Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 01, 1904, Image 8

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    Ordered To Close
aiurul a in liiiffland.
rnrrtrfi 1 1 I
Natural jrae, iu which Eogland wbf
pueTBlly supposed to be defieienf, hw
been discovered there by Amerioaus
and pnt to toraetioal uses. The Uugliat;
people have i ot yet fully lealizeil the
many advantages it baa over coal flnfl
:u therefore elow in doptin it. T.w
is als the experience of mauy persons
In our owu country in regard to me i'
jiue. They are fully aware that the
aned a medifioe to cure them of HH'
romnct,, livfr or kiduey trouble, bin
r n.).iHa.Je1 whiab nu-H'oina to ealert
.p.,i.. w : o a.Uiee o' promireot ily:
eiHt.s h well as tbe esample of thous
suds of i.t-reoiB who hve ben cure.'.,
nui cimimencH takjpif rioetetter'.
Ssorrwu bittern. It positi ely cur-e
l e iriciw', i.a.ihen, beh-hiujf, hnutbarp,
(i.vf p-fs;. ooB8tipahni, obi'ls, eoli
r tl uitiisris Avoid nnbatitutes.
ILmipy cuiiuiy block are in bet-h-i-
erudition for winter tLnii in
Police of Dissolution.
Notice is heieby given tha' the part
aetship heretofore existing betwten
John Zollinger and Victor Gros! eDS,
under the firm name of Grosueus &
Zollinger, has been dissolved. Lum
So dan purchasing the interest of John
Zollinger. The new fimi Will collect all
outstanding accouuts and pay all bills
against the firm, John Zollinger being
relieved of all responsibility of the
Srm's business.
fleppner, Oretron, Nov. 23, 1904.
Sheriff Shaft has sent out the follow
ing notice to all saloon men in Morrow
count :
Ueppner, O., Nov. 25), 1904
A' i
Dkar ik: Voi are hereby iin.neu
that after the 5th day of December,
1904. vou will be require 1 to keep yur
saloon or p a. e of bnairiess closed on
Sundays; to sti icily prohibit the selling
of liquors to m'nors or habitual drunk
uds at any time; to prevent all forms
of gambling from taking place in oi
around your premises and to comply
with the i equipments of the laws of
Oregon concerning the running of sa
loons This older will , be, strictly en
forced af er the above date in all parts
of Morrow county.
Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon.
Three Month for llulllet.
La GraDda's population is said
to ba 5,000 or more, and is growing
Geese and ducks are plentiful
along the coast over in Lincoln
A Runaway Bicycle.
Terminated with an ugly oat on tbe
3eg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III.
i developed a etnbborn uloer nnyield-
ma to dootors and remedies for fonr
jears. Then Buoklen's Arnica Salve
anred. It's just as good for Barns,
Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25o,
at Slooum Drag Co.'s Drag Btore.
T?tTOT-iT rminto rf O ronrnn almillrl
Be v eriing zealoosly ou those ex
Doesn't ltespect Old Age.
It's shameful when youth Bails to
show proper respeot for old age, but just
tbe contrary in the case of Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They ou off maladieB
so matter how severe and irrespective of
aid ace. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever,
Constipation, all yield to thii perfect
Pill. 25o, at Slooum Drug Co.'s Drag
. Store.
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible for many
j railway wreck and the some causes
are making bninm wrecks of sufferers
Jrom Throat and Lung troubles. But
since the advent of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs find
Colds, even the worst cases can be
eared, an! hopeless resignation is no
longer neoessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg, of
Dorchester, Mass.. is one of the tcajy
arboselr'e was saved by Dr. K hit's New
2hsoovjry. This great remedv is guar
anteed for all Throat and Lung diseasfs
y Hlocarn Drug Co., Drupais's. Prioe
i0., "'id 1.00. Trial bottles free.
Des Mo ties Nov 26 Leteon Balliet.
the well known mining p omoter, w.s
sentenced to three months in the federal
penitentiary bv Judge McPherson, of
the federal court, upon entering a p e
of wuilty of the charge of fraudulent use
of the mails.
The conviction follows the expose of
the White Swan gold ta'w.e scheme at
Baker City, Or, with offices at San
Francisco. Testimony was to the enect
that Balliet realized something like a
0'iarte! of a million on the mine with
an investment of $30,000, and that the
shaft is almost worthless.
