i last mm, liolt e of SIr sis. y ! ; inevitable as tht changing- seasons of u- year is the change which comes to ' ivcrv worunn. And ju-t as one anticipates fh' i h.iiifves 01 "il.cr seasons it is wise to vuo" tor it. ' In tl-isVay the discomforts .;;! r.is-asu-rs su.T d bv many women at ijc pciiod of cluui can be avoided or ..voveonie. Dr. IV'tce's Favorite Prescription, a men- ! i.'ir.e for every season of wimi.'.ii's life, will cntire'v -neel the ii-e(is oi women ai 1111s .cnou ill CilalW. It eu.is tlie physical ids and relieves the ineni.d anxiety and depression usually associated with this critical period. Ittranquilix.es the nerves, encourages the appetite aud induces re fresh::'',?' sleen. -SV p.r.i 1$ ' 33' l.' FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Racked up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record saeh as no other remedy for the diseases a:i l v;ak icsr-es peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay $500 in legal monev of the United States, for any case of T.eueorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolap sus, or Fallir? f Womb which they can r.ct cure. All th'ej ask is a fair aud reason able trial oe their means of cure. J. S. Carlisle, Ksq., of Manchester, Coffee Co., TVnii.. writes : "1 have been using your medi cines 1' r the last sixteen or eighteen years in lav i'oor-liouse. I am superintendent of the Coffee 'J omitv I'oor-hr.use a;lu Asy'ivm combineJ. Your 't-'avorite Prescription, ' ' Colilen Medical I)'.se verv ' and Pleasant Pellets are the best laedieinJs for the diseases for which they are Tecon:meiK!el. that I ever used. They saved nv wiie's life at the time of ' change of life.' 1 Pave been reconiuiendiiie your medicine to ni.niv a.l'ited women ami have also guaranteed t iat'if it did not cure I would pay back the monev s.!ent for it. I have told our drwgritt that if the people came back and said Doctor Pierce's medicines did not pive satisfactiiMi, to ive the in buck their money and charge it to me. I have not or.ee been called upon to refund. I have never found anything to equal the ' Favorite Prescription ' for diseases of women." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medicrl Adviser is sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps for the paper covered book, or Vi stamps for the cloth bound. Address Dr. V, V. ": . V "T-. . . ;;t niMi .1" Checks ViI. Olympia, Wash., July 30. The Sup-em;' Court t .' decided that bank check is!ied for money advanced for the purpose of jtmbling ate void. The lecision was in the Spokane County oase, of Archie S. Nash, appellant, vs. Charlotte Clarke, executrix of the estate of James Clarke, deceased, respondent. Nash bought two checks, am '.nntin j; to j from a ptmVer named Green. The checks were tinned by Ciaike, and were paid in at (Jrren'i irambliiitr name, but -foie paymer.t thereof Clarke died and Xasb brought sn;t against bis executrix o collect on them. He lot the case it, the lower couit, and that jndgmeut is n v affirmed. The law, section 7:M7, section 1'allinarer code, is plain in declaring void ohecks ;iven to cover gambling losses, buf it was contended that the checks were not void in this case because the money was lost by C'aike after the transfer of the checks. The court df-clar-s the checks were no less obnoxious to the statute than if Green had ciedited Clarke during the name and subsequently taken checks for the n.onoy won. The fact that. Clarke bad told Nash 11 at the checks were jjood did not vindicate thprn or place Nash in the position of of an innocent purchaser -when lie was aware of the gambling art of the transaction. Hocrs 31a y be Deported. London, July ."0. In the House of Commons today, during the discussion if the Colonial Oflice vote, replying to a bitter attack on the government's policy and Lord Milner'e administration of South Africa by Mr. Markham, Liberal, in the course of w hich he charged that atlairs were erowmg worse, Colonial Secretary Chamberlain defended at orne length the administration of South Africa. He said the greatest difficulty was not the reconciliation of the Uoers rind Ibitons, but the reconciliation of the Loers with themselves. The Secretary called attention to the facti 1.1: at the British were making every -'!ort to develop the country, and were forming local agricultural associationa jf which, in many cases, were ioimer leaders of the Loer forces. Mr. Chamberlain admitted that much regained to be done, and eaid if it waB ioundthat the work of pacification was ; x-vected by irreconciiables, the govern : . nt would not hesitat? to use its strong j.er to deport the iniscbief-makeie. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative I'.romo C'unine Tablets. AY. droyfcists refacd the money if it fsilstj curf. E. W. .'irove's eigna- ure is on each b; x. Lincoln, Neb , July ;;o me iomi- cumiru isMie of Mr. Bryan's Commoner ... . "In tlio (l;pcnspion amoni; Peinocuts of possible candidates tor UiO p't'Hi . .. 1 ,.-, ti. ..ji. dential nomination in 11)01, the avail ability of .Tudre Owen P. Thompson, of Jacksonville, 111., is worthy of consulern- tion. While lie he has always taken an active in'erest in public affairs and has been an earnest advocate of Democratic principles, he has neither sought for, nor held, public offices outside of the line of his profession." The article concludes with an extend ed tribue to Judge Thompson contribut ed by a friend. In another and separate editorial paragraph, the Commoner, says: "In view of this kindly assistance, it wou'd seem that the Republican party bosses might select a candidate for vice president from among the 'Gold Demo crats." . Walla Walla penitentiary ha 5G0 prisoners and promises to ex ceed all estimates of the Legisla ture. American typewriter manufactur ers have lately succeeded in adapt ing the machine to the Japanese alphabet. The Kerr-Gifford Company has built a new grain warehouse at Cayuse, and is building one at Spofford, Wash. Thomas Kay, a