Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 18, 1902, Image 7

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    Benj. F. Bwajcgirt returned lat week
from Seattle, whrf be has been a' tend
ing the King county fair. Mr. Swag
' fart took five colta with Into to enter in
the racea, started three times and de
feated all the district co'ts and run
accond to Califor ia, which is a fine
ahowing for Morrow county's produc
tions. He sold three colts to California
Mr. Swaggart states that there was
general dissatisfaction among home
men with King county's trea'mei t, and
several said they would not return.
There was considerable jobbing going
on with the bookmakers, which made
things very unpleasant.
While away Mr. Swagitart purchased
five fine mares, Sylvan Lass, Claa N,
Kitty Norfolk, Ella Dupoy and Master
Bishop, which are classed among the
best in the United States.
The colts raised in Morrow county
weighs 150 pounds more than any en
the circuit
Since Morrow county is winning a
reputation in its fine horses, it is about
time we had a race track wberri train
ing could be done.
"I want all ibe world lo know," write
Re. O.J. BudloBg, of Asbaway, R. I.,
"what a thoroughly good and reliable
medicine found in Electric Bitten
They oared me of jaandioe and liver trou
bles that had caused me great enfferiog
for many yeare For a genuine, all-round
oare they exoel anything I ever saw."
Electric Bitters are the surprise of all
'or their wonderful work in Liver, Kid
ley and Stnmaob troubles. Don't fail to
try tbem. Only 60o. Satisfaction is guar
anteed by Slncum Drug Co.
The Farmers warehouse people
are repairing the foundation of
their building and getting things
in better condition than evr for
handling this seasons big wheat
crop at lone.
BnnaAiu Babied.
If babies were for sale the moat iovet
crate bargain-hunting woman in the
world would not look for a bargain baby.
She would want the best baby that could
be bought, regardless of price.
Every woman naturally craves a
healthy, handsome child, and her crav
ing can be gratified if she will but re
member that the child's health is her
wn gift, and to give health she muat
Good Attendance and Satisfactory
Work Accomplished.
Serious Accident.
Thos. Itaby is now in a critical condi
tion from the effect of being thrown
from a wagon Friday afternoon.
Mr. Raby and his son were returning
home from this city in a wagon and
when out at the Colwell grade, about
18 miles from Heppner, they met L. W.
Brisrgs and Mr. French of this city on
the grade. The hill is very steep and
the road is narrow and in attempting to
to pass young Raby, who was driving,
pulled out too far and the wagon turmd
over. Thos. R-iby was thmwn from a
high seat down the mountain side,
receiving a very bad fracture of both
bones of the right leg between the knee
and ankle, the bones going through
both his sock and pants.
He was brought back to this city by
Mr. Briggs and Mr. French and hia in
juries were attended to bv Dr. Mc
Sword. Besides the fracture, Mr. Raby
was badly bruised.
Stops the Cough
and works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay.
Price 25 cents.
Notice ia hereby given that all unpaid
taxes (including those of which one
balf were paid pr or to the first Monday
of last April) will bedlinquent alter
the first Mondiy in October (next
moath.) If this last half is not paid on
or before October 6th, 1902, penalty and
interest from April 7th, 1903, amount,
ing to 22 per cent will be added.
E. M SHUTT, Sheriff.
Tells How Hospital Physicians
Use and Rely upon Lydia E.
Pinkliam's Vegetable Com
pound. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham : Twelve
years continuous service at the sick
bed in some of our prominent hospi
tals, as well as at private homes, has
given me varied experiences with the
diseases of women. I have nursed some
On-Tuesday morning, while oil
ing the horsepower he was driving
out at the John Williams place,
John Colestock got two fingers of
his left hand badly crushed in the
gearing of the power. lone Post.
The man or woman whose digestion is
perfeot and whose stomaob performs its
every function ie never siok. Kodol
nlemi-es, purifies and sweeteene the
stomaob and cures positively and perma
nently bll stomach troubles, indigestion
and dvspepnia. It is the wonderful re
constructive tonio that is making so
mny sipk people well and weak people
strong by conveying to their bodies all
nf the nourishment in the food they eat
Rev. J H. Hulladay, of Holladay, Miss
writes: Kodol bss oared me. I consider
it the best remedy I ever used for dys
pepsia srttl Gtomoeh troubles. I was
given up bv physicians. Kodol saved
my life. Tke it after meals.
have it to give.
whose babies have
been weak and ounv
have nursed in strength
their first strong child
after using Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It
is the best preparative for
maternity, encouraging the appetite,
Jiuieting the nerves and inducing re
reshing sleep. It gives the mother
strength to give her child, and makes
the baby's advent practically painless.
