Jtlr. 'tiit'M l.o uirc. On lam Siv day, Rev. Dr. Tufts state Hirer of the Oregon Anti-alooi L.jhlmi, tifivered sdJresses in th M H. etui! eh in the forenoon and at the I'n ictian i-iniTli in the eveuing. Dr f'Ufs who in ti veteran temperance v i Ker and speaker, reviewed tha tern le-:i?H:e s well as the anti tempeiftnee situation in this state thoroughly, de- c:i insr that hero wa9 at the present l) h ivgenl need and opportunity tv ri'foini Tiie whiskey trall'n: in the Ft ate wis, e decUred doing immenpe t-ittra unit wan perhaps never so weil or j!uued for defense as et present and lie; ce the necessity for both union ami ftsii a i"U upon th-' part of the temjiei ance workers In carry ii g on this wck he fiije-'te ! tli.it the women couid j;ive val '.i J.ile aid and he appealed to them to render !.e!p especia'ly in sectr i t v es rn election day. lie paid his le speets to !I'.pii!i?r le:i!e;s and argils tii:i' pic!ill u a w--, i "u'hle'Mis if I n- in other H.iN-jn on the ground of c rpo:Htr a y.u-- ei vatiou. So-no of Ids pi-nm!.-(iet;": ihintr 1 1. e e fleets of strons: d'ink ii'.nl tmrraticm of incidents setting futth that a Democrat tiny be el cted. We advocate free si'vr. With a big mouth and a loud voice did we pr- claiin its virtues; and the gold bug sitteth upon nnr anatomy and we are content. We denounce the barrel in politics and now, behold, we are on our kneps begging Wall street for money to help us elect their candidates. Yea, we admit that if a man hath not brains to make money, and lots of it, he is devoid of reason and hath not common sense. Democracy is divine, and anything goes thst is caded Democrat. Great is Democracy, and glorious is the flexi bility of i i s princip'es. We rejoice t" find that wp are but foo's, ami henceforth we will rely on the wisdom of Wti 1 street, and rest in P'tue. Wool in Demand. Boston, Sept. 21 The Commercial Ballet in said veterdav : "T e demand for wo 1 is as acute as ever. Laue nrMinfactirers continue thei r operations, havui-; secured good (locks of Territory and medium We pay 4 PER CENT Interest i Saving Money Is a Habit It's a habit that grows, and the more it grows the easier it gets; and all the time interest on your sav ings keeps piling up. Start today.' Nevermind how little. Save something. One year hence you will wonder why you did not start sooner. For Age and Want Save While You May ,i its d !;. e::vs to both l;fe and mor als vvre tru'y thril big and awakenec responses in the large audience. An organized e libit will be made h declirdto carry the stale for tirohini- t jo in the November election and he urgfd all too-l citizens of all faiths and pirties to nnite for this purpose, lie stated that the triumph of local option in the late election was proof enough that this measure was more than popu 1 ir with the voting masses. At the close of the evening lecture a public co'lcv-tion was taken to aid in this work amounting to $49. LEXINGTON NEWS. Mrs, J. M. White went to Arlington Monday to visit her daughters. Rev. J. M. Turner, of Covello, Wash., visited relatives here Wednesday. J.R. Leach weHt to Corvallis Wednes day to enter the Agricultural College. Dr. G. L. Tufts lectured on local op tion at the Methodist chnrch Monday vjning. Ralph Totten and brother went to Portland Monday on their way Lome at Falls City, Wash. Milton Katy, of Newburg, waa here last week looking for a location. He is an old friend of the Mulloys. J. 8. Boothby went to Portland Thursday to consult a specialist in re gird to bis eyes. He ia almost totally blind. Grant Boothby and wife are visiting relatives here. Mr. Boothby haa been absent from Lexington about eighteen years. The house occupied by C.A. Morey bad a close call from fire last Thursday. The fire waa extinguished before it made much headway. Rev. S. J. Coberly, the new pastor of the M. E. Church South, preached Snnday morning and evening. Services i-xt Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Aidrew Keyeer, a brother of Mrs John P per, arrived here from Califor nia Tuesday evening. He was acconi panied by his bride. They return to Portland Friday. A PAEAN Of JOY. BY THH PROPIIKT OF GAM.. tehcld a wonderful thing hath been ac complished, and the heart of thv peo ple are made glad, The Democratic party hath showa wis dom, and victory perches on our ban ner. The common people are assured thht they hare no eerse. Yea, thet they know nothing. Deholl. the plutocrats hath inherited a'l of the brains, and we, the common herd, art rejoiced to find where we ne at. Y how led against the Trust?, yea, we how ted Mightily, and tl.eTiust wink--!h ln'o eye and select elh our candi 1 it? , au 1 we vote fur them, and joy ' S!.t fleeee? during ihe week. "The "e has been considerable specu lation in scoired r.ools. Close to 5000 bags of the same changed ' hands at prices showing a liberal advanoe from those of a fw weeks a.'o. "The market for all grades is very firm, r-actional advances in greasy Territories are reported and the ten dency of all qmtations i steadily up ward. Stocks and selections are getting poorer and deliveries this week are over 2,500,000 pounds in excess of the re ceipts. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 31, 1903, accord ing to the same authority, are 160,198,- 868 pounds, against 165,936,680 pounds at the same time last year. The re ceipts to date are 256,365,527 pounds, against 226,846,824 pounds for the same period last year." Columns might be devoted to a discussion of the subject of Savings Banks, but the story of the pros perity and contentment that these have brought about throughout the land can be told in a very few words. A savings account is an antidote for worry, ;and a safety fund for financial reverses or the infirmities of old ae. We pay 4 PER CENT Interest WE HAVE THE LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR SOUVENIR DOLLAR FOR Zf LE Nw Gold Found. Muoh excitement has been caused in Australia by the announcement of the discovery of n new gold field in the northern part of the island. Prospect ors are flocki g to the territory bs rap idly as possible. In our country the rush for wealth is juet ps much in evidence, bat in the excitement we forget to look after oar health nutil sickness oomee, and then it is sometimes too late. Pre serve your health above every thing else and then you will have a far more pre oious treasure than all the gold in the world. The beet means of protecting your health is to take Hostetter'a Stom aoh Bitters at the first Bi'gn of indiges tion, dyspepsia, oonstipation, bilious ness, liver troubles or malaria. It pos itively cores these ailments. Try a bottle and see for yourself. Did yon ever notice that a bootblack always looks at your feet? Another ex ample of the commercial sordidness of this money-grabbing age. A Boy's Wild Rid for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding (or life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, lnd., endnrtd death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medioine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like mar velous cures of consumption, pneumo nia, bronchitis, coughs, oolda bod it rip prove its matchless merit for all throat and long troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50o and f 1. Trial boU'es free at Ste 0 urn's drug store. Jinny a guttersnipe whippers napper vho couldn't tell a chickenhouse from a rail fence snickers at a "rube." zm wasxmBMss&zml Fearful Odds Against Him Bedridden, alone aod destitute. Suoh in brief was Ihe condition of an old sol dier by name J, J. Havens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doctors nor medi oioes gave him relief. At length he tried Eleotric Bitters. It put him on bis feet in short order nod now he testifies: "I'm oo the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for kidney aod liver troubles and all forms of stomach and bowe! complaints. Oaly 50o. Guaranteed by Slocum's drug store. LOOK HERE NOTICS FOK PUBLICATION. An Opportunity to the Public. The fool with a gun keeps the ratio of mortality between men aod deer about equal. For Sale. About 500 tons of alfalfa and grain hay on Butter creek. Also good alfalfa pasture for sale. Feeding corrals ready for use. A. J. DAVIS, Echo, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT How's This? We oirer one hundred doliarw reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured hy Hal. 'b Catarrh Cure. J F CHENEY CO.. Toledo, O We, the undesigned, have knowu F J Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable la all buaincsa tranMrtinns and financially able to carry out any obligations niadeby his Grin WALDINfJ, KINNAS & MARVIN Wholesale Druggist, Tolelo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ins directly upon the blood and mucous sur fMres of the pystein. Testimonials sent free Price T" rents per bottle .Sold by all druKitf Take Hall's Family PUls for coiisli;ation In the Matt r of th Estate of Bettie H. Wells, Deceoaed. Notioe is hereby given that the nndersigned h8 filed his final account aa ndministiator of theeatate of Bett e H. Wells, deceased, in the County Court, of the sta e of Oreeron for Morrow county, and that Tu eriny, the 8th day of Novem ber, 1901. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day has been fixed by said Court as Ihe time for the settlement of said aooount. All persons interested are hereby notified to appear at such time in sa'd Court and file any objections they may have to euch account or to any part thereof. J J. W CI-iLrt-, Administrator of the Estate of Bettie H. Weils, Deceased. fc'JV-oct'28 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Ma'ter of ti e Partnership Estate of Go. W. Wells, Here mud. Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned 1 as filed his final HcOom aa Administrator of the partnership esta'o of Geo. W. Wells.de ca6ed, in the County Court of the Htat of Ore Tn for Morrow county and that Tu adav, the 8th day of Novembr, 1H04. at th honr of ! o'clock a m. of aaid day has been fixed aid (urt ni the time for ;ht settlement of the snid BfCnutit. All piirties int. rested are hernby notified to ai)Dar at such time i ? bm.1 ( Viurt and file bny ortjections thoy may have to snch recount or to any part thereof. J. J. WKLLS. AdministrHf'T of the 1'artnerthip Kstate c-f Qvo. W. Wells, Deceased. S'JV-oct'jn Did you ever think a mo ment where to buy yur Flour ? The Heppner Bakery is the place. The quality has been tried and I guarantee it with everv loaf at the lowest market price. Fresh bread and cake every day, with a nice clean stock of groceries on hand. Call and inspect, HEPPNER BAKERY, Otto Friedrich, Prop. Unitod States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon. July 15, 11K4. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with thi provisions of the act of CongrettH of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Htatep of California, Oregon. Ne vada, aud Washington Territorv." as extenHml to all the public land states by act of August 4. 182, Corda B. Saling, of 8-Mile. County of Morrow, Htate of Ore gon, has on July 1, 1904, filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2370, for the purchase of the as seJi, neH 8eJ4 and f-et nek of sec tion 28. township 5 s, range 26oaht W M and will offer proof to shoT that the land Bought is more valnaiile for its timber or etone than for a ri eultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land befoie Vwtr tlravrford. County Clerk, at his office it Henpner, Oregon, on the 28th day of September 19U4. He names as witnesses: Alexander Warren, of 8-Mile, Oregon; Albert H. Allen, atacy liobertH, and N. 11 . Leathers, aU of Hardman, Or Any and aU persons claiming adversely the above describee! landeare requested to tile their claims in this office oo or before said 28th day of September, 1904. MICHAEL T. NOLAN. 817 Kegiater. CONTEST NOTICE. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Matter of the Ertflt- of Kbzi M. Willis. L'ecH-iSfd. No'ic is hor-by tuven that, th 1 under6ignMi has filed h;s ti' al ret rt as Hdminixt'atfi of entat of Eliza .H. Willie. Lce.l ia th (bounty I furt of the State of ()rn n for Morrow con'ity, n d that Tuesdiiy 'heHh nay f N(, vemlcv. i'.4, a' tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. has Ikh-u hsod ry wild l .ourt ac the time fortheeett!emnt of slid acronnt. TheierK)ns inlnrehied are hereby notified to appear t Hiich time in slid (' nrt aiKlfi'eany o!jtcti,,n they may have to euch account, or to any part thereof. M r.. WIl.l.l Adininistrstor of the Estate of Eliza M. Willis. fhwuHSl'd. sJU-octii There ia only one way to do a tiling riht, an J yet the world is full of bipeds trying to do it another way. SUMMONS. In tnc fjreuit ( ourtof the fctatc of JOreRon, fur Morrow (,'om.ty. A. K. 1-niler. plnintiff, vs. Ehnin M. WirfioM. 1'liebe Hill, John Hi'l ar.l Ii.vlv Warti.d t. Kliisabefh J. Wurrild Sm-id N Wrtill, Wi!lam J. WarfieH. Krank U. Wnrtiol l. lolla Warti (, John Wartield, Hy Wari,.,.xnrMriB, VVarrield, Ine?. Ferbrache, and TtioniMS 1-erbrache, her husband, all as heirs nt law of Thnrnii WariieM. d'H-eawd; S-muel Vircprit, Alice Jackwm, Inez I'owell and Mary E. MiiiI.MI. an lifirs at law of Nicinda Vincent, lcceatl; and Kofx-rt J- Warheld. ( bettor V. Warfield, James E. Warfield, Lovely G. War field, Samuel N. Wat-fluid, as hoi re at law of Hamuel Worfield, deceasod; and Augustus Weber. Theodore Weber. Walter Weber. Her man Weber, Mamii Weber, as heUs at law of Ellen Weber, deceased; O. tl. Uolvin. fcraent U. Colvin. Frank 8. tJolvin. Bi'dio II. McNabb. Eva K. Boy, Waverly Colvii., Myn Colvin. El bert Colvin and Jessie Colvin, as heirs at law of Clara A. Colvin, deceased; Nary J. Hagnewood, Alice K. Mcrwn, aate narran. minta valen tine, Edward C. Wartield, George O. War-field, and Jeasie Warfield and