The Heppner Gazette. Issued Every Thursday Morning FATAL, ACCIDENT. Ilohort Ober Crushed to Death by a Wagon. BUSINESS LOCALS and want ads of all descriptions will hereafter be publiehed in a column by therase'ives. A very sad accident occurred Monday Rate for Local Ada. Ten cents a line for first insertion and Urocerlea. Orit CLI HHINU LIST. Heppner Gazette and Toledo Week ly Rlario Hennnr Onrotto on,i " Ohn'n on the road from Siocum's mill above 5 cents a line for each subsequent inser Wu Tn.r i ,n th. Pnlnrl hftHnnttrt.erB. Robert tion- All notices set in brevier type. Heppner Gazette and Weekly Ore- Ober was hauling a load of lumber from Soman, one year z it aiocum'B mni and was met by Lee lleppner Gazette and Weekly fcx- ,,, . iL . , , , . . , ,. Siocum above the Penland headquar aminer. one vear. includiner ticket to Examiner's great ter8, Mr. Siocum lhad some nosebags drawing 2 25 for Mr. Ober and was handing them to Heppner Gazette and Young him, and in reaching for them, Ober People's Weekly one year.... 160 bsi his balance and fell between the Address all orders to Gazette, Hepp ner, Oregon. Binns Bros, for fresh groceries. T. R. Howard for fine groceries The finest groceries at Binns Bros. T. W. Ayers returned Tuesday from The Dalles. Saturday was a very busy day at the County Clerk's office. horses and the wauon. The horses be- lhe Gazette has added a new blank came frightened land ran away and to its list-Contest Affidavit. . t .. 1 Dom wneeis oi me wagon passnu oyer Minor & Co are pacing on their tbe unfortunate man's body killing grocery shelves, the fanciest line o him instantly. groceries ever brought to the city, every Mr. Ober ha been in the employ of art,cle Kuaranteed. A. M. Siocum for about six weeks and J. T. Hoskins, of Butter Creek was in wa8 a faithful and trusty man. He has the city this week. redded in California and Oregon the D. W. Keister and son Frank went to most or his life. The remains were Boseburg Wednesday. brought to town Monday afternoon Attorney W. H. Dobyns, of lone, Mr 0ber wafl about 40 veftr8 of a2e- The funeral was conducted at the Masonic cemetery near this city yet' was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Willard Herren is in the city visiting relatives and friends. J. M. Leezer, of Portland, is in the city visiting his brother Sam Leezer. Frank McFarland, a former resident ' of Heppner, was in the city this week Gilbert Coats, of Hardman. left Wed needay for Chritstline, Kansas, to visit his sister. Rev. J. W. Mount will preach at tbe Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening, terday. Progressive Heart. A very enjoyable evening was spent Tuesday by some sixteen invited guests I at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Patterson, in honor of Miss Gertrude Bishop, wb has been visiting in Hepp ner for some time. The principal enter taining feature of the evening was pro gressive hearts. Two contestants tied for first prize, but in the draw Miss Geo. Conser, C. E. Redfield and E. Myrtle Bryant captured it. The foot G. Clark visited the Willow Creek coal prize was won by Miss Bailey mines t?unaay. i riaintr luncheon was served which You will find in another column a was by no means the least pleasant 'of summary of the Assessment roll of Mo.- the features. After luncheon ping pong row county for 1902. prevailed. Sherman county people seem to tbink Tne occasion was one long to be re Morrow county land is all right by the membered and Mr. and Mrs. Patterson I wav thev are buvins land. proved themselves royal entertainers D. W. Homnr. tha ...Ml. maW !. Those Pent were : It you haven't time to come, phone or give your order to their deliveryman Your order will be taken care of and appreciated. Minor A Co. Heinzes apple and peach butter and mince meat now on hand at Minor & Co's. x ' We keep our own delivery wagon for the accommodation of our customers Nothing to small or to large to deliver for you. Minor & Co. Begining with each week Minor & Co. will have tbe Walla Walla Cream ery butter Leave your standing order so we can take care of it. M. & Co. Howard's grocery store is a very pop ular place for the purchase of supplies for farmers and outfits for outing in the wav of extra fine groceries. Almost everything imaginable kept in stock It's handy where you can get anything you want For Sale. hogs, Thoroughbred Poland China .1 i s t Doiti mate ana lemaie. 10-13 T. J. Matlock Heppner, Ore. Etray10 Reward. forms the Gazette that he is very busy in filling orders for Montana and differ ent Eastern States. Misses Ida Howard and Lena Glass- cook who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willard Herren in the Blue Moun tains returned to this city Tuesday. Oscar Borg left Wednesday morning for Peoria, Ills., where he will enter a . j t 1 I a a . waicnmaKers scnooi lor tne coming year. Oscar will take engraving also a course in optics. Ten dollars reward will be paid for return of two black mares branded LE joined, on left snouluer, 3 and 4 years old. Ranee. Band Hollow ana South Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Patterson, Misses Springs. Emma Welch, Myrtle Bryant, Grace Hager, Via Hart. Fay Bartholomew, May Bailey, May Farnsworth ; Messrs. Will Smith, Mr. Toughbol, Iliram Wickersbam, Ed Michell, Garfield Crawford, G. W. Hinton, Lou Bisbee. 