Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 24, 1903, Image 6

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Aluminum Used for Paper
It is stated that experiments with aln
itmtn bs a substitute for book pajer are
being ronde iu France. The metal will
Dot oxidize and is practically fire and
water proof. If it is a success it will
completely revolutionize book printing
the same as the introdactiou of Ilostet
ter'e Stomnoh Bitters completely revo
lutionized the old methods of trying to
cure stomach, liver and kidney diseases.
Today, no one questions the fact that it
is the beet mediom in the world to care
indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, bil
iousness, nervousness, iusomuia, gener
al debility or malaria, fever and ague.
Be sure to try it. It is highly endorsed
by prominent physicians throughout the
country. The geuuine ia for sale by all
druggiste, to whom apply for a copy of
Hoetetter's Illustrated Almanao for
1M. It is free.
Charles Lecot, a half-witted
tramp, was arrested in Salem Wed
nesday, with a bundle of table
linen and women's underwear in
his possession, having robbed a
clothesline between Portland and
Fight Will be Bitter.
Those who will persist in closing their
ears against the continual recommenda
tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, will have a long and
bitter fight with their troubles, if not
ended earlier by fatal termination. Head
What T. R. Beall. of Beall, Miss., has
to say : "Last fall my wife bad every
symptom of consumption. She took Dr.
King's New Disoovery after everything
else had failed. Improvement came at
onoe and four bottles entirely oured her.
Guaranteed by Slooum Drug Co. Price
50o and "51. Trial bottles free.
James M. NTeal, a traveling solic
itor for a wholesale grocery firm,
has brought suit for damages for
?5,000 for false imprisonment
against Boise City, lie was ar
rested for peddling witbout a
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble in your system is ner
vousness, sleeplessness, or stomaoh up
sets. Eleotric Bitters will quickly dis
member the troublesome causes. It
never fails to tone the stomaoh, regu
late the kidneys and bowels, stimulate
the liver and clarify the blood. Ban
down systems benefit particularly and
all the usual attending aches vanish un
der its searohmg and thorough effect
iveness. Electric Bitters is only 50o,
and that is returned if it don't give per
fect satisfaction, Guaranteed by Slo
cum Drug Oo.
The Canadian mounted polite
have surrounded George Coshe),
the murderer who escaped from
the Calgary jail last week, at
Springback, 15 miles west of Cal
gary, and expect to capture him
A Frightened Horse.
Running like mad down the street,
damping the oocupants.or a hundred
other Booidects, are every day ocour
ences. It behooves everybody ti have a
reliable Salve handy and there's none as
good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns,
cuts, sores, eczema and piles, disappear
quickly under its soothing effeot. 25o
Slooum Drug Co's.
A footpad arrested in woman's
garb, held up and robbed Frank
Johnson of S2G, at Priest river,
Idaho, Wednesday.
A Mormon lumber company has
been arrested for stealing timber
from the public domaiu in Big
Hole IJasin, Montana.
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders are ermetimes very expen
sive. Occasionally life itself is the price
of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong
if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills
for dyspepsia, dizziness, he6dache, liver
or bowel troubles. Tbey Bre gentle yet
thorough. 25o at Slocum Drug Co's.
The Boise City Rapid Transit
Company has sold its property to
Philadelphia people for 95,000.
Robert Budley, the oldest Sal
vation Army worker in Portland,
died Wednesday of pneumonia.
The run of smelt in the Col
biuma is very light this season.
Indiana Women Have a Secret and
Won't Tell It.
Men of the Town Have IJeen Trying
tor Twenty-Two Year to Iearn
the Mennins of S. T. J. M.,
Uut ia Vain.
A peculiar society, which for 20 years
has been a standing contradiction of the
old libel that a woman cannot Veep a
secret, exists at Weutfleld, Hamilton
county, and bid fair to prosper for an
other 20 years, deepite the s.inits of ridi
cule which from time to time have been
hurled against it, reports the New York
Twenty-two years ago a number ol
the men of the village formed a literary
society. Just for fun they decreed that
no woman should ever become a mem
ber. A clubhouse was built, meetings
were regularly held and the leading
periodicals were read and discussed.
The organization limited its member
ship to the 'inteJligent class and soon be
gan to exercise a decided influence.
After the first year some of the wom
en in the community applied for mem
bership, but none was ever admitted. It
was always explained that it took a
unanimous vote to elect a new member,
and that there "was just one dissenting
voice" when the name of the woman ap
plicant was presented.
Two years later a company of ladles
met and formed the S. T. J. M., and they
decreed that the meaning of these let
ters should never become public. Each
member was solemnly pledged not to
reveal the secret, ar.d for 20 years the
S. T. J. M. has been in ejiPtence, and
there is not a man in West field who has
any idea what the four letter? mean.