Balliet was convicted after an ex
pensive trial, but secured a new trial
and upon a second hearing pleaded
The sentence includes a fine of $300.
Not A Sick Day Since.
"I was ti k n severely sick with
kidney trouble. I tn'ad all sorts of
medioin6s, Done of whioh relieved me
One day I saw an ad. of year Eleotrio
Bitters and determined to try that.
After taking a few doses I felt relieved,
and soon thereafter was entirely oared,
and have not seen a siok day dlnce
Neighbors of mine have been oared of
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver BDd
Kidney troubles and General Debility."
This is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont, N.
0.,writee. On' y 50c, at Slooum Drug
Co., Droggiets.
A big sugar beet factory in
Klamath county is a probability.
Haines eranite is said to be
superior to the Vermont giauite
Thflrs is olentv of feed for
stock in the Powder liver region
Amnitv has ft new Dacer, the
Advance, that makes a good initial
Over 2,000,000 pounds of prunes
sold around Myrtle creek last
Loans Made At
We pay
Loans free of charge to its depositors is a handsome
Which is kept at the home of the depositor, where it. is
always open for deposits.
The bank has a slot retaining device and money can
only be taken out at the Bank of Heppner where the key
is kept.
Get one of these banks and you will be surprised at
the rapidity with which your savings will accumulate.
See what you could have done in the past five years,
by the table below.
We charge
lor loans
$ .05 per day for 5 years..
.10 " " 5 years. .
!l5 " " 5 years..
20 5 years. .
25 " 5 years. .
.30 " " 5 years..
,40 " " 5 years..
.50 " " 5 years..
,75 " ' 5 years. .
1.00 " ' 5 years..
1,25 " " 5 years. .
1.50 " " 5 years..
1 75 " "5 years. .
2.00 " " 5 years..
78 25
150 50
234 75
313 00
391 25
469 50
626 00
782 50
1,565 00
1,956 25
2 738 75
3 130.00
5 57
33 42
44 56
73 55
184 95
167 64
670 56
2 095 50
2 514.60
2 923.70
2 352.80
We Have Lewis & Clark Fair Souvenir Dollars For Sale
. . .
Only 3.300 of Jackson county's
4,000 voters went to the polls on
November 8.
The run of silverside salmon is
about over, apparently, while the
supply of halibut is much greater
than usuhI.
At Eugene, November 15, M. H.
Lucas was badly scalded by the
explosion of a small engine used
in his bicycle repair shop.
All the negroes in Reno, Nev.,
have been ordered to leave town
at once. It is claimed they are
becoming an unbearable nuisance.
l o Wan In it Iolllclcad.-,
f can o -Hto a few p it ties n tfooil va
jant government lar d in tre henrt of
?iie wheat b.'lt ot Morro county. Ap-
ply to the undersigned.
THOMPSON Thursday, November 24
19 4, the infant of Mr. and Mrs. It. A.
The fun ral was conducted at the
.leppner cemetery, Friday.
RETRACE In thia city, Thursday,
November 24, 1904, the infant of Mr.
ad Mrs. Wm Letrace.
The remains were laid at rest in the
aeppr.er cemetery, Friday.
All bills for light and water due the
ifght & Water Co. not raid by the loth
of the month, notice ia hereby given
Sfcat the service will be discontinued.
Light & Water Co
Heppner, Or., Dec. 1. 1904.
Drills aod Medicines
wish to announce
to the public that
we have secured tbe
services of a competent
druggist, who will care
fully attend to all prescriptions.
The store is being thor
ouhly renovated, and we
offer a choice and pure
etock of
Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.
Notice is hereby (fiven that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under authority vested in
him by section 2455, United States Revised
Statutes, as amended by act of J onerress ap
proved February 20. 1895, we will proceed to
offer at public sale at the hour of 10 o clock
m. on the 5th day of January, 1905. at this office
the following tract of land, to-wlt:
NE i NEU, Stc 35. T 1 S. R 27. HW BW Sec
1. N Wti Sec 2, N! 4 N A NEH NE and
HEM SE'i' Hcc 10, T 2 S, R 27. E4 SVVH. TO
Sec i9; WW8W14.8WKSKW? Sec In; Mi MS.
SE'4 NEW Hoc 21. E' "Vi'fS w"t
23 R 28; NU NWjj Sue 31. I 1 d. 11 ;H h .J1'
Anvand all persons claiming adverBely .the
above-described lands are dvlcd to file the r
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement o saia sme,
otherwise their rights will be foneited.
