Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 09, 1902, Image 4

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    The Heppner Gazette
Iuued Thursday Morning.
Warnock & Michell.
Entered at the Postoffiee at Heppner Oregon, t
necond-clasi matter.
Oct. 9, 1902
evidence of the quality of his
public service is his party emerg
ency ride acroee the continent in
March, 1879. His vote was needed
to elect a Democratic Speaker of
the Forty-sixth Congress, and he
delivered it on time, after a record
breaking ride between San Fran
cisco and Washington. By this
act his name became widely known,
and by it and its political results
he will DerhaDB in his Dublic ca
ll,, n lies upon a bier in a dark- . , t rembered
kened room in his late home in . t citizen tbe Hfe of
Eugene an historical figure known JohQ Witeaker wa8 without blem-
id ma as jonn nrmieuer, ursi wh Geniftlj kind honorabie and
governor of Oregon, itatebuilder .nprtrfttifl hft that Drince
of some renown in tht early days, mAn ann( ritlW Rn
e time Oregon's rapreaentative nmiohho. . ff.n.roUfi
in Congress, and for half a century Tn th eommnnitv thal
one of her loyal sons and substan- for half ft century cal)ed hom6(
tial citizens. Coming to Oregon and hwe the grRter part of the
in 1852, at a time when tho Dem. . Aff-nti. Ara of hia life were
ocratic party dominated its polit-i nf WM hmnrmi inr ihm
ica! affairs John Whiteaker took qiialitl tbat Rdorn and character,
his plac. bodly among the more tM manhood It is fitting
ambitious members of his party aa that . and throngh thege he wa
a leader and counselor. Among mogt reBDecled by the people of
his contemporaries in those, year. nei hborhood and 8tate. Long
were General Joseph Lane, Gsn- , , .
eral J. "W. Nesmith, Hon. Dolazon ,
u ... i a tT Btnfei h Pwed the closing years
bmith and Judt Matthew P. ,,. i iL
T, . m, . , oi DIB me in me sereauy mat wen
Deady. Governor Whiteaker long WnMM1 -ont,nt at, thft Ustf
survived them all, and on tha even- . v v aw
. . , when his wife, who had shared his
ing of October 2, 1903, he passed ,AF mnA fiftv ,florB
iSa Arf5 A
held his hand as he embarked on
the unknown sea.
Because he was a good citizen,
because he was a forceful man, be
cause ho was a pioneer among pio
neers sturdy, energetic and up
right; because ho was Oregon's
first Governor, and because at one
time he responded when his name
was called in the National House
of Representatives, the citizens o
Oregan my well honor John
Whiteaker and listen reverently
while the storv of his life finds in
his death the opportunity for
list recital. Saturday's Oregon-
on and out, having "by reason of
strength" attained four-score and
two year.
John Whiteaker was a plain
man, of strong political convic
tions, and inherited politieal pre
judicea. A man of great physical
energy, ho led for many years tho
fctrenuous life of tho farmer poll
tician. A typical pioneer, he was
noted rather for force than for cul
ture. He readily adapted him-
! a
son to cruue conditions, ana as
readily rose to meet opportunities
that promoted his personal ad
i i i at
vancemeni ana tne mieresit) ox nis
party. Nor was he wholly un
mindful, in the political positions
mat ne neia rrom rime to lime, oi ROOSEVELT TO THE RESCUE.
the public welfare. In one of his
first state papers as Governor of It is reported that the President
Oregon he strongly advocated the is making renewed and extraordi-
upbuilding of home industry, and nary efforts to end tbe anthracite
with characteristic plainness of ooal strike, for that purpose calling
sDeech and interest in the common into conference some of the coal-
things of life he cited as examples road presidents and trust mag
of what the people of primitive nates; and that he sent Secretary
Oregon should produce for their Root to New lork to arrange for
own use, "soap, socks and pickles." suoh a meeting. This, if true,
His simple directness in the use shows that the President reeog-
of language is witnessed in his nizes the gravity of the situation
first proclamation for Thanksgiv- produced by the prolonged strike,
ing, issued on the 5th day of De- politically and otherwise. Surely
cember, 1859, when "in conformity something must be done soon, in
with the wishes of many citizens soma quarter. Coal at some points
of Oregon" ho appointed Thurs- in this country, as well as Amori
day, the 29th day of the month can anthracite coal in England, is
and year above designated as "a said to be $20 per ton or over.
