Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 09, 1902, Image 3

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    The H eppner Gazette.
Issued Every Thursday Morning
l it VtA ItJIlM; usr.
Ileppner i;:zp'te and ToledoWeek-
ly Blade, one year $1 60
ileppner (Jazot'e ami Chicago
Weekly Inter-Ocean, one year 1 70
Ileppner Gazette and Week'y Ore-
gonian, one year 2 25
Ileppner Gazette and Weekly Ex
, aminer, one year, including
ticket to Examiner's great
drawing 2 25
Ileppner Gazette and Young
People's Weekly one year. ... 1 00
Address all orders to Gazettk, Hepp-
ner, Oregon.
An Viewed by the Editor of the Ua
seelte In Ilia Travels.
Personal Mention.
John Hughes of Long Creek, was in
our city this week.
Mr. J. I). Brown is up from his ranch
near the Columbia.
Banker J. A. Woolery of Tone was in
town Monday night.
Mr. J. C. Borchers left Wednesday
morning for Hot Lake.
W. II. Moore, of Moro, waB registered
at the Palace, Thursday.
Mrs. P. Thomas, of John Day, is a
guest at the Palace this week.
Mr. J. W. McGee is building a fine
barn in the lower part of town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hart returned to
their home in Ililgard, Ore., Saturday.
They were accompanied by their daugh
ter, Miss Julia.
Mr. Ailet Brock left' Monday for Port
land, where he will resume his studies
in the Northwest Dental College.
Hon. J. W. Morrow is up from the
metropolis shaking hands with old
Mr. Samuel Wherry, of Hood River,
is visiting his brother, A. J. Wherry, in
AlVtert King and wife of lone, are in
the city visiting Mrs. King's mother,
Mrs. Looper.
Mr. Willard Ilerren came in from the
coal mine Sunday and left Monday for
Arlington on business.
J. D. Combs, ex-Sheriff of Grant
county and W. II. Ollicer, of John Day,
were in the city Thursday. Tl.ey had
been to Pendleton selling cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pope and Mrs. P.
Thomas, of John Day, were guests at
the Palace, last week.
Hon. Henry Blaekman was a passen
ger Monday morning for Spokane.
Alfred Wright, day clerk at the Pal
ace, has returned from a visit to Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Balsizer, of
lone, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Freeland, Friday. They returned
to their home Saturday morning.
L. J. Shaner of Hardman, was in the
city Saturday.
Miss Gertrude Bishop, who has beee
visiting in Pendleton for some time, re
turned last week.
Mr. Hat Webb and sons, Nat and
Paul, who have been in Walla Walla for
esse time, returned Friday to look after
their sheep interests in this county.
Ileppner Blaekman left Monday for
San Francisco, where ha will take a
course in cartooning. Ileppner has a
a natural talent along this line and we
anticipate a bright future for him.
DtafDPft Cannot be Cured
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portioD of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is cansed by an irjflnrned con
dition of the mucous liuiDg of the eusta
chian tnbe. When this tube gets in- ;
flamed you have a rambling sound or j
Hakdman, Ore, Oct, 8:
Outside of the dust, a trip from Hepp
ner to Hardman at this time of year is
pleasant. While the road could b bet
ter, there are much worse roads in dif
ferent sections of Eastern Oregon.
This is the season of heavy learning.
Great loads of wheat are now on the
move taking in freight for winter supply
of interior merchants at Spray, Monu
ment, Canyon City and other points.
On the road from H-ppner to Hard
man there are many fine wheat farms,
especially in that portion of the county
known as upper portion of this fertile
wheat district and comprises a narrow
territory when the Ileppner road
crosses, winding as it extends westward
to the Gooseberrv country.
In the immediate vicinity of Hard
man, wheat farming is carried on, to a
limited extent.
The long distance to drive to get the
advantage of railroad facilities is a great
handicap in this line of agriculture. It
means a hard pull of 20 miles and the
delivery of only one load for every two
days of toil through the dust which is
trying on tooth man and beast.
The main industry in this vast scope
of country through which the Heppner
Hardman road passes is stock raising.
Sheep and cattle now on the mountain
ranges will soon be brought in and will
dot the hills, now covered with grass
which has been allowed to grow during
the summer months.
Like other interior towns of Eastern
Oregon, Hardman depends mainly on
the stock industry which means sheep
and cattle generally.
A few of the ranchers have branched
oil" into hog raising and turn off a few
hundred hogs each year.
Hogs are profitable here. It is not
necessary to haul any grain away when
a hog is on the ranch. A feature of the
hog industry here is that there is a
home market. In the southern interior
country few hogs are raised and there
is a good demand for all the pork that
the people of the Hardman country now
The land surrounding Hardman gen
erally is of a black loam and very fer
tile. Being near the Western spur of
the Blue mountains there is more mois
ture than in other portions of the
Henry l-ergerson cut wheat that
would have made between 40 and 50
bushels to the acre.
As yet not much attention has been
paid to the growing of alfalfa in the
Hardman district however, but wherever
planted it has grown well.
