What (lie Producers Would Suvc Comparative ISutev. The people of Eastern Oregon, who favor au appropriation of $150,090 by the state for a portage railroad pant the dalles of the Columbia, have compiled the following statement to show how the enter pi ise would benefit interior produce re: "First The railroad nv-rger has be n 1 fighting, and will continue to fighc the opening of tne river by locks or boat rai way. "Second A state portage would solve the problem. "Third It will save the producers! $1,500,000 annually. "Fourth It will increase the popula tion of the state more than any one thing, not excepting the Lewis and Clark Fair. "Fifth The country effected by an open river produces according to care fully prepa ed statistics, 40,000,000 bushels of grain, 80,000 head of cattle and hordes, 521,3.'Ji) head of sheep and hogs, 3G00 cars fruit, 16,000,000 pounds of wool, 2,405,000 pound of hides, 307, 000 tons of hay; all valued at $30,000, 000. In the aboye country there are 11,000,000 acres of tillable land and but 3,500.000 acres now under cultivation. "Sixth An open river will pave o the producer on average tonnage $1,500 000, aod in five years, double that amount "Seventh The Mississippi River handles wheat a .distance of 700 miles for 10 cents per hundred pounds, while the Illinois Central charges 20 cents for the same service. "Eighth Compare tha following rates between The Dalles and Portland and The Dalles and Arlington, and see if you need an open river: "Wheat Arlington to The Dalles, 54 miles, ll)a cents per hundred pounc'. The Dalles to 1'ortland, 88 miles 7)i cents per hundred pounds. "Wool Arlington to The Dalles, 54 miles $1.06 per hundred pounds. The Dalles -o Portland, 88 miles, 25 cents per hundred pounds. Portland to Boston, Mass., 3500 miles, $1 per hundred pounds. "Cattle hogs and shetp Arlington to The Dalles, 54 miles, $24 per car. The Dalles to Portland, 88 miles, $33 per car. "The flour class rates are: "Arlington to The Dalles, 54 miles, 53 cents, 49 J a cents, 32 cents, 36 cents. "The Dalles to Portland. 88 miles, 25 cents, 20 cents, 18 cents and 15 cents re spectively, showing 150 per cent mote for an equal distance. "The saving to the farmer is beyond computation. Portland and Astoria will share in the prosperity incidental to the opening of the great stream, the exports will treb'e, and instead of 14,000,000 bushels of wheat, Portland wilt have 40,0)0,000 to 50,000,000 bushels for ex port. The amount necessary to construct this portage is a mere trifle compared with the savings, and the state owning and operating the sumo will get its money back in a very few years. The state portage around the obstruction at Cascade Locks will corroborate the abovo. "This is not legislation for the henef t of any particular class or section. Every dollar saved to the products of the soil of OregO'i is Oi-t-ibtited equally to its entire population. Every dollar saved in the transportation of Oregon's pro duct, extends the boundaries cf its developed territory. "Is this opportunity to be passed bv, alloTing the railroads to divert the business to another state? "The opening to navigation of the eight miles of the Cu'.ui.ibia lliver, be tween Pig Eddy ami Ceiil, wonM tlierp lore irive an unbroken lerg-h of about oil miles of the Columbia and Snake Rivers that eou!d be navigated, and thus provide water commur.icati on w ith tidewater and f;nnish transportation facilities in regions 4 practically none." th.it cow have II ut Owing to Irregularities Haker Count)' Will Likely Lone. Baker City, Or., Jan. 22. The miss ing bond of ex-Sheriff Huntington, who was found to be short in his accounts about $17,000, December 1, was found this mowiing in an unused pigon-hole in the Sheriff's office, where it has lain since Juna 1900. County Judge Ta villion has insisted all the time that he had examined and passed upon an extra $10,000 bond for Sheriff Huntington's second term, but the court records and files in the County Clerk's office failed to show any indication that a bond of such a description had been given. The bond that was urfearthed today by Deputy Sheriff Lachner is for $10,000, signed by A. L. Brown, James Fleet wood, D. Curtwright, Harry A. Duffey, J. T. Fyfer and J. W. Insenhofer, all of whom qualify for $1000, except Feet wood, who qualified for $2000. The bond, while purporting to be for $10,000, is only signed for $70(?0. There is no fiiinn indorsement, nor