35 SLXOSD IS TBAUE. We nave immense Volume of Bull, lies Wllh Germany. Washington, Jan. 7 Trade between the United States and Gerbany, whose commercial relations are now the sub ject of negotiations between the two countries, aggregated in the fiscal rear lS05over $3,000,000. A report issued today by the Bureau of Statistics of the Department of Labor and Commerce "The imports from Germany were tllS,000,0C0 in value and exceeded im pertt from that country in any earlier year. The exports to Germany were fKH.WO.OCD in value and exceeded our xporta to that country in any earlier year 'except 1904, in which year tht total was over 8214,000,000, this de crease in 1905 compared with 1904 hav i jng occurred in raw cotton and being ?ue aletber to a fall in prices, since the quantity in 1905 was greater than in , I;X)4. Imports from Germany increased J27.00O.C00 in the period from 1895 to 1905, and exports to tt at country in creased $102,OCC,OC3 in the ean.e time. "Germany staoda second in the order f magnitude of our trade with foreign cocntriei, both as to imports and ex ports. Manufactures are the bu'k rf the lllS,fiOO,000 worth of merchandise im y&rted from Germany. These manu factures include c tton goods, about $14,000,000 in value; chemicals, drugs 4td dyes, $15,000,000; iron and steel rsanufactures, about $5,000,000; leather manufactures, $3,000,000; siik manu factures, about $5,0f 0,000; manufac tares of fibers, about $3,000 000; wool en goods $3,000,000; paper and manu factures thereof, over $3,000,000, and toys, $4,000,000. Raw cotton is by far the largest single item in our exports to Germany, amounting in 1905 to $8f, 000.000 in value, as compared with ex ports of $43,000 000 in value in 1895 "Breadstuff's form a 'e's important factor in our trade with Germany than fo'merly, owing to the great fa li g off in the quantity which the Uni ed SW is now able to epare to the outside world. Gf wheat, f r example, our ex ports to Germany, which amounted to more thn 10.000.CJO bushels in 191)1 and practically 20 000,000 bushels in 1902, fell to 14,5000,000 in 1903, 7,5000, 000 in 1904, and 100,000 bushel in 1905, the value in 1905 bein but $84,7000 Flour shows also a considerable decline, but com showed a rucked increase, its total export to Germany being over $9, 0(10,000 in value. ''In manufactures, especially copper, mineral, leather, ee'en ific instruments and cerUin ma ufactures of iron and steel, our exports to Germany show a B eady growth. The value of copper in bars and plate exported from the United States to Germany amounted to over $14,000,000. "Impors from Germanv formed, in 1905, 10.7 per cen of the total importa tions into the United S utes, and ex ports to that country in t e same year, 12 7 per cent of the t ta exports to that country. German 's figures show that impo ts from the United States in 1904 formed 14.8 i er cent of her total imports, nd the exports to the United States formed 9 6 per cent of her total exports. If you take this paper and The Weekly Oreg-onlan you won't have to beg you? new. m REAL ESTATE WE CAN SELL YOUR LANDS n of en Iviff 1ti jnnLG Will positively only last until Saturday evening, January 13. This great sale is an opportunity knocking at the doors of shrewd and economical shoppers and reason and self interest appeal to them not to overlook it. 9 EVERY GARMENT MUST BE DISPOSED OF. NOTHING RESERVED, REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE. Tailoi-made suits $4.7 5. Jackets $425 Walking skirts $3.25 Flannel waists $1.00 Ladies sattcen underskirts 95 cents Childrens dresses at your own price Illli UAUUAIN. I Remember that Saturday is the last day to get them at above prices. A. Shapiro & Company Slocum Drug Company building, Main Street, opposite Bank of Heppner. tmE3SSS5Bt EB" Spoiled Her Beauty. Horret Howard, of W. 34th St., New York, at one time bad her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for yearp, but noth ng would cure it, nn'il I used Buckleu's Arnica Salve." A quick and Hure healer for cuts, burns and seres. 25c at Pntterron & Son's drns 6We. EXPERIENCE fV Trade Marks Copyrights Ac. Anvone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion rree whether an Invention Is probably patentable, fomniiinlca tlonsntrictlTconfldentfal. HANDBOOK on Patents eent free. Oldest aitency for securing-patents. Pateuta taken through Alunn & Co. receive rptclal notice, without charge, la the Scientific Jftnerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr dilation of any scientific journal. Terms, 3 a year : four months, f L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN S Co.361B"-d- New York Branch Office, 626 F SU Waahlnutoo, D. C in We Sell and Rent The Smith Premier The World's Best Typewriter WE carry a complete stock of Typewriter Desks, Ribbons, Papers, Carbons, and all supplies for all makes of machines. Competent stenographers, who can operate any make of machine, furnished without charge to either party. Send for our bookl-t or a talesman to explain just why th Smith Premier is the most perfect and practical of all writing machines. Efce Smith Premier