Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 08, 1905, Image 2

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    hi in (i on In Hie I'll ' .auie
Oflrn I'nmsHiiH to llnll-
V it lMllsliurp or Pittsburgh, any
va ? t'f companies iiuk'Xf d in the
. il'i- '.! f.iiide with tlio names of that
. i t v fori- intr n part of tluir title, five
-av "burg" ntul IS say "burgh." The
.'liiclits, or oUl-st vlevs, appear to have
i.i. Kin .pohing 1lie oflicial guide to be
.is inorrant. as usual, says the Railway
.A.re. Ihe, oity papers differ, the ma
jority aspiring1 to the aspirate t-o
cvhicti the progressive Post seems in
its title to snv Gee! Rut referring
-again to the guide, it appears that lti
cities named in railway titles, which
ihave the disputed final syllable, those
beginning with New, Pratts and Mid
dle call themselves burghs, where
.Fitch, Blooms, Hose, Flemings, Gettys,
'Harris., Ham, Lords, Ogden, Stras,
1'hilips, Vick and Waynes are plain
Jburgs 13 against three. So the Gees
.appear to have it here. But aggre
gating the Pitts and other burgs and
Kra rg-hs in the 'M railway titles exam
ined it is lound that the burghs have
a majority sW three. Nevertheless the
.Hallway Ago votes for the common
sense burg, and demurs to wasting pa
mper and ink on the superfluous h.
W snion
Slaughter lv Ilua'.rrs
la the
):ickson IloI: Cnmil ry.
"The American Field juri'-s u
1 . rv.'j; nor who coiii' t. tin
i.iti'f, ft't-k out those loi-:ii:?io
'ir.'t of ihe big gan-.e is to l -
pon tin
Yin ted
; where
and then lay themselves 1;yii to the
work of slaughtering it with rifle?. A
favorite resort of thefe grime butchers
;. the Telon !asin. Ifcre are found elk,
leer and antelope, which are lciug
v.vii'ied oif rapidly. The Teton I.'asin,
.lacks-cri's Hole, is much lower than the
Xf.t ''v:-x Yellow.-! line park, and much
.if li e 1 i:r rai e migrates sou'th to it.
.is a v.iuai' r ciimale is to be found in
the valley. It is here that Ihe hunters
rrom abroad congregate, t'lid in spite
t.i the vyoi.;i:.g state laws kill game
vw.;! , Lniy. f ihese men would kill a
,'. t-f 1 of i;:.i: kind, taking
'. iire of ih meat, and following up
'.-f)inid 1 game, little or no objection
'would be made.
TJhese hunters, some of whom are
Americans, pass through the national
, . ri: on their way home with wagon
o:m1 of skins and horns. The law ui
jvlaT !;n to transporting game reads
ih;: "jiossi'ssior! witlim ihj park of the
i lend bodies or any part thereof of any
- iJd bird or annual shall be prima facie
ovid; nee that the erson or persons
i;ah:g the same are guilty of violating
: hU ru-t." With tlii'1- act behind him
"Ik- r:nteodent could squelch the
-vh-oles-'ile slaiighterrrs. of game in the
region of the Yellowstone park. Capt.
-Aiide? son, the superintendent, is urged
'o rin'.l.e an efTort to enforce the law.
V hut would be better yet would be the
.Lou xa'ion of the Jackson's Hole coun
try to the leJlowstO'ie "jark.
Other Passenger la Street Car dual-.
ly More Interested In lis Fate
Than the Owner,
31T! you eter noticed the interest
ta&t money attracts, even if it is only
a -airvgle cent? The next time that
you se h copper coin dropped in a
fc.raet car just observe, advises the
f hiefigo Tribune. Every eye in tht
iT will turn to the spot where il
J.r.'pptd, and there will be manifest
-j real general concern over it
?" vcj-y. Two or three heads ar
.'ik.Jy to come in contact ove-r th
TM-hit of its disappearance, and thee
'.t, owners will draw suddenly back
e! t ry io appuar unconcerned; but
in another s-cond they are again
-waning forward.
'Jhe man who dropped the cent is
visually the first who appears to have
.ti) O'.hed memory of th trivial occur
aside, but just as soon as the
-ye -i the onr have turned from him
i:& own are sure to go back to the
1'vr in the hi pe that the truant
-oHi ill be seen.
When he has pone there is a re
neveJ interest among the passengers
' r the stage of "finders keepers"
has .arrived, and those near the spot
of disappearance become quite dili
ett tvmU they are aware they make
.a eater of attraction. But interest
in that little coin is not lost while
tfhere is a passenger left, and when
he ear is empty the conductor takes
his turn and resurrects the cent.
Kleelrlc Cars.
The first demonstration of the scien
tific practicable t cf the electric cur
rent for the propulsion of street cars
as made at Richmond, Va., but 15
y ago. To-day there are nearly
1.00!) systems, with more than 25,000
miles of track.
Oalrlolien In Australia.
The experiment of raising ostriches In '
Australia has been successful. Twen- !
