Hood's Sarsaparilla is unquestiona bly the greatest blood and liver medicine known. It. positively and permanently cures every humor, from Pimples to Scrofula. It is the Best. Blood Medicine. Looking In (be Future. Mrs. Bacon I see by this paper that Alexander VVilkinshaw of Loudon uses his arm as a genealogical tree. It has been tattooed with dates. In addition to his own and his wife's birth dates and the record of their marriage he has the name and date of the birth of each of his children. Mr. Bacon If Alexander should hap pen to lose his wife and go courting again it might be embarrassing for him to have his family around the girl so much of the Umc Yonkers Statesman. DISSECTING A BILLION. ttu Arithmetical Symbol Simple, Says Henry Ilesaemer. One billion! What is It? Its arith metical symbol Is simple and without much pretension, says London An swers. Let us briefly take a glance at it as a meusure of time, distance and weight. Asa measure of time, I would take one second as the unit and carry my self In thought through the lapse of ages back to the first day of the year 1 of our era, remembering that In all those years we have 3(15 days and In every day Just 80,400 seconds of time. Hence, in returning In thought back again to this year of grace 1905, one might have supposed that a billion of About three hundred species of mos quitoes have been described, and It Is estimated that two hundred more ex ist. Giles recognizes only thirty-six species In the whole of North America, but Florida alone claims twenty-two species. Poisoning from gas inhalation is now added to the recognized dangers of bal looning. The hydrogen Itself non poisonous is often contaminated with Weak Lungs Bronchitis seconds had long since lapsed, but this arsenic, selenium and antimony, and is not sa for It takes Inst 31.C.K7 venrs. i fourteen cases of ill effects have been 17 dayl 22 hours, 45 minutes and 5 seconds ;o constitute a billion of sec onds of tirue Let u try In imagination to arrange a billlo) sovereigns for Inspection. Let us put one on the ground and pile Make sure s yield of anantltr and quality. Wlieu your finiier plumed 1 urry's, they were the heat on the market, but tuey have been lniorov- Intc ever since. We aro experts la flower and vegetable apde. IttOB tSced Annual, beautifully lllus- tiauil, free to ail applicant. 0. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit. Mich. Positive, Comparative, Superlative. " I have used one of your Fish Brand Slickers for five years, and now want a new one, also one fur a friend. I would not be without one for twice th cost. They are just as f.ir ahead of a common coat as a common one is ahead of nothing." (Nbiiio on jiplli atlon.) mcnrsT wwn world's fur. hoi. Be sure you don't get one of the com mon kind -this Is the rrfSWrTV V" A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, U.S.A. mark of excellence. TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited, TORONTO, CANADA. 35 Matters of Wet Weather Clothing & Hats. TIP"5" (jgEg.OO To be Given for Reliable Information We have set aside $1,900:00 to be spent for information and will give five dollars for a Postal Card giving the first reliable news of a charter to if II a horizontal itram engine of our ttye$, within our range of 1171. We do not want inquinei at this time for vertical, traction or gas cnginei. ATLAS ENCINE8 ano BOILERS PoiMrt of ihm roost enmplfU tin of nmnoa and boilsvi in 1 by uy on manufMturiutf concern 10 bm world Atlas Engine Works fUJimi attnnaa in all cititi INDIANAPOLIS Cortfta, Four VIti. Automatic, Hifh-Sprt'1, Com peuixl ao4 Trmttlihf hngitita. ttatar Tuba, Tu liitlavr aod fortM BoiWr At Us r.nf mst in Mrtfra 1 in wt H P. Atlas Hui.ara in mi fir 4.i".w,t-u H P. P. N. U. No. 2-06 upon It is many as will reach twenty feet In height; then let us place num bers of similar columns in close con tact, forming a straight line and mak ing a ort of wall twenty feet. high. Imagiie two such walls running par allel tu each other and forming, as it were, a long street. It is not until we have ttxtended our imaginary street to a distance of 2,380 miles that we shall have presented for inspection our 1,000,100,000 of coins. Or, In lieu of this arrangement, we may ilace them flat upon the ground, forming one continuous line like a long golden chain, with every link in close contact. But to do this we must pass over land and sea, mountain and val ley, desert and plain, crossing the equator and returning around the southern hemisphere through the trackless ocean, retrace our way again across the equator, then still on and on until we again arrive at our start ing point, and when we have thus passed a golden chain round the huge bulk of the earth we shall be but at the beginning of our task. We must draj this imaginary chain no less than 7M times around the globe. Such a chain would require for its transport no less than 2,325 ships, each with a full cargo of 3,000 tons. Even then there would be a residue of 447 tons, representing 64,081,920 sovereigns. For a measurt of height, let us take the thin sheets of paper on which these lines are printed. If laid out flat and