From time to time the membership
has changed as the women married and
moved away and other members have
been added, but no one yet found, be she
mother, wife, daughter or sweetheart,
has revealed the meaning of the mystic
When Mrs. Sarah Jackson applied for
a divorce, charging neglect, and the hus
band rnr'feptt'd the suit, allowing among
other thi! ' f bat she had concealed from
him the m ' "ing of the letters S. T. J. M.,
and had : t too much time at the
mortlrr?" '' the society, it was thought
that the Tvi -tPry would certainly be
solved at ' !k trial. But Mrs. Jackson
refusrd to state what the letters stood
for and the court ruled that the name of
the society was not material to the tes
timony. Mrs. Jackson got a divorce and ali
mony, and her ex-husband declared that
the letters stood for the "Society of Tat
tling, Jabbering Matrons." But this
definition was not accepted by any but
the Boreheads of the community.
Several yefirs ago a young man named
Crawford went to Westfleld and was em
ployed in one of the stores. He invested
his earnings In a horse and buggy and
was the envy of many of the other young
men because they could not afford such
a luxury and the newcomer could com
mand the company of any young lady
or a Sunday afternoon drive. But when
Myrtle Taylor turned away from him
and married John Wingate, a farmhand
near the village, the other hoys taunted
him by asking him how he liked the So
ciety of Thankless, Jilting Maidens.
For years this was the acceptetd name
of the society among the younger class.
Every Initial in the name has been tor
tured into something derogatory to the
society, according to individual taste.
"J" has been made to stand for Jealous,
Jaunty, Jilting, Jabbering, jaundiced;
"T" for treacherous, tattling, teasing,
troublesome, tiresome, and "M" for
mothers, matrons, maidens, misan
thropes, makeshifts, martyrs, match
makers and the like.
But the name Is still a secret, and no
amount of coaxing or threatening ha3
sufficed to induce a member to reveal it.
Duty to Al-.KtJiIti from IntoilenntH for
lour Mrs (Iht'h Sake.
Miss VYillnrd. in her presidential ad
dress at the national convent ion of the
W. C. T. U., holds that the "supreme
duty of the hour is to convince the mod
erate drinker that he is doing1 himself
harm," and that henceforth the "ar
tillery of temperance reform must con-
entrate" its fire on "the sullen fortress
of moderate drinkintr." It is perfectly
true that .'ill drunkards come from the
ranks of moderate drinkers; but it is
not true that all moderate drinkers be
eonie, sooner or later, iiuniodera t
drinkers. To keep tmih on ourside i
must admit this. Hut it is f ;i i r to sa
that no one jilxmt to form the habit o
moderate drinking' can feel assure
that the habit v ill not be to bini a prea
li.-k. It is so to the majority. I-'xjh r
enee may show him that he is one
those who van take a giass now am
then, and never be tempted beyond t!.
line of self-control. Shall a man win
feels himself in no danger surrender j.
personal rirht for the sake of others
not abb- to keep a check nj-on tin aw lik
ened appetite?
This is a question which every m:!i
must answer for himself, with cer'aii
principles in view. For example, then
is such a thing as humanity, and civ
lliation refuses to absolve any man
from recognition of and obligation to
It. Humanity requires that an effor
be mad- to save -t::s wreebei! :-
: 1 . : T-: ' the ' :; :
of robbers and a.csassiins, to relieve
hose dying of hunger or exposure. A
ian who would refuse to succor one in
listress and danger would bo a brute,
aot a man.
There is an obligation of mutual
helpfulness. The strong must help the
weak and unfortunate. Christianity
carries this rule into all relations i
life. It requires those who are able
bear the infirmities of those who
weak, that assistance be, ever read
save those who stumble. Can we n
say that this obligation is binding on
the moderate drinker? We mean, of
course, the man who drinks chiefly foi
the pleasure of it. We may not compel
him to give up a habit which he believes
to be perfectly harmless to him; but
may we n.ot appeal to him to give it up
because it encourages others iu a habit
which they can neither keep within
proper limits nor easily throw off? Is
if not a noble thing to say in the spirit
of I'aul, I will drink no wine while the
world standeth if it cause my brother to
Most people despiseja. drunkard. Mis
erable wretches are they in act, thought
and appearance. We miss in them the
thing- that makes a man so infinitely
superior to a brute. They cringe like
cowards, grovel like reptiles, and
debase and befoul the image of the Al
mighty. Poverty, shame and disgrace
are their companions, and they become
actually loathsome. And yet they were
not born so. It is the drink habit which
drags them down into the mire. What
is there in the pleasure of wine to the
man never tempted to abuse it to com
pensate for the wretchedness r nd ruin
it produces in the weaker thousands
and tens of" thousands who ca-inot use
it as a good creature? Can the self
controlled moderate drinker, with a
glass in one hand, reach the other hand
to his less fortunate brother and bid
him be a man? Can he counsel him.
with any hope of success, to drink and
let. it alone? Can he say: "Give it up
altogether," unless he himself sets the
example? We do not put the emphasis
exactly where Miss Willard puts it.
She holds "that there is no moderation
in the use of what is harmful." We are
willing to admit that w ine may be used
as a beverage in such moderation as to
produce no apparent harm to the user.