.ty-two birds wtie brought from Africa '
:ind placed on a farm near Sydney. !
Those raised In Australia produced !
Tieantiful feathers 27 inches long and of 1
Dure white. I
Jlerve System of the Army.
The signal oorps claims to be the
nerve system cf the army. Ttlegra
jpLy, telephony, ballooning and heliogra
ph y are it specialties. It is also charged
fcy law with gathering and transmitting
cilitary Information.
Om Tmrnp Owes "RU" to Ilia Moth
er, the Other la a "el(
Mnde" Man.
The kind-hearted lady missionary
was canvassing in the outskirts of
Brooklyn w.hen she came across two
tramp6 lying on a pile of warm fur
nace slag, says a New. York Times
writer. One of them was alnjut the
worst-looking tramp on enrth and
the other was an easy sco-.d. After
the usual preliminaries aid offers of
some slight assistance the kind lady
"Now, my men, tell me, pleas, how
you came to this state."
"We walked, mum." said the worst
looking of the pair.
"You misunderstand me, my good
Tuk That Will Take Two Green
Tfloh Clerk Three Year to
Two clerks at the observatory at
Greenwich are essaying the extraor
dinary task (jf counting the stars.
They are attempting in all serious
ness a feat which has always been
used satirically to typify the impos
sible. So far they have counted 212,
507 stars which, if astronomical cal
culations be correct, is about one-fifteenth
of the total number to be
found hi the firmament, states the
Philadelphia North American
The method of the tabulation is a
new evidence of the far-reaching sci
entific possibilities of photography.
The enumerators do not sit int in
the Btarlijf'it, and strive to count the
infinitesimal spots of light outlined
against the blue background. In
stead, they hare made a ' ';-;; t pho
tographic chart of the he i-nr. Thi
chart consists of a number of plates
exposed at different times in order
I to get all the planets and heavenly
After the entire chart was com
plete the two astronomers began the
work of counting with the aid of mi
croscopes. It is estimated that be
fore the task is completed some
three years must elapse, for to in
sure accuracy the greatest care mus1
be exercised, and any attempt at
speed is out of question.
Immense Amount of ProTlslona Con
sumed In a Year by Amer
ican Sailors.
The enlisted force of the navy dur
ing the coming year is expected to
consume 220,000 pounds of frankfu..er
sausages and 144.G00 pounds of sauer
kraut. This is a parti of the new navy
ration, for the component parts of
which contracts are shortly to be
awarded covering one year's supplies,
deliverable at the various navy yards
and stations. The sciic". ;s for these
provisions have been prepared in the
bureau of supplies and account, and
it has been one of the interesting
estimates of that bureau to figure
out the amount of subsistence of this
class which wjll probably be con-
: iumed on shipboard, says the Army
j ind Navy l!fg;ster. The aggregate
; supplies, in addition to the 220,000
: pounds of frankfurters and the 144,-
KM) pounds 1 sauerkraut are a fol
i iows: 1,150,000 pounds of fre.sh beef,
287,000 pounds of fresh pork chops,
j 172,000 pounds of fresh veal, 25,000
j pounds of fresh mutton, 220,000
! pounds of pork sausages, 88,000
i pounds of bologna sausages, 723,000
i pounds of smoked beef tongues, 141,-
500 pounds of sugar cured hams, 141,
i 300 pounds of sugar cured shoulders,
I 141,000 pounds of fresh beef liver,
I 286,000 pounds of dressed chickens
and 71,800 pounds of dressed turkeys,
Women of aa Arlsona Mining Town
Do Their Cookln on the
Cooperative Plan.
The servant girl problem is no longer
a live issue at San Miguel, a mining town
in the copper region of Cochise coun
ty, Arizona. The women of the place
have worked out a "community of In
terest" plan with much success. They
have a cooperative cooking club, which
now consists of 45 families, and it re
cently celebrated the fourth anniver
sary of its organization. Four years
ago the women of the camp rebelled
against the "greaser" servants they
were compelled to put up with. They
therefore organized this club. A home
in the central part of the town was
leased, a matron was chosen and as
sessments were large enough to secure
a capable staff cf Chinese servants. An
exeoutlve committee of three purchase
all the supplies, and its authority is un
questioned. The club Is run on a fam
ily plan and each family has a table of
Its own. There Is a table d'hote for the
unmarried members. After four years
of trial the women declare that the club
means a saving of about 50 pr.r cent. In
the living expenses of each family, and
It enables the families to have better
service and better fond than if they
"batched it" alone. Internal dissen
sions are guarded against by a clause In
the constitution which allows any per
son dissatisfied with the club to leave
it Without
Heppner Gazette Weekly OrcgonUn.
Selected With Care.
Algy You weully must come and see
my libwnwy.
Choi ly Your libwawy? Are you ln
tewvstetl in literature?
Algy-Some. My collection of fash
Ion magazines Is unwlvaled. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
New Dangers.
New perils loom large In the new
psychology. Young man fell Into a
psychic, trance, and when he came to
himself he had five wives. Doctors
should do something to head off this
malady before it is too late. -Judge.
