Urrgnu Irrigation Association. .IVting President Stephen A. Lowell if the Oregon Irrigation Association has sent out the following circular: Pinr tMr: The State of Oregon ia eg ajfially horoied by the assemblage within her borders of the National Jrri jation Congress at a time when the sub jpct of irriga'ion is receiving continent wide attention. It is fitting that this iiate, most liberal contributor to the ir rigation fund of the nation, shall be the jcene of the most important session hich the National Association has Sela, or is likely to hold. The Sta'e Inuation Association will Ao'd no distinctiv9 meeting, but will co operate nith the Lewis and Clark Ex position D?ajagement and the city of Portland in welcoming the National or janbat'on, and furthering its wotk. Mayor Frank Gilliam, ot Heppner, lias been appointed hs a member of the reception committee. Judge T. V. 4yers is a meriib.r of the ex cutivv aommittee. Find t'lire for leprosy. Manila, Aug. 12. American surgeon", jonnec'ed with the Bo?nl of Health of .Manila, declare that they have dis anvered a positive cu e for leptosy. Of 25 cases treated, all have mprored, sis rases being absolutely cure I. Several patients, portions of whose bodies we e one, have recov red. All of the ca-es hav been under ob .ervation for at least six months, and it is absolutely fopossible to discover ti trace cf the ,rer i s r f the disease in the o d of the patients. The method iea is a system of X-rays. The su-teoKS do i ot desire th-ir aaaies to be mentioned at present. ihey vvi 1 not ask for the rewaids which .iave ueen cti'red by various gover fl uents for a cur-: for leprosy Weekly Crop Bulletin. Following is the report of the United States Department of Agriculture, Ore gon section for the week ending Friday, August 15; Dry weather continues aod the need of rain is becoming more urgent. Streams are getting low and pasturage is becoming very short, except on tide land and on the mountain ranges. Stock, up to within a few days ago, kept in good condition, but now cattle are losing flesh except where they are helped by an extra feed of hay. The harvesting and the threshing of grain are being rapidly pushed and some farmers are through with this work. Fall wheat and barley yields con tinuegood. The straw of spring wheat was heavy and the heads were large, but the berry shriveled during the re cent hot weather, with the result that the yields in nearly every section of the state are less than expected. Oats suf fered sioii'arlv, and, while the damage was possibly not so great as in the case of spring wheat, oat yields are also dis appointing. , Corn and late po'atoes need rain; the hot days url the corn leaves, but they freshen up again dating the coolnesu of the nights. Hops are uneven, and re ports legarding the condition of the crop ate conflicting. Sugar be-ts in the Urand lionde v. ll.'V aie promising, but the crop ia not so good as it n as last year at thi-t time. Peaches are pletiti i fill in the markets. Apples are smailf r in size than usual, but otherwise Uie yield in the well kept orchards promises to be r early an average one. Prunes tiave dropped more than usual at this seaso i ot tlte year. Ulii BAKOA1N. Choice Wheat Laui Only 10 Per Acre. Two hundred and fifty acres of good wheat land only five miles from Lexington with down hill grade all the way to railroad sta tion, seven miles from Heppner, all fenced, only $10 per acre. This is a bargain that will soon be taken up at this price. Gall on or address Wells & Warnock for further description, Heppner, Ore gon. It will wash and not ran off This complexion all envy me, It's no secret so I'll teli Teke thou Rocky Mountain Tea. P. MoMillan, Lexington, Or. W. Dear Gus : I have solved the mother-in-law problem, just give her regu larly Hillister's Koky Mountain Tea. It will make her healthy, hippy and docile o? a lamb 25o Tea or Tablets. XV. P. MoIillao, Lexington, Or. