j gn Horticultural fcucie VOL. 24. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905. NO. 1157 Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street Heppner, Oregon. OPEN1NU Oft' FAIR. Everything at Exposition Complete Now C. E. WOODSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L A W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon i The Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland wilLopen next Thursday morn ing at eight o'clock. At noon the pres ident's signal, flashed from Washington, will set in motion the chimes in the tow- era of the United States Goyerment Building, and the pealed strains of "America" will declare to the world tbat the Western World's Fair is for mally opened. The Fair might have opened last week and been more nearly ready than other fairs have been on opening day; and when the gates are thrown open on Thursday, there will be a sense of com pleteness about the enterprise which will gladden the hearts of the Oregoni ans who have stood by the project with money and good cheer, and who have very great hopes for its success The exposition takes it name from two hardy explorers, Captains Meri wether Iwis and William Clark, who, Only complete set of ebstroot books with a little band of followers, nierced -.. mm . iu juurruw uouuiy Phelps & Notson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Odd Fellows Bldg Heppner, Oregon, W. P. MYERS, LAND ATTORNEY. Have made a specialty of land con tests And contest defenoes before U. 8. Ijaod Office and Department of the In terior for ten years. lOSE, Oregon. W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. IJsrrxEB, Obegon HI6GS & IVINNARD PHYSICIANS db SURGEONS. Special attention givMi to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office: The Fair Building. Heppner, - Okeoon. Frank B. Kistner, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. "Office in Patterson & Son's drugetore Keaiduce in Morrow building over I'a (arson & Son'rt Drugstore. E. ft. Ilunlock PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Omofl with Heppner Drug Oo. Resi- the wilderness a hundred years ago end discovered an overland route to the Pacfic Ocean, hereby adding by right of discovery and exploration a territory of 307,000 square mi'es ot holdings of the United States on the American Conti nent. The event is certainly worthy of eu table c mmemora'ion by a centennial exposition, and a fair worthy of tli ev nt. While smaller than the expcsi tions at Chicago and St. Louis, this ex position U by great odds tha biggest thing ever attempted in the Pacfic West rnJ there ar many things about it whi"h make it well worth a transconti nental trip. Its world's aspect isseeur ed by participation by many foreign countries, while state participation i DISTRICT CONFERENCE. Close of Interesting and Profitable Meeting. OR. METZLER. rIJVTIaT Located in O Id KeMows building Iloonifl o and 0. DR. M. A. LEACH DKNTI8T Permanently Inrvited iu Heppner. Office in the Dt-w Irtir building. Gas ad ministered. Pastime i uiwd Mia street, next aoor 10 limes extensive , and the United States Gov OitlCt. ernment has display of buildings whicl represent an expenditure of $800,000 The Fair has cast $5,000,000 so far and its exhibit pahces contain displays worth fivetime8 as much. On alighting from a street car, one wak along a short street where the sandwich man, and the ice cream man with the vendors of peanuts and fruit clamor for nickles. At the entrance one encounter the familiar turnstiles, and within is the Administration building it' window sills lined with telephones and stenographers, who peer around at the crowd, without ceasing the monot onous clickety-cl'ck. which is wafted out upon the mild spring air. Connecting the Administration, which flanks the left, and the Fire Department 4 at the right, a stately colonnade with balustraded parapet bears the convinc ne legend. "Westward the Course of d Empire Takes Its Way." It was m tended originally tbat the entrance gates should be between pilltrs of this cobnnade, but the Fair outgrew the plans. Beyond the Colonnade, the Exposi tion strf tches out to the right and left and forward, but the principal build ings stand close together, like a six- horse team, facing a lake which lies perhaps a quarter of a mile beyond the colonnade. A court, called Columbia Court, forma the central feature, corre sponding to the wagon tongue, except that it is far more sightly, for the court contains two beautiful sunken gardens, and some really creditable statuary. On either side of the court are the big buildings European Exhibits. Oriental Exhibits, and Forestry to the left, and Agriculture, Varied Industries and Mines and Metallurgy to the right. 