Dark Hair " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a great many years, and al though I am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray hair in my head." Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. SI.OO a bottle. All dnitfliti. If your drufjpist cannot supply you, send us oue dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and pive the name of your nearest expregs ottice. Address, J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, -Mass. LEXINGTON NEWS. Lexington, Nov. 5, 1902. E. D. McMillan moved into town last week. Sheriff E. M. Shutt was in town Monday summoning jurors. Several of our citizens attended E. C. Ashbaugh's sale last Satur day. Halloween was celebrated in up-to-date style by the boys and the HOYS. Father Kelley, of Heppner, visited in town a day or two last week. A) Zink moved his family to town last Friday to as to be near school. B. A. Johnson and family, of loDe, visited at H. J. Hill's last Sunday. Mr. Stamper, a brother of Mrs. Andrew Reaney, is visiting here this week. Houses are in demand here. Some one might do well to erect several for rent. We understand that Dan Potter has sold his ranch and town prop erty, and is talking of moving away next Spring. " Charley Gemmell has so far re covered his health that he has en tered school again. Mrs. McCormick, of Heppner, visited her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. C. White, Saturday. A representative of Polk & Co. publishers of the Oregon and Washington Gazetteer was in town Tuesday. Brown Bros, purchased the C. A. Johnson residence last week. They contemplate opening a hard ware and implement business here. Prof. Frank Anderson of Oak land, Cal., delivered an interesting lecture on the A. O. U. W., at the Congregational church, Tuesday evening. Joseph Burgoyne has been mak ing some improvements in the mill. He is prepared to make h better grade of flour than his pop ular "Snowflakt" brand. A canning factory is being built at Linnton, in place of the old horse cannery that burned down lately. The new factory will can nothing but apples. A. J. Xeilon, an ex sheriff of Lake COlintv, has been found j guilty of defalcation in office and has been Fentenced to four years in the penitentiary nnd ordered to pay a 80000 fine, to cover the amount of defalcation. Startling, but True. "If every one knew wht a grand medicine Dr. Kind's New Life Tills Is," whites D. II. Turner, Dempseytown.pt, "you'd eell all yon Lave in a day. Two weeks' nse has made a new man oat of me." Infallible for constipation, stom ach and liver troubles. 25o at Blocuxa Drug Co's. Clarence H. Hale and Bert Wis dom, of Batter Creek, were bound over in $500 bonds each to the cir cuit court Friday for assault with a dangerous weapon on Den Fix, also of Butter Creek. The danger ous weapon was a lariat. While Fix was driviDg his cattle at the Slusher place, on Butter Creek, last Saturday, he sighted Hale and Wisdom on horseback approaching on the run. When near Hale got ready to throw the rope, and Fix tried to draw bis gun, but was not quick enough. The rope settled around Fix's head and arm, and he was jerked violently from his saddle. Hale dragged the unfor tunate' man upwards of 100 yards along the ground, but fortunately without fatal results. Fix's assail ants give as an excuse for their high-handed deed that Fix had trespassed on their grass. HOW TO BE HAPPY. A Coy nieaoin TImt 1 Ever at Hnd, Yt Blade Tfroce- Who Ajt ltklnK It. There are people forever in serch of happiness .who never find it. Hap piness oftnst comes by indirection. You nre intent on duty, and are sur prised to find you have stumbled on more than you soupht. says the Home Magazine. To make happiness the end of your seeking is an easy way not to find it. It is a coy blessing. Hovering about your path, it yet eludes your pra-sp. Attempt to put your hand upon it, and like a wild paelle upon the mountain, it bounds away. The search for happiness is like the search for the end of the rainbow it recedes as you advance. You cannot capt ure it. After nil your planning you will have to give up the pursuit, and content yourself with fol lowing the plain and plodding path of duty, and to find your joy in fidelity to conscience and in obedience to the Divine will. Aim at something higher than happiness, and the higher will be sure to include the lower. Tothe Public, Allow me to eay a few words in prniee of Chamberlain's Conijh Remedy. I had a very severe oough and cold and feared I would get pheumoDia, bat after taking tbo second dose of tbis medicine I felt better, three bottles of it cured my cold and the pains in my chest dis appeared entirely. I Bm moRt respeot fully yours for health. Ealph ri. Meyers, 6.3-Thirty-seventh Ht., Wheeling, VV. V. For Bale by Slocum Drug Co. It is reported that many young cattle about Dufur, Or., are af flicted with the disease known as blackleg. Captain Bartell, of The Dalles, had three of his fingers sawed oiF Wednesday while at work in his blacksmith shop. , A 'I liaiiUsg i v Intr Dinner. Heavy eating is uenaily the first cause ofjifldigestion. Repeated attacks iufUme the muooas membranes lining the Btom ach, exposes the nerves of the stomach, produoing a swelling after eating, heart burn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves the inflammation, protects the nerves and cares the citarrh. Kqdol cures in digestion, dyspepsia, all stomach trou bles by cleansing aud sweetening