Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 27, 1902, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
Issued Every Thuriday Morning
oint cm intiivG list.
Heppner Gazette and ToledoWeek-
ly Blade, one year $1 60
Heppner Gazette and Chicago
Weekly Inter-Ocean, one year 1 70
Heppner Gazette and Weekly Ore-
gonian, one year 2 25
Heppner Gazette and Weekly Ex
aminer, one year, including
ticket to Examiner's great
J !
urawing Z zb
Heppner Gazette and Young
People's Weekly one year 1 CO
Address all orders to Gazette, Hepp
ner, Oregon.
Elmer Morrison visited lone, yester
day. Clyde Brock 'spent Thanksgiving at
Bank Examiner Maxwell was in the
city this week.
F. M. Holmes, of Gooseberry, was in
the city Monday.
C. A. Repass, of Hardooan, was regis
tered at the 1'alaoe, Monday.
A. C. Stevens and wife, of Lone Rock,
were guests at the Palace, Monday.
L. L. Matlock, who has been in Port
land for some time, returned to this city
.fridge Dutton, who is suffering from a
severe carbuncle on the back of his
neck, is improving.
The Ladies, Guild of the Episcopa
church will have a bazaar and dinner
on December J 7th.
Rev. and Mrs. Oicks left yesterday
morning for Grass Wiley, where Rev.
Hicks will take charge of his new held
of work.
There will be a social ball at Roberts'
hall, Thanksgiving evening, November
27. A large number of invitations have
been issued.
Geo. W. Wells, the coal expert and
J. S. Crooks, of Minneapolis, Minn.,
left yesterday morning for Portland.
Mr. Wei la wi.l go to his home at St.
Paul, to spend the holidays.
Tunis Swick, of Monument, was in
the city Tnesdav, on liiH way to The
Dalles. He reports that stockmeu have
soll about all the surplus lanihs in the
Monument country. The lambs brorght
on an average about $1.70 per head.
Conductor Bryant went to Albany
Friday, to visit his wife, who has been
sick at that place for some time.' lie
came home Tuesday, but returned on
Wednesday, on accouut of Mis. Bryant
taking suddenly worse.
The seven-year-old son of Mr. Keithly
of Eight Mile, fell from a horse one day
this week and received a bad fracture of
the arm. The boy's arm was broken in
two places. At the wrist there was a
compound fracture, and the bone was
also broken above the elbow. Dr. Mo
Swords was called and attended to the
boy's injuries.
Ralph leeney, P. G. M. of the A. O.
V. W., instituted a lodre of 2-" charter
members at Lexington, Tuesday even
ing. Mr. Eeeney has been doing some
good work for the A. O. U. W. Within
tbe past five weeks he has placed over
$100,000 of beneticiarv insurance, secur
ing 95 applications, 70 of which have
been initiated already. He went to Arl-
ington Monday. J
"Last winter an infant child of mine
had cronp in a violent form," says Elder
John W. Rogers, a Christian Evangelist,
of Filley, Mo. "I gave her a few doses
of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy Bnd in
n short time all dsnger was passed and
tbe child recovered." Tbis remedy not
imi.. r. xr.Mviv dim:k.
November r.O, W2. Trice " rents. Weekly
boarders will not tie rharped pxtra.
iiim.-oi -i iti:
Soil .
Cream of Celery Consomme with Sherry
Oyster Sahi.l with Pnrchee Proving
Yoiuiit Onions
Hnke.l Salmon Trout. Hitter Cru.ettes.
I '.II I
Farlwquc! Youns Viz. v !.o!e Southern Stvle )
Ionutie Ducks, with JHy. j
Jit.hletsof Fonl n'.n .-hievier !
Haimnn Frit.-. H.'M Portim: 1 j
Pine Apple, with u !!; ; nl 'n-:im i
Chicken, Oyster Sauce '
Ox Toncio, Kueile Pol ox :
Turkey. Cv.x Preins Prime R. ." '
Uk of Lamb, aia lirnta Pork at:d apple '
Chicken, fan gravy Cranl.erry sauce .
