The Heppner Gazette. Issued Every Thursday Morning OUR CM IIHIIXG LIST. Heppner Gazette and ToledoWeek- ly Blade, one year ,.$1 CO Keppner Gazette and Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean, one year 1 70 Heppner Gazette and Weekly Ore- gonian, one year 2 25 Heppner Gazette and Weekly Ex aminer, one year, including ticket to Examiner's great drawing 2 25 Heppner Gazette and Young People s Weekly one year. ... 1 60 Heppner Gazette and Twice a- Week StLouis Globe Democrat 1 85 HepDner Gazette and Oregon Daily Journal, one year (regular price of the Journal $4) both for $4.00 Six months 2.15. With Semi-Weekly Journal one year 2.25 With Weefcly Journal, one year 2.00 Heppner Gazette and Rural Spirit, one year 2 25 Address all orders to Gazette, Hepp ner, Oregon. Notes From lone. lone Post. Geo. Wells stopped off here Monday evening, having just returned from Portland. He proceeded on to Heppner Tuesday evening. Rev. Mount, of Heppner, has been called to the Uaptist church, ot this place, t) preach in lone every third Sui d ty iu each month. On last Tuesday morning Davidson Bios shipped from this place 850 head of eherp, making seven car-loads, to Troutdale to be delivered to the Union Meat Co. T. J. Davidson was a passen ger to Troutdale to deliver them. The following several parties came down from Heppner Wednesday morn ing to attend life funeral of Mrs. Ingra ham. The gentlemen are members of the K. of P. and Elks Lodges: Mr. and Mrs. J.ts. Hart, Frank Roberts. Days McAfee, Walt Richardson, Ties Cres wdl, Mr. and Mis. Shutt. MITCHELL IS ILL. Oregon Senator lias back. Serious Set- Washingten, Feb. 7. Senator Mitchell has not made material progress this week, in fact on Friday he bad a serious set-back, but today is again on the road to recovery. n Monday last the Senator left his room and took dinner in the hotel dining-room. He also attempted to look after some of his official business, and apparently over taxed his strength, for, except for 6hort periods, he has not been out of bed during the remainder of the week. His long confinement in bed has very great ly weakened his condition, and it is Blowly indeed that he recovers his strength. For the past week or more he has has practically no more stomach or bowel trouble and suffers none except from confinement. The Seuator's physician has insisted all along that Senator Mitchell was steadily improving and tonight told The Oregonian correspondent that the "Sen ator would be out some time the follow ing week." This is the same statement he made a week ago, and the week pre ceding. For all that, Senator Mitchell does no appear to be gaining strength as rapidly as was hoped. It is his weak ness that is now his greatest ailment, and his insistence upon work appears to retard his progress. 9'riti ill- EI.-irveli!Mv Ice. Pi ineviile, Or., Feb..") Tiiu past pix d:ty have been busy ones fir the ice hurvpwfors, as the ice has hnfii thick enough to cut up for the first t'me this Winffi', (have fears were entertained for i time that there would be an ice famine the coining Summer but now ail is serene and the ice is coming in at the rate of many tons daily. The mercury has bemi toying with zro for thiee nights, and may go lower. There is no snow here, but all around throughout the country it is from live to ten inches deep. Stock of all kinds have done cx ceptionaUy well in this section of the state so far this Winter, and pheepmen are looking forward to a large crop of lambs. "With one hand grasping the throttle and his body between two monster cable spools of the doukey engine, employes of the fioolh-Kelly logging camp near Wendling, found their companion in toil, Bob Alexander, the engineer, dead Tuesday. Old as the Pyramids And as little changed by the ages, is Scrofula, than which no disease, save Consumption, is responsible for a larger mortality, and Consumption is its out growth. It affects the glands, the mucous membranes, tissues and bones; causes bunches in the neck, catarrhal troubles, rickets, inflamed eyelids, sore ears, cutaneous eruptions, etc. "I suffered from scrofula, the disease af fecting the glands of my neck. I did every thing I was told to do to eradicate it, but without success. I then began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the swelling in my neck entirely disappeared and my skin re sumed a smooth, healthy appearance. The cure was complete."- Miss Anita Mitchell, 915 Scott St., Covington, Ky. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Thoroughly eradicate scrofula and build up the system that has suffered from it. New Shearing' machines. Pearls Becoming Scarce. It is reported that a famine of pearls bus pet iu, due to the Iarj;e demand for these lovely gems. It is claimed that no other stone is bo becoming to youth and beauty, but the mnjority of people throughout the country are not able to purchase these costly geina. However, bp huig us th y er.j oy good health they Hre far riciu"T.:id will alwnjs look better tVui if (iiey p'tsst'Ssd all the pearls in Hie world. If you b'lve lost the preoious pofispfii-iina her.lfh you ehonld try Hostetfer'H Srcmach Bitters because it is recognize! r-s the best health maker in (xistHnce. It will cure headache, nervousness indigestion, liver and kidney troub'ei and msUria fever and ague. Our Private Stamp is on tbe neck of tbe bottle. A Salem dispatch of recent date says: The people living on fourteen townships of northwestern Grant county known as the Monument country desire to be an rexed to Morrow county. Representa tive Ci. W. Phelps has received a com parative statement of the assessed valuation of the region and the whole of Grant county accompanied by maps and descriptions of the townships that are under consideration. The names of ninety-two tax payers are given and the total assessed valuation of property as found on the assessor's books of Grant countv of the fourteen townships is $150,350. The region is convenient to Morrow county and Heppner as a coun ty seat. The agitation