the glands of the stomach. Does Your Food Distress'You? Are you nervous? l)o yorj feel older than yon used to? Is your appetite poor? .Is your tongue coated with b slimy, yellowieh fur? Do you have dizzy spells? Have you a bad tas-te in the month? Does your food come up after eating, with a sour taste? Have you a ser- sation of fullnesa Bfter eating? Do you have heartburn? Do you j belch gas or wind? Do you htvej excessive thirst? Do you potion black specks before the eyes? Do you have pain or oppression around the heart? Does your heart tiaipitate, or beat irregularly? Do yon have f 1 II i lrrHN rt 1 1 L llltflllit .lit- iu I'lM.i- stinated? Do your limbs tremble or vibrate? ro you reftls at right? Name Age Occu pation Street number. . . .Town.. State If you Lave acy or all of the above symptoms you probably Lave Dyspepsia.- Fill in the ; above blank, send to ns, find we will mail you a free trial of PEPSI KOLA ' TABLETS unquestionably the surest j and eafe6t Dyspepsia cure known to gether with our little book "Advice To ! Dyspeptics." Regular pize Pepsikola tablets. 25 cents, by mail, or of your druggist. The Laiakola Company, 4"i Vereey street. New York. rint to arrive with tne telegraphic wb The Weeklr Orepon:an. Latest Election News. Returns as jriven by the Oregonlan, indicate sweeping Republican rictories throughout the East and Pacific coast. EASTERN ELECTIONS. Next house is Republican by a safe majority. Estimates are for 206 mem bers. Democrats about 180. Odell is re elected governor of New York by 11,000. Birdsall, Rep., is elected to congress in Iowa to succeed Henderson. PACIFIC COAST ELECTIONS. Idaho goes Republican by 3000. Washington is Republican by 10,000, and legislature is safe. California is Republican, witk the ex ception of governor, on which the re sult is in doubt.- Corn husking is now in progress in Jackson county, Or. The crop is estimated at 30,000 bushels. H. T. Mclntyre. St Paul, Minn., who has been troubled with a disordered stomaoh, says, 'Chamberlain's. Stomaot) and Liver Tablets do me more good than anything I have ever taken." For sale by Slocum Drug Co. Oregon has 4510 school teachers; 1G8,4GG children of school age,and an enrollment in the schools of 100,059. 'Last winter an infant child of mine bad croup in a violent form," says Elder John W. Rogers.a Christian Evangelist, of Filley, Mo. "I gave ber a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in a short time all danger was past and the ohild reoovered " This remedv not ooly cures croup, but when given es soon as the first symptone appear, will prevent the attack. It ooDtains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Slooum Drug Co. The battleship Oregon put to sea Saturday headed for Honolulu. The vessel is on the way to Manila, where she will become the flagship of the Atlantic fleet under Ad miral Evans. If yon are bilous and seeking sdvisers, Take DeWitt'B Little Early Risers, Just before going to bed. You will find on the narrow That you are rid of your sorrow That's all; jnst enough said. These famous pills do not gripe, but move the bowels gently and easily. cleansing the liver. Their tonio effect gives strength to the glande, preventing a return of the disorder. Notice of involution. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between John Ewing and James Thomson of Heppner, Oregon, has been dissolved by mutual consent, John Ewing retir ing. All accounts due the firm of Ew ing & Thomson are payablelto James Thomson who will pay all indebtedness of the firm. John EwiNO, James Thomson, Heppner, Oregon, Nov. o, 1902. rm?r w Jl tfi i it AVliilie A meadow ..New Management.. NEW RIGS Special Attention Given to the Traveling Public General Livery and Feed Stable Lower Alain St., Heppner, Or nnnvTT? OTiPTfiV Ml M r Mill I 1J 111 III III The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and fj jp- sonal supervision since its infancy. 1CUCJU4 Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of . Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Casto-'ia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMMNV, TT MOBBAV STREET, NEW YOdK CITV. Good Jlfter It's Gone The benefits of Diamond "O" laundry soap are not in the soap alone. They lust lorn after it is fone. Diamond X" wrappers are valuable. Pave them! When you have 10, 2S, 35. 5). im, '.'(M), 500 or more, mail them to us and tret a handsome premium. We issue a Premium Book shnwind over 300 useful nnd attractive articles which we tivo in exi'linugo for wrappers. These articles comprise: Clocks Cameras Beauty Pins Books Zithers (iames Magazines Pocket Books China Curtains Towels Bed Spreads Nut Crackers Napkins ( ipera Glasses Send for the book today NOW, while you think of it. Premium Dept., The Cudahy Packing Co.. So. Omaha, Neb. I COLUSU3BBA r DSSQ-- !PIdfo(WJdld(WDd(& Made In thro $15 $20 L $30 The best Disc Machine on the Market Entertains Everybody Everywhere Uses Flat Indestructible Records - which can be handled wilhout danger of Ji heinI injured .U04 LOUD, mm The GRAPHOPHON'C and COLUMBIA RECORDS were awarded the GRAND PRIZE at the PARIS EXPOSITION of 1900 Columbia ' Phonograph Co., . ' 125 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Bought, and which has been, has borne the signature of has been made under his per- Signature of Soap type melting at The reproductions are CLEAR and BRILLIANT 'J - -JS ' 7-inch Records 50 cents each ; S5 per dor; 10-inch Records SI each; SIO per dor.