O'gn Horticultural Society TWENTIETH YEAR heppner, Oregon; Thursday, feb. 25, 1904. NO. 979 i 6 3 ISGALPINBf vent the hair J Will positively cure any and'all diseases of the scalp and pre vent the hair from falling. WE GUARANTEE overy bottle and will refund money i n every case where it does not give satis faction. Slocum Drug Go Belvedere FINEST WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS 1 One hundred empty barrels for Bale. Five hundred barrels of ex tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . HEPPNER, ORE. Wheat up to t$1.03. Chicago, Feb. 19. In the midst of ex citement unequaledon the 'change since the days of the Leiter deal in 1898, the price of wheat for May delivery touched the dollar mark today, and not content with this achievment continued it up ward march until $1.03 was reached, This record price, the third highest in the history of grain speculation in Chi cago in 20 years, was reached within 15 minutes after the big gong on the floor of the 'change announced the opening of the day's business. The dollar mark the goal toward which May wheat has been struggling for weeks, was reached in the first trade made in the big pit this morning. On the instant the hands of the official clock on the 'change pointed to 9, pandemonium reigned in the pit. Half a hundred hands, clinched in the position which, in the sign man ual of the traders, indicated that a dol lar was offered for May wheat, were thrust forward, as many voices shouted what the hands mutely signalled, and a moment later the anxious watchers in the room Baw the figures $1$1.01 writ ten in the column headed 'May wheat.' A moment later the price had fallen in to two figures once again, but the re lapse was only temporary, and almost instantly the price with a single bound reached the mark of $1.01)2. Toward the close of the session, May wheat again gathered strength, as the result of heavy buying by the commis sion houses, which were flooded with outside orders to buy, and made anoth er spectacular jump, touching $1.03. A slight reaction followed this effort, and the price fell off to $1.02a, which point it was at the close. The sharp advance was due to tear that the war should not be confined to Russia and Japan. Other causes were the strength of Liverpool and the scarcity of milling wheat. Trading was A Poor Cisar t When you can get the following leading brands, $ such as ... . $ c t a 6 m Try Sig Si'chel's Mixture a high gradegto- ? 9 LA IINTEGMDAD, LA MIA, PRINCIPE de GALES, HENRY THE FOURTH AND OTHER LEAD ING BRANDS FOR.. lOc bacco for your pipe. Sole agency for the Hazelwood Ice Cream r 5 UMno 2Po.1biimie l S. P. DEVIN. Prop. Stare WW Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active principle of every pound of Royal Baking Powder. Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder producers food remarkable both in fine flavor and wholesomeness. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. exceedingly active, the aggregate of bus iness of the day being enormous. Her Credit Is Low. London, Feb. 21. The question as to how long Russia will be able to bear the financial strain caused by the war with out having recourse to a foreign loan ex erts a great influence in the money markets. It is the general belief that, owing to economic conditions resulting rom the bad harvests and other causes, thing within a'radius of half a mi e Ih ing wrecked. The report wan Iipum! ir. this city, 85 miles away. Sever um fit cars, occupied by GreHks. we e com "When the butter won't come put a penny in the TUB sail isiracl& Title Guaranty Com panij IX OltlNHtATr.II Wc have the only set of Abstract Books in Morrow County. . . . Abstracts and Plats furnished on short order. JIOMiV to ro o iti:ti, i sr in: W. L. SMITH, SECRETARY, - - HEPPNER. OREGON it will be difficult for Russia to raise in-! churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul sion. It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treatment. We will send you the penny, . e., a sample free. ternal loans, and that, if the war lasts beyond a couple of years, that country will be bound to raise money abroad. The Stock Exchange experienced a very depressed and nervous week, due argely to the fears of trouble in the Balkans. Rumors of the illness ot Em peror William, as well as the war in the Far East, haye also exerted consider able iofluence in causing this depres sion. Foreign stocks of all classes were almost demoralized, quantities of them being thrown upon the market rom Paris and Berlin, where operators were overloaded by recent heavy pur chases made under the belief that Peace n the Far East would be maintained. The other markets were dull and de pressed, in sympathy with foreign markets, whi!e American securities were characterized by an almost con -plete absence of dealings. lllown to Iteatli. Ogden, Utah, Feb. l'J. Twenty-four persons were killed and 12 badly injured this afternoon by the explosion of a car load of dynamite, caused by a head on collision at Jackson, a telegraph station oo the Ogden-Lucin rut-otrof the Southern Pacific Company, 85 miles west of Ogden. Eight of the dead aud five of the wounded are American?. The others are Greeks. The collision occurred between two extra train, and was caused it is sa:d, by the air brake apparatus on one train failing to operate. The explosion which followed the collision was terrific, every- pletely demolished, and the occupants blown several hundred feet from the track. The telegraph office was shat" tered and Operator Taylor and his wife injured. Foreman Burke, his wife and three children and his brother, who were standing near the station, were shot 200 feet through the air and in stantly killed. ton county j i !;:. - To the legal voters of Morrow County Oregon. 1 respectfully announce my self a candidate for the office of County Judge, subject to the will of the Repub lican County Convention Very Respectfully, GEO. J. CURKIN. IP mm Be sure that this picture In the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Kniulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and Ji.oo ; all druggists. FOIl ASSESSOR I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Assessor, subject to the will of the Republican County Convention. JAY W. SHIPLEY. I'OK t OI IVT CLi:i(K. I hereby anDunce myself as a candi date for the office of County Clerk sub ject to the decision of the Republican County Convention of Morrow County, Oregon. JAMES HART. FOIl I LERK -- I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of County Clerk, sub ject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow county. VAWTER CRAWFORD. Sam Koho, a sewing machine agent, committed Buicide at Spo pane, Thursday, by jumping from the Division street bridge into the Spokane river. Kohn was arrest ed in Montana, last Summer for being guilty of dynamiting the Northern Pacific bridges, but waa acquitted of the charge. British Columbia haa a law tax ing all lumber exported to the United Stated from 81 to $3 per 1,000. A suit has been brought to test its constitutionality.