TWENTIETH YEAR HEPPNER, OREGrON, THURSDAY, FEB. 5, 1903, NO. 924 G. W. Phelps ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Odd Fellows Bldg Heppner, Oregon. Redfield & Welch, ATTORNEYS AT LAW.f Office on west end of May Street. Heppner, Oregon. G. W. REA ATTORNEY-AT-LAW U. S. COMMISSIONER Homestead Filings an.i Proofs made. Ollice one door east of V. O. Horg's Jewelry Store Heppner, Oregon Pi. K. HIGGS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office new I. O. O. F. building. Kooms 3 and 4. Residence at J. W. Morrow's Heppnisr, Okegon. DR. METZLER, DENTIST Located in Odd Fellows building. Kooms 5 and 6. McSwords & Kistner, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Office hours when not professionally absent. Office: Opposite First National Bank. Weak Men ! O. A: J. :sexo tablets: WILL MAKE YOU STRONG They are an Absolute Cure lor Loss ot SEXUAL POWER, SPERMATORRHOEA, RESULTS OK EXCESSES, ETC. And vffi guarantee them. On reeeipt of One Dollar we will mail a box (10 days treat ment) securely sealed, to any address, with no marks to disclose contents. Six Boxes Treent $5.00 Your money will be promptly returned to yon if you are not satisfied with the treatment. Green & Jackson Drug Co. WALLA WALLA, WASH. .LIBERTY MARKET. J. H. BLAKE, PROP. Beef, Pork, Mutton.Veal and Sausage POULTRY and FISH MAIN STREET, Heppner, - - - Oregon The regular price for the San Fran cisco Weekly Examiner is J 1.50. You can get it and the Gazette for 2.25. Belvedere I FINEST WINES, S LIQUORS & CIGARS S One hundred empty barrels for sale. Five hundred barrels of ex- J tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . i HEPPNER, - ORE. S These Cold Winds cause chafing and rough hands aud yonr- fce gets rough. As a pre ventative, use Witch HQzel Cream This in also good for blemishes, and has no equal for any skin dis ease. After Shaving apply this cream and it I will remove all irrita- i.z r ii j. i uou ii um i iie must ten- i der skin. SIoguiu Drug 60 J Red Front Livery & feed Stables Stewart A. Kirk, Props FIRST-CLASS: 1-IVERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnishes on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Sugyies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATEIi TO THE : : : : : COMMERClAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RKiS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner. Oregon 1 Will lies & Meadows ..New Management.. NEW RIGS Special Attention Given to the Traveling Public General Livery and Feed Stable Lower Alain St., Heppner, Or 1 nnnnui vi nr vn IflLfirlUNfi VI IK M V 0F3IH IS OBHHTED To Heppner Railroad and Coal Company. THE VOTE WAS UNANIMOUS Koad Will I'ollou tlic (irade Willow Creek unit Connect Willi I'rcviocts Survey. oi The city council met in regular session at the city hall Monday evening with Mayor Gil!iam in the chair. Counciluien Noble, Rhea and Cohn answered to roll call. Absent, Roberts, Farnsworth and Quaid. ' This was an interesting meeting and was attended by quite a number of citizens for the reason that final action was to be taken on the question of grant ing a railroad franchise to the Heppner Railroad & Coal Company to construct a railroad from the depot through the city to connect with the Willow Creek surveys. When the franchise question came up, C. E. Redfield, representing the Hepp ner Railroad & Coal Company, offered an amendment to the original ordinance. The original ordinance designated the franchise for the road to go up Gale street to May street, and from May street to Court street. The amendment offered by Mr. Red field was for a change of the franchise for the line to go from the depot and follow Willow creek to connect with the previous survey. A map showing the route was pre sented. The amendment was adapted by a unanimous vote. Mayor Gilliam asked the council if they desired to act on the ordinance. Councilman Geo. Noble stated that he preferred to have a more complete rep resentation of the council before taking action on this important question. Mayor Gilliam in an address to the council sta'ed that he was not in favor ot the council consisting of only four members passing on the question. By motion, a recess was declartd until Tuesday to take final action. As to the requests of the company, no opposition was offered by any one, the delay being caused by a desire for de liberate and careful action. Petitions of Mike Roberts, Frank Natter and D Matlock for runewal of liquor licenses, granted. Following bills were allowed : Rhea & Welch $ 03 Light & Water Co 97 50 Heppner Transfer Co 0 ,r)0 Henry Nicholas 4 !2 MiltjBrown 2 13 Geo. Thornton l 00 W. Matlock 41 00 C.Creswell il 00 Frank Natter 20 00 J. 1. Williams 16 G5 L. W. Briggs, salary and interest 358 83 As per adj inmniaot the council met again Tuesday evening to take up the matter of the franchise. Mayor Gilliam and Councilmen Nobl, Rhea, Q laid and Cohn answered to roll oall. The ordinance for the change in the mate for the road was introduced as or dinance No, 99, making a new ordinanoe. By motion of Councilman Rhea, the roles were suspended and the new or dinacce was read second and third times and placed on final passage. The vote for grantiog the franchise was unanimous. By motion of Coancilman Noble, or dinance No. 93 wbs postponed indefi