y u o u u v u i T " ! not v i 9 TWENTIETH YEAR DR. METZLER, DBNTIST Located in Odd Fellows building. Booms 5 and 6. S. W. Phelps ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Odd Fellows Bldff Heppner, Oregon. 6. W. REA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW U. S. COMMISSIONER Homestead Filings and Proofs made. Office one door east of P. O. Borg's Jewelry Store Heppner, - - - Oregon A. K. HIGGS, PHYSICIAN & SUROEON. Office new I. O. 0. F. buildine. Rooms 3 and 4. Residence at J. W. Morrow's Heppner, - Oregon. Redfield & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street. Heppner, Oregon. Weak Vlexx ! G. As J, :sexo tablets: WILL MAKE YOU STRONG They are an Absolute Cure lor Loss of SEXUAL POWER, SPERMATORRHOEA, RESULTS OK EXCESSES, ETC. And we guarantee them. On receipt of One Dollar we will mall a box (10 days treat ment) securely sealed, to any address, with no marks to disclose contents. Six Boxes ent $5.00 Your money will be promptly returned to yon if you are not satisfied with the treatment. Green & Jackson Drug Co. WALLA WALLA, WASH. 2 Doim9lt A Poor 9 i When you can get the m such as ... . LA INTEGRIDAD, LA MIA. PRINCIPE de GALES, HENRY THE FOURTH AND OTHER LEAD- -irr IN6 BRANDS FOR.. i Try SJg Sichel's Mixture a high grade to- V 9 bacco for your pipe. Sole agency for the f Hazelwood Ice Cream 1 E. C. ASHBAUCH, Prop. tub saiini nstnct & Title Guaranty company INCORPORATED We have the only set of Abstract Books in Morrow County. . . . Abstracts and Plats furnished on short order. VV. L. SMITH, SECRETARY, .Mm Don't let your I cattle die with ..BLACKLEG.. Use Pasteur's Black legine. It prevents it every time. SOLD BY SlOGom Drug Go Frank B. Kistner, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours when not professionally absent. Office : Opposite First National Bank. mmollsio x Cigar 6 following leading brands, 5 - - HEPPNER. OREGON HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1903. IE Jf (Oil 1L The Officers are Surprised at Folsom Prison, BOLD DASH FOR LIBERTY Thirteen Convicts Armed With Knives Overpower (Guards and make Escape. , Folsom, Cal., July 27. Eighteen pris oners broke into the prison armory this morning, secnred guns and escaped to Mormon Island, taking with them War den Wilkinson, his grandson, Harry, Captain Murphy and two other officers. They killed Guards Cochran and Cot ton. Warden Wilkinson after his clothes were taken from him, was released bv the escaped prisoners. The line ot convicts were marching out of the prison to go t'o work. About 300 of them were out, when 13 of them who were in a bunch in the line made a run for the guard's office, where War den Wilkinson, Captain Murphy and other officers were. Each of the des perate men had a knife made of a file. Toey cut at the men, and Warden Wil kinson had a narrow escape, his clothes being cut through. They then marched to the armory, taking Warden Wilkinson, Captain Murphy and other guards and officers all closely guarded by the convicts with knives- At the armory they helped themselves to guns and ammunition, each convict having a riile and a pistol. During this time other guards had the crowd covered with guns, but could not shoot because of the free men. After leaving the armory the party crossed the prison grounds, there being at that time 13 convicts and 13 free men. After going a short distance the . free were forced to disrobe, the convicts putting on their clothes and the guards being forced to get into the convicts' garbs. Posses are in pursuit of the escaped convicts. IRRIGATION IS ITS Alltl National Congress Soon to meet at Og-den. Ogden, Utah, July 26. Unusual ef forts have been made to insure the suc cess of the 11th National Irrigation Congress, which will be held here Sep tember 15 to 18, inclusive. A liberal state appropriation was made, and the amount has been doubled by private subscriptions from officers of the con gress and from citizens of the city and state. The programme has been carefully arranged with the view of achieving practical benefit, and will include prac tical irrigation and forestry lessons, re ports of experts, application of provis ions of the reclamation act, state prog ress under the National act, views on ettlement of legal complications and the pertinent and important theme of colonization. As Utah is the pioneer state in irriga tion, special opportunities will be of fered for the study of the history and progress of science, and excursions will be arranged to enable delegates to take full advantage of the fact. Special terms have been secured from the railroads, and Oden hotels have announced that there will be no