, mostly yearlings, have b en sold in Wasco, Crook and Wheel r coun'ies, at prices ranging fro-u 82 75 o $3 00 per head with the wool off. and are to be delivei ed. Th prices are now bei g paid for sheep are prehaps the highest that have beenreceiv.d by Oregon woo: growers in 25 vears At the ptese t price of wool the sheep that have been fold in this section of the cou- try will shear $2 worth of mo', wtrcb vull bring the price of a yearling up to $5 per head Prinevi le Jo rnd Reduced nates. The O. R. & N. Co. annon-ces the following rates ftom F.astern points to Heppner, on sale from Feb. loth to April 7th and Sept. 15th to Oct. 31-t Arrangements are made so that money can be depos ted with ti e egent here and tickets furnished parties in the Last For further information about points not listed below, s'oo overs, etc., will be furnished by calling on J. B. Huddles ton, auer.t. Followir.B are the rates listed at the Heppner office: Atlmta, Cia., $48.10 Ashevil e, N. C. 4S 10; Ba'timore, Md, $49 05; Birmingham, Ala., S44.40; Blo-.mingdon, IP , ?31 70; Bristol, Tenn, $48.13 ; Boston, Mass. 849.80; Bnff lo, NY, 142 40; C i o, II!, $24 55 ; Chicago, III, $32 90; Cincinnati, O, &i3 90; Cleve land, O, $39 90 ; De' roit, Mich. 833 65; Des Moines, la, 828 90; Elmiia, N i , S45 70; Evansville. I d, $34 SO; Indian apolis, Ind, 40; I, uisvill, Ky, $37- 90 ; Memphis, Tenn. $37 40 ; Mobile. Ala 840.75; Montgome-y. A'a, .'46.75; Mon treal, Qnebec, 848 8 ; Nashville, Tenn, 830.90; New York, N Y. $49.90; New Orleans. 847.9 ) ; Ok'ahoma, O T. $29.90; Peoria, III, $3X00; Philade'pbia, Pa, 149 65; Pittsburg, P , 441.9 St Louis, Mo. $2li 9 '; Toronto, On ,S4 Mo; Weh ingtri, 1). C , fl'i": Missouri River common points, 24.!0. Senator Ankeny's bill providing for a $150,0' 9 bridgf across th Spokane river connecting Spokane and Fort Wright, is doomed to defeat. The w as department has reported adversely on the bill on the ground that there is i present no great ne-d for the bridge. Tax Co ector R. B. Vaughn, at Mo -row, I iaho, Ptate lthere wasoniv 30 5: delinquent taxes left uncollected of the 19 5 levy f r state and county, on F-bru rv 20. Also th-t $9400 was the total deiicquent for all state, county, city and special echod taxes in Latah concty. Mr. Vaughn etitfs that this is the heist showing tver made m the history of th cou ty. "he SPORTING WORLD loeboatlns Season. Ico lioat races are now at the height of the season's activity. In New Jer sey, New York, Pennsylvania, Wiscon sin, Michigan and Illinois thousand. of daring Ice sportsmen are endeavor ing to lower previous records. The ice boat is the fastest racing mil chine In existence, excelling at times ICE rOAT SCTJD GOIXO FIFTY WILES AN HULK. the speed of even the swiftest of auto mobiles. A few years ago un Ice boat on the Shrewsbury river. New Jersey, covered part of a course at the rate of a mile in 33 seconds. That terrific rate of speed is still the world's rec ord. American Lens tie Topic. Rube Waddell, the famous pitcher of the champion Philadelphia Athletics, may be sold or traded to the Boston American team before the beginning of the next championship campaign. Con nie Mack, manager of the Athletics, was In Buffalo in conference with Manager Collins of the Bostons, and the deal whereby Waddell will become a mem ber of the Puritans may be announced soon. One of the reasons assigned for Mack's willingness to let Waddell go Is the coldness of the Philadelphia fans toward Rube. When the big twkler broke devn last fall part of the Quaker fans thought his ailment was not gen uine, although the management was thoroughly convinced that the famous "southpaw" was "all in" at the finish of the season. On account of Waddell's eccentricities and desire to stand high in the estimation of the rooters Mana ger Mack Is afraid that Waddell would not be at his best if the fans .were In different about his work. "Rule has got to be the whole show wherever he is," wild Mnck, "and If the Philadelphia people failed next spring to warm up to his pitching and rave over his actions on the ball Cold he might soon lose heart In his work, and so I think he would do better work with some other team, but the deal Is by no means consummated." President Johnson of the American league wa9 with Mack. He announced his staff of umpires for the coming sea son. The name of Jack Sheridan heads the list, although that veteran has not yet signed his contract. If he signs the staff will iuch'.de Sheridan, Connolly, O'Longlillu. Hurst, Connor, Evans and Conihan. Jack McCarthy Is not to be retained next season, probably on ac count of the numerous rows he had with players. Wicker Sign 1000 Contract. The great pitcher, Bob Wicker, has signed his contract to pitch for the Chi cago Nationals in 1900 and during a talk with President Murphy said he considered the team much stronger with the addition of Moran, Sheckard and Stelnfeldt than it was last season. Former Manager Frank Solee was heard from, too, his letter from Fay wood, N. M., reaching the o?nce of the Cubs' president the other morning. Mr. Selce congratulated the Cubs upon the acquisition of Sheckard and statad that the Chicago Nationals looked stronger .o ttipy over had to him. "h in r,.....:...'