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Tired out, worn oat women cannot sleep, eat or work; seems as if she would fly to pieces. HolIiBter's Rooky Mountain Tea makes strong nerves and rioh red blood. 85 cents, Tea or Tab lets. W. P. MoMillan, Lsxington, Ore. If you want a pretty face and delightful air, Roey cheeks and lovely hair, Wedding trip aoross the sea, Put your faith in Rocky Mountain Tea. VV. P. McMillan. T,,r,r,.t Oregon. ft Notice. THE ALPS John Zollinger, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. . . . Appetizing Lunches. JIardmax, - Oregon. Dry, fine posts and cordwood at mv piace in vvuiow creek basin. Posts Sfi2.fSfl nor ,1 ,1 A 1 -rv w ""..uicu tt,,u tvuuu I.DU Dftr . t corK- W. II. HERREN HOLLISTER'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Msdiolne for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Benowed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Llvel and Kidney Troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, IJ.ict Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache and l!:icl;a-ho. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab. let form. !S5 cents a box. Genuine made by LtoLMOTiitt Drug Company, Madison, Wis. COLOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Timberland Act June 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. REAL ESTATE Timber Lands, Stock Ranches, Wheat Farms Good Bargains in Timber Lauds rmatillrt re-erv itioii wheat ruu- stun Jioni to -is oufiieifi bl or i'2 pouuds pfr bushel. The official r-p; rt of yellow fever at New Orleans up to 6 p. :d. August lo, disclosed 903 cases of which lol, or just 1G per ceat lave resultel fn ally. At Octuuiwp, Iouh, jrs. Mary Harris has beea arrested eharced ith the murd-r of hr husband, t ho whs found en i m bed, shot fhroujh th - Lead. fast Assistant Surgeon K. II. Ton Ez l jif, rT t! e United States fit my, has ben c rdered ftoni inion to ,eiv urieann. ue is mi. i-hority on nil nutters pt-rtainicg -Td yellow fever. Ghairmae Si.obts, f .f lltP nirnu fsnal commid!ioD, states that just 'JO cases of yt-llo.v feVt-i fever have been reported -.u th- isihmus dur Augisr, that thpre is 1.0 Scire" at all, ai d no iudieatiou of nny ejii -i:mie fifiu tlmt disease. Mrs. Geotge Kees choked to death at Butte, Mont., by a piec of bacon rind getting into her wiudpipe as she laughed while eat ing her dinner. The Booth-Kelly Lnmber com pany will expend 750,000 on bet terments of its properties in Lane county, of which a portion will be expended upon new mills. Idaho la6t year yielded 4,500,- 000 bushels of wheat. The yield this year is expected to be about the HHine as last, although the acreage is larger. The apparent discrepancy is due to hot winds. At Moscow, Idaho, Odin B. Wal ler, his son, George Waller, atd A rut JJorgen are undr arrest charged with shooting the 13 y cer oid son of Alexander Andersi.n, July 14. The boy was not danger ously wounded and has recovered T iose who believe the accused did the shooting, which occurred af;er bight, think they intended to kill the boy's father. A family feud is supposed to be at the bottom of the affi ay. If you want to bay or eell, call or write. C. L. AS HB AUG II, Hardman, Or. Aug. 15 Adm Boyer, at Berea, O . made many threats to kill his wife am children. He underto k to sarry them out, and ehot ;nd kill, ad his wife, and shot at and raiss C tie three oldest children. He ifcea 3ed and has not been cap Uired. February last a treasure box ?onta:ning $50,000 cash and secur ities amounting to 8250,000, was atolen from Herman S. Cheney, at Southbridge, Mas?. August 13 the box was lefc at jjr. Cheney's i5ice door, wrayped in soiled pa pers, and carefully tied, with all the contents intact. Not a dollar las missing. Antelope Herald: It is reported