VrprlMblr. I
r- r. , Stewed Corn j
Green Pea, r 1
Boiled and ma'hed potatoes ,
ntirv. '
English Plum Pu.l.Ui.R. H.rel Brandy Sm-c j
Mince. Apple an I i ream '"
Aborted Xuts. Kai-en. BanannM
Tea Cof.ee !' EM Nt
only oarea oroap, bat when given as
soon ai tbe first symptoms appear, will
prevent tbe attack. It contains no
opium or other harmful substance and
may be giveo as confidently to a baby
as to an adnlt, For sale by Slocnm
Drag Oo.
In a hollow along the Canyon road
where it enters the city at Portland
Heights, the body of J. W. Fuller, the
well known business man who disap
peared October 27. was found Saturday
afternoon shortly after 2 o'clock by some
boys who were playing in the brush.
The body was so badly decomposed
that it ia nearly unrecognizable, and the
indications are that Mr. Fuller took his
own life by sending a bullet into his
right temple.
It is estimated that Oregon alone
could market close to 1,000,000 sheep
this fall, and then have plenty left to
BUpply the ranges. There is enough of
stubble grain going to waste in Eastern
Oregon and Eastern Washington and
.Northern Idaho to fatten these sheep
ready for the block. This item alone
would make a good starter for a packing
plant in Portland. Besides the Oregon
sheep, Washington and Idaho are in
need of a market for their surplus,
which would likely make as many more.
North Pacific Rural Spirit.
Lexington, Nov. 26, 1902.
Elmer Rigars began chopping grain
with his new feed mill Monday.
The ladies of the Methodist church
cganized a home missionary society
ast week.
J. S. Boothby boneht the ho'vestead
of Mrs. J. T. Boothby last Thursday.
Dan Hayes started Friday morning
for his home in Falls Citv, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Baldwin, of Hepp
ner, visited at Andrew Reancy's a few
days last week.
Some cases of measles have appeared
among the children here. One of Jos.
Breshears's children took the disease
last week, and Howard Leach was
taken sick Monday.
A game of football was played hero
last Saturday. The score stoed o to 0
in favor of te- home team.
ft. H. McAli-ter, a brother of W. B.
McAlister, arrived here Friday from
Iowa. He, will remain here this winter
and may locate peimanently.
Our football team will play the Hepp
ner team on their grounds Thanksgiv
ing day.
The great Hewitt company enter
tained our people Monday evening.
C. A. Hales and family returned to
Waitsburg last Wednesday.
Ed. YVarfield is making arrangements
to put in a stock of groceries.
H. J. Hill is repairing some of the
highways here and hereabouts.
The first quarterly meeting of the M.
E. church, South, will be held here Pec.
ti and 7. Rev. Shangle, presiding elder,
will be present. A protracted meeting
will be begun at that time.
K. L. Beach has his new"larn almost
W. E. Leach returned from Portland,
Monday evening.
James Leach went to Springfield
Tuesday, in response to a teletrsam an
nouncing the serious illness of his
Waller Yocum arrived here Monday
evening. He expects to locate here.
He lived in this vicinity peve-al years
ago, but lost confidence in the country
and went away.
Two graves in the old cemetery were
opened Monday and the bodies removed
to Heppner.
C. R. McAllister returned from Tort
land Monday.
The enrollment of our school last
month was aversge tailv attendance
8;5; number on Roll of Honor, L'7. The
school will be closed three day next
week on account of the annual institute
II T. Mdntyre. St Pmu!. Minn., who
has been troubled witb a disordered
stomach, says, Chamberlain's Htomac
and Liver Thlets do me more food
than anything I have ever fallen. " For
sale by Slocnm Drng Co.
Flat wis
YCV. out.
v5o do
1 yYSIY Ky S-fiat
ft your merchant.
i i
and want ads of all descriptions will
hereafter be published in a column by
Kates for l.ocul Ada.
Ten cents a line for first insertion and
5 cents a line for each subsequent inser
tion. All notices set in brevier type.
Binns Bros, for fresh groceries.
T. R. Howard for fine groceries
The finest groceries at Binns Bros.
The Gazette has added a new blank
to its list Contest Affidavit.