ad Tapce In their rates. Complete arrange ments have been made for the enter tainment ot visitors, reception commit tees being detailed to visit all trains. DESPERH BREAK THE OLES MM Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE The basis of the reception in the con gress will be : The governor of each state and terri tory to appoint 20 delegates ; the mayor of each city of less than 25,000 popula tion to appoint two delegates; the mayor of each city of more than 25,000 population to appoint four delegates; each board of county commissioners to appoint two delegates; each chamber of commerce, board of trade, commercial club or real' estate exchange to appoint two delegates; each organized irriga. tion, agricultural or livestock associa ciation to appoint two delegates; each society of engineers to appoint two dele gates; each irrigation company, emigra tion society or agricultural college, and each college or university having chairs of hydraulic engineering of forestry to appoint two delegates. The following are delegates by virtue of their respective offices: The presi dent and members of his cabinet; the duly accredited representative of any foreign nation or colony; the governor of any state or territory; any member of the United States Benate or house of representatives; member of any state or territorial commission. CORPORATION TAX. The Eddy I. aw Will Yield Nearly 880,000 This Year. Salem, July 24 Secretary of State Dunbar reports to State Treasurer Moore that out of 8500 domestic corpor ations, 1063 are now authorized to trans act business. Of foreign companies, 46 have reported, and 50 more are expect ed to do so. The capitalization of the domestic corporations is $329,830,271, on which the tax is $46,785. The for eigners have paid in $7500. Those yet to report will swell the figurea to near the $80,000 mark. The Secretary of State has filed with State Treasurer Moore a list of the cor porations which have complied with the terms of the Eddy corporation law. Mother's Ear A WOffO IB MOTHM'S BAB I WMMB mummina am imwabt, amo im rum mouths that comi bmfobb that Timm, SCOTT'S EMULSION BurMjms rum ir mrmmmarM abo mouBiBHmmuT so mMGrnaammr mom TUB MCALTH OP BOTH MOTHER ABO CHILD. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE. ChemisU, 400-4 ic Pearl Street, Ntw York. foe. and t i.oo ; all druggists. NO. 949 REUSABLE This list contains the names of all do mestic corporations that had filed their annual reports by July 15, or have been incorporated since May 21, and of all foreign corporations that have filed dec larations of intention to transact busin ess in this state. From this list it ap pears that out of some 8500 companies that have been incorporated in this state only 1063 are now authorized to trans act business as corporations. The other 7000 and more have either abandoned their corporate existence or have neg lected to comply with the Eddy law and their corporate powers are suspeuded until they do so. It also appears from the list filed by Mr. Dunbar that the 1063 domestic cor porations which have filed statements and 32 new corporations have a total capital stock of $329,830,271. The an nual license fee must be paid to the State Treasurer by August 15. The largest capital stock is that of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company $35,000,000. The smallest is that of the Hub Land Company $50. Horses Shipped by the Carload. rendleton,Or.,July 24. W. H. Babb, the horseman of Echo, who on Tuesday sold to M. II. Gillette his large ranch on the meadows near Echo, will leave in about ten days for Alberta, Canada, with 40 carloads of horses, or 1200 head. About 800 of these are at Echo, 120 were delivered in this city yesterday, and he still lacks about 200 bead to com plete the shipment. He expects to pick op about 60 head of the Fitzsimmons horses in Moscow, Idaho, and alto has a pretty good idea where he will secure the remainder. Wood and Posts For Sale. Willard Herren has some fine wood and posts for sale at his place in Willow creek basin. State op Ohio, Crrr of Toledo, gg Lucas Codstt, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oeth that be is the senior partner ot the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County anJ state aforesaid, nod that said firm will pay the snm of One Uunebbd Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me end subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. Glkason, seal. Notary Public HalTs Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts direotly on the blood and ma coos surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75o. Hall's Family Pills are the best.