Pated Nov. 23, 1.04 Register,
Dcc l-Jan5- A. A. Ill 'BERTrt, Ucceivcr.
In the Circuit Court oi the Sate of Oregon for
b orrow County.
Lucy Lone, I'laintitT", )
Guy Long, Defendant, J
i o liuv Loni?. the above defandant.
In the name of the State oji Oregon, vou are
hereby required to appea- and answer the con,
praint filed against you In the above entitled
nit on or before the 12th d y of i".
And If you 'ail so to answer, for anf.th"e"f'
the plaintiir w ill apply to toe Court for the re
lief demanded in he- complaint, towit. for a
decree disolving the bonds of mitnmony ex
isting between the p'alntiffand the defendant ;
and for such other and further relief as may in
T.mI Emmons is served on you by pubU.a
tion pursuant to -n order of the Honorable W
R Vllis Judge-f the Circuit Court of the State
ot Oregon for Morrow County, duly made and
entered iu the above entitled cause on the lt
flfiy of December. 1W. The date of the bnt
publication hereof being the 1st day of Dece m
ber VML an.t the last publication will be on
the 12th day of Jununry, l'-O'. vrTftR
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the 9iate of Oregon for
Morrow County.
C. F. McCarter, 1'laintiff, 1
Vl). (
Cora B. McCarter, Defendant)
To Cora B McCarter, the above defendant.
In the name of the Bute of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the corn
pfnlntfileh against you in the above e nti tied
suit on or before the 12th day of January, A. 1)
ml And if you fail so to answer for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
heelief demanded in his complaint, towit:
or a decree disolvingthe "dt M'?""
exiting between the plaintitt XnriLMu
ant; and for such other and further reliet as
mav in equity be just. , i. nHi.,
This summons is served on you by pai plica
tion pursuant to an order on the Konob'?, W
r. Kl is, Judee of the Circuit Court of the Mate
of Oregon for Morrow County, duly made and
entered in the above entitled o... on the
dav of December, ml. Tho date of the first
" -: .. . . i - .v.o it Aav of Decern-
puoiica ion neroiiw-y.". ";,. Till he on
her, rj'4. ana me last iiuuih" - :
the 12th dsy of Jmisry, U05. viptor
Attorneys for Hatntirl.
Public Land Sale (Isolated Tract.)
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon.
October 31, 1904.
pursuance of instructions from the Com
missioner of the General Land Office, under
authority vested in him by section 24o5, U. H.
Rev Stat., as amended by act of congress ap
proved February 26,1895,we will proceed to otier
at public sale at this office, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., on the 14th day of December,
1904, at this office, the following tract of land,
t0TheNEK SE and SW 8EK of Section 29,
Township 2 South, Range 26 East of W illamette
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to file their
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
Anne M. Lamo, Reciever.
Mich abl T. Nolan, Register.
In the County Court of Morrow County, Ore
In8the matter of the Estate of George F. Welch.
Not ce is'hereby given t-at the undersigned
has been duly appointed administrator of the
Estate of George F. Welch, deceased, by the
County Court of Morrow County, Oregon.
All persons having claims against the said
Estate will present them to the undersigned at
the office of Redfield & Van Vactor at Heppuer,
Morrow County. Oregon, with proper vouchers
attached, within six months from the date of
the first publication of this notice.
First publication Nomt2TTERSON.
Administrator of the Estate of George F.
Welch, deceased. , ,
Redfield fc Van Vactor, attorneys for said ad
(Isolated Tract) Public Land Sale.
U. 8. Land Otlice, The Dalles, ( ro..
Nov. 21, 19(H.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuanceof
instructions from the ' Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under authority vested in
him by section 2455, United States Revised
Statutes, as amended by act of Congress ap
proved February 2fi, 195, we will T.rocced to
otter at public sale at the hour of 10 o'clock a ,
m., on the 5th ly of January, 190-i, at this office
the following tract of land, to-wit:
The NEU NW'i of 8,-ction 11, Township 4
South, Range 24 l ast of Willamette Meridian.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to lile their
claims in this tlice on or l.elore the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their lighN will be forfaited.
ANNE M. LANG, Receiver.
Nov21-Dec 29
In the Circuit Court of the Srate of Oregon for
Morrow t;ounty.