firmly pressed together, as in a well-bound book, these would repre sent a measure of about 1-333 of an inch In thickness. Let us see how high a dense pile formed by a billion of these thin paper leaves would reach. We must, in imagination, pile them vertically upward, by degrees reach ing to the height of our tallest spires; and passing these, the pile must still grow higher, topping the Alps and Andes and the highest peaks of the Himalayas. Still pile on your thou sands and millions of thin leaves, for we are only beginning to rear the mighty mass. Add millions on mil lions of sheets and thousands of miles on these, and still the number will lack its due amount. When our one billion sheets are superimposed upon each other and pressed into a compact mass they have reached an altitude of t7,34S miles! reported to the French Academy of Medicine. In one of the two forms of poisoning dea tli results In two or three days. IMowIng wells, sometimes known as breathing wells, are now being inves tigated by the United States Geological Survey. The best known examples of this type of well are found throughout Nebraska. The force of the air cur rent In one of the Louisiana wells Is sufficient to keep a man's hat suspend ed above it. Such phenomena are main ly due to changes in atmosphere pressure. Decrees of Kicks. "Let me tell you something, Sam," said the overseer; "the Mow of a whale's tnle is the strongest animnl force in the world; the kick of a giraffe is second, and the stroke of a lion's paw the third." "Oh, well, I s'poae, boss, by de time iley pets down to de kick of a mule dey'd have us beliefs it is just a gentle lub tap." "ITTJJFN writing; to advertisers please V mention this pnper. lllii Afcecfable Prcparalionfor As similating tticFixxlandRcguIa ling the Stomachs and Dowels of Iromotcs Dicslion.Chperfur nessand nost. Contains neiiher Opium.Morpliinc nor Mineral. Hot Ti aii c otic. jtU.Smma tUtMU Smlm (ViiruW.Kiaar ttrntuwrmm tai A perfect Remedy forConslirwi Hon, Sour Stonvvh. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .r own sh ncss and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Stflnnttire of NEW YORK. ID ULUtm ft n I For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AS? AM Some anxiety Is being caused in Ger many by the decline of the birth rate. In 1904 the birth rate was 30.5 in each 1,000 inhabitants, against 30.9 in 1903, 32.1 in 1902, 33.4 in llol, and 33.7 in 1900. The decrease, therefore, is con tinuous. Lung disease, not only in towns but in the country as well, is decreasing. It is claimed that this result is owing to the systematic and scientific war which the authorities are conducting against this scourge. The prosperity of Japan depends very largely upon the sea. A thousand varieties of fish Including the shark are eaten by the inhabitants, the an nual yield of the fisheries being three million tons, or three times the con sumption in the United States. The value of this product is $30.ooo,oo0. The coasts also supply an edible alga known as laver. and other sea weeds from which food gelatine is extracted, together with large quantities of salt. From Japan, moreover, comes a large Quantity of the world's coral and pearls. Luther Burbank, of California, who has probably produced more new varie ties of fruits, flowers and plants than any other living man, said recently to a friend that he was accustomed, when selecting for color among newly created flowers, to submit the choice to a lady of his acquaintance noted for her exquisite taste. Mr. Burbank's own judgment, however, in the matter of color and form is highly trained, and is exercised with surprising quickness and sureness of decision. Among his latest productions Is a daisy, In which he has striven especially to obtain a graceful carriage of the stem and flower. Fostal authorities in Milan, Italy, use an automoune wagon in wmen to col lect part of the mail. The car runs be tween the central postofflee and the branch offices and boxes in the dif ferent districts of the city. The auto mobile Is of large size, on the style of an omnibus, and is fitted out so that the mall can be sorted by one clerk while the car Is running. The ear stops at each letter box to collect the I mall, and between the boxes the clerk 'sorts and stamps the letters and passes them In packages to a second man who : puts them In a series of compartments t corresponding to each carrier's route. This car rovers a route fourteen miles long and collects the mall from all box es In an hour and n half. The Influence of occupations upon the eyesight is strikmgiy Illustrated by statistics collected among the schools of (lerniany and France. In Cermauy It has been shown that TiO per cent of those engaged in the so-called liberal professions sttJTer more or les from myopia, or shortness of sight, whereas among laborers the percentage drops to 5, and among peasants to imly a half of 1 per cent. The remarkable growtli of mvonia with increase of at- i tentlon demanded by school work is Indicated bv the fact that the eyes of only fl per cent of the scholars In the primary schools of France are affected, but those of more than 20 per cent In the secondary schools. In the College Hollln 15 per cent of the scholars have myopia In the lower grade. 