Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 23, 1905, Image 2

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The signs of the times point to an enor
wtms increase of intelligent public interest
in health: to a new generation with purer,
stranger blood and therefore more active.
braver brains and
body. -No phys
ically robust,
healthy person
ever succumbed
to grip, consump
tion, malaria or
any other germ
disease. But with
a weakened sys
tem we all have
to fight the germs
of disease.
Our blood is
often in a fer
tile condition
for the
growth of
the germs
.of disease
) because
our stom
ach is disordered
or our liver is tor
pidin either case
our blood does not
get the proper
nourishment. A
torpid liver means
a stagnation of
the blood and an
t uiri'uiuuiauun 01
gii poisons which
9 9 furnishes a weak
ipot for bacteria to enter.
To enrich the blood and increase the
jed blood corpuscles, Dr. Pierce years ago
fcund a vegetable compound, which he
sailed Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
rry, that would quickly cure the bad symp
toms by increasing the red blood corpus
cles and thereby feeding the nerves on rich
Mood. This "Medical Discovery " also acts
spon the digestion and assimilation of food,
to that the blood gets its proper elements
from the products of digestion. Feed the
tuugs, stomach and heart on rich red blood
md you have surely a healthy body which
will throw off the germs of disease which
ilirk everywhere. Get as near nature's
-ay as you can.f' A medicine made entirely
from botanical extracts and which does not
eontain alcohol is the safest. Dr. Pierce's
RuIJiiu Medical Discovery contains neithei
cohol nor narcotics.
ilWrt mil i fH T 1
i,ii;c law ituruAL.!:!.
Jtfl lxchaiigc of Lands at End In
tlie Itescrvcs.
Washington, March 1G In the
opinion of many practicing lawyers,
members of congress and subordinate
afik'ialg of the laud department, the en
!ire lieu land law has been repealtd as
a.ucti by error as by intention, though
Shere is a distinct note of re'ief in all
the comments emanating from those in
touch with the pdministration, and
jeans of wy from the fae ion iu c-ngreKfl
and out of that body that is interested
:n ending that iu'olerable Vvs'em"
within a forest reserve, but the validity
of contracts entered into by the secre
tary of the interior prior to the passage
of this act shall not be impaired ; pro
vided, that selections heretofore made
in lieu of lands relinquished to the
United States may be perfected, and
patents issue therefor the same as
though this act had not been passed,
and if for any reason not the fault of the
party making the same any pending se
lection is held invalid another selection
for a like quantity of land may be made
in lieu thereof.
Like all laws affecting the public do
main, this new bit of legislation has
been referred to the interior department
for interpretation, and in a short time
a oircular will be issued fully setting
forth the purpose of the law and ex
plaining its meaning.
Because of the phraseology of one
line, there is a division of opinion as to
what the law really means, but every
one concedes that it does not merely re
strict lieu selections to non-timbered
In the opinion of most officials, the
law absolutely repeals the lieu I w and
puts an end to exchanges of lands with
in forest reserves for lands belonging to
th public domain. Thee officials take
the broad view. There are a few, how-
eyer, who maintain that the law will
only prohibit the making of liru selec
tions by persons whn have not secured
full title to lands within forest reserve?,
and that it will not have any effect up
on Ufa selections made by persons
whose title to lands in reserves is complete.
It Saved His Lag.
P. A. Danfortb of LaQrange, Oa.,
suffered for Bis months with a frightful
mDniog sore ou bu leg; but writfB
that Buoklen'a Arnica Salve wholly
oared it in five d"ys. For Ulcers,
Wounds, Files, it's the best salve in the
world. Core guaranteed. Only 25 eta
Sold by Sluoum Drag Co., Druggists.
Real Estate Bargains.
240 acres good limber land, 30 acres in
cultivation, 5 aores in timothy; plenty
of running water; good 5-roomed bonne;
good barn and otber outbuildings;
miles from good school; one mile from
good saw mill.
320 aores good timber land in the edge
of the mountains. The very best of
summer pasture; plenty water; good lo
oation for siuall saw mill or wood mill;
good buildings. In Morrow ooonty.