Lewis L Putnam, Plalntiit,
RnP I.. rULMH.Ul. lWUHUttu.. -
To Mabel L. Putnam, the above defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required U appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit, on or before the twelf.h day of January
A. D , 1905. And if you fail to answer, for want
thereof, the Plalntifl will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in his complaint, towit.
for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrinionj
existing between the plaintiff and the de-
This' summons is served on you by P"?,11''
tion pursuant to an order of the Honorable
W. R. Ellis. Judge of the Circuit Court .of 'the
mute of Oregon for Morrow County, duly
mandenTeredin the .bove-er .titled cause
or. the 22nd day of November, VM. T he first
date of publication hereof being I h e l bit day of
December. 1904, and the last publication will be
ou the 12th day of January, 1905., jjqxsON,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
it. )
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County.
Leona M. Robertson, Plaintiff,
Albv R. Robertson. Defendant
To Alby R. Robertson, the above defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above -entitled
suit on or before the eighth day of December A.
D. 1904. And if you fail so to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to t-e Court
for ihe relief demanded In her complaint, to
wit: for a decree disolving the bonds of mat
rimony existing between the plaintiff and the
defendant; that the plaintiff" be awarded the
custody and control of the minor children of
plaintitt' and defendant, to-wit: Rynalde R.
and Raymond Robertson, an1 for such other
and further relief as may in equity be just.
This summons is served on you by publica
tion pursuant to an order of the Honorable W.
R. Ellis, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, duly made and
entered in the above entitled cause on the 27tb
day of October, 1904. The date of the first pub
lication hereof being the 27th day of October,
1904, and the last publlcatiou will be ou the 8th
day of December, 1904.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Public Land Sale (Isolated Tract.)
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Otlice, under authority vested iu him
by section 2455, United States Revised Statutes,
as amended by act of Congress approved Feb
ruary 20, 1895, we will proceed to offer at public
sale at the hour of 10 o'clock a. lii , on the 29th
day of Nov., 1904, at this ofiice, the following
tract of land, towit:
NWM NV4Scc23, 8E14 NWH Sec 22. NWJ4
NE4 Hec 17. yt SW14 Sec 26, NE'i NE and
SEH NWJ4 Sec 34. T 3 S. R 28 E, W M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to file their
claims in this office on or before the dav above
designated for th commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will bo forfeited.
Dated Oct. 22,1901.
No 3438. E. W. DAVIS, Register,
Oct 27-Dec 1 A. A. ROBERTS. Receiver.
Office at The Dalles, Ore., Oct. 27, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof iu support of
herclaim, and that said proof will be made be
lore Vawter Cra vford, ounty Clerk, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on the 13th day of December, 1904,
Eva M. Cowdrey, formerly Eva M. Emry, of
Hard man. . Oregon, on homestead entry No.
7C.17, foi N!SEi and N Sw of Section 26,
Tp 4 South, Range 25 E , VV. M,
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, to-wit: Holly Leathers, Fred
Knighten, William Bcamer and Frank Cramer,
all of Hardman, Oregon.
NovS Dec8 MICHaEL T. NOLAN, Register.
The new postoffice general Rob
ert J. Wynne, and his wife are de
vout Catholics. Their seven chil
dren were educated iu Catholic
echools in Washington.
Oregon farmera were never in
better shape for winter.
O tice at LaGrande, oregon, Oct. 17, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his.
claim, end that Baiil proof will be made
before theCountv Clerk, of Morrow Co., Ore .
at Heppner. Oregon, or. December 2, 1901, viz:
H K No. 137V, John B. Nolan, of Heppiur.
Oregon, for the Lots 2 and 3. W4 NEK and
NWJ4 8KI4 Sec. 5, Tp. 3 S , tt. 28 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John 8, Buseick, D. O
Justus, W. L, Witherell, George Moore, all of
Heppner, Oregon. . t
Nov3-Decl E. W. DAV13, Register.
Office at. La Grande, Or., Oct. 26 . 1904.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Coun
ty Clerk of Morrow County. Ore, at Heppner,
Oregon, on December 28, 1904, viz: H. E. No.
8547, Robert L. Watkins, of Heppner, Oregon,
fortheSWK 8EU.SE SW!4 Sec. 2i, NV4 NE1
Sec. 33. Tp. 3 8., R. 27 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Leander Topple, John
Zollinger. Waldo Watkins and Elisha Watkins,
all of Heppner. Oregon.
Nov 17-Dec 22 E. W. DAVIS, Register.