is it mark ed approved. It is not completely filled out, as the names of the parties signing it do not appear in the body of the bond Ex-County Clerk Gedds says the bond was never in his possession. There is an official bond for 1900 in existence which was properly filled. It is for $10,000 and is surety for Huntington as Sheriff. The law requires that a special tax bond be furnished by the Sheriff and it is this tax bond that is missing for 1900. The bond found today is drawn in the same general terms . as the regular official bond, but attorneys say that it is invalid because it was never approved and filed, and because it does not ex pressly state that it is given as surety for tax money. One of the greatest legaljbattles in the history of the state is in view over this bond. If it i9 not valid the county will lose all of the Huntington shortage, How s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re wnrd for any case of Oatnrrb that can not be onred by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have knowD F. J. Cbeney for the last 15 years, nod be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transaotione, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDIN3, KlNNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is takeu ioirrna1 ly, sotiDg direolly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of Ibe system. Price, 75o per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. Klamath county cattlemen have indorsed the range limit bill now before the legislature. A livestock meeting will be held at Moscow, Idaho, January 28, 29 aod 30, under the auspices of the Idaho Agricultural College. A Good Recommendation. "I have noticed that the sale on Cham berlain's Stomach .t Liver Tablets is al most invariably to those who have ooee used them," er.ys Mr. J. H. Weber, prominent drncist of Cascnd, lows. What better rerommeodatiou oonld anj medicine have than fur people to call for it when Bira:n io need of suoh a remedy? Try them w heu you f-el d-.ili rifter eat ing, when yon have a tmu taste in yonr month feel bilious, bfivo no appetite or when troubled with constipation, and cu tve certain to be fieliirhfe. with tin promi.t rlif which tiu-y i.iford. For sale by tloo;irj Drojt C). Mrs. Martha Woodruff, npionoer of Douglas country, died Wednes day at Host-burg. She wag 88 years of age and came from Illinois t Oregon in 18.34. New Century Comfort. Millions are ilail? finding a world of comfort in Bneklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns", bcaldf, Cntp, Brnisen; conqners U.'cers, an.l Fever Sores; enres Eroptionn, Sail Ilhenni, Boils anj Felons ; removes Corni and Warts. Beet Pile care on earth. Only 2.3c at Siocum Drag Co. Iloracs Starving on tlie Kangc. Sumpter, Or., Jan. 23 A mining man who has just made a visit on snow shoes to the headwaters of Trout Creek reports finding a band of about 20 horses in a starving condition. There is nothing for the animals to subsist on, as snow covers the ground to quite a depth. The unfortunate creatures have pawed the snow away in spots in their endeavor to find grass beneath, and the bark has been eaten from saplings and trees. There were several horses lying dead on the snow, and the others are almost past help. The first state railroad of Bolivia ia nearing completioo. Armed men are now guarding the state capitol of Colorado. President Elliot reaffirmed Wed nesday that a, scab is a hero. 1 Owing to the scarcity of coal the iron market is very quiet. Peace has finally been reached between the big ball leagues. England does not approve of the action of the German commodore in Venezuela. Alouzo Brown, an Oregon pioneer of 1854, died at Dallas Wednesday aged GO years. Governor Odell and Attorney General Guuueen, of New York, have decided to appeal for the de cision against the franchise tax. Chance Sav wl the 0 lilt iiilon. Like many another popular idol. Crei'cer..-: was of humble origin, anil worker! nnnsnnllv hard for his honors. His trainer, the celebrated horseman, John McCartney. 1 ells us. that. -as a colt, . refcens was main !