Portland police man, was beaten into insensibility Monday movniDg by a couple of thugs he was trying to arrest. Extreme scarcity of water has caused a shut down of lead and silver mines iu Australia, throwing 40,000 people out of employment. A New Jersey woman has paid an East Orange grocery firm 30 as remuneration for beating them out of a grocery bill 27 years ago. A list of the revolutionary Cu bau soldiers has been completed. The enumeration is nearly 50,000 aud does not include civil em ploy es. Thomas Lippy, a Klondyke millionaire, was robbed iu Seattle Monday morning by thugs, who secured two gold watches and 814 in coin. Senator Gorman of Maryland, refuses to commit himself on the proposition as to whether he is a candidate for the democratic nom ination for president. In 1S98 there were 290 ministeis ordained in the Presbyterian church; in 1902 there were 2oG; in 19013 there were 181 These fig ures are for the United States. Jeff Gibson, convicted of murder in the first degree, from Josephine county, has been granted a new trial and as new evidence has been found in his favor, it is thought he will get off easy. The new United States army nlle will carry a bullet five miles with force enough to kill a man. It has so many points of greater excellence that the Krag-Jorgen-sen is out of date compared with it. Judge Townsend, of Dallae, Or., who has been more or less insane for a year escapel Sunday night from a private guard, nhich has been watching him. for several months, and walked 28 miles in his nicht dress to a friend's house. He is not expected to live, as the exposure to the night air and the hard 'journey were too severe for him to withstand. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Siguature of V.9 In THE ORIGINAL rim 1 A sallrtWT nnmnlovinn lliTaoa a coated tongue are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, five immediate warning by pain, ut liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Thedford s IMack-Drauqht never fails to bene fit diseased liver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of fver and ague. It i3 a certain preventive of cholera and Bright's disease of the kidneys. With kidneys re inforced by Thedford's Black- Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low tever. Many families live in perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford's Black- Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls ot a doctor. AVullins, S. C, March 10, 1901. I have used Thedford's Black-Draught for three years and I have not had to go to a doctor since I have been taking it. It is the best medicine for me that is on the market for liver and kidney troubles and dyspepsia and other complaints. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS. F. H. WEBB MM UNGG Special attention given to selling stock in the city or country. iiaiidman.oregon THE ABBOTT a. i,. .ivi:a:s, irp. Neatly Furnished Suites and Single Rooms for transients. My Henpner friends are esp?cially ln vited to call while in Portland. 2214 Vtishiugt.u St., Portland, Oregon and ukion Pacific Onlv Jine EAST via SHLT W 0 MM TWO TRAINS DAILY. Daily 'tI.MK SCHEDl'LEd! ."i1-. Departs ,, Akries I llKl'l'NEB, On. Fast Mail For Kant and West 8:15 a. m. Fact Mail From East and West Express For East and West Express From East and West 5:15 p. m. 8:15 a. m. 5:15 p. STEAMER LINES. Pan Frantisio Torti-and Roi-tk. Steam sails from Portland h p. m. every 5 days. Boat service between Portland, Astoria, OroKon Citv, Dayton, falem, Independence, f'orvallis and all Columbia and Willamette Kiver points. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Steamers between Riparia aud Lcwiston leave Riparia dailv at 1:10 a. m., returning leave l.ewiston dtiiiy, ex ei't Monday, at $:M a. ia. FRED UAUT, Agent, Heppner. A. L. CUAKJ, General Passenger Agent, Portland Charles Uinsfonl, of Luilton, Ky., phot ami killp.1 his wife night be fore last, mi:-takiu2 her for a burglar. f GENERAL AUCTIONEER Tcke Laxative Bromo Qwmne TtHets. ( oeven ivuiuon ooxes i a Can be found is the place to k Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,Tin- fx ware and Furnishing b.oods These Goods are well adapted to either City or Country Trade : : : Staple t Fancy Groceries. Fine Teas I Coii'ecs Good Goods... Fair Prices.L T. K. HOWARD, Il?i3i3ier 'ikst National bank OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA President T. A. HHEA Vio-President Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF Collections made on all polutson reasonable The History by Miss Ida in the November Great 0f standard Oil. "Miss Tarbell'e work Is of nntqaalled importanes as a Morn ment' of the day. Her story bas live ma iu it; they puffer and work and win Hud lose their battles with the' verisimilitude that removes tLo tale from the dry Rtatement and olnthes it with the color of bnmhn in terest aod the vivid rainbow garment of hnmnn sympathy. The resnlta of her work are likely to be far reaching; she is writing unfinished history " Boston G obe. "An absorbing Rnd illnminating contribution to the trust ques tion." Chicago Inter-Ocean. "The most important announcement made by any masinzine." N. T. Journal. For other great features of 1903 send for prospectus 10 cents a copy. 1.00 n year. 25th rJtreet, New York, or subscribe r. SPRING AND SUM MER .SHOES. HEPPNER. For Next Tlirt I3tir Suits made to order for $15.00- Henry Bode, Tailor, Gazette, $1 To Cure a Cold in One Day a on Main street aud buy : : : : : :. G. W. '"ONSER Cashier E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD terms. Surplus and undivided profits $35,000. M. Tarbell which began McClurcs is the Story Snd us the dollar nt 115 Eiet through your dealer. . LICHTENTHAL. THE UP-TO-DATE SHOE DEALER.... When you need anything in the line of Shoes, come in and examine our immense stock. Can supply you with neat and well-made footwear at reasonable prices. ::::::::: Custom Work a Specialty... OREGON Heppner, Oregon Cures Crip in Two Days. JL Per Yeai