Lee Hall, a negro, who shot hd killed a sheriff at Dublin, Ga., last Tuesday and lynched Saturday. William Hooper Young, the Mor uaon on trial fur the murder o Mrs. Pulitzer, wan declnred sane, Siturday by a commission ii lunacy. In ft head-on collision between a pnssenger nod freight train on tli Vatulalia near Terre Haute, Iud., Saturday night, the engineer and iiremm of the passenger were killed aud a dozen passengers in jimd. 55100 REWARD, 8100. The readers of tbis paper will bp plauaed to learn that there is at least ore dreaded disease that poieooe baa been able to onre in all its stasea and that p ' Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the only . positive cure now known to the medionl 'fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a oonstftatiooal treat ment. Hairs Catarrh Care is tuken in ternally, acting direotly npoo the blood and cartoons surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, nnd giving the patient strength by buildiug ap the constitution and as-1 '-aistin- nature io doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its onrntive. powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimon ials. Address, F.J. Cheney &Co., Toledo.O Sold by druggists, 75o. Hull's Family Pills are the beet. LEXINGTON NEWS. Lexington, Feb 11, 1903. Churley Gemmell is very sick. C. H. lieymer has been visiting m town several days. Win. Thorn burg is in Heppner under the doctor's care. Mr. Johnson of the Piano com pany was in town Monday. The Epwortb League was re organized last Sunday evening. Wm. Campbell and family re turned from Pendleton Tuesday. James Brown went to Portland last Wednesday and retured Mon day. Delbert Bechtel, of Grass Valley is visiting friends in town this week. GOLDEN GATE CITY LEADS. San Francisco Shown the Large! Per eeutaye of Suicide Chicago Ilank 'Ililj-id. The number of people who volun tarily .shuttled olf this mortal coil in AniericT.n and other cities dti rinc last year has been, invest lira Led by some ! delver in statistics and tile following figures indicate the results: San Fran cisco leads with the largest ratio, 39.1 mer, and feathers, breasts, wing and quill are the trimmings. Heaver hat will be fashionable and various tinted velvets are submitted. Hats of silk plush so far are in delicate shades. Black, green, reds, browns and blues are well represented. Blue and green combinations will be numerous and some new fancies in these shades are stunning. Cnque fenthers are revived in many pretty coloring. Birds are wonderfully tinted, as are breasts. Quills are in black and green combina tions. The rolled brim sailor in all per 100,0fi0 of population. Next comes T. , U 1 L 1 . .... A ' A .. Y .. .. A 1 auu.urr i-ucuic couht. ciT.y, uoh ,vnSelC, nhiAet of feU am bpn vpr wiu be fafl with a ratio of 29.8. The reader has, t a,.i naturally been looking for 'Chicago, I and that city does, in fact(, come next with a ratio of 24.0. followed by the Hardly a new skirt is lined 'among the hand'some ones, that is-. All have instead the drop skirt of taffeta. This ,7 . , iV skirt of taffeta is cut like the outer rmio is az.i. ew -jrieiins was xne 4 , . , , ... ami i, cAaciy nun iim.viieu .Willi F. A. Bancroft, Portland's new postmaster, was presented with a gold watch by his associates on the Southern Pacific, on his retirement ifrom the seivioe of the road. For Sale. Iwo good btudebaker wagons, one covered back, one set of good harness. Enq'iirn of E. C. Asbbaugh at the Pastime. 'Sheriff IV. M. Winters, of Lane count, w.;s fatally snot by Ed Lyons, whom the sheriff was at tempting to arrest. Lyons was .wanted for hors-3 stealing, and m .de his ec ipe. A posse is in pursuit. Oce ".tiutne Congb Cnre gives relief in ore miuute, boe-mse it kills the mi crobe which t.tKlea the mucins mem brane, causing tba or u;b, aDd at the same time e'e ira the phlegm, draws out the it fla nntioti and hede and soothed the affect ..-d parte. Ouu Minnie O jugh Cure strengthens the lnni8, wards of pneumon'.H and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable oases of Coughs, Colds anl Croup. One Minute Cotifch Core h pleasant to take, harailes" aud good alike for young aud oil Slooum D.