Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 05, 1903, Image 2

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3r( ivl of KIsisiiK H Transacted by
tlrt'iiiiti I,a'ismKcrs.
S. P. :, by Marsters To provide for
-ioitt h executions at tho State Peni
tentiary. Passed January 27.
S 1!. 10, by Steiwer To regulate car
iajrc of sheep by express. Pas.ed Jan
2s.iy -21.
S. 1. 14, by May f Classing biejcles
v, in.i.o in the law to punish larceny.
i) 17, ly Mays (riving crematories
itijK exemptions aseemrteiies. Passed
i'lv;. y 17,
S. V. IIS, by Smith of Multnomah To
- ii :.te a State l'oard of Health.
S. I'. 31, byt'roNau To prevent stock
s ni'.'M'nrf at h'no .in Marion County.
1'a -f-e 1 January l'(
S. H. o4,bv- .''week To provide man
ner for proving exi.sleiu e ol foreign cor
porations. Pass d January 27.
S. P.. 11 To permit . stat? fan- boad to
control iu own priming. Passed Janu
ary 27.
tf. 1 o7, by Myois -To define the
.TJ'.:bts nf i ip..i ian owne-s.
S. '. 73, by IUly lielativ to ex
.sniiiiatiou of commercial fertilizers.
Passed January 27.
S. P 7S, by Daly To require that
.'s be keut open not les than four
"Viontlts in ead vear.
S. P. 81, by Pierci To appropriate
2t.0('M) for K intern Oregon Agricultural
iisnei-iment Station. Passed Januar'
S. P.. 8"), by Croisan A mending Third
Judicial Distiict Circuit Judgship act.
Parsed January 20.
S. P. 0o, by Smith of Umatilla Re
lative to issuance of certificates for
practice of medicine. Passed January
8. D. 07, by Steiwer To require ped
.Ilers to pay license fees. Passed Janu
ary 27.
S. P. 102, by Daly Provid'ng that
?itate shall cany its own fire insurar.ee.
t'as.i-.'d January 27.
..?. J. 11 (J, by Welrung To authorize
aunties to appropriate money for adver
tising purposes. Passed January 27.
ts. P. 119, by McGinn Authorizing
const ruedon of cus-pension bridge at
Oieon City. Passed January 2G.
The following incorporation acts:
North Pwder, P.ourne, Dufur, New
A9I01U, Prineville.
'"II. ). 5, by Davey To amend Third
Judicial District Judgeship act. Passed
-f iniary 21.
H. P. 8, by Phelps to prescribe method
:"or constructing fences in Eastern Or
oun. Passed January 22.
II. 15. If), by Kiddle Regulating titles
isf insurance companies. Passed Janu
ary 27.
II. P.. 24, by Reed Relating to prov
ing of official documents.
II. P. 47, by Kay Relative togarnish--ment
proceedings against public em
ployers. Passed January I'tj.J
II. P. 49, by Ranks Relating to exe
on and acknowledgement of deeds
;i tMxi.n countries. Passed January
il V,. o'.t by Hale Relative to salaries
of ceitain Josephine County officers.
Passed January 20.
II. P. !4, by P-urleigh To change
'iixe ;'or holdingcouoty court in Wallowa
iiod Harney Counties.
II. P. 57, by Nottingham Relating to
l-iy ( r pa'ients in insane asylums.
II. II. 75. by Eddy To provide that
?tute of limitations shall not run
.iur - to 9 til r
l.tv. v r ; .1 !;.. e.:tH. ask Dniegist foi
. i r- . r r.n-'i KX.I.lsit in IWJ and
:. : ii.. bo .is. stale 1 with blue ribtjon.
'?iu mi'IIit, frn ditngrronii a!ili
(al., 1 vrii inors;tin. i;.iy nf your lJniififist,
1 1 ' ii: .-:.-!i.s i.,r larlioalmnt. Ten! i-?i-:
I '-IMIff for Imlie.." in l''fr,
tynijin I'f.OVUTestiuiouiais. bold by
Ml iJl '
At: it .3mJ2Hi: ...u.irp. 'K.LX, PA.
i or
TO C" ,
Will be fatal to the sleep-walker. Will
he draw back or will he take the final,
fatal step? A great many people are in
peril like the sleep-walker. They are
diseased. The disease is progressing
day by day. The time comes when one
more steo away from health is fatal.