nitely. Following is the ordinance in full as passed: ORDINANCE SO. 99. An orJioaooe authorizing and empow ering Ibe Heppner Railroad and Coal Company, a corporation, to bnild, con struct, operate and maintain a railroad on rertuin streets of the oity of Hepp oer. The people of the oity of Heppner do ordaiu as follows: Section 1. The Heppner Railroad and Coal Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, are hereby granted the right, privilege, power and authority to bniM, cnu-itruo operate, rnn, repair and maintain a railroad for the general carrying business of pas sengers, freight, btggafe, express and muil ou, over and across County road, Water street, Main Ptreet, Baltimore street, Center street, May street, Court Rtreet, August street, Cannon street, and South Center street, within 'the cor porate limits of the City of Heppner, in accordance to Line No. 2, on map sub mitted to Council and which map is raudtf a part of this ordinanoe, Seotion 2. The Heppuer Railroad and Coal Company, its successors aod is-ngns, shall repair and restore all streets which may be excavated, dis turbed or disrupted by them, in build ing, constructing, operating, maintain ing and repairing said aailroad, without unnecessary delay, in as good order and condition ah said streets were at the time said Heppner Railroad and Coal Company, shall excavate, disturb or dis rupt them, and the said Heppner R, R. Coal Co, its successors and assigns, shall at all times keep said streets on, over and eoross where said road shall be built, oonstruoted and operated within the limits of said road bed, in good repair. Section 3. The said Heppner Railroad ind Coal Company, its successors and Hseigne shall commence the construction of said railroad within one year from the date of granting this franchise, and shall complete the building aud con struction of thrf same through the cor. porate limits ot said city, within two years from tb9 data of granting this franchise. SeotioD 5. The rights and privileges granted by this franchise shall oontinne and remain in force forever. Passed and approved February 3, 1903. IJGDGDQfl Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it docs what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their ' teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in oal e r. ess, weak n ess and n e r vo u s- ness, by regular treatment vith Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure jf the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. We will be glad to cnd a sample to any sufferer. Tie sure that tTii pictur; in llie form .! label is the wrapper of every butlle f LmulsioD you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. 409 Pearl St., New York. It THE OLD RELIABLE " 5 ill Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE To I in in i(r ratio ii Hill. Washington, Jan. 30. Senators Pen rose, Lodge and Fairbanks, leading memberB of the Senate committee on immigration, who have in charge the immigration bill, have been in con ference today with other members of the Senate with a view to obtaining an agreement on the bill whereby its passage can be secured. Senator Lodge, who was the special champion of the educational test for immigrants, has agreed to allow that the provision he withdrawn, providing that unanimous consent be given for the passage ot the bill after the araendent is withdrawn. There are, however, a few Senators who are not satisfied, and who may oppose the bill, even with the edu cational provision eliminated. It is generally believed that the passage of the bill is impossible, unless all op position can be removed. Hitter Cold I11 Alaska. San Francisco, Jan. 30. Alaska is undergoing the severest Winter that has visited the Northern country in 20 years. Even the Eskimos, who are accus tomed to the cold, are suffering. The litt'e c idfishing Bchooner Pearl, which has arrived from the North, brings news of the condition of affairs in the ice bound land. Tho Pearl comes from Unga, Alaska, with 18,000 codfish. Her officers state that the themometpr at Unga fluctuated between 10 and 12 deg. below zero. Snow has fullen, cover ing the ground to a great depth. The white men residing in Unga were grert ly affected by the cold. The crew of the Pearl also suffered. The Pearl had a hard time fightirg her way out of the ice. For Iti days the schooner lay motionless in 6n ice field, 200 miles from Unga. Only by strenuous efforts was Captain Ipeen able to free his vessel from the pack and reach open water. Reduced Itufc From I lie Dnwt. Commencing February 15th and con tinuing until April 30th there will be low rates in effect from the East via the Illinois Central R. all Washington, Oregon and Idaho points. If any of your friends or relatives in the East are coming West while these rates are in effect, give us their name and address, and we will make it our business to see that they are given the beet possible service. We operate through personal ly conducted excursion cars, and in fact give you the benefit of the latest con veniences known to modern railroading. We have 15 different routes between the East and the West, and are in a position to give you the benefit of tbe best accommodations. Write ns and we will give you full particulars. P. II. Trumbull, Coni'l. Agent III. Cent. R. K.