-ug Co. lone Drill Co , Iote Mr. Mission, brother of Mrs Gbas. Burchdli, is visiting his sister this week. B. F. Thornton and Miss Canniff are taking teachers' examination at Happner this week. Mr. Farmer is erecting a neat bouse on the land he bought recent ly trom ft. W. Smith. Lulu Beymer fell against a stove ast Thursday and was quite severely burned on one limb. George Broadley met with an accident the other day while work iDg with Gray's well drill. His left hand was quite badly ciushed. W. J. Davis and children, Clark and Miss Lottie, returned from Portland last Tuesday. They had gone there to consult an occulist in reegard to Miss Lottie's eyes. A caucus was held last Saturday evening to name candidates for city officers. S. E. Notson was nominated for mayor, W. B. Mc- Alister for recorder, J. S. Bootbby for treasurer, E. D. McMillan, W R. Munkers. D. M. Potter and H. J. Hill for councilmen. Governor Chamberlain is mak ing a personal investigation of the condition of the penitentiary, in order to institute reforms mention ed in his message to the legislature. The estate of the' late Thoma9 U. Tongu has been admitted o probate at llillsboro, and is un officially estimated at $35,000. F. B. Tongue, a son, has been ap pointed administrator. There is no will. The Easy Pill. Da Witt's Little Earl Risers do not ripe nor weaken the system. They ??nre bilhonsoess, jaundice, constipation tod inactive livere, by arousiog the secretions, moving the bowela gently, yt effectually, and giving saoh tone and - strength to the glands of the stomach, liver and bowls that the cause of the Stockholder' fleeting-. Notice is hereby given that the an - nual meeting of the Heppner Mining Company will be held at the office of C. E. EedGeld in Heppner, Oregon at 2 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday, February 10, -J.903, for the purpose of electing directors -had any other business that may come -before the meeting. Dan Stalter, Pres. T. W. Avers, Secy. Jeppner, Or, January 14, 1903. tronble is removed entirely. Tbess famo'is little pills exert a deoided tonio effect upon the organs involved, and if their use is continued for a few days there will be no return of the trouble. Slecum Drug Co. lone Drag Co., Ionf. The sultan of Turkey has order ed the immediate mobilization of 210,000 troops for a military de monstration in Macedonia. Many of the soldiers are semi-barbarous and hostile to Christians aud an other series of massacres is expfct-ed. OeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The ouly positive cure for blind, bleed ing, itching and protading piles, cats burns, bruise, eozema and all abrasions of the skin, De Witt's is the only Witch Hazel Salve that is made from tbe pare, unadulterated witch hazel all others are counterfeits. De Witt's Witch IIzel Salve is made to oure counterfeits are, made to sell. Sloe una Drug. Co. lone Drug Co., lone. scene of the self-destruction of 21.(3 persons per 100,000 of population, and. Cincinnati followed close with 21.2. New Haven is next with 20.9, and then comes tbe borough of Manhattan with 20.0, though greater New York as a whole is well down tbe fist with a ratio of only 13.6. This is less than Roches ter, Indianapolis, Philadelphia. Pitts burg. Baltimore, Boston. Detroit, Omaha and Louisville, besides all of those specifically enumerated above. As to the foreign cities. Paris leads the list with a ratio of 42. followed by Berlin 36, Vienna 28 and London 23. There were more suicides in Saxony than in any other country. 31.1 per 100,- 000. In Denmark the ratio was 25.8. in Austria 21.2, in France 15.7. in the Ger man empire 14.3, and Sweden, Norway, Belgium. Great Britain, Italy, the United States and Spain followed iu the order given. The table referring to American cities is somewhat difficult, to explain. Whv the city of the golden gate, and California, wi'h its crlorimis cb'mate, its sunshine, its fruit and its' flowers should show the grentest number of suicides seems a mystery, unless the presence of a large Chinese population evnlains it. The high suicide rate of Chicago is, perhaps, accounted for by the rush and struggle of that great city and the large foreign element it contains a foreign element, more over, winch comes mainlv from those countries where suicide is most fre quent. The same is perhaps true of Milwaukee and of Cincinnati. The high rate nt Nw Orleans may possibly be attributed to its relation to France and the idns and traditions brought here from Paris, the suicide capital of the world. But New York citv casts a cloud over some of these explana tions. Fere are the large foreie-n pop ulations, the stress and strain of liv ing and working, the poverty, the ex citement. Yet Philadelphia. th lceping city of the humorous para- prnnhers, has a higher ratio of sui cides than greater New York. And how is it to be explained that New Haven leads