Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 23, 1905, Image 8

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Southern Pacific Soon to Place
Holding- on market
Portland, March 17. Id about two
months a large tract of the Southern
Pacific railroad lands in Oregon, com
prising the public land grant to the Ore
gon & California railroad company, will
be offered for sale to settlers. The
Southern Pacific company has a large
force of legal talent at work clearing op
an accumulated mass of legal technical
ities affecting titles, and strenuous ef
forts are being made to get the remain
ing lands, about 2,000,000 acres, ready
to be thrown on the market bv the time
the crest of this year's immigration
reaches Oregon.
Charles W. Eberlein, acting land
agent of the company, took charge ot
the task some months ago. It was
found that a very large amount of lega!
work would have to be done before the
lands could be offered for sale. Hun
dreds of titles to email and large tracts
were defective, and contracts haJ
elapsed by reason of non-pertormance
by purchasers at the time of the pre
vious sale. G. W. Morrow was ap
pointed tax commisRioner, and he has
had a large force of men examining tax
records in the various counties through
which the land grant extends, from the
Columbia River to the California line.
The legal end of the task proved far too
great for the legal department of the
Southern Pacific in Oregon, and other
attorneys were engaged to assist the
force in W. D. Fenton's office. The
work has been rushed with the greatest
speed. At the office of Mr, Fenton, it
is said, the undertaking is not yet com
pleted, but the number of men now en
gaged is as large as can be worked to
quarter section in the entire grant. All
these things will enter into consider
ation in fixing prices.
Russia and Japan Both Seek Ex
tensive Loans.
St. Petersburg, March 17 An in
ternal credit loan of $100,000,000 on a 5
per cent credit basis is now being nego
tiated by the Ministry of Finance. The
loan will be floated probably in a shoit
time. The price of issuance has not
been determined, but probably will be
93 to 95. The Associated Press was in
formed at the Ministry that the issuance
of this loan is entirely independent of
the Frenoh negotiations, which haye
not yet been concluded. Domestic
rjntes will be issued for a long term
and will, as in the case of the internal
credit loan, not be subject to the obli
gations of foreign loans. The payment
of the interest and principal will be in
sold and probably will be taxable.
The determination of the government
to turn to Russia itself for funds was
taken only recently. Yesterday the
Minister of Finance conferred with a
number of the principal bankers of St.
Petersburg and Russia generally, and
received the assurance that the project
was feasible. The banks are prepared
to underwrite on suitable terms. The
Government Savings Bank, it is said,
will assume $25,000,000 of lhe total, and
such batiks as tlm Moscow Merchant,
Yo ga and the Kama banks are well
able to underwrite large portions of the
loan from their resources.
A director of a prominent bank said
that tin banks of Rossia could, if re
quired, take the bonds atd hold them
in their own vaults. Questioned about
the price, he decla-ed that J3 would be
important statement is that Emperor
William early this week strongly ad
vised Emperor Nicholas to conclude
peace and tendered his good offices
The Russian Emperor is declared to
have declined, answering tbat it was
impossible under the present circum
stances. According to the story, M. Witte,
president of the committee of ministers,
was at the Alexander Palace when
Emperor William's message was re
ceived and Emperor Nicholas asked his
opinion. M. Witte is reported to nave
replied that he was ready to implore bis
Majesty on bended knees to accept the
advice, whereupon Emperor Nicholas
showee great displeasure and M. Witte
again requested to be relieved of his
functions as president ot the committee
of ministers.
received, including a coBtly collection o
jewels. The usual public interest in
the event was evidenced by the fact that
the crowds which collected outside the
church were so dense that traffic bad to
be stopped. The couple were loudly
cheered as they drove away.
Oregon Apples f irst.
very chap," but he said the condi-
The company is very anxious that the i tionti otl tUt P;,lt ,liui not ytt been de"
lands be ready for sale in time to meet ter ,line,J-
Practically the loan is similar in
terms to the one issued last Fall, which
was fully siibf-oribed in half an hour.
Japan Will Uo To tier many.
the demands that will come from home
seekers who will visit Oregon in the ex
position season. When the work was
begun it was thought the lands would
be ready for the market this spring, as
published some time ag, and that tha
people who were to be brought to Ore
gon on the col mist rates now in effect
would be able to pnrchase. It is unde--stood
the comyany will not wait until
the lands of the entire grant are review
ed, but will first list those located most
conveniently to the railway lin"s, add
ing sections as fast as they are ready.
There will be a considerable increase
over the figure at which the lands were
last offered, when prices ranged trora
S1.25, the government rate, to $12 an
acre, according to location and soil.
Since that time most of the desirable!
government land has been taken by
settlers, the value of Oregon hill land1 St. Petersburg, March 17 Many in
has advanced, and besides, the company teresting stories of the occurrences at
has paid taxes and is rolling up a bill of Tsai skoe-Selo are current in St. Peteis
expenee in the present woik of relisting ban d. awing-rooms, where smieiimes
anu cnecKing up tne titles ot every court news first leaks out. The mos
New York, March 17. Negotiations
are now under way in Beilin looking to
the placing of a Japanrs loan by Ger
man bankers. Advices to this effect
were received by N-w York backers to
day. The negotiate n, it is under
stood, Laye been under way for some
days, and a definite announcement on
the subject is expected shortly.
If satisfactory arrangements are
agreed upon, Ne v Yo-ic banks will
participate with German financiers in
arranging th proposed Japanese loan.
Oregon apples have commanded the
highest price ever paid for any apples
sold in the European market. This fact
is stated today by E. L. Smith, of the
Oregon Development League, who has
just received advice from London that
Hood River Pippins were selling there
for 22d Od per box, equivalent to $5 43,
At the same time a lot of 1000 boxes of
Newton Pippins sent to Edinburgh,
Scotland, sold at 2 is per box, equivalent
to $4 83, while apples grown in Scotland
wee "elimgat Is Od per box.