for a change was commenced by the people of Monument last bummer, but the statement and maps mentioned were not prepared until recently an 1 fent to Mr. Phelps. He has the matter under consideration but says be thinks it is too late to aiTomp'ish the chano at this FPcej,,ni H is rot crtiin that ti e re;'V" is deHrtd by Morrow county, or v.! . tv,i,. ti . r, .,. ,,; (;,ant countv will as-unie. The Illinois Central Railroad office, Jat Portland, Oregon, has a small supply of nicely mounted wall mapR of the United States, ."2 by ,'58 inches, al.o Cuba and Porto Rico, enlarged. If you will send us ten cents, in stamps, we will prepay the postage and send you one of these handsome maps, by return mail. If you intend going east, or know anv one coming west, from any point east or south of St. Paul, Omah or St. Louis, we would appreciate the opportunity of writing to you or your friends about the details. To say that is the purpose of this advertisement, but the maps are free. Address P. H. Trumbull, 142 Third street, Portland. Oregon. Mr. Wheeler Got Rid of His Rheumatism. 'During the winter of 1898 I was bo lame in my joints, io faol all over my body, that I could hardly hobble around, when I bough a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. From the first applioatioD I began to get well, and was oared and have worked steadily all the year. It. Wheeler, North wood, N. Y. For sale by Slocum Drag Co. Stockholders' Alerting. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Morrow County Land and Trust .Company will be held at the office of the Company in Heppner, on Saturday, March 14, 190.'), at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and t ther business that may come be fore the meeting. P.. F., Se.-rotary. IT- , ; r, Or., .Tan. 15, I'm:;. G. W. Waters spent last week in terviewing some of our big woolgrowers ascertaining their views on the ad visability of putting in a sheepshearing machine to remove the wool of this section, says the Burns Times-Herald. He found that all favored the move and has the pledge of enough sheepmen to justify the establishment of the enter prise and Mr. Waters and Jenkins Bros, are arranging to have two Cooper Sheep shearing Machine plants in readiness for the spring shearing. It is claimed that these machines are not only rapid, but will takeoff at least two, pounds more wool to the sheep than by hand, besides taking all dirt off the animal whioh is of material benefit to its health. These plants will have a capacity of three thousand head per day acd will enable the sheep men to finish their shearing in a much shorter time and get their sheep away quickly to summer range. No doubt the promoters will have a good and prosperous business from the start. The plant will be so arranged that they can be moved from place to place. Gasoline engines will be used for power. PUBLIC SALE I will sell at ' Public Auction, one-half mile north of Fight Mile Postoffice, in Morrow county, on MONDAY, FEB, 23, 1903 Twenty head of Horses, Wagon, Plows, Buggy, Buckboard, Harness, Farm Implements, Household Goods, Etc. TERMS OF SALE All sums over $10, nine months time at 10 per cent with approved security. Sale begins at 10 o'clock sharp. BRUCE HAINES, Eight Mile Postoffice. 1 k I Cattle Starving at Hiilsey. Haleey, Or., Feb. 7. The frosty weather is compelling the farmers to feed all their stock, and feed is in great demand. Sheep and cattle are poorer than they have been for years, and are dying to a marked degree. There is scarcely any grass, and what there is dof s not seem to have much strength. The farmers say that the crowds of grasshoppers that traversed the country last summer not only destroyed the gardens, but evon killed the grass. State Fish Warden Vim Dusen has recently selected and secured a site for a new hatchery at Elk City. Kimberling, the escaped horse thief, from Grant county, after three days of freedom, went back aud crawled into jail through the same hole that he had cut for his escape. An Astoria t-ociety woman won 89 on a Chinese lottery ticket purchased through curiosity on Chinese new year. d cutlicrity The Weekly I To Cure a Cc!d in One Day Take laxative P.romo (Jniniue Tablets. All druf-g'-Ms rt'nol tLe money if it ; fa:!' : cur -. R. V . Orovc'ri eigna-j i THE PASTIME Is the place to spend your idle moments, where can be had a good, sooial time. You can imoke : Fine Cigars o and if this doesn't suit, pet a pip and trv some of the Hist! Grades of Smoking Tobacco that have just been laid in. Also keep all kinds of Soft Drinks Card Rooms, Billiard crd Pool Tables. Next floor to rostt.fllc". E. C. Ashbaujrh Pronrictor Tbe new management ts now fnrnish'Dg better accommodations than ever before. Newly famished rooms. The Best Meals in Heppner Prepared by a first-olass WHITE COOK. No Chinese or Japanese I employed, Rates $1 a day and upwards. Jones $s A. t ol t. 1 1 , IPjcoiji, IOWKU 1TIAIJ snticlr, lli:i'lM ll FALL i AND ; WINI jTER .SHOES. ..M. LICHTENTKA 9 THE UP-TO-DATE SHOE DEALER.... When you need anything in the line of Shoes, come in and examine our stock;. Can supply you with neat and well-made footwear at reasonable prices. ::::::::: Custom Work a Specialty... HEPPNER, - - - OREGOP $, 1 i' HIST NATIONAL HANK OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA President I G. W. CONSER Cashier T. A. RHEA Vio Preeident E. L. FKEELAND. .Assistant Cashier; Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THK WOULD IHH GHT AND SOLD i Collections made on all potntson reasonable terms. Buri.lns anl un.'.i vi 1ft profits fT,00C. mm B PflLfJCE HOTEL HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon WoieU MODERN CONVENIENCES ELECTRIC LIGHTED . . . Under New Mansgement. ThoroDLi" Renovated and Remitted. Rest Merds in tbe City. PHIL METSCflAS, Jr., Prop. NEW GROCERY STORE- Bright, Fresh, New Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. c i o i My Good r moil ctuu un unv s 1 x. T..!f,i:. ,V-l?rT C A. E. BINNS. Proprlo:.-.. tnre is on er.eb b-s. ."e.