niat 1,000 head of sheep belonging -tthe Miller & Lux outfit of San Francisco, were killed in the Grt.cite mining district of eastern Grant county recently. Warning had been sent to sheepowners to teej- their fcheep away from the fining property, aa they were dacaaging the water f-upply and forage. If ynn are troubled wub d zzy spe!ii, hpadaohe, in lineal ion, consMpHtion, Uo iiHt-r' Kickv Mountain Te wil aa&ke you wil. If it fails, get yoiir rutvy back. That's fair. 353. W. P VJcMillan, Lexiogtoo, Or. SHEEP d RANCH FOR SALE w 111 "" '"" ?i? J3e!S tslicep ranch of its size in Oregon 'i780 acres 4000 sliee). These sheep have been bred and rais ed on this ranch and never in their lives have they had one pound of feed but what tliev found for themselves on the range. They shear a fleece of 10 lbs. of good salable wool. For further information call or address, :::::; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at La lirande, Oregon, Notice Is hereby given thathe'fllimvinir. named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final p. oof in supnort of his claim and that said proof will be made beiore ti.e County Clerk of Mnr - O.egon.at Heppner, Oregon, on September 2a' viz: H. K. No. 11548, LOREN L. PARKER. NV yA sec 11. Sec 10, Tp 4 S. K V M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Keese, G. B. Hatt, W. C. Kennedy Robt. J. tt ilkius, all of Heppner, Oregon ' ,,Q .o, E. V. DaV'18, llcgister. Augl7-S pt21 NOTICE FOR J TJBLICATION. (Public Land .Sale.) (Isolated Tract.) U. S. Land Oilice, The Diilts Oregon, . ,r . AngiiHt 12, l'.K)."). TV-oriCK IS HEREBY GIVEN T i AT IN imrsinuice ol instructions fiiiin tlio rvi,., missiiiner of the General Land map, i.n.tpr aumoruy vested in nim by section 24,")5 U. S Ktv. Mai., ns amended bv act of congicss ap proved February 2(!, 1st 5 we will proceed) to oiler at public sale at tnehotiroi in o'clock a m-, on the 'ili day of .September. 1 y .". at this office the following tra :t of land, to-wit: TheSV'4 NEi ec 31. S'4 HE See 22 BE'i NEV4 i EH 8J of Sec 31, Tp 1 bouth, Kauge 2b East of Willamette Meridian. f Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to rile their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale. uiiici ise iiitur rignts win ne lorielted. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. ANNE M. LANG, Receiver. Augl7-Sept21 United States Land Oflioe, LaGrande, Oregon June 26, 1905. Notice is herahv iri-vnn that. In nnmnliannA vlth the provisions of the ao of Congress or Jane 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, Mattik Oraoit. Pat.mkr. of Lexington. Conntv of Morrow. fitntA of Ore gon, has this day tiled In this office her sworn statement No. 335G, for the purchase of the 8H 8ec, 4 and 8H EJ of Section No. 5 in Tp. No. 4 8.K. No. 29 K. W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val uable for itfi timber or Hlnno t.h.n fir noricnltrir. al purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Vawter Crawford, county clerk, at Heppner. Oregon, on Monday the 4th day of September 1905. Hhe names as witnesses James W. Stephens, Franklin D. Cox, William L. Witherell, Edgar D. Palmer, all of Heppner, Oi egon. Any and all persons c'aiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this othee on or before said 4th day of September, 190f). j2U.a81 E. W. Davis. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Laud Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 21, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of Ms intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Ore., at Heppner, Or , on August 22, 1905, viz: H. E. No. 8297, CHARLES 0. SCHILLING, of Heppner, Oregon, for the SVV'i Sec. 'i0, Tp. 4 8 R. 28 E. W.M. He names the following wltiw.saPB t.i nrnvn his continuous re ideuce nnou urnl pi.Iw . . ii.ni of said land, viz: Claude Iter ten, Robert Dexter, S lven-r Eloreon una Waldo Wntkius ail o; III r'.aer. E. V.XDAV1.