( !: in . awn warn in all his movements and had little of the appearance of a coming1 cham pion." As a yearling, the colt injured himself so bnoly that "his owner, Mr. George H. Ketcham. a wealthy vounir business man. of Toledo. O.. who had engaged in the horse breeding busi ness on account of failing1 health, or dered the colt killed, says theXntional Magazine. The farm superintendent. forgot his orders, the colt was allowed to run in the paddock several days and it recovered before he remembered the orders of Mr. Ketcham. Thus it was by an accident that Cresceus, 2:02Vi, the grrtet trotting horse the world erer knew, escaped beingr; killed." A PolMlea.1 Definition. "What's harmony?" asked the poli tician's little boy. "Harmony." answered his father, "is what the faction of n party that's get ting the worst of it yells for loudest." Chicago Post. USE PERRIN'S PILE SPECIFIC N.o o se exists it will not core. Thii internal rnrndy cures all disease f th dtes tive oritatiM. Fr sale by all drutfrfis. Dr. Perrin Medical Co., Helena, Mont. Interesting pamphlet rnai'ed fre dy asking. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND OiliccHt lhe Dalles, On-yon, .Ian. 21. I'-o;. Notice is hereby yiveu that ti e lollo'A Oil- named settler bus died notice i.f his intention to make tiiml proof m suooort of bis cbiini. and tl.tit snid proof u ill be iiunie before Vawter rawt-ird. ( ouniy lei k. at lleppi.c-, Orco n, ,n 1 horsdiiy. March 1::, l: (I ;, v.z: Augustus Hoskirss, f H'-J'p:ier. Or. a. K. No W, for the aeS ec. 1.:, t " h, r 2'i e, M Me names the following witnesses to imve his continuous residence noon and cnlriv.itioii of sai 1 land, viz- J W lirou n, Henry D MikseH. Willie E. M;ke--eil ni.d Janus .-tout, all of iieppt er. r-'i'oi!. 2- '-N JV P. Li s, Register. NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION. nKIWRTMENT (K THE INTKRIOR. LANK r"-.-e at I be Dalles, rego--. .ln. jn, Noli e is hereby given that the folimviug tianud settler li4 tiled notice or bis ino ntion to Mi:ke final oroof in support of his ebiim, i:id Tlinf said proof v. ) ll0 l u,,le before Vawter Crawford. oi:;ty r "lek it Hepp ner, Ore-gun, on Friday, March i.G:J, . Henry F. Tolle, f M.irlin:n. Oregon, K ,; .7 f1r ,i. an, 1 se-4 ne. mk- 2- and sw1, nw4 .. s r c. V M. c 27. He !:hiii" tlif fi owmir witncue fa nrnvr i:s eont.nnoiis residence ilium and c .it.va'io of sai l iai'd. viz: fieor.-o VV liHpin. Per;flmi:i F. M. vnrc. r't aries M. llMStine-, and iiaries fl. Hams, all 101 m h 1 a ma u, v.ie'i:i. 2J-2S Jay P. Licas, Register HQ A Cure For Lumbago. W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Vn,, sajs: "For more than aiear I suffered from lumbago. I finally tried Chamber lain's Puin Balm and it give me entire relief, which all otber remedies had failed to do." Sold by Slooutu Drug Co. Does Your Food Distress You? Are you aervoufc? Do you fee older tbau yon used to? Is your appetite poor? Is your tongue coated with a slimy, yellowish fur? .... Do you have dizzy spells? Have you a bad taste in tne tnoutb? Does your food couie up after eating, with ft sour taate?. .... Have you a sen sation of fullnesa after eating? Do you Leva heartburn? Do you belch gas or wind? Do you have excessive tbirst? Do yon notion black specks before the eyes? Do yon have pain or oppression arouod the tieart? Does your heart palpitate, or beat irregularly? Do you have unpleasant dream-? Are yoa con stipated? Do your limbs tremble or vibrate? Aro you restless at igbt? Name Age Occu pation Street number. . . .Town. . State If you have any or all tf tne above symptoms you probably have Dyspepsia. Fill in the above blank, send to us. and we will mail you a free trial of PEPSI KOLA TABLETS unquestionably tbe surest and Mifent Depep8ia cure In. owe to-L"-thec with our little book "Ad vice To Dyspeptics" llegular s'za IVpaiko'n tablets 25 cents, by mail, or of your druggist. To Laxakola Company, 45 Vet-ey street, New York. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land O trice, lhe Dalles. Ore., Jan. 22, V.m. A sullicient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Oils K. Shaner, contestant, against homestead entry No. SlrtO. made Mav '24 forSJj NK4 N4 SEJi, Section 11. Town ship ti S, Range 26 E, hy Alley onipton con testee, in which it is alleged that said Alley oompvon nan been dead lor about mx vears; that since said time no one acting as admini strator or as an heir, lias resided on 'or cultivated said tract in any way, but during all of said time has been and is wholly abandoned. That the alleged abandonment is not due to military or navel service, and that no heirs are known to exist, said parties are hereby notified to ap pear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a.m. on March 7, l'.tuM. before Vawter