. c ISiOSEl The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and fj7-f-- sonal supervision since its infancy. fCCcis44 Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoi'ia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It' is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nd allays Fcverishucss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tt OINT4UH COMMNV, TT HOll TT. MIW VOK CITY. Keep the little ones Ma th and . happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing reme iieB. Hol heter'a Rocky Mountain Tea i.I keep' them strong and well. 35 cents, Tea or tablets. V. P, McMillen, Leiirgton, Oregon. Governor George B. Carter of Hawaii, who whs ddntcerously ill for several weeks, has recovered partially and is able to travel. Be is uow in Caiif rma, and will stay in ban Diego for some time. Jsmes Aithnr Lai rig a dead at Hono lulu. He was a lScotchnian and a Bcientint and explorer. He conveyed the it-mains of Kxploier Livingstone from Cental Afiii-a to Loudon, and was with tan ey in'Atrica. The prenent. dnntli rate ainona the poorer chisna of Hie City of Mexico is 52 per 1000. The government will undertake to b d'd a system of properly Halite 1. venldxted and drained tene ments srid cuttn's and rent them at cost. They will be modeled nfiei the Glasgow, Scotland, and 1'.; Miiinnham, Erij.-lm.d, Riunicipui tenements. At Walla Walla, in the federal ronrt. judgment whh -e-ide ed airaint M. F. Hii! for S4o8, the value of timber cut from poveriim-nt land in Klukit-.t county two yeavs at;o. Fred Diork1, the fnun-T tried for keeping his chil 'ren out of ec ool niar I C 'lfax, Wash., to aften 1 a revival meet- j inu, was fin'dSlby Judge Chadwick This is the minimum provided by law. The Merrill, Klamath County Record savs: Horace Dunlap. ex-sheriff of Lakeview, arrived at 'he Mil'er ranch a fev dais ago. Mr. Dunlap reports that Philip Lvncn, one of Lake county's largest wool growers, had come in from the desert north "f Warner valley and said that the snow was over two feet deep and rueted and tha: theep were dying by the thousands. SOLD D SLOCUM DRUG COMPANY, HEPPNER, OREGON Bought, and which has heen has borne the signature of has been made under his per- Signature of At Katka, Idaho, 500 feet of Great Northern track was buried to a depth of 30 fee . The slide was discovered in time to preyent an accident. The spot bas been the scene of several disastrous wrecks and is one of the most trouble some placea on the system. CONTEST NOTICE. Jepartment of the Interior, U. 8. .Laud Olllce, The DalleH, Oregon. Ffclruar !i, IWKj. A unrllclfnt content affidavit having been tiled in this office by Shelby K. Lite, contestant. Birainst homestead entry No. 1(HS1, made April 11, 1)2, (or E',i NK(, Sec. , WH NW. Sec tion as. Towt;nhlp 'i S., Kane 25, K. W, M , by ELza H. Willis, decersml, (V uteatoe, in which it la alleged that aaid entry woman di ri on or a out June It, 1113, that durum lior lifetime she failed an ) neglected to ehtablinh her na dnre upon said land; that she tailed and neglected to cultivate or improve aaid land according to law; that the t.eira of aaid enlrj woman have wholly abandoned said tract of land and have failed to cultivate or improve the tame in any manner or to use said 'and f ir more than iix months last a8t;t at aaid abandonment ia tu.t due to serv ice in the army, navy or nmr'iie corps of Ihe I'nlted " tate-4 in time of war; tha the heirs of tnitl entry woman are; rjumnel K Willis, of hepp er, UrpK'U- A. A. Willis, of New berg, 0 eon, B. K. Willis, of Carlton, Oregon, Harlan lllis, of Volmer, Idaho; aaid parties are hereby notified to appear, reoini and oiler evidence touching said alienation at 10 o'clock a. in. on April 8. 