00 Q S3 n f) tioaiturai Society O'gn uoi NO. 957 TWENTIETH YEAR HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEP. 24. 1903, PROPESSIOITAL OAE3DS, DR. METZLER, Located in Odd Fellows building. Rooms 5 and 6. 6. W. Phelps ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Odd Fellows Bid Heppner, Oregon. G. W. REA ATTORN EY-AT-LAW U. S. COMMISSIONER Homestead Filings and Proofs made. Office one door east of P. O. Borg's Jewelry Store Heppner, Oreaon A. K. HIGGS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office new I. 0. O. F. building. Rooms 3 and 4. Residence at Palace Hotel. Heppner, Oregon. Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street. Heppner, Oregon. Frank B. Kistner, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours when not professionally absent. Office: Opposite First National Bank. C. E. W00DSEN, A TTORNE Y- A T-L A W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Heppner Gazette per year 2 3D0:0-9lt 3 A Poor 3 When you can get the such as . LA INTEGRIDAD, LA MIA, PRINCIPE de GALES. HENRY THE FOURTH AND OTHER LEAD- H "- INO BRANDS FOR.. 1WU Try Sis Sichel's Mixture a high grade to- .bacco for your pipe. i Sole agency for the Hazehvood Ice Cream 3 S. P. DEVIN. Prop. C i THe saiino istract & Title Guaranty company n oitiMiKATi:i We have the only set of Abstract Books in Morrow County. . . . Abstracts and Plats furnished on short order. MONEY TO LOAN ON iti:.u, i;sr.iTi; W. L. SMITH. SECRETARY. - - HEPPNER. OREGON ... FARMERS ... ! TAKE NOTICE OUR STOCK OF Blue Vitriol I is of the best quality. You will make no mistake in using it on your Wheal this Fall. SiOGum DniQ Go i i 6 J C i 6 i 6 i HlOLOlSZe Cigar tallowing leading brands, Belvedere I FINEST WINES, e LIQUORb & CIGARS S One hundred empty barrels for ? sale. Five hundred barrels of ex- y tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . TURKEY IS GETTING BOLD Promoting: of Vali a Challenge to the Powers. AMERICA IS URGED TO ACT Communications Hare Reached Washington Asking Govern in en t to do Something. Constantinople, Sept. 21. The un favorable comment arroused by the ap pointment of Reshid Pasha, the former Vali of Beirut, to be Vali of Brusa, which is really a promotion, continues. The action of the Porte in this connec tion is regarded here as a challenge to the representatives ot the powers, es pecially to the American Minister, who, it is thought, is likely to protest and may possibly demand Reshid Pasha's recall from Brusa in the interests of the American educations established in that vilyet. Reports from Beirut say the appoint ment of Halim PaBha to be Vali of Beirut has caused much disappointment. The inhabitants expect that Nazrim Pasha, the Vali of Syria, who inspired confidence by his conduct when he be came acting Vali after Reshsd Pasha's removal, would be made Vali. America Urged to Act. Washington,' Sept. 21. Communica tions have reached the State Department urging the Government to say or do something that will put a stop to the atrocities in Turkey. It is stated that this pressure does not emanate from the missionaries. Officials at the State De partment are reticent about the proba bility of the United States giving ex pression to the feeling with which the alleged atrocities in Turkey are viewed by the people of the United States, but they s id that reports from Turkey show that the deeds daily perpetrated i sec tions of that country are of such a character as to shock civilization and necessiarily are of deep concern to the United States. The State Department today received a cab'egram from Minister Leisbman at Constantinople, but nothing was given out regarding it except the informal statement that it contained no alarming news and waB partly concerned with routine business. Withdrawal of the American squadron at Beirut, it is said, has not yet been determined upon, and no indication has been received from Oyster Bay as to the President's intention in the matter. SEED RYE SCARCE. Large Quantities Shipped in From California. Owing to the general shortage of grain and hay this