10-1S. C. W. Valentine. (rand TbankaflTlng- Dinner. ood Prospects for Oil. Arrangements are being made at the Palace hotel for a grand dinner on Thanksgiving day. This will be one of the finest dinners ever served at a hotel in Heppner, and the price will be only Mr. E. E. Bartholomew informs a 50 cents. Gazette representative that the Colom bia River development Co. has their Rev. E. H. Hicks M . u 1 1.. e ... A. C. Pettys, a prominent farmer and uow uu uu luc srou"U8 7 fruit grower of Jordan Siding, was in . j m town last Saturday. Mr. Pettys brought drU1 wiH bore a ho,e 10 inche8 10 diam" up some very fine apples which he ,ter and 2000 fe6t deei The company raised on his farm. "lueui,,r uu,au8 UU'B. ey "ve 1 already spent considerable money. Mr. who recently ar- Bartholomew Btate8 that they ,iave . rived in this city from Tennessee, has d fiow of natural as. A ferryboat is been called to Grass Valley. He will now runni between Castle Rock and enter upon his duties in the new field of th WaBhington side of the Columbia, work in a few days. Th nn,foffi , ha MtaW:0u,i nf Peter Brenner, a prominent Eight Castle Rock and when trade im-reapes Mile farmer, was in town yesterday on trains will make this point a rpgular business. Mr. Brenner says that men stopping place. If the company is sue are very scarce and it is delaying the cespfol in getting oil on the Washington farmers some in putting in their crops. eide f the Columbia, there will be tt; rpi 1 . ... , equal chances to find oil on the Oregon I nion Thanksgiving services will be 6 side in Morrow county. Should oil be Services at the M. E. church next Sunday as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. and preaching at 11 a. m. On account of revival meetings in the Bap tist church and the M. E. church, South, there will be no services in the evening, li. L. iieigutol, pastor. held at the M. E. church next Thurs day at 10 o'clock. Rev. J. W. Mount, pastor of the Baptist church will preach the sermon. Everybody is cordially in vited to attend. Thursday last while 1). O. Justus was driving to town from his ranch in a buggy and leading a horse, the animal that he was leading (became frightened and ran around the team. The horses broke a single tree and ran away leav ing the buggy behind. Mr. Justss was thrown out and his left hand injured. was Hon. H. V. Gates, president of the Prineville Light and Water Company, has been in our city for several days during the past week looking arter his business interests. Mr. Gates is well pleased with Trineville and Crook county and said that the people should use every effort possible to secure the aid of national irrigation. Prineville Review. found in sufficient quantity, and the as surance we have of an unbounded sup ply of coal, nothing can keep Morrow county from plunging ahead, and in the near future be noted for its oil and coal fields. Gilliam & Bsbee WINTER HARDWARE The time of year has arrived when a new stove or fixtures for the old one are needed. This is a question that will be settled right if left with Gilliam & Bisbee. Stoves and Ranges, Wood and Coal Burners to suit any household, office or store. Is your fuel costing you too much? What kind of a stove do you use. Save the price of a new one in your fuel outlay by seeing Gilliam & Bisbee. Then the comfort of it is worth something. See our beautiful line of Ctyna ware, Glassware aod Crockery t t t o ? 9 THOMSON BROTHERS. WE ARE NOT out t nm num i m uDLUTMUlA We are not advertising to sell out our goods below Cost, but we will meet all prices quality considered that may be quoted by our competi tors. We are here to stay with you and give you the best value for your money. Call and get our prices and be convinced that we will do what we say. THOMSON BROTHERS. The Grant county Bank, which was recently purchased byW. II. Johnson & Sons, of John Day, will soon be re organized. E. J. P.ayley, J. A. Lay cock and E. Stewart will become iden tified with the above firm in the man agement of the bank, thus greatlv strengthening that already strong finan cial institution. Mr. Bavley will be the cashier of the reorganized bank and will soon assume tbe duties of the position. Blue Mountain Eagle. Mrs. Fred Unrcvth. President Country C'lab, Bentoa Harbor, .Midi. "After my first baby was born I did not teem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid ered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus band Insisted that I take Wine of Cardul for a week and tec what it would do for IHKFF.MCK WHKAT -T A KRKT. Thursday, Nov. 20. Club 60 cents rer bushel. Blue stem 67 cents per bushel. me. I did take the medicine and was vi strength and heal slowly rctuminf. In two weeks I was out d3 grateful to rind my s of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthusi astic In Its praise" Wine of Cardul reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevent mu carriage. No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mra. iTnrath bad taken Wine of Cardut before her baby oame she would not have been weakened as aha was. Uer rapid rowrrpry shoeid commend thia great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regvlates tbe iMtutrual flow. IVIfJCofCARDUl NEW GROCERY STORE. Bright, Fresh, New Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. My Goods are all Fresh and New and Prices are Rinrht. Orange Front Building, Main St. A. E. BINNS. Proprietor. For XX&xt Tlxirtr Days Suits made to order for $15.00 Henry Bode, Tailor, Heppner. Oregon P0L0CE HOTEL HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel MODERN CONVENIENCES ELECTRIC LIGHTED . . . Under New Msngpmert. Thoroughly Renovated aDd Remitted. Best Meals in tbe City. FML METSCDAX, Jr., Pnf. t t 6 t o