THE COAL MINES ijr.vr.rop.TiKvr avouk iikikuk i: ()i KA(;iU KKSI LTS. luy and ilu Shifts are Working lull l ime SeamN are 1 niprovliitf' ContimuHl imp'oyement and recent developments at the Willow Creek coal mines owned by the Heppner Railroad C oal Company, hare now proven al most beyond a reasonable doubt that this is one of .the greatest and most val uable deposits of coal in the Northwest. Ever since active prospect and devel opment work was commenced in this field more than a year ago much has been said and written, both favorable and unfavorable. The Gazkttk, the forepart of the week sent a representative to these mines. Compared with a visit two months t.go there has been a great change lit the mines. The place shows the work of industry, energy and the expenditure of capital. The company is now working three veins designated as Nos 3, 5 and 9. Everything is now down to systematic woik. Experienced coal miners are employed in tunnel work. At each tunnel there are two shifts of men who work day and night. The first tunnel visited was No. 3 This opening is just below the first hole put down with the diamond drill, and neir the first main headquarters estab li.-heJ. This tunnel ia in about 100 leet. At the mouth of the tunnel a building has b?en erected which is be ing use i for an engine room and a work shop. Some difficulty has been en countered here on account of water which percolates principally through the roof of the mine. To overcome this difficulty the company is now using an ordinary pump which takes out the water which collects in a sump which lias just, bt en completed. The dip of this vein is about 20 degrees. As pene tration increases the prospect is greatly improving. The quality of the col is getting better. The dump shows quite an amount of coal already taken out, but no attention has been paid to this The elate, bone and in fact all of the refuse is thrown in one great heap to get it out of the way the easiest way possible. Only a small amount of this coal has been saved. A little of it has been sacked up for heating purposes at the mine headquarters. In this tunnel a track has been laid and a hand car is used for carrying out the coal and re fuse which is thrown on the dump. The mine is well ventilated and everything 18 now getting down to good working order. No. 5 to a newspaper man appears to be the banner prospect, but it should be remembered that this is the deepest tunnel, being in now to a depth of 200 feet. The penetration is almost on a level, and in sight of the mouth of the tunnel there is a wall of glistening coal oa either side. In the opening of this tunnel, a few slight faults have ap peared, but are cf only minor conse qneuce. The disturbance is only local, cau.ed by a slight breakdown or slide at the foot cf the mountain, affecting only the surface, which lets in water and air which haH had the effect of de teriorating the coal at these points. The tunnel work now shows rapid improve ment in the measure. At different places along the sides of this tunnel solid coal five or six feet in thickness ran be found which resembles anthra cite, and the fact that the eeam is get ting better with every foot of penetra tration is certainly very encouraging The dump bhows a big pile cf coal and what is termed refuse will compare fa vorably with some of the Iioslyn coal that Las been shipped into Heppner. The tunnel will soon be into solid for mation when the true coal of this Geld ran be taken out in zreat quantity. Ho. 9 has always been a promising I-rospect. The tunnel is now in about 130 feet, and like the other measures is improving as the drift ia extended. Day and night shifts are working full time. The company has accomplished great amount of work within the past two months. The field is now taking on the appearance of an active mining camp. Commodious quarters have been erected for the accommodation of the men. The new wagon road which is now comp'eted from the site of the old Hamilton mill across the mountain to the Ditch Creek road will be a good rod over which heavv loads can be hauled as soon as it gets packed. To the extreme headwaters of Willow- creek there is a gradual and easy grade and the road up to and over the summit is very good, For a distance of eight miles this is an entirely new road. It will save distance and be a big im provement over the old road to Grant county points. NOTES. Geo. W. Wells, the O. R. & N. ex pert is now at the mines and is watch ing the result of development work. Being in the interest of the railroad company he has very little for publica tion. To the Gazette Mr. Wells Baid : "When I left here before, the pros pects were good enough, and since my absence there has been a great improve ment. When I first looked over this ground I was convinced that this was a great coal field. I can see no farther imder the ground than any one else, but I am positive in my own mind that this country is underlaid with seven j distinct measures of coal, and that th's enterprisinar company will show it to the world." Without prejudice or over enthusi asm, the Gazkttk, from careful obser vation firmly believes that the Ilepp ner Railroad & Coal company has dis covered and is now opening up a coal Khoda liland .. 