Put we do not lxdicve that moderate
drinkers are helpful, or can well be, tc
immoderate drinkers, and our creed is
summed tip in these words: Abstain,
if not for your own good, for the good
of others.
A young man, only 27 years old, bear
ing an honored name, was adjudged
an "habitual drunkard." requiring the
care of a guardian and to be committed
to some institution, in the court of the
chancellor of New Jersey. Ilis father
Gen. John Watts Kearny, is the son o'
Gen. Phil Kearny, of military fame
The boy had good educational advant
ages, but he began to form the drinl
habit in college w hen only 14 years old.
and went on from moderate to immod
erate drinking, finding ere long thai
when he would let it alone he could not
His thirst swallowed up all good reso
lutions, his will power, his manhood
and left him a wreck.
There are no wrecks upon the face of
the stormy deeps so sad, so terrible, ar
wrecks of young maiwhood like Kearny
And the saddest thing about them b
that they might have been prevented
A college faculty may think it perfect
ly right to haewineat college dinners:
but let them consider what results ma
follow among the students. N. Y. In
dependent. The Clicarette Habit.
A Philadelphia tobacconist 6ays:
"One-fifth of our cigarette sales dur
ing the last two months have beer
to women. If you were to stand at in-door
for an hour or two vou'd be sur
prised to ree the swell girls w ho conn
in to make purchases. There is a cer
tain brand which they all seem to have
a special liking for. ft. is evident that
' this respect, they are acting in con
cert. There is a certain club of up
town girls, a smokers' club, which, to
my personal knowledge, recently
passed resolutions adopli'ng this par
ticular brand as the oflicial cigarette
of the club." - Stanford Hoc-order.
Aftar-Dlnner Work In Stagnant Heat
I'rndiirr Exhaustion Women
Are the Wont intferr.
"Stagnant Indoor heat is more op
pressive ihsa outdoor heat," writes Dr.
F. L. Oswald, in the Home Science Maga
zine. "Indoor warmth. Intensified by
stove fires, often approaches the horrors
of the Calcutta black hole, or the swelter
3en of lane's 'Inferno; ' and to that com
bination of discomforts civilized men
doom their sixers and mothers. In
rnidummer th sunstroke wards of New
I'ncland ho-pials are crowded w ith male
patierts, who often have wori-ed only on
the shady tide of the streets, ar.d with a
still larger number of women, who can
not plead guilty to outdoor Imprudence
of a: : i ivd. They have been overcome
by th-' !; r.t, and In nine out cf ten caees
by the alterr.oon heat of ill ver.tllatfd
kitchens and washrooms, dining-rooms
ar.d nurseries, by vitiated air cooperat
ing with the exhausting effects cf a high
temperature, at a time when the resist
ing ability of the system was impaired
by the exigencies of digestion. In other
words, sunstrokes and all their pr
monltory symptoms are the effect of
hard after-dinner work in warm weather."
Tho Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
fflf r7- sonal supervision since its Infancy.
'"CCtiCty A11rkv nrt nnA tn l acHva vnn in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-g-ood" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothinj Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Plans and Specifications
Housemovlng a Specialty.
st. paul, DUiern, Minneapolis, Chicago
And Points East.
Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers,
Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars
Dally Tralng; Fast Time; Pervice and Scen
ery Unequaled.
For Rates, Folders and Full information re-
gardin tickets, routes, etc call on or address
J. V. I'halon, T. P. A, II. Dickson, C. T. A
A. B. C. DENNISTON, G. W. P. A.,
612 First Avenue, - - - - Seattle, Wash
Johnson & Nilson
and Builder
Estimates Furnished
on Application.
If ine candies J
t nt i Ml Jhl II"
Bought, and which has been,
has borne the signature of
has been made under his per-
Signature of
and union Pacific
Onlv Lino K A ST via
Fast Mail For
Hast and West
Fast Mail From
East and West
Express For
East and West
8:15 a. m.
:15 p. m.
8:15 a. m.
Express From
Eat ainl West j 5:15 p.
San Francisco Portland Rorrn. Steam
sails from Portland 8 p. tn. every 5 days.
Boat service between Portland. Astoria,
Orogon City, Dayton .aleni, Independence,
Corvallis and all Columbia and Willamette
River points.
Steamers between KJparia and Lewipton leave
Kiparia dally at 4: to a. m., returning leave
Lewiston daiiy, except Monday, at 8::i0 n.'m. '
FRED HAHT, Atit, Heupner.
A. L. CRAKi,
General Passenger Agent. Portland
is assured in the luxurious
Library-Buflet-CIub Cars and
the room' compartment sleep
ing cars on the ::::::::
western Limited
"I lie Train f or Torn fori"
every night bet ween Minneapolis,
8t. Pftul hnd ChicBfirn via
Before 'artmr on r. trip no matter
where write fur Interesting informa
tion about comfortable traveling.
132 Third Street, Portland, Oreg',n.
General Passenger Agent, St. Pal. Minun.