all tbe other New Eng land cities in the number of suicides? St. Paul and Minneapolis lie side by side, but in Minneapolis the ratio is 11.4 and in St. Paul it is but 6.5. Tt seems that the conclusions must be thr.t there is no method insuicide mad ness and that thn effort to reduce it to rule is doomed to failure. plaiting or a ruffle with a plaiting along the edge. He say the handsome one advisedly. When the outside as not of good, firm cloth a lining is nec essary to help keep it in shape, and when the lining is of some cheap cot ton atuff the wearer certainly would not want it hanging loose. It has one thing to recommend it especially. When it ii worn out it may be ca.st aside. In the case of a worn-out lin ing made in a skirt one must have the whole thing taken apart to reline It, and this is about as much trouble as making a new skirt. With the drop skirt there's only to buy another. It is to be hoped our stores will keep them ready made. A coal famine exists in Caracas, and the city is without illuminat ing (jaa. C. D. Clark, a logger, was crush ed to death by rolling logs near Drain, There will be a large increase in Sheriff's Sale for De linquent Taxes. XJOTICK IS HKUEliY GIVEN THAT BY VIK tin; of a warrant issued out of tbe County (Joint ot this Stare of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, herein and whereby I wbh command ed to collect the dolitmuenc taxes charged on the tax loli lor the year i'.mi, us by law directed, and to make levy upon and 8-11 the several par cel of real property, upon which such taxes are respectively levied, or so much thereof as shall satisfy the amount of taxes so charged, together with interest thereon at the rate of VI per cent per annum from the 7th day of April, l'JOJ, 10 per ent penally and accuiing costs; which said warrant is attached to the tax roll for the yar Kioi. 1 have levied upon the fol lowing described pieces of parcels of real prop erty as set forth in said tax roll, ly ing aud be ing in said County of Morrow, Oregon, described aud assessed as follows to wit: Emma C Cox t'ergusou's odd to Dairyville, lots 9 and 10, block 1 52 Julia Hali.ku The sw qr se qr and s hf of lot 1 of the bw qr and the s hf of lot 2 of the sw qr of sec 19 The u hi of lot 2 of the nw qr of sec 30, tp 5 n of r 27 east 4 00 Thomas Honkins Dairyville, lot li, block H 107 ASHHKLL LiAHUK sw qr sec t tp 1 8 r 25 e 2 35 Stephen LaLandk b hf He qr and nw qr 86 qr sec 17, aud ne qr ne qr nw qr sec 20 tp 2 8 r 20 and nw qr nw qr sec 21. tp 2 s r 26 e 82 80 MAKlJt E NUKKM'AKlSK nw qr sec 8 tp 2 b r 24 e 2 75 W J Waterman n hf sw qr of nw qr and se qr bw qr of nw qr and e hf of sw qr of sw qr oi nw qr ot sec 18 tp 1 8 r 23 east 100 American Mto. Co. nw qr and sw qr sec 24 tp 2 n r 24 e.... 6 90 Now, therefore If said delinquent taxes, pen alties, intercut and accruing costs are not paid on or before Saturday, the 21st day of February, 1903. at the hour of 10 o, clock t. m.,1 will ou the said day and beginning at the said hour, at the Court House door, in the city of Heppner. in said Morrow County, sell at public auction for cash in hand the foregoing described parcels of real property, to the person who otters to pay the said deiinuueut taxes, penalties, interest and accruing costs, and take a certificate of sale thereof at the lowest rate oi interest. Dated at 'Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, this the 15th day of January, 1903. K. M. SHUTT, 21-25 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. SUMMONS. In he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow county. Moses Ashbaugh, plaintiiT, 1 V8 PhnrlpH TCimspv and (Mara ! the hon acreAO-a of YAkima COlintv. Kimsey his wife. A J Kimsey ... "" and Kimsey, his wife, v asn, tnis year. No more closed boxes will be al lowed to flourish in Spokane saloons and theaters. The curtains have all been removed by the police. Sheriff Col bath conducthd the sale of property of delinquent taxes in Marion county Friday. Out of $220,000 as originally turn- ed over only $800 remained un paid at the time of the sale. A Legacy Of The Grip Is often a run-down system. Weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, en ergy and ambition, with disordered liver aod kidneys often follow an attack of tbis wretcbed disease. Tbe greatest need tbeo is Eleotrio Bitters, tbe splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator of Stomaob, Liver and KiJneys. Thou sands have proved that they wooder fnlly strengthen tbenervep, baild np the system, and restore to health and