Minor & Co. are placing on their
grocery shelves, the fanciest line of
groceries ever brought to the city, every
article guaranteed.
If you haven't time to come, phone,
or give your order to their deliveryman.
Your order will be taken care of and
appreciated. Minor & Co.
Heinzes apple and peach butter and
mince meat now on hand at Minor 4
We keep our own delivery wagon for
the accommodation of our customers.
Nothing to small or to large to deliver
for you. Minor & Co.
Begining with each week Minor &
Co. will have the Walla Walla Cream
ery butter Leave your standing order
so we can take care of it. M. & Co.
Howard's grocery store is a very pop
nlar place for the purchase of supplies
for farmers and outfits for outing in the
way of extra fine groceries. Almost
everything imaginable kept in stock.
It's handy where you can get anything
you want
For Sale.
Thoroughbred Poland China hogs,
both male and female.
10-13 T. .!". Matlock
Heppner, Uie.
For Sale -100 acres of tine wheat land
in the Eight Mile wheat district. In
quire of Dr. McSwprds, Heppner.
lOslriiy itcward.
Ten dollars reward will be paid fur
return of two black mares branded LE
joined, on left shoulder, 3 and 4 years
old. Range, Sand Hollow and South
10-13. C. W. Vai.kntike.
Wanted Hides, pelts, and furs.
Highest cash p;ice paid for coyote
skins and other furs.
14 tf.
Phil Conx.
Ilerr Kruii i Itrsiti.
Berlin, Nov. 22. Ilerr Krupp, the
great gunmaker, and the richest man in
Germany, died suddenly from apoplexy
this afternoon at his villa at Huegel.
I havt had occasion to use your
'Black Drauaht Stock and Poultry Medi-
cine and am pleased to say that I never
ustd anything for stock that gave half as
good satisfaction. I heartily recom
mend it to all owners of stock.
J. B. BELSHER. St. Louis, Mo.
Sick ptock or poultry should not
eat cheap Ftock frod any mure than
s-ick persons should expt-ct to he
cared hv food. S'hen your stock
and poultry are sick give'them med
icine, f'on't Ftulf them with worth
lees stock f oods. Unload the bowels
and rtir up tlie torpid livpr and tho
animal wid i ur.'d. if it he possi
i,t t'" cire it. Pbwk-Draupht .Stock
:i;,d I'-.'u!rry iiedicine unfeada the
huwcls and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures svery malady or stock if
taken in time. Secure a 25-cnt can
of Black-Drought 6trk and Poultry
Medicine an i it will pay for itself ten
times over. Horses worfc better. Cows
crive more milk. Hogs pain flesh.
And hens lay nore egg6. It iolva the
J problem of irkicg as much blood,
lesh and energy as possible out of
the smallest amount of food con
sumed. Buy a can from your deader,
The time of year has arrived when a new stove or fixtures
for tbe old one are needed This is a question that will be settled
right if left with Gilliam & Bisbee. Stoves and Ilanges, Wood
and Coal Burners to suit any household, office or store.
Is your fuel costing
you too much?
What kind of a stove do you use. Save the price of a nevr
one in your fuel outlay by seeing Gilliam & Bisbee. Then ths
comfort of it is worth something.
S Olir hpnilHfnl lino nf Hhirtr?.
' w -w m v. i
ware, Glassware ar)d Crockery
J& T&
We arc not advertising to sell out
our goods below Cost, but we will
meet all prices quality considered
that may be quoted -by our competi
tors. We are here to stay with you
and give you the best value for your
money. Call and get our prices and
be convinced that we will do what
we say.
Bright, Fresh, New
Stock of Staple and
Fancy Groceries.
Orange Front Building, Main St.
A. E. BINNS, Proprietor.
For Next Tlxiit Xo?
Suits made to order for
Henry Bode, Tailor,
S Bisbee
i ill iw i I in I v& Re
J c i-O;
m in
My Goods are al!
Fresh and New and
Prices are Ricrht.
Heppner, Oregon
Leading Eastern Oregon !Iofcv
vodern con'vemences
e.ectr;c lighted . . .
Under New Management. Thooairh
Renovated and IleGitted. IVs)
Menls in the City.