32 per cent In the third grade, and per cent In the courses in philosophy. For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. " I had sn awful congh for over a year, and nothing teemed to do me any goon. 1 tried j iierrT reciorai ana wtl aonn cured recommend It to all m I thr liars s cough." J Washington, D. C. friends whenever IBS M. MSVKR8, LmsMsi Mads by J. C. syer Co., Lowell, Alio manufacturers or yers SARSAPAfilLLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. TTnenthaslaatle. "Be studious, my son," said the ha bltual adviser, "and you may have a tablet in the Hall of Fame." "Yes," answered the cautious youth, "and be pointed out as an example of what ordinary people get In while real genius Is excluded." Washington Star. TITQ Permannly Cured. JTodtflOr nervousnPM II 10 sfterflrstday'suseofDr.KllriPXirpatNerve Restorer. Mend for Free trial bottle and treatise. Vi.H. H. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sisterly Regret. "That convention of dressmakers de cided that waists must be smaller this season." "I'm so sorry." "For yourself?" "Mercy, no! For Jane Puffeigh and Lucy Waddles." Cleveland Plain Dealer. (2 iJWMH'jJ20iLL CUMS WHIM ALL ELSE FAILS. I Best Cough Syrup. Taiitea Good. Use in time, noin ny aruggimi Appropriate. "That organist played the wedding march so fast that the bride and groom in trying to keep iep, almost danced up the aisle." "Well, my dear, a wedding march Is something of a two-step; now, isn't it?" Baltimore American. For coughs and colds there Is no better medicine than Piso's Cure for Consump tion. Price 25 cents. The less a man he thinks he is. knows the smarter You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE, Write Allen 8. OlmBted, I Roy , N. Y., for a free Bsmtle of Allen's Foot-Eaae. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes sew or tight nhof s easy. A certain cure foe corns, lngrowlngDalln and bunions. Aildrog gists sell it. 25c. Don't accept any sttfistituta, A Way Out. "I cannot accept your affection," she said, "And yet I don't feel I could spurn it." "In that case," he answered, "I'll bs satisfied If only ytu'll kindly return it." Baltimore American. Ayer's Pills keen the bowels retzular, Ail vegetable and gently laxative Dead did you Hl4Tht. quit that "What for?" "Ths boss called me a fool." "But he didn't fire you? You for that?" "Yes, sir." "Then the boss was right." Cleve land Leader. good job quit Mothers will find Urn. Winslow's Soothing 6yrup the beet remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. A Good Gnesser. "I understand there is no eminent humorist In the Hall of fame." "Well, I guess the humorists are not dying to get there." Cleveland Flain Dealer. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENKY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the underiigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by tneir nrm. Wkht & Truax, W holesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walking, K innan it Marvin, holesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Caiarrh Cure is taken Internally, act ing directiv unon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 7oc. per bottle. BLOOD POISON; The black flag is an emblem of horror and dread. When it is hoisted by an army, the order has gone forth that " no quarter " will be given, ev erything must be destroyed. Helpless women and children, as well as oppos ing soldiers, meet the same fate, and a trail of desolation, suffering and death is left behind. Contagious Blood Poison is the black flag of the great army of disease. This vile disorder is known as the blackest and most hide ous of all human afflictions, overthrowing its victims and crushing out the life. It is no respecter of persons ; no matter how pure the blood may ba or how innocently the disease is contracted, when this awful virus enters thq circulation the hideous, hateful and humiliating symptoms begia to appear, and the sufferer feels that his very presence is polluting and contaminating. Usually the first sign of the disease is a little sore or ulcer, but as the blood becomes more deeply poisoned the severer sjmptoms are manifested, the mouth and throat ulcerate, the glands in the groins swell, a red rash break3 out on the body, the hair and eyebrows come out, and often the body is cov ered with copper-colored spots, pustular eruptions and sores. In its worst stages the disease affects the nerves, attacks the bones and sometimes causes tumors to form on the brain, produce Several years aero I had blood poison and my flesh was in an awful condition. tiy i the Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free, Hail s Family Pills are the best. Merciful Rabbit Trapping. It is confidently stated that the shocking cruelties of the steel trap in common use for catching rabbits can readily and cheaply be prevented by twisting a few turns of copper or brass wire closely around each jaw, below the teeth, where the spring flies up, o as to insure the teeth being always fixed a full quarter