' The man who has suffered from indi
gestion or gastric trouble
goes some night to a
dinner and returns home
to find he has taken that
last step from health
which can never be tak
en back.
To neglect the cure
of indigestion or some
other fdVm of stomach
A trouble is dangerous, it
' is also inexcusable. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery cures diseases
. . , 1 . i . 1
I OI Uie siomacu anu uuier
organs 01 digestion ana
nutrition. It purifies
!!i$rL, the blood, stimulates the
saBSS5-s .Oliver, Clues iiiui!rin:,
m,mA- an(l eii,nin-tes bilious
poisons from the sys-
"The praise I would like
tosrive your ' Golden Medical
Discovery' I cannot utter in
words or describe with pen,"
writes Jas Ii. Ambrose K.-q.,
of 1205 j Miiflin St., ilunt
imrdoii. Pa. " I was inkeu
with what our ohvsidans Miid was indigestion.
I doctored with the best around here and found
no relief. I wrote you, and you advised me to
use Dr. Pierce's .olden Medical Discovery. I
took three bottles and I felt so good that I
stopped beinpr cured. I have no symptoms of
pastric trouble or indigestion now."
If you ask your dealer for "Golden
Medical Discovery" because you have
confidence in its cures, do not allow
yourself to be switched off to a medicine
claimed to be "just as good," but which
you did not ask for and of which you
know nothing.
You can get the People's Common
Seuse Medical Adviser, 100S pages, pa
per covers, free by sending 21 one-cent
stamps, to pay expense of mailing onlv.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
atfainut ttie t-tote. Passtd January 23-
II. B. 78, by Whealdon To authorize
City of The Dallesto issue additional
water bonds. Passed January 22.
H. B. 80, by Phelps To regulate elec
tion of Road Supervisors. Passed Janu
ary 27.
II. B. 91, by Burgess To create
Stockman County. Passed January 23.
H. B. 94, by Phelps Regulating
Deputy District Attorneyship of Sixth
Judicial District. Passed January 27.
H. B. 109, bv Both--To locate county
seat of Columbia. Passed January 27.
O. B. 117, by Burleigh Relating to
pay of Wallowa County officials.
II. B. 137, by Herman Fixing salaries
of county, officials,
II. B. 141, by Booth Fixing sa'ary of
Columbia County Judge at .$1000.
The following incorporations acts:
Clatskaoie, Sublimity, Rainier, Dallas,
Merrill, Wasco, Willamina, Falls City.
II B. 1, by Malarkev To appropriate
.foOO.OOO for the Lewis and Clark Fair.
II. B. 77, by Cornett Authorizing a
free ferry scroes the Willamette at
The following charter bills: Adams,
Lexington, Coquille, Brandon, Ashland,
Cornelius, Milwaukee. Stayton, Eugene,
Salem, Elgin, Enterprise.
S. B. G4. by Marsters To create ir
reducible school fund for Dous'as Coun
ty. Signed January 20.
II. B. 08, by Fisher For a lifeboat at
Portland. Signed January 20.
II. B. 101, by Reed Portland ch trier
bill. Signed January 23.
11. B. 108, by Gill To levy tax in
Multnomah County for ' supnoit if
library. Charter bills for Coival: ,
Alamo and The Dalles.
S.J. M. 1, by Mays Memorializing
Congress to construct locks and canal at
the dalles.
S. J. M. 4, by Mulkey Supporting;
President Roosevelt m Ins attitude
toward trusts.
S. J. M. G, by Miller .Mpmona.izing
Congress for proper election of United
States Senators.
H. J. M. 1, by Cinn Memorializing
Congress to pass bill for the relief of
settlers of Sherman County.
S. J. R. 1, by Mulkey Amending
constitution empowering election of
State Printer by Legislature.
