A Marvelous Aerial Globe. One of the attractions planned for the St. Loulfl World's Fair will be an serial globe, 700 feet high. Some idea of it magnitude ohd be obtained Bfter com paring it with the popular Ferris wheel, whioh is considered a crude affair beside it. This statement is also appro priate, after comparing the celebrated Hostetter'e Stomaoh Bitters with the other stomach remedies. Its 50 years' record of cores ptite it so far in the lead as a family medicine that the others are considered crude affairs end hardly worth a trial. Then don't delay longer, as delay is always dangerous, especially in cases of indigestion, dyspepsia, con stipation, biliousness, insomnia, chills, colds or malaria, fever and ague. The Bitters positively OTires these ailments as thousands have voluntarily testified. Try it and see for yourself. Three spiritualists who have bsen Lo'ding "table rocking" pe ances in Corvallis, have been or dered out of the city by a com mittee of citizens who fear a repe tition of the "Holy Roller" craze. The large tannery which has been operating at Eugene, for sev eral years, has been forced to seek another location on account of the scarcity of tan bark there, and al so because of the exorbitant freight rates out of that point. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbonrne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had con sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, induced me to try it Results were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr. King's New Disoovery. It surely saved my life." This great care is guar anteed for all throat and lung diseases by Slooum Drug Co. Price 50o and $1.00 Trial bottles free. An nntn vn man, without Any menns of identification upon him, committed suicide at Woodburn, "Wednesd ty, hy taking laudanum. He had failed to t-ecure work and was deipo jdent. Better Than Gold. "I was troubled for several years with chronio indigestion and nervous debil ity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H. "No remedy helped me until I began using .Uleotrio Eitters, which did me more good than all the medioine I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are h grand tonio and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medioine can take its Dlace in our family." Tr them. Oo!y50o. Satisfaction guaranteed by Slooum Drug Co. The Washington Home Com pany, of Spokane, similar to the Fraternal Ilomebuyers, is also un der the ban of the postoffice de partment and cannot send its ad vertisements through the mail. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on the le of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III. For four years It defied all doctors and all reme dies. Bat Eocklen'a Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for burns, brnises, skio eruptions and piles. 25o at Slooum Drug Co. The Knights of Maccabees will build a two story building at Rosebarg this season to cost 815, 000. Ethel Crusan,an 18. year-old girl, whe eloped from her home at Eu gene, last week with a worthless vagrant, has been found in Port land and returned to her home. Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow sod the other freeh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who ia blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently aroaaing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and bead off constipation. Try tbem. Only 25c at Hlooam's drag store. The board of United States gen eral appraisers has decided that duty cannot be charged on pulp wood from the province of New Brunswick. ODD SECRET SOCIETY. Indiana Women Have a Secret and Won't Tall It. Hen' of the Town Have Been Trying for Twentr-Twu Years to Learn, the Meaning of S. T. J. 31 But In Vain. A peculiar society, which for 20 years has been a standing contradiction of the old libel that a woman cannot keep a secret, exists at Westfleld, Hamilton county, and bids fair to prosper for an other 20 years, despite the shafts of ridi cule which from time to time have been hurled against it, reports the New York Sun. Twenty-two years ago a number of the men of the village formed a literary society.' Just for fun they decreed that no yoman should ever become a mem ber. A clubhouse was built, meetings were regularly held and the leading periodicals were read and discussed. The organization limited its member ship to the intelligent class and soon be gan to exercise a decided influence. After the first year some of the wom en in the community applied for mem bership, but none was ever admitted. It was always explained that it took a unanimous vote to elect a new member, and that there "was just one dissenting voice" when the name of the woman ap plicant was presented. Two years later a company of ladies met and formed the S. T. J. M., and they decreed that the meaning of these let ters should never become public. Each member was solemnly pledged not to reveal the secret, and for 20 years the S. T. J. M. has been in existence, and there is not a man in Westfleld who has any idea what the four letters mean. From time to time the membership has changed as the women married and moved away and other members have been added, but no one yet found, be she mother, wife, daughter or sweetheart, has revealed the meaning of