Crawford County Clerk, at his office at Heppner, Or., (and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a m. on March '20, 1W before) the liegister and Receiver of the United States Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit, tiled January 21 l;i(3. set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that sucti notice be given by due and proper publication. -'J-28 Jay P. Lucas, Register. ROUTE Through personally conducted Tourist sleeping cars between Portland anil Chi cago once a week, and between Ogden and Chicago three times a week, via the Scenic Line. Through standard sleeping cars daily between Ogden and Chicago via the Scenic Line. Through standard sleeping cars daily between Colorado Springs and St lxjuis. Through standard and tourist sleeping cars daily between San Francisco and Chicago via Los Angeles and El Paso. Through slai ibird sleeping cars and chair ears daily bet ween St. Paul and Chicago. Be sure to see that your ticket reads via the Great Rock Island Route The he-t and most reasonable dining car ser vice. Midday lunch 'u cents. l-or ratus, folders and descriptive literature write to L. B. GOHHAM, T. J. CLARK. GENERAL AGENT. TRAtf. PASS. ACT. "2riO Alder Ht,, Portland, Ore. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. D' EPA R'I'.M ENT OF 'I HE INTERIOR, LAND ollice at l.a (jrandt Or., .Ian. 1 I . IK.:!. Notice is hereto tdven that tbe lollow- ing-tiiimeii settler has (i!cl notice of his in tention to make linal proof in support of port of hisclaim, and that said (roof will be :: adc before Vaster Crau for i, County C.crk, at Hi ppner, Oregon, on March .", l'.'U i, i. II. K. I No s'.".;, Al tJI STrS J. STALTER.of Heppn-r, Ore. for the lots 1 and 2 nnd ne' nw1.. of (ec l, tp s, r JT e. VV M. He names the follow frig witnesses to prove bis ( onri:iuoi: resilience- h;hu and cultivation of said :a nd , viz : (,e .T-:;e s vv ,i rt . Levis Kinney. Patrick r.'iiaid i.n.l R. bel t .e.ter, nil of Heppner, Ore go:i. E. VV. HAKTI.ETT. 22-27 Kcgister. NOTICE FOR PUB LIC A TIO. j ... ..... Lci.artmentof the Interior. Land Ollice a? La j Gninde, ore-on ian. ..,,. l,,,:. I Notice is hereby curt that the follow ing- ' named settler has iiled notice of his i:,tei.ti-iti lo I Co: 1 it.; and make final proof j,j :..j.;,rt of I. is ' ciniiii and that said 1 I win ne iiide i.'tore t o'Kity Jn eiU 1 tea' : i ! C.'M lit v.p.f Per dleton Oregon, on .,nrch I. 1 .:!, viz: it. E. No. 1.17 William D. Kolb, of Vinson. Oreiroii, for the se4 f!4 sec. 1". tif '4 ne', s.-e. 21. tn. 1 s r -2:i e vv m. mii.1 lof 4 s..- i iiio - 1.. He names the following wit ressesto iroe bis ontinuous residence upon and cultivation of s-iid land, viz: K lwi:i M. Lester. Aeran A. Cole, Patrick Ken nedy a:i I Arthur Koiibins, all of Vinson, ore- K 21-2f, E. W. BAKTLETT, Register. B1EU NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Otlico at La Grande, Oregon Jan. , y.m. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that naid proof will be made before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk at Heppner. Oregon, on Murch 4th, luos, viz: H E No. 11047, David Jacobs, of Heppner, Oregon, for the se sec 28, tp 2 s r 2X e w in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: , George fjwnggart, Jack Mills, Andrew ,J. Cook and James Fristoe, all of Hepnner, Oregon. 21-2t E. W. Baktlktt, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 187$ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LaND OFFICE, LA. Grande, Oregon, January 8, 1!XW. No ,ce jg he eby given har in compliance with the provisions of the act of Coeg ess of J mw 8, 1H7K entitled "An act for the sale of t m ber lands in the states of Cali'ornia. Oregon, Ne ada and Washington Territory." as ex t nded to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, ltf9'2, Mary Melerinda Vey, of Pendleton, County of Umatilla, 8tafe of Oregon, baa this day filed in this office her sworn statement No 1840, for the purchase of the ne1 se4 sec. 3a, and nl4 nwH and sw) sw of section No. 1, in tp. No. 1 ii, range No. 28, o w m and w ilt oiler proof to show that the land -ought ia more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish herclaim to said tana oerore tne Clerk ot the supreme Court of Oregon, at Pendleton, Oregon, on Friday , the 3d day of April, 1903. She names as witnesses: , Joseph Cunha, of Echo, Oregon, John Eiin b.ell, of Pendleton, Oregon, Frank Corroia and Joseph Ramos, both of Echo, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requeued to lile their c'aims in this office on or befote said ad day of Ap'il, l'JOo. 21-30 E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Jan. H,1!3. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to commute and make linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Vawter Crawford, County Clerk at Hepp ner, Oregon, on March 4th, 1U03, viz: U. E. X,hl. David F. Kerrick, of Gurdane, Oregon, for the nVjj nvi sw54 sec 35 and se'4 se sec. ill, tp 3 . r '2!t e w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jesse D. French, of Gurdane, Oregon, Horace Sibley, Frank Golf and Levi Hiatt, all of Hepp ner, Oregon. 21-26 E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Jan II. V.10.3. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to nihke final proof in support of his claim, and that Bald proof will be made before the County Judge of Umatilla County.at Pendleton. Oregon, on March 4, 1903, viz: H. K. No. '.)1'22, Patrick Kennedy, of Vinson, Oregon, for the seH sec. 11 ,tp 1 s r 20 e win. , He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Aeran A. Cole, Edwin M. Lester, Donald Ross, James Darnell, all of Vinson, Oregon. 21-26 E. W. Baktlett, Register. Timber Land , Act June 3, 187$. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, La Grande, Oregon, November 22, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 1, 18I2, Naomia Turnbow of Palonse City, county of Whttrnan, State of Washington, has this day filed in this ollice her sworn statement No 1719.lor the purchase of the KHWJiBec 0, NE4 NVVJi Sec V, SWfi HKl4 section No ", in Township No 5 8., range No 2H K VV M, and will otler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Vawter Crawford, County Cleric, at hisoltice at Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 24th day of Jan uary, vm. She names as witnesses: John Zollinger, of Heppner, Oregon; Mary E. Iekes, Kliner E. Klots and Charles VV. San derson, of Palouse City, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this ollice on or before said 21th day of January, l'JOl. 14--Kt vv. HAB.Ti.KT-r, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollice at La Grande. Or., December 15 IW2. Notice is hereby given that the following. named settler has filed notice of r.Is intention to make final proof in support of his claim. ami that said proof will be made before County Judge Linatilla County at Pendleton, Oregon, on Jan. 2'.Uh, P.ti.'!, viz": II E No. yj.v.i, WILLIAM A. HICKS, of Ridge, Oregon, for the N'i SE'4 and VVi NE-4 sec 27, Tp 2 s, r ::o E. VV. M. He names the follow ing witness: to prove his continious residence upon and cultivation of s.id land, viz: Robert I. Hicks, CMll'ord K Iiupuis.and Lester Lewis, of Ridge, Oregon, and James C. Thomp son, of Pendleton, Oregon. Ill 24 E. VV. ISaktj.k.tt, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, lsJS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, (irande. Oregon. Fiecembcr 1. r.'2. L.V Notice is hereby given lliat in compliance 1 wiin the provisions ol the aet of Congress 01 June . lsTS entitled "An net for the s-iie of timber lands in the states of t a I Mor, ia. Oret'oii. : Nevatla ami Washington Territoiy.'' cs e i tended to ail the Public Land States by art of August 4. lvrj. Edward J. Stevenson, ' j of Hcpinei , county cf M 01 row, st e of 0f.:'i,n, ! ln,s tins day tiled in this ollice 1ns sworn ftate 1 merit No. 17-V1. for the l"irel,nse of the nw!. ! n 'j sec. 22. and the sw'., w'4 and the n1. I sw1, of Section I i, Tow r.ship I , K'J- I-. VV M.nt. l j wili oiler proof to show that the land sought is I more vahiab.e for its timber or s-i'ie- than for 1 agricultural purposes, ,;nd to et;ih':sh his claim to s::id liud before Vinv'ir r'rawfo-d. tv"'";V rl' rK- ! Hcpt-ner. Oregon, on Wvd:ies- day, the 11th day of February, !.:;. He names i.s u rues-es; Norman A. Ke lev, Frank Kasm.-.s, J,m N P.eler and U-wis A Vlorvti. e. ail of HepptuT, ( ,r, .L.,, i,'-.,i u'i r.rs.... !.'!,.; . M,u..r,.-v H e ..tiove - d. - cril.ed late N are rei'ietvd to :i :.'' .-.r : in tt. i ..... , .0 ,.r- iu.f..r. s..i.l iirh,'i,- ,.f t-..i.r..a r,- lu.r: E. VV. VSvim.ETT, Re-::ster. j The Heppner Gazette the news of Mor row County; The Weekly Oregonlan the j news and thought of the world. Foth at a special price. Inquire or address UT.e A reccpntzefl authority Tha Weekly Oregonl&a.