season in Morrow county nearly all of the rye was cut while green and put up for hay. Consequently there was none threshed which has caused a big shortage of seed rye this fall which is mi unusual occurrence. -:- This is the first season that it lias been necessary to ship in rye for seed. During the past two weeks '..'a tons. not including a 13 ton shipment tor Echo, have been unloaded here, coming from northern California. The rye finds ready sale at two cents per pound and every grain has been sold. In fact the demand has been gieater than the supply. Notwithstanding the high price and scarcity of seed the acreage f-ovn to rye this fall is as great or greater than the THE OLD o n r' Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Rye is sown principally on the hill lands, and will produce more feed than any other kind of grain. When proper ly put up it makes good feed. CHINA LANE RELEASED. Uoes to PortlandWill Not Come Hack to Heppner. Gong Lane, the former Chinese res taurant keeper, who was charged with complicity in the murder of Wong Quang, at Heppner Junction, who has been held in the Fossil jail for the past two months awaitinar trial, was released from custody, Monday, there being no evidence against him. China Henry, the confessed murder er, who committed suicide in the Morrow county jail, said that Lane was at the bottom of the whole affair, but owing to the fact that Henry took the rope route to the Celestial paradise, there was practically no evidence implicating Lane. Lane who went to Portland, before goina stated that he would never come back to Heppner. There is still con siderable feeling against Lane here, and he shows good judgment in keeping away. MEMORIAL SERVICES. Services Wilt be Held Itt Heppner on October 15. The date for the memorial services to be held in this city in memory of the victims of the Heppner flood has been fixed for Thursday, October 15. President 8. B. L. Penrose, of Whit man college will deliver the memorial address. Relief t.oods Returned. All of the clothing and supplies un used sent here for the use of the Hepp ner flood suflerers, were returned to Portland, Tuesday by the relief com mittee. The supplies, consisted principally of clothing, hats, shoes, etc., most of it second hand and cast off stuff. The shipment consisted of four big boxes weighing K7: pounds. It was shipped to H. L. Sabin who had charge of the Portland relief goods. Tliof. Tuttle, of Ukiah,; was in town Monday on business and reported that he had sold LtG head of cows, calves and mixed yearlings, at $13 per head, and 10.) range horses, at f per head, to Jerry D?spaine, of Pendleton. Long RELIABLE n SALE OF SHORTHORNS. W. O. Minor Sold lO Head at State Fair. At the auction sales of blooded stock at the State Fair, last Thursday, W. O. Minor sold 10 head of his fine Short horns as follows: Mozetta, dam Gay Mayurka, sire Col ision; sold to J. A. Julien, $155. Belmair Bonanza, dam All Forlorne, sire Knight of Warlaby ; sold to Hazle wood Co., $175. Viola, dam Violet J. sire Collision, sold to W. J. Tommley, Union, Oregon, $115. Roan Queen, dam May Queen, sire Collision; J. A. Julien, Yreka, Califor nia, $150. Isabella, dam Mountain Belle, sirs Collision ; sold to Frank Brown, man ager Ladd farm, $150. Handsome Dolly 2d, dam Handsome Dolly, sire Collision; sold to Frank Brown, manager Ladd farm, $100. Pride's Lonely, dam Lonely Girl, Biro Pride's Baron; sold to C. E. Ladd farm, $100. Lady Violet, dam Gay Mazurka, siio Munson ; sold to John L. Smith, $105. Pardy, dam Mistress Pure, Bire Col lision; sold to N. H. Bateman, Browns ville, $100. Colonel Frantic, dam Georgia Fran tic, sire Collision; sld to A. A. Crath ers, $100. SdDmCWE Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. 'Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott s Kmulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-makinir organs but nves them strength to do their proper work. Svml f r free sample. SCOTT & 1HJWNK, Clu-mist. 409-415 Tcarl Strert. New York. 50c. auJfi.oo; all druggists. average acreage. Creek Uanger.