"I have used Chamb-rlain's Caugb
Remedy for a number of years t nd have
no besitanoy in saying that it is the best
remedy for coughs, colds and croup I
have ever need in my family. I have no
words to express my confidence in this
Remedy. Mrs. fitoonE, North Star,
Mich. Fcr sale by SIctux LVu Co.
zuiiti mm
JLi L9
11 l
J rir:y
KfiVct a Compromise.
SaWn, Or., Jan. 30. (Special.) The
tight between Vale and Ontario for the
co.inty seat of Malheur County was com
promised today through the efforts of
the House committee on counties. Both
factions have large lobbies at the
Capitol, which has been fighting each
other hard. The compromise is that
the question of relocation is to be sub
mitted to a vote of the people of Mal
heur. In order to secure this vote a
petition must be presented to the Coun
ty Court, containg the nmiies ol 00 per
cent of the registered electors of the
county. lh petition is to give toe
name of the town to be voted for and
the election is to be held at the next
general ehction after filing the petition
If (10 per cent of the votes cast are for
the town contained in the petition, the
removal is then to be made, in case
toe town which enters the race fails to
get that 00 per cent of the votes cast,
the question cannot be brought up
again for four years. The lobbyists on
both sides say they are content with the
compromise. The committee will re
port probably tomorrow a substitute
bill embracing the terms as above set
Pearls Becoming Scarce.
It is reported that a famine of pearls
hBs set in, due to the larce demand for
Tt.ia fluimod that
no other stone is so becoming to yonth
uu1 hpfuitv. hut tus niBioritv of peonle
throughout the couutry are not able to
porobase these costly gems. However,
long as they erj )y good bfalth they
are far richer and will always look better
than if tney posseesd all the pearls ir
the world. If yon have lost the precious
possession health you should try
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters beoause it
is reoognized as the best health maker
in txistanoe. It will cure headache,
nervousness, indijeBlu'on, liver and
kidney troubles and malaria fever and
ague. Our Private Stamp is on tbe
neck of the bottle.
In I'livsr of Alitka Treaty.
Washington, Jan. 30. The commit-
tee on foreign relations today authorized
favorable reports on the Alaskan boun-
tiary treaty ana tne protocol ior me ex
tension of time for the ratification of the
Cuban reciprocity treaty, but failed, for
lack cf time, to reach a decision upon
the Panama Canal treaty. There wajst
coneiderablo discussion of the Alaskan
treaty, but the agreement to make a
favorable report was unanimous. The
Panama treaty was opposed by Senator
Morgan, who offered a number ol amend
ments and presented an argument in
opposition to the treaty as it now
. .1 . a1 1 . : mi . . i-
HianuH. i,uummu,eBwuu,uK,
tomorrow to hear tbe conclusion of
Senator Morgan's objections.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe best and most famous compound
ui iuo wunu iti uumjuTi tur8 nUu b..i
paniR. (Jures (Jutp, heals JJurns and
Bruises, subdues Inflimation, masters
Piles. Millions of boxes sold jearly.
Works wonders in Boils, Ulcere, Felons,
HMn Eruptions. It cures or no piy.
25u at Slociira I) rax Co.
Call at the Gazette office and learn of
our clubbing of-r with the Weekly Ore
visit Dn. JORDAN'S orct
(Ciiimi Blxtk u flmatk.
Inrf rut A.nftlctalct.1 Msseaio
Orratntt attraction In the Citv. A
vmnacrjxti t.ntjor vistcurs.
P( (ils-mso.uttalllTely rnrril ty ;
thn oldest Mporlnltaton ihe l'cUi
Cuaiu iuitabUaliud as year.