-S Register Oregon June 29-Au NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is herebv eiven thnt. the minWoiimi,i administrator of the estate of Knta C. Gentry has tiled In the County Court of Morrow Coun- iy, wregon, nis nni account as tuch adminis trator, and that said court has made au o der lining luoiKiay, tne ,lh Hay ot August, 1905, at ... i.uui ui ui ti uiwn in tne iorenoon or sail day t the county court room in the court house in me city or neppner, Morrow count,, Oregon as the time and plac-for hearing said account nun me seiuemeni oi bain estate, All persons having any objections to said ac count are required to offer same on or hefcre said date. F. H. GENTRY, , , . Administrator Dated this 5th day of J uly, 1905. jlyliaugS CONTEST NOTICE. GEORGE HARDIE Trailfork,(iilliain Co.,()r i An Ulrgaut summer Hook. ' Iiestful Iiecieation Resorts," the 1905 Summer B ok ifnued by the pas aenger departiueat of the Oregon Rail road & Navigation Company contains forty-eight pages and cover. The hook is printed on heavy white paper, fifty- eight cuts being used to illustrate the trips up and down the Columbia river, to the mountain, beaches, inland re- Horto and fountains of healing. Ttie cover is done in three colors, adding materially to the beauty and t fleet ive- ness of the publication, which maybe had by sending two cents in stamp to A. I- Craig, General Passenger Agent of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, I'ortland, Ore. It ia a good thing to fend t vour friends in the East who expect to visit the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Fill liitg kgii Choice Wheat Farms and Stock Ranches ,T , , , Department of the Inta-ior. L. S. I'ind Oi'a.:e LaG ande. Or. .luiy 22, VMy. A HuflkMer.t coi;tct.t i.fi!davj laving been filed in this oihVe by ( .. r V'INCE.Ni. conteniRnt HgHin-t Iioii'b'i.?.(I ir-y No. 14U made Mhv 31, 1SSI9 for hK' NW',4 V, fiVU,. H Section 1, iowiisI.u. l N. liauire 2" fc W M Albert . Riiis,.; e, Cout, Fttc, m which it ik alleged du' A ll i-rr V RinM'lle n l"iniioucd saiti land in th- I'mII oM:M) mmi kii.cc giid time Has nut te'.ili'ii oM,.i hind M'.l h,, iHil.ii and negleoed to culiivxte snid I him or otheru ine In any wiiy improvir ,,ri1 l,iin1 'J'Jmt Kaid alleged absence from faid land h aw not one to hin ...... ployment in the Hi iny, navy or marine corns ol tlie L'niti ri talis p'-ivato (.oldicr, olticer, KCHinan or marine dui.ng the war uiih ,-pHiii ordurinsaiiy other war i!i which the I'niled aces nisy rie engflwe.. Mum! t nr i' s rrn(er . by r, tili-d to npp.nr, i-n.nnl mm! oftur ei .'leije.. loi.cii og . iiiii ! i . ! ; t (i ' loc.K a. m on .-eplen.ber i ii,"(. ( , f., awt. rCmw f rd, County C le k of Morrow county, at His oil:', cat Heppner, Oregon at the nbovet ms.and that ti al hearing wid be hold at 10 o'clock a. in. on September 8, 1H0. be'ors the Register and Receiver of th U. 8. hand Office in La Grande, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper affi davit tiled July f. llHl,',, set forth tacts which show tha-after due di licence nerhonxl prviiw oi r,nis notice can not be made, it is hpn.hr or dereil and directed that such notiiw . I . . ku t' " js. w. DAVIS- Krister A A. ROBERTS. Receiver. JulyT AugSl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. LaudwlliceatrheDal.es ( Tenon, .... , u , Ann. :i. i n. Notice is hereby mven that the mliihiin named settler has tiled i, otiee of her intention to make tinal proof in support of h-r claim, aid that said proof will be made beiore the i onuty Clerk at the Court House, in Heppner, otetjon, on tept. Ls, l:.HV), viz; MAKGAKKi 1 MliV, of Hart. man, Ore., H. E. No. HYM for the SvMi jE'4 see :o .V V a HEh A NE4 NWJi .