2 The V High Grade Cigars and Tobaccos. I Wholesale and Retail v SOLE AGENCY Z Hazelwood Ice Cream ? ? L TBY OUB Y r 9 Fresh I CHOCOLATES 5 ? e Fine Candies, Nuts and Fruits. J E. C. AshbaughProp. v CaU ct the Gazette office and learn of our clubbing; oCrr with the Weekly Ore- The Fendleton District 'conference of the M. E. church, South, met in this city on Thursday, the 18th inst., at 9 a. m., Rev. II. S. Shangle, P. E., in the chair. W. C. Howard was elected secretary, The reports from the various pastoral cuarges were in me main encouraging and showed advancement on most lins of church work. The discussions of the topics pertain ing to the voany interests of church work were interesting, spicy and p ofit- ab!e. The sessions, though not largely at tended, were p'easant and harmonious and were greatly enjoyed. The preaching was of a high order nd prompted to noble purposes. Pendleton was selected as the seat of the nxt District conference Day dele gates were elected to the annual confer ence to meet in Milton, Oregon, on August 31st next. These are F. W Compton, J. J. Adkins, li. L. Frazier and P G. MeBroome The following program was almost entirely as designed. COMMITTKES. On Licence to Preach and for Admis sicn on Trial J. W. Compton. F. N Looney and F. J Cobe iy. For Deacons and Elders' Orders G. H. Gibbs T. P. Graham and M. V. Howard. P p'ors vnl' ,.!ease see that their Recording Stewards have their Quarter ly Conference Journals present for ex aminat'on PROGRAM. Good Health to the hildren Children especially are fond of dainties, and the housekeeper must look carefully to their food. As good cake can be made only with good eggs, so also a cake that is health ful as well as dainty must be raised with a pure and perfect baking powder. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable in the preparation of the highest quality of food. It imparts that peculiar light ness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc., and what is more important, renders the food wholesome and agreeable to young and old. THl'RSDAY. 8:30 a. m. Devotional services. 9:00 a. m. Organization, and reports f'om pastoral charges. Pastors will please prepare written reports. 11 :00 a. m. Sermon. 1 :30 p. m. IV votion il services. 2:00 p. m "The Bible and Mis--ions." J. VV. l i plon, J. J. Adkins. General disciiPMijii. 2:43 p. m "Mission Fields and Forces " C. II. Howard, L. C Perry Discussion. 3:30 p. m "Education of the Home Church." G. H. Gibba, A. L. Thoroughman. Discussion. 8:00 p. m. Sermon on 'Mi'sicns," by Rev. T. P. Graham, of Boise. FRIDAY. 8.30 a. m Devotional services. 9:00 a. m. "Mission Sunday in Our Sunday Schools, and What It Meanb." F. N. Looney and Dr. A. K. Higg?. 9:30 a. m. "Constructive Forces in S-inday School Work." S. E. Notso, W. P. Scrivner an d H. C. Gay. 10:00 a. m "The Epworth League as a Factor in Church Life." F. C. Ad kins, F. J. Coberly and C U. Cross. ' 1 10:30 a. ra. "The Young People and the World's Evangelization." W. C Howard and T. P. Graham. 11 :C0 a. m Sermon. Friday afternoon and evening will be pevoted to the work ol the Woman's lome Missionary Societv. Mrs. J. J. Adkins, District Secretary, will pre pare the program and conduct the ex ercises. 's.UTKDAY. 8:30 a. m. Devotional services. 9:00 a. m "Our Correspondence School. "-Rev. F. J. Cjberly. 9:15 a. m. "The Value of Christian Education.,, Prof. W. C. Howard, A. 1 B. ; Trof. A. A- Thoraasson, A. B. ! 9:4) a. m. "Condition of, and Out-J ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. II. Gibbs and Kev. M, V. Howard. 10:15 a. m. "Revivals, .Needs ar;d Method.:" A. L. Thoroughman and C. C. Eagle. General discussion. 10:00 a m. Sermon. 1 .30 p. m Devotional services. 2 :C0 p. m. Routine business of see-sion. 8:00 p. m Address on "Christian Education," bv President Louh C. Perry, A. M. SUNDAY. 10:00 a. m. Love Feast. 11 :00 a. rn Sermon. 3:30 p. m Sunday School Mass Meeting 8:00 p. ra. Sermon. Forest Grove will have its an nual ioee bbow next Saturday. Hillsboro's popu'atioa is about 1,400. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a f-paoe t' at the fire can' cross. Hometirnes a cough hangs on bo long, you feel &i if nothing but dyna mite wou'd cure it. Z T. Gray, of Cal houn, Ga., writes: "My wife bad a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physioians could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep, nt,d finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronohitis aod L'i Grippe. At Hlooum Drug Co.'s drng store, price 50c and $100; guaranteed, Trial bottle free. F. E. CARR, Pres. B. F. CULP, Vice Pres. W. S. WHARTON, Cashier Bank of Heppner Capital Stock WOO Fully Paid LOANS MADE, AT EIGHT PER GENT - -- PER ANNUM s Organized under the laws of the state of Oregon 25,000 daylight burglar insurance carried Member of the Atnericaa Bankers Association Insured Bank money rderj issued Accounts by mail eolicited All communications answered the 6ame da- they are received The B-ink of Heppner through it largo connections is in a position to extend large accommodations a'jd the greatest safety to all its depositors FOOR PER GEfiT IKTEREST PAID OH TIPQE DEPOSITS (Concluded on page eight. look for Columbia College." Rev. G. '