the mystic symbols. When Mrs. Sarah Jackson applied for a divorce, charging neglect, and thehus band contested the suit, alleging among other things that she had concealed from him the meaning of the letters S. T. J. M and had spent too much time at the meetings of the society, it was thought that the mystery would certainly be solved at the trial. But Mrs. Jackson refused to state what the letters stood for and the court ruled that the name of the society was not material to the tes timony. Mrs. Jackson got a divorce and ali mony, and her ex-husband declared that the letters stood for the "Society of Tat tling, Jabbering Matrons." But thia definition was not accepted by any but the soreheads of the community. Several years ago a young man named Crawford went to Westfleld and was em ployed in one of the stores. He invested his earnings in a horse and buggy and was the envy of many of the other young men because they could not afford such a luxury and the newcomer could com mand the company of any young lady or a Sunday afternoon drive. But when Myrtle Taylor turned away from him and married John Winrrate, a farmhand near the village, the other boys taunted him by asking him how he liked the So ciety of Thankless, Jilting Maidens. For years this was the acceptetd name of the society among the younger class. Every initial in the name has been tor tured Into something derogatory to the society, according to individual taste. "J" has bpen made to stand for Jealous, Jaunty, Jilting, Jabbering. Jaundiced; "T" for treacherous, tattling, teasing, troublesome, tiresome, and "M" for mothers, matrons, maidens, misan thropes, makeshifts, martyr, match makers and the like. But the name is still a secret, and no amount of coaxing or threatening has sufficed to induce a member to reveal it. MOSQUITO IN WINTER. Juut Sleeps Awhile and Cor. a. Oat Fresh for Hmalne.a la Warm "Weather. A fresh contribution to mosquito lit ;rature is a pamphlet issued by the board of health of Belmont, Mass., for the instruction of the people of that town in dealing with the nuisance. It is written by William Lyman Under wood, lecturer in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The pamphlet advises the use of kerosene on all wa ter where the mosquitoes may breed and of pyrethrum powder in the house to kill or stupefy the adult mosquito. Prof. Underwood says: "It is very generally believed that mosquitoes bite but once and then die. rhis is sometimes so; but unless they are killed in the act of bitingthey usual ly live to bite again. The female mos quito (for it is only the female that attacks human beings) bites many times. It Is owing to this fact that they are able to convey the germs of malarial fever from person to person. "The vast majority of mosquitoes never get human blood for food. In Its absence they live upon the bloods of birds and other animals, and, when they are not to be found, upon the Juices of young and tender plants. "It it not known Just how long mos quitoes can live, but their average life is much longer than ia ordinarily sup- posed. Thousands of them live through. the winter hibrn ntlng or asleep in dark places in bun.: r house sparsely settle' illties. cannot (i: t r 'es for live throtu r. i- in caves c .. t dor up and even ; , . ten cellars. In wlure they r, they re os, rc is; r ; ure may fall far br.iow lru Lig they are not whi ter killed, but oi. iae approach of warm weather become act he again. AJosqui : toes are frequently seen tlying about in I the woods before the snow has wholly left the ground." Hrotin Working In Dellrlnm. Medical records in the various hos : pitals show that though quite forget- ful of recent happenings, aged persons recall lone-oast events in correct or der, and even live again amid scenes passed utterly out of recollection be fore the disease of senility appeared. A woman of 70. delirious from pleuro pneumonia, repeated poetry in Hin dustani. It developed later on that up to the age of four she : new only that language, but afterward had for gotten even that she ever spoke it. Another peculiar case on record is that of an illiterate maid servant who, while in the delirium of fever, recited Greek and Hebrew for hours, although when in health she knew no word of either language, her ravings being due to the brain impressions left by th readings heard many years before of a learned rabbi whose servant she had been. Convincing. Thespis When did the star stoF complaining that the scenery and stage property were not realistic enough? Foyer When he accidentally fell through the trap-door. Judge. Sugar in Franc. The price of sugar in France has re cently been reduced by less than half, and the consumption has been nearly doubled. Formerly sugar was a luxury which rarely reached the homes of many workingmen, but now Its use Is much more common. WHO FIRED FIRST SHOT? Gunpowder Hm Dean In Uae for Cen-tnritt-Known to Hindoo De lor Birth of Chrlat. There is abundant evidence that the origin of gunpowder and artillery goes far back into the dim. ages of the past. The Hindoo code, compiled long bp fore the Christian era, says Stray Sto ries, prohibited the making of war with cannon and guns or any kind of fire arms. Quietus Curtius met with fire weapons in Asia, and Philostratus says that