-ec ;il, 'i 1 H K'J6 E W. M. She i tunes the follou i:iKr witiiesseH to p ove Ler continuous lesidonce upon and cultivation oi said land, viz: J H Nuuainaker.of I'eppncr, Ore., Anson E. Wnght K. s Cox, and "i racy Wilcox, o Ha.d man, U;e, MI HAELT. N('l. N lie Uter AukIO .Jep'll NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Titchf-r Land, A"t Junn 3 1878, United states Land Oll'ice, I.nGraudc, Orecon. May 10,1905. Notice is hereby RivPtt thflt in compliance with the provisions of the act of Countess of June 3.1.S7H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the .Slates of California, Ore Ron, Nevada, and Washington Territorv." as ex tended to all the 1 ublic Land elates' bv act of August 4, 18'."-' KKBECCA PEN LAN I), of Heppner, county of Morrow, stats' of Oregon, has this day ti.ed in this oltice her sworn stut" lnent No :ai(l, for the nurchHse of the N."U 8EJ4 Sec Si. T 4 S, It 21 and Lot 1 and N K! and N W'i-4 NEJ of Sec No 4 in T No .ri 8. K No 27 E W M, anl willotler prool tosliowthat the bind sought i more valuable for its timber or sf.me than foraKrlciiltural nurnoses. and to cn'mLIM. her claim to said land before Vaw ter ("raw ford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Monday, the Ml st, day of July, r.N5 Hhe names as u'ltnesses: (icotLrn W Si.errv Charles A Minor. Hi ian O Connor, LiifaM-tte J'enland, all of Hepimer. Oregon Any and all persons cln i 111 i ntr adverelv thA above described lands ate reouer 'L'd 10 'ile their claims in this olliec on or befote said .list dav of July lli0.". L. W. DAv'IS. ilegisfer. MaylH-JulyiO I am located in the best film ing district in Morrow County and have some f the bent farms for sale. Write for par ticulars. MOSE ASHBAUGH HEPI'XKR, - OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. CONTEST NOTICE. It yon take tnia Darjer and The CTekiv Orerntan you won't bT to be your oew The Weekly Oreroniaa. Pepsrtniciit of the Inferior. I, ti. Laud Oilice. The Dallei. Oregon. July ai, l'JtCi j A BUtticSent contest affidavit having been Bled 1 in this office by John R. t'latto, con entant, j against tjomentev! entry No. trioO. mude August 12. 11, for r.Vt NK',. E4 SK4, 8ec 27, Tp t N, KaiiKe Si, E M by Elizabeth McPhtrsoti, Con testee, in which it is allfged that aaid entry womm has never re"ided upon naid laud in good faith or at all anil ban only made occasion al visits thereto since filing; that he has not tjeen on said land at ail during the year last past; that said alleged alienee baa not been duto herpniployninnt in thf army, navy or marine corpn ui iiib linen MTes 111 lime oj war, bhiii parties are hereby notified to apj-ear, rcsiNnd and oiler evidence touching wid lleeation at lo o'c lock a. in. n .optenilKr .N ISi'. before the keg inter and Kieiver at the L' lilted Matea Lund ofliw ti Th. Iialleo. Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proK-r affi davit, tiled Juiy 2. I.i5. set forth fact which now fcirvr 'lilc li TEFARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND omceai LAuranae ore.. July 12,1906. iNotice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nroof in mmnnrt nf hi. ciaira. ana mat said proof will be made beiore J. P. Williams, U, S. Commissioner, at his of- nce in neppner lire., on August 29, 1905, viz; M E No. 8S80, James Farrelly, of Heppner. Ore Kon.fortheK SE. NE SWi Sec 1, SK He names the following witnesses to prove ins cuuuiiuuui reaiueuce upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Michael Kennv Robert S Wllum Mi..h..i 1 iiet,aoe. inoa uiitiiun, all of Heppner. Oregon T , . E. W, DAVIfc), Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale (Isolated Tract.) V. 8. Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon. June 14th, i;t05. V"OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN -- pursuance of instructions from the Com missioner of the General Land Otlice, under authority vested in him by section 2155. U. 8. Kev. 8tat.,as amended by art of congress ap proved February 2f.,lw...we will proceed to oner at public sale at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m . on the 7th day of August, ltift'i, at this office, the following tract of land, to-wit: 1beNt'NE4SeclMp4 s. R 24 E. and Lots 1 and 2 Section 7, Tp 4 S, R 2-5 East of niiianieiie tie'iman. Any and all nersons claimlnir ih-pri.lr ih above-lescritie1 lufirtu r .Hi-ji ... ;in u ence ix-rsonal service of 1 etaims In this orliep on nr i,..fr.r n,....u.r. this i..ti. c a!i i1(.t tR.iade. it is hereby order- designated for the commencement of said sale e.l and dir-t,-,i tiiMt m, h notice be given bv mh.ri.Aih..irrai.i..iii.i...:..j ' diieand proja-r p.il.hcation. Mkhahi. T Nolan Reenter MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. ' A ! N E M. La Kf Reciever AuglJ-Scp'21 , June-'I July 27. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. United stutts Land oi'i . . i. t,ra- 00 ') e. Jill e U), i"!!.1) A sullici 'lit contest iilIld-M j' toivin,: ten tiled In this oilice by Kmil '1rot..o.. contestant, auilinst Hoinesteiid li iti v No !5fd, lnmio No. vcmticr 20. 1! Hi, for the s'4 S Sec' o, 1 p 5 y" R27 E W M. by An;o,,e b-ii Inini' ick. contes tee. i'i whieh iMv m ed that A ntone Abia hamsick tiled on or ...o ,,.t .lum 1), i'.m:t tlmt prior to said entryii'an s d is'h he lailcd to take up a residence on sj.id liui. 1 and h hll he was at that time a man of family, he did not move on to the land with his family, but with said family maintained a residence in the city of Heppner, OreKon : that he failed to cultivate the said land and placed no Improvements thereon, there being no improvements on the said land except a small cabin which is not naoitaoie at any urne oi tne year; that since the death of said entryman his heirs have abandoned the said land and the said abandOB ment hag existed for a period of more than one year last past; that the heirs of said entryman are Johamne and An tone Abrahamsick, a son and daughter, who reside in the city of San Francisco, Calif. That said alleged absence from said land was notdue to his employment in the army navy or marine corps ol the Untted States as a pri vate soldier, officer, seaman or marine during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the United Btates mav be engaged. Bald parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at lo o'clock a. m. on Jul v 21. uk k? Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at his office In Hepi ner. Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at ten o'clock a, m. on August 4, 1U05 be fore the Register and Receiver at th. i-r.it... t States Land Office in La Grande, Oregon. The said contestant, hating In a proper affi davit, tiled May 25. 1905. set forth fact- -i,i,.h show that after due diligence, personal ser vice of this notice cannot be made.it is herebv ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. w. ija v is. Register. t , , A- A- BERTS, Keceiver. Junel5-July20 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.j PUBLIC LAND SALS. L. S. Laud Office, Tne Dalles, Oregon. Auguit 14. iyo5. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of Instruction from th t-m inissloner of the General Ijiinl oflie. ,.,i... authority vested in him by section 2V. U S Itev. Mat., as amended by act of congress an-' proved February 2fi. lh'15. we otter at public sale at this office at the hour of w w vivn m .u., t.ii me .itn iay oi rsept 1105 the following tract of land to-wit: ' ThwKKV NEW ami XK'i SEU nF lWti. .-. Tp 4 S. H 2i East tf Willamette. Meridian. Any ana an lersons claiming adversely the above-described lauda are atlviel to til., iii.i. claims in this office on or before the day above designated fr the rommeiK cinent of aid sale othei wise their rights w ill 1 forfeitol Michael T. Nolan. Register Anne M. Lang. Receiver. Anfil. -?ept-l