good spirits after an attaok of Otip. It enf- What Milady Mmt Wear If She fering, try them. Ooly fOc. Perfeot satisfaction guaranteed by Slocutn Drug Co. FASHION'S LATE MANDATES. Would Apprar la tlh New et Style-, The supreme court has decided to appoint a law student of Salem as court bailiff, to succeeed F. C Perrine, deceased, who held thai position for several years. A free fight between citizens o Pullman and studenlsof the Wash ington Agricultural College, was indulged in Sunday over En article which appeared in the college paper criticising the commercial club. Clergy Half Fare Permits For 1003. The issuance of the customary form of O. R. & N. individual half fare permits will be discontinued with tbe clr-ee of the year 1902, and for 1903, Joint Clergy Certificates issued by the Trans Conti nental Passenger Association will be honored on oar line. These permits will be good in the combined territories of the Western, South-Western, and Trans-Continental Associations, embrac ing practically tba territory west of Chi cago and St. Louis. A charge of f 1.00 is mads by the Trans-Continental As sociation to cover the expense of issuing these permits. A. L. Cbaio, General Passenger Agent. Shirt waists of fancy velvets, vel veteens and cordirroys are fashion able. Some are made simply, the only trimming' being', fancy buttons; oth ers are finished with passementerie, lace and moire silk in tiands or pipings. says a fashion authority. Theehave showy buttons, too. Kobes are tempting- in lig-ht-weight cloths, silks and stenciled cloth. Some are beautifully embroidered all over or at the bottom of the skirt and front of wai.-t and sleeves. Two-toned cloths are revived for these, and make up pret tily when trimmed with some rich pas sementerie or velvet. The newest tea gowns are in empire fas-hion. with, accordion plited skirts beautifully trimmed with laoe medal lions and insertions. Thev are finished with handsome C'llars nr ?: ,r em broidery, lace frill edging the collars. Sleeves are elbow length, finished with several lace rufflei. Light colors prevail for teagowns and white is much favored. The fancy for fruit as a decoration has extended to embroideries-on din ner and reception gowns. An illustra tive gown of black point d'esprit made over whit satin was trimmed with embroidery in the form of cherries and their leaves, and had cherry red belt and shoulder straps: Another of pearl gray satin and tulle was embroidered with green grapes-. Black grape were put on a delicate cream lace gown. On sheer grmns are put hand-'work embroidery and lace and winter gowns repeat those of summer in these trim mings. Cord braiding is put on the thinnest gauzes with good results and the silver lace that ha been employed so much is oombined with white lace. Tiny blossom are set on dainty fab rics in large ring and scarfs of lace. tulle or satin are threaded through tnem. Scarfs are also drawn through cloth cut in lattices or circles for trim ming cloth or wool gowns. Flat trimming m standard for fall and winter hats. Thee are trifle larger than those worn during sum-. William Kimsey and N.Kiui- I Bey, his wife, W. S. Mercer and baraii Mercer, his wife, I L. A. Florence, and Ella Mor- f ence, his wife, U. O. Watson, aud Minnie Watson, his wife, Samuel Hall, and Mary Hall, ins wife. William ferreii aud Kva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Klmsev and Millie J. Croit. Defendants. J To Charlfg Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife, A.J. Kimsey and KlniBey his wife, William Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wile, G. U. Watson, and Minnie Watson, his wife, VWlliam Fern 11 aud Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kim sey an . Millie J. Croft, of above defendants. lu the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you will take notice that you are here by required to appear in the above entitled court and cause, on or b. fore six weeks from the 15th daX of January, 1903, to wit on or be fore February 2i, l'JO-l, and answer or otherwise plead to plnin tills complaint filed herein, aud lf'you fail to bo nppear or answer, lor want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court lor the relief prayed for in his complaint, towit: For a decree quieting plamtiifs title in, and removing the cloud lroni his title to the follow ing described lauds and premises in Morrow County, Oregon, towit: Kyt nwi aud k J-4 ne H and uwK se4 oi secu n i, tp i,ar j- e w M and foreclosing all right, title or interest which you or either of you have in said de scribed i reini-es, and that plaintill s title l.e established and and continued in and to Buid premiMS, and such other relief as may be equitable and just, f his summons is served upon you by publi cation thereof, by older of the Hon. W. K. hills Judge of the above entitled court wlnrli order is dated on the lOih day of JamiHry, !'