All Changed.
"How about Miss Sneering?" Inquir
ed the returned traveler. "I suppose
you are still friends?"
"No, indeed!" replied Snarley. "Why,
we've been married over a year."--
Boston Herald.
A Suspicious Circumstance.
First Sportsman I'm afraid
guide doesn't know his business.
Second Sportsman That's what 1
think. I began to doubt him when he
said he didn't drink. New York Press.
Almost n Give Away.
"A New York man advocates the
drowning of all idiots."
"Why, the cruel brute! I shall ral&e
my voice In protest! I er oh, well. It
doesn't matter to me." Houston Post.
Costly Material.
"Here's another scientist who says
he can extract gold from sea water."
"There'll be lots of men now wholl
claim they can't afford to take a bath."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Old Saw Newly Filed.
Oily to bed and oily to rise
Is the fate of a man when an auto ha
buys. New York Life.
The holystone is a soft stone used by
sailors for scrubbing decks and is said
to have gat Its name because It was
originally used solely for Sunday clean
ing. Others assert that the first stones
used for this purpose were taken from
churchyards, while It Is also said to
get the name from the fact that a
sailor has to go on his knees to use it
Peavwn's Weekly.
The Proper Way.
"So Wiseman Is married at last. He
used t say if he ever got married he'd
manage his wife all right."
"Well, he's pretty shrewd; he's go
Ing about It in the rigat way."
"Is he? How?"
"Letting her have her own way."
Philadelphia Press.
Why suffer with Spring tiredness,"
mean, cross feelinr, to strength, n
appetite? Hollieter's Eooky MounUit,
Tea will n ake you well aDd keep yon
well. 35 cents. Ten or Thblete. W. P
MoMillan, LxiDgton, Or.
A il Dtfilor'a Opinion of tlic ICoyal
Eiyth Tozier . Weatherred, in de
scribing a m rent tiip over the Uenve
& Rio Grande Hailroad. savs in "Tin
Exposition' :
"At last the goai of the ambition o!
years has been reached marve'oti
vondert'ul, grand and inspiring li vh
(Jortre is on either band' The only dis-
appointing thing ou only nave one
pair of eyes, while the train darts in an
ut of the tiemendouB cham. If an
who h ve never teen it are woixleiin
how it looks jiirtt go and see. Thous
ands have tried to describe it. yet ever
ittempt falls short f giving the subj c
If you fonteinji'iite a t'lii Enst, wi'i
V. C. McBrid-, 121 Third sMeet, IVH
land, Oie., for booklets picturing C lo
rad j's famous seeneiy, and any
nformal on yo may desire.
Luchs County, )
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he i ser.io
r artner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doim
UisineRR in the city of Toledo, county and stat
foresaid, and that said tirm will pay the aim
of ONE HUNDkED DOLLARS for each n
every case of catarrh that cannot be cured b;
the tifieof Hall's Catarrh Cur.
Frank J. Cheney,
Sworn to before me and subscribed in in;
presence thfs 6th day of December, A. D. l8fi.
skai. A. W. Gleason,
Notary Public.
'Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
ac ts directly on the blood and mucous surface
of the system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. Ciisnky & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists,
Take Hall's Family 1'il Is for Constipation.
The Cut He Wanted.
Clothier You say you want a coat?
What cut. please?
IJargain-Setking Customer About 30
per cent, will do, I guess. Baltimore
News. v
Weekly Orcgonlan Heppner Gazette.
II I nyn
gelable Preparationfor As
similating foeFoodandReg da
ting the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigestionJCheerFuh
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Tsox Narcotic.
fimyJiM Seed
jtlx.Senn Atiue &W
Wnkiytfttt. norm
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Fion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
uiimnnmiijiiimnmiii"nj 1 1; hi
irst National )ank
0. A. RHEA President
T. A. RHEA Vio President
.Transact a General Bankmq
paid on lime Deposits.
Collections wiide on all points on reasonable
io cts. a copy
is " the cleanest, most stimulating, meatiest general maga
zine for the family," says one of the million who read it
every month. It is without question
"The Best at any Price
Great features are promised for next year six or more wholesome
interesting short stories in every number, continued stories, beautiful
pictures in colors, and articles by such famous writers as Ida M.
Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stannard Baker, John La Farge,
William Allen White, and Charles Wagner. Get all of it right into
your home by taking advantage of this
Special Offer
Send $1.00 before January 31, 1905, for a subscription for the year 1905 and
we will send you free the November and December numbers of 1904
fourteen months for $1.00 or the price of twelve. Address McCLURE'S,
48-59 East 23d Street, New York City. Write for agents' terms.
I II VSU Usf U 2
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
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Thirty Years
O. W. CONSER Oasbiet
E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier
Four per cent.
terms. Surplus and undivided profits 135,000.
Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
DiJer New Management. ThorouUy
Renovateii aDcl Remitted. Rest
Menls in the City.
I'iill. MKTFC'l AN', Jr., l'ror.
$i.oo a year