Alexander's conquests were ar rested by the use. of gunpowder. It is also written that those wise men who lived in the cities of the Ganges "overthrew their enemies with tem pests and thunderbolts shot from the walls." Julius Africanus mentions shooting-powder in the year 275. It was used in the siege of Constantinople in 6C8, by the Arabs in 690, at Thessalonica in 904, at the siege of Belgrade in 1073, by the Greeks in naval battle in 1008, by the Arabs against the Iberians in 1147, and at Toulouse in 1218. It appears to have been generally known throughout civilized Europe in 1300, and soon thereafter it made its way into England, where It was manufac tured during the reign of Elizabeth; and we learn that few arms were possessed by the English in 1310, and that they were used at the battle 6f Crecy in 1346. MAY DESERT LONELY ISLAND. Inhabitant, of St. Kllda, of Hebrides Oronp, Said to De Planning Mi lt rat ion to South Africa. That lonely island, St. Kllda, one of the loneliest of the Hebrides, is likely to be left lonelier still in the near future. Its inhabitants, it is reported, propose de erting the Island and emigrating to South Africa. This is not much to bo wondered at, for St. Kilda is one of the most inaccessible islands in the world only four times a year, once a month in June, July, August and September, does a steamer call from Glasgow. For the rest of the year the inhabitants are entirely cut off from the outer world. Their special mail is in a tin box, into which they put letters, toss it Into the sea and trust to Providence and favor able winds to carry it to the shores of the outer Hebrides. The population of the island has gradually dwindled to li. The last time.there was a great exodus was when 36 islanders left In a search for gold in Australia. XnKr and Coffee (or Soldiers. The British government has decided to be more liberal with Its soldiers and I sailors in giving them sugar and coffee. Among the experts in such matters the belief has bpen gaining ground for years that moderate allowances of sweet stuff and of the Arabian berry are ben eficial to strong, healthy men who are called upon to perform heavy tasks and endure hardships, while the entire med leal profession appears to be inclined to the theory that weak and feeble men. women and children should, as a rule, refuse such Indulgences. Dountjr for White Labor. In the interest of making Australia "a white man's country," a government bounty Is paid for sugar grown by white labor. Of the last year's sugar crop of 100,000 tons seven-tenths was produced by Kanaka black labor. c 8 The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and Sas sona supervision since its infancy. ''CCcCJtZ XtvMwt niitt frk rl aoai'va vnn in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW VORR CITY. Eighteen carloads of China silk, weighing 1000 tons and valued at $2,000,000, has just arrived in New York over the Cannd t ine i via Vane uv?r. Now it is deuied tb.it-; Russia is trying t- rniso money by fc reign loans, or tliHt she has tried to, and it is claimed I t-r dome-tic re sources aie ample. CARR & COX CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Plans and Specifications Furnished Housemovlng a Specialty. HEPPNER, OREGON TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL POINTS EAST VIA GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY SHORT TO LINE ST. PAUL, DCLOre, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO And Points East. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Care Daily Trains; Fast Tirre; Service and Scen ery Unequaled. For Rates, Folders ant. Full information re gardin tickets, routes, etc call on or address J. W. Phalon, T. P. A, H. Dickson, C. T. A 122 THIRD ST. PORTLAND. A. B. C. DENNIS! ON. O. W. P. A., 612 First Avenue, .... Seattle, Wash Johnson & Nilson Conti actor and Builder Estimates Furnished on Application. HEPPNER, - ORE. Bought, and which has been has borne the signatnre of has been made under his per- Signature of Oregon Shoreline and Union Pacific Onlv Lino KAST via. SfILT LIKE anil DENVER TWO TRAINS DAILY. Daily Departs TIME SCHEDULES Hkppnkk, Or. Dally Arrives Fast Mail For East and West Fast Mail From Ertfit and West Express Kor East and West Express From East and Wen 8:15 a. m. 5:15 p. m,. 8:15 a, m. 5:15 p, STEAMER 'JNES HAN Francisco roR-.liAND RoT sails from Portland 8 m every 5 k. steam days. Boat service between Portland, Astoria, urogon city Dayton Kalem, Independence, d?T r- all Columbia and Willamette River poi ftl8i SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Stwimers between Kiparia and Lewiston leave Riparia daily at 4:40 a. m., returning leave Lewiston daily, except Monday, at 8:30 a.ru, FRED HART, ARent, Heppner. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland Genuine Comfort is assured in the luxurious Library-Buffet-Club Cars and the roomy compartment sleep ing cars on the ::::::: North Western Limited "The Train for Com fo t" every night between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago via Before starting on a trip no matter where write lor Interesting Informa tion about comfortable traveling. - H. L. SISLER, 132 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. T.BW. TEASDALC, General Passenger Agent. St. Pal. Minna-