George O. Warheld. aa administrator of the estate of Hamuel Wartl-ld, deceased. Oefendante, 'Tl I .1,. Thnmn. Vn.kM.li. 1 1 1 n Jackson, Inez Powell, Mary K. Marshall, Birdie M. McNabb and Kate Harrah, above named de fendants. In the name of the Btate of Oregon, you and each of von are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed herein on or before the 20th day of October, HUM. ea A date being six weeks from joptember8th. the date of the first publication of this summons, and if yon fail to so appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in hi complaict. Keiiff prayed for is that a certain real estate mortgage made and executed on "he 15th day of JannHry. l'ii2, by Hamuel Warfield aud Elmira M. WarfiH to the Investor's Mortgage rWnrity Company, Limited.to secure the pi.yment of one principal note for the sum of S"hH and three certain inicr.wt notes for the sum of $10 each, and thereaf'er assigned to this plaintitl prior to the commencement of this suit be foreclosed aud said described property Bold to pay said mortgage dfbt. This suinT.onB is eorved upon you by publica tion thereof by order of the Hon. W. K. Ellis. Judge of the above entitled court, wl.ich order is dated on the 3d dsy of September, 1!t, and pre- : scribe" that the first publication of thin sum-I inons be made n the Hth day of September. I I'.ml. and the last publication thereof shall he made on tho MUi day of Octotier. G. W. ThELrs, Attorney for l'.aintiff. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office The Dal lee, Or., Sept. 6. 19(4. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by JOHN A. HOPPEK, of Goose berry, Oregon, contestant against homestead entry No. 993B. made Nov. 6. 1901, for s's sw ace, 2, se'i ae'i sec. 3 and ce!4 ;nw4 sec. 11. tp i r 22 e W.M. by William W. Jenkins contestee, in which it is alleged that the contestee has wholly abandoned the said land for more than six months psat, and that he has failed to reside upon, improve and cultivate the same as re quired by law and that the abandonment still exists aud that such failures on the part of the contestee is not due t service in the army, navy or marine corps of tbe United States durirgthe time of war. Said paniea are here by notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching sard allegation at 10 o'clock a, m. on October 19. 1904. before Vawter Craw ford, County Cle.-k of Morrow county.whois au thorised to take the testimony at bis office at Heppner, Oregon at the above time, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Octob-r 29. 1W4, before the BeKit-r and lteceiver of the U. S. Land Office in The Dnllee, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit filed rtept. 1. 14, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby or dered and directed1 that such notice be given by due and proper poblication. sepl5-ct20 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Office at La Grande, Or., August 18, 1904. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of ber claim, and that said proof will be made before O W Rea, U 8 Commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Or, on October 8, I'm, viz : Emma F. DaviB. f Nee Stevenson) of Heppner. Or, H K No 812 for the eK nw! and e',4 sw'4 Sec 15, Tp 3 south, range 27 east W M she names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: Al Florence. Walter Crosby, John McCul longh and David McCullough, all of Heppner, Or. septl-octr. E. W. DAVIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. THEASFKEK'S NOTICE. NOTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL outstanding Morrow county warrant ree-iston-d prior to and including March 100:;, will I? paid niton presentation at the office of the treasurer of said county. Intercut ccmc after date of this notice. Dated at Heppner, Or., 8cpt .. E.G. M1RLE, It Treasurer of Morrow County. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Aug. 10, l'.H)4. Notice is hereby given that the following named set'ler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In sunitort of her claim. and that said proof will be made In-fore Vawter Crawford, county clerk at Heppner, Oregon, on oepi. , I'Jui, viz: Ida I lykptra. Formerly i.'.a L. White, of Heppner, Oregon. H. E. No. 12.U7, for the ne'i ne'4 sec 21 ami nw'i nvt sec -2, tp 4 south, rante 27 e W M the names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: George Dykstra, Edward Dvkstra. Jack Wherrey and Robert Dexter, all of Heppner, Oregon. augis-iep22 E. W. DAVL-, Rogi-ter. The editorial paje of th Weekly Ore ronlan gives a broad treatment to a w!il range of subject.