of an inch open when the trap is sprung. Rabbits are thus caught with equal ease, and when taken out of the traps are found uninjured. To complete their purpose, the traps must be placed far down In the holes and be regularly visited early and late. These modified traps are most successful, with advantages rela tive to food, while dogs, cats and birds derive proportionate freedom from suffering when trapped by mistake. Great sores would break cut and noth ing I put cn them would do any good. My hair arid eyebrows fellcut and I was "a frigrht." My mouth was so sore t had to live on milk and water. I took Mercury for a long; t;ni9 end instead oi B-etting- better I continued to g-row; worse and my arms aud hands became solid sores. My log's v. ore drawn so X could not walk and I felt that my time) was short here if I did not get some re lief. I fceean to i-.r.e your fc. S. S. and It helped me from the start. After taking? it awhile the sores all healed, my rheu matism was cured and to-day I am a strong-, well man. It g-ot all the mer cury out cf my system and it cured mi sound and well. ADAH ECHNABEL, ' Evansville, Ind. No. 211 Mary St, ing insanity and death. Not only those who contract the poison sutler, but unless the virus is driven from the blood the awful taint is handed down to offspring, and they are its innocent victims. Blood Poison is in deed a "black flag." Mercury and Potash, so often used, never can cure the trouble. These minerals merely drive the symptoms away for awhile and shut the disease up in the system, and when they are left off it returns worse than before. This treatment not only fails to cure blood poison but eats out the delicate lining of the stomach and bowels, produces chronic dyspepsia, loosens the teeth and fre quently causes mercurial rheumatism to add to the patient's suffering. S. S. S., the great vegetable medicine, is theconqueror of this vile disease. It goes down to the very root of the trouble and cures by cleansing the blood ol every particle of the poison. S. S. S. does not hide or cover tip anything but clears the entire circulation of the virus and puts the system in good healthy condition. It cures safely as well as certainly, because there is not a particle of mineral in it. We offer a re ward of $1,000.00 for proof that S. S. S. is not purely vegetable. When the blood is purified and strengthened with thi3 great remedy the S-mptoms all pass away and no sign of the disease is ever seen again ; nor is there left the least trace to be handed down to posterity. Special book with instructions for self-treatment and any medical advice de sired will be sent without charge to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CC, ATLANTA. CA J rsj 1 PURELY VEGETABLE. njt- X -KV V -'v ' In Use For Over Thirty Years .:': II lV M.U.H rWU I hi EXACT COPY Of WRAEPCR. j J 1 mill Tws tartavw hsmii, new oaa arrr. ItpnaontriK from Kii-rl-iioe. A little Kast Side boy was having his first country outing, says the New York Tribune. He lay on the gras in a peach orchard, making a chain of daisies and buttercups. Across the blue sky a line of swallows dipped. "Look up. look up. Johnny! See the prettv birds Hying through the air," said his hostess. Jimmy looked up quickly. "Poor lit tle fellers!" ho exclaimed, pityingly. "They Hin't got no cases, have they?" Kllril I nt niol ioiix. "Why didn't you put this watermel on in the ie box. as 1 told you?" asked the mistress of the maid. Then, says the Cleveland Plain lealer. Mag gie, the maid, grew Indignant. "I did. inuni." "Hut it isn't cold." "No. muni. How could It be? I had to take the Ice out to get it In." If the woman w ho throws .1 shawl j over her head to run Into a neighbor's had time to pass a looking glass, her reason for going would bo seared out of her head and she would remaiu at borne. 'K sa ja ' . -'S s 1 WW . .......L.rfW.M-.r.tif mm. M ..r-. . ... . TheWinningROIce I If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement In cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup cf Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants w hich are combined with the figs in the manu facture cf Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. It is because cf the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy cf uncertain quality or inferior .reputation. Every family should have a bottle cf the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup cf FiS is for sale in bottles of one size only, fry all reputable druggists and that full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed cn tne iront cr every package. Kegular price, 50c per rottle. TiHni-' Witti'-'- iff '-"1 Lou 1 rttrtx (At'FQRNIA Fig rup (q Skn Frsmcisco Cfcl Ajiltfi ii iinlilil sasrs jf I v. rrisri'isaTWv"-' f . ipi . m mm TH Y. I jNgw Yc-rk PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more roods brighlrr and faster color than any other site. One 10c tuarantrrd to give perfect rrvulta. Ah dralrr, or e will snd pot pjid . Mcadi and sals colors. MONROt DRLli CO, (Jniooville. Missouri. pstltace colon silk, it 10c package. wool and cotton equally wrtl and Is Write lor free booklet how to d.