day to bo kept for tho Dublio Soon in Eastern cities it will bo
thanksgiving, to be observed even more than it is now, a prima
throughout the state in such man- necessity, nnd people cannot and
acr as the good people thereof will not pay one-half this price for
nigkt doom most appropriate." it There may have been arbitrary
The achievement of Governor and obstinate acts on both sides,
Whiteaker in tho capacity of a but everybody understands that
public servant were those that tho fight of tho ooal trust is to
distinguish the politician ratkor breakup tho miners' anion, to
than the statesman. Ho made no avoid dealing with the miners as
pretense of holding tho state ad an organization. The miners had
ministration to whish he was grievances that deserved a consid
called above partisan interests, erate hearing, and made some d
but only promised in his inaugural mands which should have been
speech, delivered at Baleaa, July granted; but if they have not al-
8, 1858, that he would "endeavor ready demanded, they may in tho
a . -la. m a
to xeop pemics as far removed cuiure aemana more man is rea-
from his official aets as might be sonablo, or gain through success
consistent with the circumstances too much power; the coal trust,
which brought about his election" realising this, and desiring to re
a statement that merely roiter- tain a monopoly of oppression and
ated in new words the old claim miustice as well as of coal and its
that "to the victors belong the transportation, has been making
spoils." It is to John Whiteaker'g the fight of its life against the nun
credit as Governor of Oregon that ers' organization. Somewhere,
Boys' 3 piece suit, in grey mixed,
bouble breasted vest.ages 4 to 10.. $2 00
Boys' dark grey, sailor collar, two
piece 2 50
Boys' blue,white stripe, three piece
suit 2 50
Boys' 3 piece suit, grey striped 3 00
Boys' grey mixed 2 piece, sailor
collar 3 50
Boys' Russian blouse suit, extra
quality, blue mixed, ages 3 and 4.. 4 50
Boys' 3 piece suit, single breasted
vest, dark, light stripe, all wool.. f 5 00
Boys' vestee suit, Norfolk jacket,
blue serge, splendid value 5 50
Boys, 3 piece, single breasted vest,
heavy, dark, all wool goods 6 00
Boys' all wool three piece, fancy
double breasted vest, velvet col
lar, silk lapel facings 6 50
Boys' brown mixed, all wool, three
piece suit, fancy double breasted
vest, silk facing 7 00
he made no specious pretense of
inauguaratiog political reform in
the customs and expedients' of
party politics. He was elected
under the system which recognized
the dominating influence of victor
ious partisanship and did not pro
fess a desire nor intimate a pur
pose to change it In striking
2 S '
and his associates, even if they do
not like all that the President does
and saye, will scarcely turn a deaf
ear and a cold shoulder to him
when he says he has something of
importance to say to them.
So perhaps Px-esident Roosevelt,
all other influences failing, may
end the strike, and in doing so he
may have done millions of people
a signal and immensely valuable
sei vice. Telegram.
the council will meet the approval
of almost every one. To get off
the train and wade through the
mud hunting for a sidewalk leaves
a bad impression with every
stranger that comes to the city.
Heppner will have better sidewalks.
Every citizen of Heppner should
help to make the old folks and
pioneers reunion a success.
The Oregonian has sent a letter
to each member of the next Ore
gon legislature asking an opinion
aa to the amount of money that
should be appropriated by the
legislature for tbe Lewis and
Clark fair to beheld in 1905. In
the answers published, all favor a
liberal appropriation. Some are
outspoken in saying that $500,000,
the amount asked by the fair com
mittee, is not too large.
To make this fair a success is a
matter of state pride, and to do
this, there must be a liberal ap
propriation. The claim that it is only for
Portland cannot be substantiated
by facts if looked at with reason
and judgement. That the great
commerial center of Oregon will
be benefitted by this fair, there is
no question, but Portland cannot
got it all. On account of the fair,
Oregon will be advertised in every
state in the Union, in a thorough
manner for tbe first time in the
history of the state.
Thsre are thousands of people
who are looking to tbe west and
will be attracted by the fair and
low passenger rates.
Every county in the state will
get some of the people. The re
sults will be lasting. People who
settle here will bring others to
help develope this great country
yet in its infancy.
The matter of building a side
wait to the O. R. & N. depot has
been brought before the city coun-
ftrS f' 5 3 5 .5 "55 S -S
somehow, something or somebody
will have to break down and yield
soon. The people in the East are
going to have coal, and they will
not pay f2u, nor yet $V2 or Sl a j cil and is being considered. It is
ton for it, very long, either. j a question in which the people of
The Prident may have power j Heppner are interested in. A
to bring these contending forces to j large majority of the citizens want
a common ground; Mr. Morgan j this walk built, and if ordered by
iXow jis tlie Tina G to Buy yt
A new line of both Wood and Coal Heaters j!;
4,-.. i-r..l ... ...ill ,1 11 A W
jui icueiveu wmun yvu win uu wen to examine
before purchasing. Prices and quality-are right.
Farmers who drill their seed reap good harvests (f
where the old ways fail. j
It is no trouble to show goods and give prices, . ft
as that is what we are here for, so if you don't in-
tend purchasing right away, come in and look over
VUV BWA. UV VAAVXA TUU n ill XWllllYV IVllf.lH 1.1 I 1)11 V
when the time comes.
Canton or Moline Plows
Plows will soon be in order and where will you
find a better line than we carry.
To Insure a Good Crop for the coming season, it
is necessary that you buy a
Monitor or a Superior Drill
Garrigues. 1
S. P.
When you need anything in
the line of Shoes, come in and
examine our immense stock.
Can supply you with neat and
well-made footwear at reasonable
ijj Custom Work i
Jf QTTT7Q j a Specialty...
? .O JlUDvJ. jj HEPPNER. - - - OREGON I