i BUI A. TWENTIETH YEAR HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 1903, NO. 925 PBOFSSSIOITAIi C-A.32.3DS. G. W. Phelps t ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Odd Fellows Bid Heppner, Oregon N Redfield Welch, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west end of May Street. Heppner, Oregon. G. W. REA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW U. S. COMMISSIONER Homestead Filings and Proofs made. Office one door east of P. O. Borg's Jewelry Store Heppner, Oregon A. K. HIGGS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office new I. O. O. F. buildine. Rooms 3 and 4. Residence at J. W. Morrow's Heppner, Oregon. DR. METZLER. DBXTI8T Located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 5 and 6. AlcS words & Kistncr, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Office hours when not professionally absent. Office: Opposite First National Bank. Weak Men ! O. Ss J. :sexo tablets: WILL MAKE YOU STRONG They are an Absolute Cure for Loss of SEXIHL POWER, SPERMATORRHOEA, RESULTS OK EXCESSES, ETC. And we (fuarantee them. On receipt of One Dollar we will mail a box (10 days treat ment) securely sealed, to any address, with no marks to dieclobe contents. Six Boxes Full Treatment $5.00 Your money will be promptly returned to you if you are not satisfied with the treatment. Green & Jackson Drug Co. WALLA WALLA, WASH. .LIBERTY MARKET. J. H. BLAKE, PROP. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage POULTRYand FISH MAIN STREET. Heppner, - - Oregon The regular price for the San Fran cisco Weekly Examiner is $1.50. You cad get it and the Gazette for $2.25. Belvedere j FINEST WINES, ) LIQUORS & CIGARS S S One hundred empty barrels for sale. Five hundred barrels of ex- f tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . S 5 HEPPNER, - ORE. S These Cold Winds cause chafing and rough hands and your face gets rough. As a pre ventative, use Witch Hazel Cream This in also good for blemishes, and has no equal for any skin dis ease. After Slaving apply this cream and it will remove all irrita tion from the most ten der skin. Slocuoi Drug Go Red Front Livery & Feed staDies Stewart V Kirk, Props FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RI6S Kept constantly on hand and can be furnishes on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Bugyies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner. Oregon 'Wltitles 3c Meadows ..New Management. NEW RIGS Special Attention Given to the Traveling Public General Livery and Feed Stable TELEPHONE STABLES 4 v 55; Lower Main St., Heppner, Or a state potoe ROUD The Government is Favorable to the Project. WOULD AID GOVERNMENT In the Construction' 'of a Canal to Open die Columbia Now Under Advisement. Washington, Feb, 6. Engineer of ficers in tbis city are not willing finally to commit themselves on the proposal of the State of Oregon to construct a portage railroad from Celilo around The Dalles rapids, on the Columbia Riyer, until they are fully advised as to the details of the plan proposed. The vrovernmeni wouiu nave supervision over such a proposition only in so far as the right of way to be occupied by the portage road would lie upon land that has been acquired by the Government under the old boat railway project, ar d where the state would peek to acquire wharfage rights in the river at each end of the proposed road. These matters would come under the supervision of the Chief of Engineers. It is stated at the department that, so far as is known, there is no particular reason whv a nortaoA rnarl ahmi!,l in onv , . ... way encroach upon or interfere with the Government work to be nndeitakf n under the canal project, as there is much more land now owned by the Govern- ment between The Dalles and Celilo than will ever be used for Aanal nnr. poses. On the contrary, it is pointed on th i i., .i ... numoer oi individual engineering otucers have in the past recommeuded the con struction of a Government portage road at this point, and, in view of this past ttitnde, it is said there is little or no ikelihood that the engineers would throw any obstacles in the way of a portage road to be built and maintained by the state. In view of the opposition ipp n Congress to the Government owner hip and control of railroads, it has never been possible to secuie the sane- on of that body for a Governn e .t portage road, although many members believed that suoti a road would meet t lie demand and serve to force the de Hired redaction in railroad rates to the seaboard. The engineering board that is now considering the Harts project, it is