Typewriter Co. No. 247 Stark St. Port land, On. II I I ! I mi iti.sinvi: ka(.b. ICooiii tor Oullde Sheep In Idaho. Tiitre wiil be no room for outside seep in Idaho forest reserves this sea J. 5. B :.jic, the well known Mor rcw county suetpman, recently wrote to Forest Superyisor F. A. Fenn, and in the replr the supervisor states that local etock wil more than fill all the re- cerrt ranee in Idaho this season. Sheepmen who have been looking lo IJaho for reserve range this season will be compelled to look elsewhere. A Grim Tragedy. daily f-cndJ, in thousands of homes, ; D'-ih claims, in each CDe, another TCl ta of Consumption or Poenmooia. Bt: when Coughs and Colds are proper ly trebled, the tragedy is averted. F. fl. Huntley, rl OaklaLdon, Iod., writer: ' JMv vi'ilt LhJ the consumption, and 51.' c ii c'lire fc'&v.( ber up. Finallv ebe tco-i Dr. Kind's New D.scovery for Con sptiou, Coohs and Colds, which cored her, and today she is well and It kills the tr-rrnp of all "Jr-i"' n. dfipe relieves. Guaran tmxi at :u: and f 1.00 by Patterson & fv&, druggists. XrijJ bjttle free. E w w y arm m So many people who have apparently recovered from an attack of La Grippe are stricken with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened and unable to resist disease. not only cures La Grippe Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, but strengthens the Lungs so they will not be susceptible to the development of serious lung troubles. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates. I bad a bad case of La Grippe about ten years ago which left my Lungs so weak that I have been troubled more or less every winter since until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, which cured me completely and my Lungs no longer trouble me.-J. H. BRpWNING, D.D.S., Orrick, Mo. G. VACHER, 157 Osgood St., Chicago, says: "My wife had a very severe case of La Grippe, and it left her with a very bad cough. She tried a bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and it gave immediate relief." S3 ft Three sizes 25c, SOc, $1.00. The 50-cer.t size contains two and one half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. Refuse Substitutes. SOLD AND RECOUUENDED BY sU SLOCUM DRUG COMPANY, HEPPNER, OREGON Choice Wheat Lani Only SIO Per Acre. Two hundred and fifty acres of good wheat land only five miles from Lexington with down bill grade all the way to railroad eta tion, seven miles from Heppner, all fenced, only $10 per acre. This is a bargain that will soon be taken up at this price. Call on or address Wells & Warnock for farther description, Heppner, Or-gon. OREGON and Union Pacific Onlv Line EAST via SET LRKE M DEHVEB TWO TRAINS DAILY- Bally XIME SCHEDULES Dally D"AKT8 HRPPN.K.OK. AKH1VKS Fast Mall For 9:00 a.m. East aud West Fast Mall From East ami West A:35 p. m. Express For 9:00a.m. KastandWest Express From East and West 5:S.r p. STEAMER LINES. Ran Francisco Portland Koctr. Steam sails from Portland 8 p. m. every 5 days. Boat service between Portland, Astoria, Orotfon City, Dayton Halem, Independence, Corvallis and all Columbia and Willamette River points. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Steamers between Riparia and Lewipton leav Riparia daily at 10:4u a. m. except ttaturdny, returning leave Lewistou daily at 7 a. m. except Friday. J. 6. HDDDLESON, Agent, Heppner, A. L. CRAIG, Before Yoa Order Tombstones, Marble or Granite Work You will do well to see Monterastelli Brothers and get prices. They have a hue stock on band. MAIN STKDFT, IIKPPNKH, ORE. THE ALPS John Zollinger, Prop. Fino Wines, Liquors, and Cijrars. . . . Appetizing Lunches. IIardmax, Oregon. corcraion Will lvo Its readers In th , 82 Issues of the 1900 Volume 7 i bool le, cai 50 mtributed esmen, T 200 Timely Editc t and Domest 250 i by the best i s 'of Charac ones of Hum 1000 ent Events and cience and KaUi 2000 Serial Stories, each a book in itself, reflecting American Ufa in home, camp and Held. Special Articles contributed by Famons Men and Women Statesmen, Travellers, Writers and Scientists. Thoughtful and Timely Editorial Articles on important Public and Domestic Questions. Complete Stories by the best of Living Story Writers Stories 'of Character, Stories ol Achievement, Stories of Humor. Rotes On Current Events and Disco eries in the Field of Science and natural History. Bright and Amusing Anecdotes, Items of Strange and Curious Knowledge, Poems and Sketches. Health Articles, Religious Articles, Children's Page, etc. nUttrnint Annowicemrnt for IWmJ Sample Copirt of the J'aper Sent to An Addreit Free. Every Hew Subscriber Who cuts out and sends this slip at ones with name and address and $1.75 will receive: All the issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1905. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Tear's Double numbers. Cmnk The Minutemen" Calendar I 66 for 1906, in is colors and gold. And The Companion for the $s weeks of 1906 a library of the best reading for every member of the family. Free Free THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston. Mate. Hew Subscription! Ktctirei at ThU Of tic.