.( i:ih1 prescribes that same shall be publiclied lor six consecutive weeks in the Heppner tinzeite, f.lnl that the first publication thereof shall be made on the loth day of January, l!o:s. . W. PHKLPS, 21-27 Attorney lor i'.aintili. Timber Laud, Act June .7, IS7S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. National Livestock .1 wsocintiOn. TheO. R. &.N. company is making tbe following low rates for tickets to Kansas City, Mo., and return dining the meeting of ibe National Live Stock As sociation which meets on January 13: Froai Portland. Ptiget Sound and common points, $00; from Spokane, Pendleton, Lewiston, intermediate and common points, $55; from Heppner, $59.80. Limit to commence date of sale and to be continuous passage, (JO days from date of sale. Stop overs will be allowed on return trip within limit. For further information in rela'ion to form of tickets, routes, etc., apply to J. M. Keruan, local agent, Heppner. A Remarkable Offer. The Gazette has made special ar rangements with the Young People's Weekly, published in Chicago, to fur nish this interesting and valuable paper with tbe Gazette, both papers for $1.00. The Young People's Weekly is one of the leading story papers of America with 1G pages, nicely illustrated every week. It is always interesting to tbe young people. UNTIED STATES LAND OFFICK, LA liiandt-. i iiegou, January 8. Mii. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of Congiessoi June :, IS7. entitled "An act for the sule of timber lauds in the states oi California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory ," as ex tender! to all the i'ublie Land states by act of August 4, 1WJ, Anton Vcy, of Pendleton, county of Umatilla, State nf Oregon has this day tiled in this otliee his sworn state ment No. l8o'., for ttie purchase of the se! Be sec 2!) and nV, neH se4 iie.'.4 of section Wo. 82 in tp. So. 1 n, range No. 2H e W M, and will oner proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its timber cr stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hisclaini to said land belore the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Oreg u, at Pendleton, Uregou, ou Fri day, the 3d day of April, l'JOS. He Humps rk witnesses: Joseph Kauios, Frank Correi i, Joseph Cunha, all of Kcho, Oregon, and John Kimbrell, of Pendleton, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims iu this office on or before said 3d day of April, 1U03. 21-30 R W. Bartlktt, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Tire Dollars Reward. Lost, last September, near Parker's Mill litcht bay mare with white strip in face; five yeara old ; branded on left shoulder. A reward of $5.00 will be paid for the return or for information leading to the recovery of above des cribed animal. 21-24 Mrs. Kate Rcssell, Condon, Oregon. Department of the Interior, Land Office at La Uraude Oregon, Jan. C, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Baid proof will be made before County Judge of Umatilla County, at Pendleton, Oie gon, on March 4, PJ03, viz: H. E. Wo. 10771, Joseph Wellington, of Ridge, Oregon, for the ne nw nwtii and ue!4 sw sec. 15. tp. 3 s r 30 e w in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Lightfoot. George Walters, William H. GulliforU and George Ilorsmau. all of Ridge, Oregon. 21-26 E. W. Babtlktt. Register. HORSES WANTED. The old reliable business firm, the Seattle Auction and Sale Stables, Inc , which holds special auction sales every day and regular weekly auctions everv Friday, receive horses. I to 100, on consignment aud advance all ship ping charges, aud sell on commission, or will buy your horses outright. If you have snjr numberof horses you wish to dispose of at the Seattle market price, no matter how far you are from the city, write us full description, and we will let you know what the prices are and how they are selling. All correspondence promptly answered. N. T. Jul li flee. Manager. M.J. Walker, Auctioneer. 1212,Western Ave.. Seattle. W ash. 23-25 Heppner Gazette Weekly Oregonian. news and thought of the world. Both at a special prlc. Inquire or address Tb If you take this paper and The Weekly Oreg-onlaa you won't have to beet your news. . . i i I 34.