4,6A) South Carolina. 3.5U0 Tennsee 3,5iK) Texas 3, Six) Vermont 2rA0 Virginia 2,&xi West Virginia. 2,'ibO Montana 2.GU0 Wisconrin 6,OtO Territorial judges, whoue courts are analogous to the District of Colum bia supreme court, get $3,600, and I think territorial chief justices now receive $3,0O0. The list of great jurists who first presided in state courts and became federal judges afterward would be very long, and from Joseph Story down wxmld be equally illustrious. A more industrious, conscientious, and competent class of men than that of the state courts cannot be found in this nation. In themselves they il lustrate the superiority of the elec tive system. ProgrMi la Fljrinif-B&acalae. Prof. R. H. Thurston, of Cornell uni versity, speaks of recent experiments with a ' double-decked aviator, bv Messrs. Wright, of Dayton, as having distinctly contributed to our knowl edge in the field of aerial flight. The Wright apparatus, carrying one man who asumei a nearly horizontal posi tion, has a total spread of 308 feet of canvas, the length of the machine be ing 22 feet. The planes have a curva ture copied from that of a pigeon's wing. Gliding or soaring was success- field that is great in extent and will fur- fully accomplished in winds raging . . , , , .. , from 11 to 27 miles per hour. Starting nb a very desirable bituminous coal, from R 8,. ht elevBti the , as jjood or better than any yet discov- flight was 400 feet. No motor was used. eredinthe Pacific Northwest, and it ine operator round no aifiicuity in leering or Diancin. xoutn s torn- SALARIES OF STATE JUDGES. They Hang from S0 a Ytmr in West Virginia, to fT.OOO in New York. While many who draw, government salaries and who were excessively unhappy until they "got on the pay hi, . . run, are now crying out lor more, let us turn to the statistioe of the salaries of state judges, who, as a rule, are superior to the men who, not making headway at the bar, seek United States judgeships," as Thad Stevens said. And they are as hardworking, if not more so, than the federal judge. The chief jus tices' salaries are as follows, ac cording to the Washington Post: Alabama. $4,000 Missouri R600 Arkansas 3.500 Nebraska 2.5UO California 6,000 Nevada 7,0u Colorado 3,260 New Ham'shlre 2,440 Connecticut .... 4,000 New Jersey .... 6,200 Delaware 2,500 'New York 7,00 Florida lOOOINnrth Oaj-ollna 2.300 Georgia 3,000 lOhio 3,000 Illinois 5,000 ,'Oregoa 2,000 Indiana 4,OO0!Pennsylyanla . 7,000 lowa 4,000 Kansas 3,000 Kentucky 6,000 Louisiana 7,000 Maine 3.000 Maryland 3,000 Micnig-an 4,000 Minnesota 4.000 Mississippi 2,600 T- ATT II Li I I Y TT7T AT- I ; , ; VV 11 I TER .M. LICHTENTH THE UP-TO-DATE SHOE DEALER.... When you need anyth the line of Shoes, come i examine our immense Can supply you with nei well-made footwear at reas prices. Custom Work a Specialty... HEPPNER, OR STEEL THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. 150 StylCi Works, Camden, N. J. ESTERBROOK STEEL PEH CO 7fi joh.l ;'!.. BSWSaiJS.W CENTRAL MEAT MAit THOMSON A. BRETALL, Props Beef, Mutton, S and Poultr kept constantly o Hams, Lard and of the best qui Fresh Fish in I West Side Upper Main Street, Heppner tfdP ''. vtt- "",- ,, i ,i i'6-irB-risMtifa W i Ti I Jirk&m&'MtfW-VI TTA MWF1 would not be apprising if authracite ia discovered as depth ia reached. Winter Las now commenced in the mountains. There was six inches of snow at tunnel No. 3 the forepart of the week. The mines are well equipped pinion. Rltrlc Bath. The electric bath is one of the new est things, although H isn't a bath at all. wire, and tnis is rionnad. Then a cur rent of electricity is switched on, and and development work will not be im- the -wearer of the electrical robe soon finds his body petting' warmer, until in a little while he perspires as freely as if .he were in a Turkish bath. peded b winter weather. It is not likely that Heppner people will burn anv Willow creek coal this winter. This is almost an fact, The annual report of tbo Fourth not because the coal will not be taken Assistant Postmaster-General rep out, but on account of the roads. While resents that postoffice robberies are the new road was put in good condition, increasing instead of diminishing, the fresh dirt in the grades will be very aunougn int iorce OC tne Secret Boft and will eoon cut up badly. On ac- Service is nw larger than it ever count of bad weather all road work has was. There were 1746 robberies been abandoned. of poatoffices during the last fiscal The Gazette is under obligations to year. Of the 1721 