Feb9-May9- Hardman, Ore.
General Kuropatkin Has Been
Blsinisaicd In Disgrace.
St. Petersburg, March 17. With the
Japinese hanging on the heels and
flanks of the remnants of the bn ken,
defeated Russian army, General Kuro
patkin, the old idol of the private
soMier, has been dismissed and dis
graced, and General Linievitch, com-
that hi led to the vact land swindles mander of the first army, is appointed
jerpetra'.ed uuder the o'd iieu land law.
On the part of the lobbies and other
interests w hich have fa'tened upon the
abu.-e - developed under f.nd by ti e iieu
land Uw, there ii a lel'cence that can
not be "fazed" further than to barely
cklok'de tho probahle fact of repeal.
It is rumored tha4. when the renate
iis:enger took a copy of the b 11 to the
White IIoue rffice tvat he nut the
president iu the yaid a rued with a new
steel pen ar.d s buttle of ink.
Appirently without intending to tin
f-j, congress as rc-pea'el the lieu land
Jaw in its entirety. In doin so, it has
srased from the fiL tute books the law
which h ih l.eeiv responsible for more
fraud tian any other public land
j'a'ute; it has put an end forever to a
system of exchanges by wh th the fed
sra! government has actually been
cheated out of millions of dollars worth
3i" valuable timber 1 md.
In the closing 1 ours of the last con
jyees, th? Bem?i passed a r ill that has
long ben on its calendar, intended to
restrict the heu selections to non-tim-bereJ
lands. It wn a bi'l that had pre-'ou-ly
been passed by the house, but
vhich had beea amended by the nenate
somoaittee. Because of this amend
3tent the bill was sent to conference,
and there it was again alterel until it
was amended out of shape and accom
plished a very different pnipose from
;Lat it did as it passed the house and
Although the bill retained its title,
An act prohibiting the selection of
limber lands in lieu cf lands in forest
reserves," its text was so cvang-d that
it not only prohibited the se'ection of
timber lands, but all lands in ex.hange
tor lands in forest reserves. As finally
.ed to in congress and signed by the
president, the law provides:
That the acts of June 4, 1817, June G,
1900, and March 3, 1901, are hereby re
pealed so far as they provide for the re
I auishment, selection and patenting
of lands in lieu of tracts covered by an
inperfected bona fide claim or patent
to succeed him iu command of all the
Russian land and sea forces operating
against Japan. The word "disgrace"
is written in large letters in th9 laconic
imperial order gazetted, which contains
not a word of praise, and also disposes
of the rumor that Kuropatkin had as-k
ed to be relieved. The Rn3ian mili
tary ennals contain no more bitter im
perial rebuke.
While it was known that the war
council had already decided to supp'aiit
Kuropatkin i.f ter the Mukden disaster,
the decision to confer the ti.ek of saving
the remainder of the army on Linie
vitch in the very midit of its flinVt,
although bruited lant night, was not an
ticipated. It tranepires that Emperor
Nicholas, on the advice cf General
Dragomirnff and War Rlini.-ter Sakha-
roff. deternrned that the step was
necessary when it became apparent
yesterday morning that Kuropatkin,
while concentrating for a stard at Tie
Pass, seemed unaware that the Japan
ese had worked ar nnd westward, nnd
again practically allowed himself to be
surprised. Olu reports brought hv
General Gripenberg regarding Kuro
patkin's failing taenUlly also had in
Under the circumstances, therefore,
it was considered imperative, in view of
the exce-dingly perilous position of the
army, to turn over i?s command to
Linievitch, who alone had been able to
bring off his army in order after the
battle of Mukden. His record during
the Chinese war had also demonstrated
his capacity as a commander.
General Kuropa'kin will return to St.
Petersburg forthwith.
WANTED- -Ladies and Gentlemen
in this and adjoining territories, to
represent and advertise the Wholesale
and Educational Department of an old
established bouse of solid financial
standing. Salary $3.50 per day with
Expenses advanced each Monday by
check direct from headquarters. Horse
and buggv furnished when necessary ;
position permanent. Address, Blew
Bros. & Co., Dept. 4, Monon B!dg.,
Chicago, 111.