Yon n if mra and mltldl 1
CU un who nie '.i(;ring
frura th fUuetn of youthful lucilw I
cretluit or excesses In mturr
ynrm. Ngrvuus nl ptiyMcul lehlllt7, lm
rof mcj, l.oi?lniniod Jo Itseompll.
r ations; jif rinatun haM. 'riolxiur-
riiJ-j. (lonorrlim, Ulfrt, rrrqnmrT
of I'l-Iiintlnv, '. Itr n comhlnaUon cf
remedies, of ?ret curatlro f o r, tne IXK-to
has o itrruiuri'cl tre:itm:it (hut It not
only :TirJ lm'n-il'it rellt-f. but parmHuent
C'ir. Tli JKictor (1dp not claim topeifurni
niirxoii tun m well Knnwn t be a lulr and
yunro tViyslrtan uric. Surgpcii pr-emlunl
In liiH poiultr lln"ifc of ilru.
KVPi:(U l'.o.lehly mdlciitfA from
tli r s'."Ri without tli" n cf Jltrmrj,
TniMfi fltvod br an Ktaert. Hadleml
"r f.-r fiLtttire. A quirk aid radical
cut tor 11 Ira, Kloaur and Fialnlaa.by
Dr. Jordan's pwla! pulnlis methorta
V.'Yr MAV .nnl.ln a n. will .mmIm
Otir hmrt opinion tit hlsromplalnl.
V We will Unarnnlr tOtitTlYM CtTBI t
tverv cite, t.'e unrifrmk.
rnntiit:tli'in FKKK nd rtrlctlr prlraU.
Iratment perwma'l or by letter.
'.Vr!t f..r P.ool:. IMIII.OSOPHT F
TitA Kltl AUK. MttLiDl'ma tA ValOAjl
book for rari.) Call or writ
Orl. JORDAN CO.. I OS I Marital 8L, . ft,
Saved Her Child's Life.
"In three weeks our chubby little boy
was obuDued by Pneumonia Hlmont 'o h
skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Wntkine, of
Pleasant Oity.O. "A terrible oouu set
in, that, in spite of 11 good doctor'n treat
m-nt for several weeks artvi worse
every day. We then nurl Dr. Kinu's
New Discovery lor Consumt turn, aud
our darling wus soon souod and well.
We are sure this grand medioine saved
his life." Millions know it' the only
sure sure for Coughs, Colds aud all
Lung diseases. Slocnm Dnjg Ot,
guarantee satisfaction. 0o, $1.00. Tnul
bottleo free.
and want ads of all descriptions will
hereafter bs published in a column by
Itatcs for l.uccct Ads.
Ten cents h line for first insertion and
5 cents a line for each subsequent inser
tion. All notices set in brevier type.
Binns Bron. for fresh groceries.
T. R. Howard for fine groceries
The finest groceries at Binns Bros.
TIip Gazette has added a new blank
to its list. - Contest Affidavit.
Howard's grocery store is a very pop
ular place for the purchase of supplies
for farmers and outfits for outing in tin
wav of extra fine urrocei ies. Almot
everything imaginable kept, in stocl
It's handy where you can get anvtning
you want
Wanted Hides, pelts, and furs
,IiKhest casl) priue8 pai(1 for coyotp
skins and other furs.
14 tf.
Pun, Cohx.
Money to lan
On improved lands for a term of years
tf R. F. Hyxd.
I will sell at public auction on Satur
day, February 7, 190;, 2 p. ra , at the
office of the M. C. L. 1 T. Co. all un
collected notes belonging to the National
Bank of Heppner. No es can ba seen
at above office.
23 24
R. F. II ynd, Receiver.
FlTBt to arrive with the telegraphic
newa The Weekly Oreponian.
Independent and reliable The Oregon-
The news of both hetntephtfre in The
VllWI On
Ambition end
"Dyspepsia," wrote Eueeno Field.
"often incapacitates a man for endeavor
and sometimes extinguishes the fire of
ambition." Though great despite his
complaint Field suffered from indices-
tiOQ all his life. A weak, tired stomach
can't digest your food. It need.
.act Vnii nnn nn 1 V rnir if tv I hft lie.
of & prcparation like Kodol, which re-
lioves it of work by digesting your food.
Rest soon restores it to its normal tone.
Prepa red only by E. C. Ps W ifr & Co., Chlcaga
I'heSU boLtie coutaiai Ugum ttie Wo. six
Flat iTOhS
vea.r out.