In the vicinity of Hardman some of
the prominent stockmen of Morrow
county reside.
Among the big sheep owaers there
are Frank P. Farnsworth, Anson
Wright. John Adams, Jas Wylaad, G.
W. Chapin, B. Allen and many ethers.
Hardman is a prospereua little totrn
of about 250 people. The tewn baa
deubled in population within the paat
two years.
There are three general merchandise
stores, blacksmith shop and three he
Hardman has a fine church hailding.
where services are held twice a month
by the Methodist denomination.
The pride of the town is the public
school. The building is a credit to the
town, but is too small to accommodate
the rapidly increasing number of stu-
..Our Closing Out
- -
5 C- 5": SJ: 5-. 2:
W We arc making a slash in all lines, and are not selling
Unrn OTlfvli: hut- vAii T A TT?C,rT rTrT To
m lines BELOW COST. We intend to close out the entire
huT b & e -- a
he prices we quote are to show that we are actually
what we say we are.
' ffi.
shelf m
Combines the (hrce supreme
elements of shoe perfection.
This is our banner line. We
have an immense stock in men's,
boys, ladies and children's in any
style you want and at prices that
will astonish you. Every article is
a bargain.
Rubber Goods
Mon'a all wool black felts $ Go
Men's all wool white felts 80
Men's one buckle overshoes 1 10
Men's four hackle overshoes 1 65
Men's erne buckle overs for felts .... 1 25
Men's two bnckle overs for felts .... 1 50
Men's lace trojens 1 G5
Men's short boots 2 30
Boy's all wool felts 50
Boy'a one buckle overshoes 85
Boy's one buckle overs for felts 90
& & St & mL L & "
We have an immense line of
Mackintoshes, which range in price
from boys at $1.25 to men's at.f5.80
Our line of hats cannot be surpassed in
Heppnes. We do not say this because we
are closing out, but simply because we can
show the goods.
Jlr. Koyse etarteii with a very Rmall
stock and now has a good Bi'zed general
The hotels get quite an anount of
transit trade. Henry Ferguson has a
roomy and well kept hotel.
One day last wjpk John Adams mrt
with a serious accident and it is almost
a miracle that he was not killed. While
working with a four horse disc harrow,
in hitching up the horses became fright
ened and he was jerked to thp "round
in front of the harrow. Luckily the
harrow tongue broKe and struck in the
ground which raieed the machine over
Mr. Adams. He escaped with Blight
Stockmen art now engaged in bring
ing iheep from the mountains. Sheep
general!? are not in aa good condition
aa usual at tbia time of year. Range ia
reported to be thorter this rear than
rer known in the Skookum and Little
Wall creek flta.
There ia eome talk of a barbed wire
telephone service to connect with the
Eight Mile line to Ileppner.
No threshing kas yet been done in
the Hardman section. Grain ia all in
the stack which is some protection
against rain.
With several representative citizens
of tbia district I have talked to zot the
sentiment in general in relation to the
Lewis and Clark fair to he held in Tort-
land in 1005. Verv little thought has
x Thomson & Ewing
mm oil? at cos?
We are not advertising to sell out
our goods below Cost, but we will
meet all prices quality considered
that may be quoted .by our competi
tors. We are here to stay with you
and give you the best value for your
money. Call and get our prices and
be convinced that we will do what
we say.
j Thomson & Ewing p
imperfect hearine. nod whfn it is en
tirely closed de&fneef" is the result, and ,' Tl,e enrollment is now SI.
UDless the iDtiammition can he taken i I was surprised when I entered the
out and this tube restored to its normal ! general 6tore of II. . Warren. This
Another new school building will be i been given this m.i'tcr by the peop'e
built in the spring. j here. Some are in 'ined t '(tve the
Prof. K. Jay Mertil is principal f the I matter wholly with " e representatives,
school and Mrs. Merrill is assistant. ' As to the atnrnt- v00,i'0 as recom
mended by the fair rommitte. Pe!ve
that a majority of the citizens think
condition, bearing will be destroyed for-
store would do credit to many larger
vr- nine rnsps ont of ten are caused
. i . . . v,., : 'towns. The stock is large, up-to-date
by catarrh, wnicb is Dothmg but an in- e
llamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ' nJ well kept, and almost anything de-
We will give One Hundred Dollars for j pirP(1 cn v,e found in this store.
any case of deafDese (caused by CBtarrh1! John F. Koyse and Mrs. Pleakman
that can not be enred by Hall's Care. , have well appointed general stores and
end for circulars, free. ! are deing a thriving business.
this sum is too Jar.-.'.
In relation to the new tax law, the
people of Hardnuui are almost unani-
iroui in oppositicn to it. They desire
the time of payment to come la April, i
which it is claimed works a sroat hard
ship on a great majority of the people,
especially the farmers. F. W,
Bright, Fresh, New
Stock of Stapleand
Fancy Groceries.
My Goods
Fresh and
Prices are
New and
Orange Front Building. Alain St,
A. E. BINNS. Proprietor.