These prices are equivalent to abou'
7 cents each for Oregon apples, break
ing records for prices for the fruit in
foreign markets.
This info-mation that Oregon apples
excel those grown elsewhere is authen
tic, comeirg fnm th" London dealers to
whom the fiuit was cons;gned bv the
Hood River Apple Growers' Union, in
an olfieial commonication to Presidonl
A. I. Maon, of that organization. Oc
cupying first p'ace in tlitf foreign market
is regarded as one ot the best adver
tisements it is po-s-ible to give to Ore
gon app'es, for only the choicest fruit is
desired for export, and alarge amount
of Oregon product is already consumed
annually by the English people.
'Black Nell" has secured the
job to scrub Astoria's City Hall
and jail. The woman received the
package in the shape of a sentence
imposed by Acting Police Judge
Leberman. The contract calls for
completion of the work within 45
At North Yakima Judge Rigg
has continued permanently the in
junction against the city restrain
ing it from selling sewer bonds,
He held the votes at special elec
tions must be registered. Of 642
votes cast at the sewer election, he
held that only 79 were registered.
Tragedy Averted.
"Just in the nick of time our little
boy was saved," writes Mrs. W. Wat
kins, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu
monia had played sad havoc with him
and a terrtble congh set in besides.
Dootors treated him, but he grew worse
every day. At length we tried Dr.
King's New Disoovery for Consumption,
and our darling was saved. He's now
sound, end well." Everybody ought to
know, it's the only sure cure for
Coughs, Odds and nil Lung diseases.
Guaranteed by Slocnm Drug Co., I
Druggists. PrioeSOa and $1 .00. Trial
bottles free.
Before You Order
Tombstones, Marble
or Granite Work
You will do well to see
Monterastelli Brothers
and get prices. Thev have
a fine stock on hand.
And Points East.
Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers,
Dining and BufFet Smoking Library Cars
Dully Trains; Fust Tin e; Service and Scen
ery Unequaled.
Marconi married.
Czar Will Not Hear of Peace.
London, March 16 The marriage ot
Guglielmo Marconi to the Honorable
Beatrix O'Brien, fifth danirhtpr of Lady
Inchiquin, attracted many people to St.
George's, Hanover Square, today. 8ig
nor MarcoDi's mother and brother, the
latter being the best mm, came from
Italy for the ceremony. Lord Inchiquin
gave aay the bride, who was attended
by four bridesmaids. The coup e after
wards s'arted on their honeymoon,
which wi.l be spent in Ireland.
They expect to sail for New York
March 25, and later proceed to Rome,
where they will be the guests of King
Victor Emmanuel and Quen Helens at
the (juirinal.
There were upwards of 500 presents
Wanted Trustworthy man or wom
an to manage business iu this county
and adjoining territory for well estab
hshed house of solid financial standing
$20.00 straight cash salarv with a!!
necessary expenses paid wetkly by
check from htadquarte-s. Money ad
vanced for expenses. Position perma
nent; pievious experience not essential
No Investment requited, tt e furnish
everything. Enclose self-add eased
envelope. Address, Manager, 810
Como Block Chicago, III. Ap.G-
For Rates, Folders anc. Full Information re
gardin tickets, routes, etc call on or aildreng
J. W. 1'hai.on, T. r. A, 11. Dickson, C. T. A
A. B. C. DENNIS! ON, G. VV. P. A.,:
812 First Avenue, .... Seattle, W ash
WANTED : Capable men and women
for CENSUS WORK and to act as Rep
resentatives in tnia and adjoining terri
tory for magazine and music business
of old Established House. Our cata
logues list, over 3,000 magazines and
5,000 selections of music at CUT
PRICES. Salary $18 00 per week.
Experience unnecessary, but good
references required. Address,
Si'ragle Wholesale Co., 270 Wabash
Avenue, Chicago, 111.
is fissured in the luxurious
Library-BulVet-CJub Cars arxl
the roomy comportment sleep
ing cars on the ::::::::
Western Limited
"The Train for Com fo t
every night between Minneapolis,
St. Paul and Chicago via
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of (fMh.
'Call at the Oaxette office and learn of
our ciuDDing otr with the Weekly Ore-
When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing,
is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY
and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply.
Before starting on atrip no matter
where write for interesting Informa
tion about comfortable traveling.
132 Third Street. Portland, Orcp'n.
General Passenger Ageut, St. I'al, Mlnun
ao union P&mc
Stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con
tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the
lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that
retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND
TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and
lung troubles.
Tht Doctors Said He Had Consumption A MarvtJous Cure.
L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, low, writes: "The doctors said I had con
sumption and 1 got no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR.
It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the
pain in my lungs and today I am sound and well.
Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50-cent size contains two and
one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle
almost six times as much. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES.
nlY Zine EAST via
Dkfakts Arrives
Hkppnbr, Or.
Fast Mall For
9:00 a. m. East and West
Fast Mall From
East and Vet 6:35 p.m.
Express For
9:00 a.m. East and West
Express From
East and West 5:35 p.
Ban Francisco-Portland Routk. Rteam
sails from Portland 8 p. in. every 6 days.
Boat service between Portland. Astoria.
Oroiton City, Dayton, Salem, independence,
Corvallis and all Columbia and Willamette
River points.
Bteamers between Rlparla and Lewlston leave
RlDaria dallv at 10:40 a. m. ezceDt Saturday.
returning leave Lew Is ton dally at 7 a. m. except
J. B. HUDDLESON, Agent, Heppner.