understood, is givingno thought what ever to the portage road project, and, in fact, is devoting its entire attention to devising a cheap, yet satisfactory, canal project that will afford a permanent open river. It is admitted by engineer officers that a portage road paralleling the river would prove of .very great as sistance to the engineers in the construc tion of the canal, and; on this; account the state's proposition will appeal more strongly to the department if when is presented in detail. Representative Moody, who has taken a deep interest in this work, has called on state officials for details, particularly as to right of way desired tor the pro posed portage road. When this, is had, he believes the approval of the depart ment can really be had, even (though it may be necessary to make some altera tions in order to meet their demands. In a fierce battle between United States deputy marshaljand a band of horse thieves atJBlae Jacket I. T., Saturday, two of the band were instantly killed and another sur rendered to the officers. THE OLD Absolutely Pure THERE IS MO SUBSTITUTE WILL, i:LAKUi: THE NAVY. House Committee Favors Policy of JKxpuiiMloii. Washington, Feb. 6 The naval ap propriation bill, reported to the House today, carries $79,048,420 or $6,142,089 less than the estimates The currant . appropriation is $78,856,363. In addition to ihe provision lor the construction of three first-c'ass battle BbiP8 one fir8t cla8B armored cruiser, two steel training ships and one wooden brig, the bill allows the selection of two Midshipmen for each Senator, Rep ireseruauve aim neirtHtiw, u.ua ..mi.,.... i i ii . 4 1. .i ...u:; the number. The committee Havs that Fair The matter of feed is of tremCndous importance to the farmer. Wron feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children ? Are they fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia ? Scott's Emulsion. is a mixed food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. PROD Send for free sample. Pt sure that this picture in the form of a label ia on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion jrou buy. Scott &Bowne CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Scnd SI i all drujjUU. RELIABLE with the present deficiency of 577 officers and with the number of officers that will be required for the ships in process of construction, the deficiency in the num be of officers at the end of four years will be 1360, unless additional Midship men are authorized. Further provision is made for the ap pointment of 12 Ensigns from warrant officers, and for the appointment of 30 additional Lieutenant-Commanders, 50 additional Lieutenants, 30 additional Surgeons, 120 Passed Assistant and Assistant Surgeons, 29 Naval Construc tors, 84 additional officers for the Pay Corps and 3000 enlisted men. To the Marine Corps the bill adds one Colooel, one Lientenant-Colonel, five Majors, 12 Captains, 25 First Lieu tenants, 12 Second Lieutenants, one As sistant Adjutant and Inspector, with rank of Mejor; two Assistant Adjutants, with rank of Major; one Assistant Quartermaster, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel ; five Assistant Quartermasters, with rank of Captain; two Apsiutant Paymasters and 671) more enlisted men. The liroit of cost for the building of the Naval Academy is to t e increased from $8,000,000 to $10,000,000. The sura of $J00,000 is hppropria'ed for ex periment stations and testing laboratory in the department, in the marine en gineering and naval division. KcNtfe-ietioiiof Ciruziiig-. Washington, Feb 7 The Ssecretary of the Interior has issued regulations for sheep and cattle grazing in the Cas cade forest reserve in Oregon during the coming summer. The Beason for sheep is to extend from June 15 to October 15, and 97,000 are to be permitted to graze on the norlhern division and 103,000 on the southern division. The cattle graz ing season will be from June 1 to Octo ber 1, and 3500 cattle and horses will be permitted in the northern division and 7500 in the southern division. The Secretary of the Interior has agreed to recommend an increase of the appropriation for land surveys in the sundry civil bill trom $325,000 to $400, 000, with provision that $75,000 shall be alloted for Alaska. The territory has been getting about $25,000 a year. Lewis Nixon, ex-chief of Tam many, and a prominent shipbuilder of New York city, is spending a week in Portland in the interest of shipping. The South Carolina legislature hat passed a law prohibiting child labor in textile manufactures and mines. After May 1 the age limit is to be 10 years.