. So do
But if Mies ssl
your merchixnx.
st$Ms 50 YEARS'
&&V&r EAFEKlfcNvlt
Copyrights &c.
Anvone sending a sketch and dPFrription may
qnlckfT si.rtiiin f.ur ojnnim free wiiotiior an
invention i rlinip!v patentable. rmninnie.
tionsstrict!yr..iitl(lenti!il. HAN0&DDK on I'atenU
sent tre. Oliloi ntrency fr seetiruiir patents.
Patents taken thmuirh Munti A Co. receive
tpecial nr.tice, wit 'tout cl'.'rire. in the
Scieniific Jlmericaa.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.srcest rlr
culation f anv s-ientlU! J.ur:ial. Tf-rms, f:i a
TP.ir: four niontts, L Sold by all newsdealers.
Branch Office. t35 F 8U Vashlnton. I. U
WKiT Truoe Marks
&:teiM Designs
H. D. Wood &Xo
Onlv Xjine EAST via
Huri-NKK, Ok.
Ftiet Mail For
KiiKt and West
Fast Mil From
KnBt aud West
Kxjiress For
Jv.iKt and Went
Expri'Ho From
KaKt iiiid Went
8:15 a. m.
5:15 p. m.
8:15 a. in.
5:15 p.
San Fuancisco I'okti.and Routk. Steam
saiis from i'ortland 8 i. m. every 5 days.
Boat service between Portland, AHtoria,
Oregon City, Paytosi. iSnlem, Iniicpendeiice,
"oi-vl!J and uil (Julumbia and Willamette
Kiver points.
StHHn:ers lx'twt en Hipatia and Lewiston leave
Riparia dailv at 1:W a. m,, returning leave
l.ewiiton daily, except Monday, at a. m.
J. M. &EKNAN, Afient, Heppner.
A. L. CUA1G,
General Passenser AKCiit. Portland
Ttie Only A! I -Rail Route Without
Change of Cars Between Hpokane,
Rosaland and Nelson. Also between
Nelsou and Iiossland, daily except
Sunday :
Lrfmve Arrivn.
8:(K) A. M Hpokan.... 6;-n V. M.
UKW A. M liowland 8:40 e. M.
9:10 A.M.. NolBoa C:45 P. M.
Clone nonnoctitms at Nelnon with Htoaruers for
Kaalo, and all Kootenai liake points.
PansenKare for Kettle Kivor and Pounditry
ronk connect at Marcim witn ntnaf dnilv.
And Points East.
Tbroub Palace and Ton list Slecperp,
Diniiiirand IUiilVt Smoking Library Cars
Di'ilv Tr.ivs; 1'nvt 'lime; Service and Scen
ery I'nequaled.
For Kates, Folders and Full information re
garding tickets, routes, etc call on or address
J. V. PllAi.o.s, T. V. A, H. Dickson, C. 1. A
122 nio ST., roinum
a. b. o. pk:;msto:, g. v. r. a.,
First Avenue. ... - j-prtmo, aso
Tii Honnwesiera um
8 trains daily l.etween St. Paul and Chicago
Tbe Ldest ruilrnan oieepers,
Perlt-tH Dir-inn Ors.
Library tnul OCervatin Cars,
Free KiTlinir (Jcair Cars.
The 20 Century Train,
"Ihe Northwestern Limited,"
Huns every day in the year.
Tbe Finest Tram m tbe tor!J.
Klectrie I.iclited Steam Heated
ToChieiiKO by Itayliidit.
The B-.deer State Express, the Finest Pay Train
runninir between st I'nnl and ChicnKO via.
tlie hort Line. Cotineetioiis from thr West
tr.nde via The Northern I'ai itic, Great North
ern and Canadian Pacific l:ys.
This is also the lx'st line between Omaha, St
Paul and Minneapolis.
All agents sell tickets via.
"Tbe Norlbwestern Line."
W. H. MEAD. II. I MM.fcK.
Gen. Aeent. liciici Ag
2tS Alder St.. Tortlaud, Ore.
i fi