arrests made D. A. Herren who has charge of the fo Tiolations of the postal laws, orw ii. .i t mining operations and to Willard Her- oi iuo penona arresiea were rn for favors shown. connected with, the postal service anu 11.2 or inese were postmasters H T. Mclntyre. St Pftul, Minn., who I ins been troubled with a disordered stomaob, says, 'Chamberlain's Stomao and Liver Tablets do me more good than any thing I have ever taken.". For sale by Slocuru Drag Co. Eeports from the blast furnaces say that a great scarcity of coke prevails in the Eastern manufac turing centers. Does Your Food Distress You? Are you nervous? Do yoo fe older tbao yon used to? Ia your appetite poor: 1 your tongue coated with a slimy, yellowish fur? Do you have dizzy spells? Have you a bud taste in toe mouth A thick robe is entwined withDoes your food come up after eating, Startling, but True. "If every one knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills Is," writes D. U. Turner, DempBey town, Pa., "you'd sell nil you have in a day. Two weeks' use has made a Lew man out of ! me. infallible tor constipation, stom ach and liver troubles. 26o at Sloonm Drug Co's. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative broraoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cure a cold In one day Foreign warships have been dis- patched to Morocco to protect the foreign residents from iujurj iu a revolt now in progress there. John Davis, colored, of Lewis- burg, Teun., was hanged by a mob of 500 men, Wednesday, for the murder of a faimer named Adair. Cured of Piles After 50 Years. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, bad the piles for forty years. Doctors and dollars could do hiiu uo lasting good. DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve cored him permanently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, laoerations, ec zema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Lock for the name De Witt on the package all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. Luck in Thirteen. By sending 13 miles Wm. Spirey, of Walton Fnrnaoe.Vt , got a box of Buck- lea's Arnica 8tlve, that wholly cured a horrible fever sore on his teg. NothiLg else conM. Positively cures bruises, felons, ulcere, ernptions, boils, born", corns and piles. Only 25i. Guaranteed by Slooum Drag Co. with a sour taste? Have you a sen- s (it ion of fullnesa after eating? Uo you have heartburn? Do yoo beloh gas or wind? Do you have exossive thirst? Do you notice blaok specks before the eyes? Do yon hive pain or oppression aronnd the heart? Does your heart palpitate. or beat irregularly ? Do yoo have unpleasant dreams? Are yoo con stipated? Do your limbs tremble or vibrate? Aro you restless at tight?.. Name Age. .-. . ..Occu pation Streetnumber. . . .Town. . Stale If yoo have any or all of the above symptoms yoo probably have Dyspepsia. Fill in the above blank, send to us, and we will mail yon a free trial of PEPSIKOLA TABLETS unquestionably the sorest and safest Dyspepsia onre known to either with our little book "Advice To Dvspeptios." Regular size Pepsikola tablets. 25 cents, by mail, or of your druggist. The LaxAkola Company, 45 versey street, New lork. GEXr Eld Tim CHROMC CASES are particularty desirous. You cannot only cure Piles by lemoving the cause. You cannot get at the cause with anything but an internal remedy. Chronic cares mako Hie most enthusiastic advertisers of this remedy. Because it cures. Weak VX O. AS J. :SEXO TABLE WILL MAKE YOU STR( They are an Absolute C for Loss of SEXUAL POWER, SPERMVTO IIESDLTSOlf KCfoSES, Ai'rt we guarantee them, receipt of One Dollar we' mail a box (10 ilays tr went) securely Healed, to KCJdreHB. with no marki disclose contents. Six Boxes Full Treatment Your money will be proni returned to you if you are satUfied with the treatm Green & Jackson l)n WALLA WALLA, WAS VJM EVOalk Nw Lease of Life for i Postmaster Postmaster R. H. Randall, Di lays: I suffered from indigestii suiting evils for years. Final Kodol. I soon knew I had fo I had long looked for. I am be than In years. Eodol gave ease of life. Anyone can hai fldavit to the truth of this sti Kodol digests your food. This e system to assimilate supplies,st ing every organ ana resworn Kodol Makes You Str Prepared only by E. C. DkWitt O. IM SI. Dolus contai&s a times u AVIiitifM & Itlcadon CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature I! A y s ' '' The Maa Who Kurt ?f SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR BRAND Oiled Suits tand Slickers Warraate4 WaterroC Mftde to itarnl hard work and ruMKh WUT. f T tn4r- mtrk. it j out dealer domn't bare them , aend for cat&loinie. I. T. HclUajr m ., Agio. , Kta fnarltu. .i.oiwTts a n. urn., Saat laahrMr. lut. Flat IroLj wear oif . So do your merchant. .New Manageir NEW RIGS Special Attention Gh the Traveling Put General Livery and Feed SJ Lower Alain St., Heppr