19 tl betore Vaw ter I'ruwlord, County Clerk, at his office In Heppner, Oregon, (and that final hearing w 111 1k held at 10 o'clock a. ni. on April lo, l'.ioti, before the Kenl ter and Receiver at Ihe United States Land Olllce in The Dalles, Oregon. The said c ntestant. having in a proper arli. (h.v. ttiled Jan. 17, lliui, set forth facts which Minu- tiiiil after due diiiReiice personal servo e 01 I his notice can not l e made, it is hereby ordered and directed thitt such notice be given due and proper publication MH H.VKL i'. NOLAN, Keglster, Feb 22-Moh. . CITATION. In the Coui.ty Court of the State of Oregon, fur ihe County of Morrow. In toe matter ol the estate of Oiive Warden, a minor. To Uiivo Warden, the neit of kin, andall per fons n 'erested, (ireptiug: In the name of tlicSfcte of Oregon: You are hereby cited and requiied to appear in the I ounty Court nf the -iate of Oregon, for the County of Morrow at tie Couit Koom there of, at Heppner, lu the County of Monow, on M. nday, the 2nd day of April, lHi, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then Bud there to show ciiise why the real prop rty and personal prcpertv in said estate should not be sold, to wit: The undivided one sixth interest in the Mrs, M. J. Haling, (deceased), estate. Witness the Hon. T. W. Ayers, Judge of the Countv Court of Morrow County, State of Ore gon, with the seal of said Court alHxed, this 21st day of February, A. 1)., IKOH. VAWTKR CRAWFOKD. Clerk. By J. U. Crawford, Deputy. SflDlE When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing, Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. Foley's no stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lunrs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'.S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Tha D:c:crs Ss'd Ha Ead Consumption- Karvelous Cure. L M RrrH-s. Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con rr'Uoinobextcrmii FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me -if l.t from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the paia in my lungs and today I am sound and well. Three sizes-25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50-cent size contain two and one-half times as much as the small size anl the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much, BY NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at La Urnde, Oregon, October 18, 1(106. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make ' final proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. 1'. Williams, U.S. Commissioner, at his office in Heppner. Ore., on March 21, 1900, viz: H. K. No. WHO. HOKAl E W. YOKUM, of Heppner Ore , for the Eh &WW Etf UWJi SAK 8k4 Sec. 21, Tp.4 S., It .18 E. W. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous re idence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Norman Kelly, L. A. Florence, Walter On sby and lieorge Hteveus all of Hepp er, Oregon. Ftbl5Mar22 . W. DAVIS, Heglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) PUBLIC LAND BALK. U. S. Laud Office, Lao ramie, Oregon. NOTICE 18 HKRfcBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of instructions from the Com missioner of the General Land Office, under authority vested in him by section 2455. V. 8. Uev. Stat , as amended by act of congress ap proved February 2t, 18'J5, we will proceed to otter at public sale at this office at the hour of 10 o'clock a m., on the Hth day of March, l'JOtt, the following tract of laud to wit: NW!i NWJ4. HVli 8W!, yyt SKl4, Sec. 26, Tp. 18..K . 27K. W.M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to tile their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. Dated Jan. 27, luti. No. 4tiV6. E. W. DAVIS, Register. A. A. ROBEKTo. Kectiver, Feb2-Mch9 THE ALPS John Zollinger, Prop. Fine "Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. . . . Appetizing Lunches. Hakdman, Oregon. Before You Order Tombstones, Marble or Granite Work You v ill do well to see Monterastelli Brothers and get prices. Thej have a fine stock on Land. MAI STIlKi:T, Ill-JFPWEH, OUE. OREGON SHOjpLlNE and union Pacific Onlv Line EAST via SALT LUKE M DEKVEB TWO TRAINS DAILY- Daily DKFAitTS TIME 8CHEDCLE8 Hkppner, Oa. Dally ARR1VXS Fast Mall For East aud West Fast Mall From East and West Express For East and West Express From East and West 9:00a. m. 6:35 p. m. 9:00 a.m. 5:8.5 p. STEAMER LINES. Boat service between Portland, Astoria, OroKon City, Dayton, Halem, Independence, Corvallls and all Columbia and Willamette River points, SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Htcamers between Klparla and I.ewlston leav Riparia daily at 10:40 a. in. except Saturday, returning leave Lew is ton dally at; a. m. except Friday. J. B. EUDDLESON, Agent, Heppner. A. L. CKAIG, The Hrppnec Gaiette th news of Mor row County; The Weekly Oregonlao tb new and thouKbt of the world. Both at a special price. Inquire or address The Oaaette. Heppner, Or. lUDICKB ft hi ntruat judom.uiw.