The business of the warehouse of
Ileppner & Co. will be conducted in the
future as in the past. There will be no
change. PHIL COHN,
An Editor's Opiuion of the Royal
Edyth Tozier Weatherred, in de
scribing a recent trip over the Denver
& Rio Grande Railroad, says in "The
Exposition" :
"At last the goal of the ambition of
years has been reached marvelous,
wonderful, grand and inspiring Royal
Gorge is on either hand. The only dis
appointing thing U you only bave one
pair of eyes, while the train darts in and
out of the tiemendoua chasm. If any
who hve never teen it are wondering
how it looks just go and see. Thous
ands have tried to describe it, yet every
Uterapt falls short f giving'the subject
If you contemplate a trip East, wrie
W. C. McBrid, 124 Third street, Port
land, Ore., for booklets picturing Colo
rado's famous scenery, and any other
information you may desire.
I Ifl I .'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 h 1 1 n I fTlfi tl I M lit 0 i ' n 1 1 m 1 1 1 n m I r m : I n 1 1 1 n n i r h 1 M . I '. ' I ' i ill i
AVegelable Preparationfor As
similating ttieFoodandBegula
ting the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigestionXheerfur
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium31orphine nor Mineral
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
infant m
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
U. A. RUM A. President j 1. Vi . CONKEii. Ocsbier
T. A. HUE A Via Preiidcnt I E. L. FF.EE LAND. .Assistant CnrMtt
State of Ohio, Cou.it- of. Toledo
L,ucas county,
Frank J. Cheney Makes oath that he Is sni'.or
partner of the llrm of F. J. Cheney & Co., rioi'ipr
l.uslnes8 In the cit of Toledo, county niul Rtnti-
ttfortHHid, anil tint aid firm will pay the sum
of ONE HUXDRKI) DOLLARS for each and
every en se of catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Chkncy,
Sworn to before me and subscribed in lny
presence tliis tHii d iy of December, A. D 1S-G
Notary Public,
llall't, Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
fcts directly on I In blood and mucous unfaocs ;
ul the system. He 1 for testimonials free. (
V J. ( iibsey & Co., Toledo, O j
Sold by all dm," Intel, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for Cout-tipntion. j
Transact a General Banking Business. Four per cent.
paid on Time Deposits.
Collections made on all poiatson reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits ?35,OO0.
" H- W-t t: " ' :!r iM frt -
Leading IZastcrn Oregon Hotel
ELECTillC .L1GH.TED . . .
v-".f-nt. Ti'rr.'i'Riily
I'. In".; (i. I, f t
luli. V.CSiU'iN, Jr., I'rop.
io cts. a copy $1.00 a year
cn n IBP
A Pendleton man is accused of
being an imbecile because he sold
some property at what is consider
ed half its value. Of course if he
ain't crazy he must be a fool, on.
less the sale was forced.
Tear down your old fences and
clean up your yards.
Farmers !
We are prepared to
furnish the farmers
For the prevention of
smut in wheat. It is
cheaper, more effect
ive, and much easier
used than blue vitriol.
Call at our store and
get literature and di
rections how to use it.
Price 50 cents a pint.
SlOGum Drug Go
is " the cleanest, most stimulating, meatiest general maga
zine for the family," says one of the million who read it
every month. It is without question
"The Best at any Price
Great features are promised for next year six or more wholesome
interesting short stories in every number, continued stories, beautiful
pictures in colors, and articles by such famous writers as Ida M.
Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stannard Baker, John La Farge,
William Allen White, and Charles Wagner. Get all of it right into
your home by taking advantage of this
Special Offer
Send S1.00 before January 31, 1905, for a subscription for the year 1905 and
we will send you free the November and December numbers of 1904
fourteen months for $1.00 or the price of twelve. Address McCLURE'S,
48-59 East 23d Street, New York City. Write for agents' terms.