"My wife had. been sick nearly all her life,"
says Mr. E. K. Friclte, of Petersburg, Menard
Co., Illinois, Box 367, "and after trying every
thing I could thinlc of I made up my mind to
trv 'Favorite Prescription.' I got six bottles,
which my wife took, a tablespoon ful three times
a day, until the baby came. She felt better
after taking the first bottle, and when baby was
born he weighed nine and a half pounds. To
day he is six months old and weighs twenty-two
pounds. He is as good a child as any one could
wish. The doctor says he is as healthy as any
baby could be, aud also says the use of your
Favorite Prescription ' was the cause of each a
healthy baby." a
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
best and safest laxative for the use of
delicate women.
A fire on the James Noland
plac last Saturday destroyed a
new wagon belonging to Wm.
Potter, together with the header
box and most of the bedding of
the Oscar Coohran heading crew.
The regular price for the San Fran
Cisco Weekly Examiner is $1.50. You
can get it and the Gazette for $225
To Cur a Cold in On Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. VV. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c
President of N urses' Association.WatertownN.Y.
most distressing cases of inflammation
and ulceration of the ovaries and womb.
I have known that doctors used Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound when everything else failed
with their patients. I have advised my
patients and friends to use it and have
yet to hear of its first failure to cure.
" Four years ago I had falling of the
womb from straining in lifting a heavy
patient, and knowing of the value of
your Compound I began to use it at
once, and in six weeka I was well one
more, and have had no trouble since. J
I am most pleased to nave had an oppor
tunity to say a few words in praise of
your Vegetable Compound, and shall
take every occasion to recommend it."
Miss Viroixia. Grams. $5000 forfeit if
abort testimonial not genuine.
Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has stood the test of
time, and has cured thousands.
'Mrs. Pinkhain advises sick wo
tuea free. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Miss Virgina Deaton, the edi
tress of the lone Post is taking a
vacation in the Willamette valley.
During her absence, E. C. Phelps
the veteran newspaper man will
have charge of the paper.
Ineffective liver medioine is a disappoint
ment, but you don't want to purge,
strain and break the glands of the stom
ach and bowels. DeWiit's Little Early
Risers never disappoint. Tbey cleanse
the system of all poison and putrid mat
ter and do it so gently that one enjoys
be pleasant effects. Tbey are a tonic
to the liver. Care biliousuess, torpid
liver and prevent fever.
S. C Ilrottn Leghorn.
W. W. Smead has a few well-grown
S. C, Brown Leghorn cockerels and
pullets for sale at $1 each at the pen
near the depot. Browp Leghorns are
all the year round layers.
These chicks are not inbred, cross
your stock with them.
and suppositories will not, posi
tively cannot do more than re
lieve you. It requires an
to remove the cause and effect
a permanent care.
Ask your druggist for Dr.
Perrin's booklet on the subject.
Is directed to the G. A. It. convention
to be held in Washing'on, D C, Octo
ber 6th to 11th inclusive, 1902. We can
sell you tickets at rates whkih make
going to the convention cheaper than
staying at home, and we make enough
out of it so that we are not "On the
County." Tickets sold only on Septem-
.ber 29th and 30th. For particulars as
to rates, accotrwnodations, stopovers,
time limit, etc., etc., call on or address,
Commercial Agent Illinois Central It.
R., 142 Third St. Portland. O e.
Josh Westbafer, of Loogootee, Ind , is
a poor man! bat be says be would not be
without Chamberlain ' Pain Balm if it
cost five dollars a bottle, for it saved
bim from being a cripple. No external
application is equal to this liniment for
stiff and swolen joints, contracted mus
cles, stiff neok, sprains and rheumatic
and muscular paint. It has also oured
numerous oases of partial paralysis. It
is for stile by Slooum Drug Go.
it nn haven't a regular, healthy movement of tb
bowels every day, you're ill or will be. Keep youi
bowels open, and be well. Force, in tlie slmi.eof vio
lent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. Tlie smooth,
est, easiest, most perfect way of. keeping the bowele
clear and clean Is to take
Pl.nf Vllhle Potent. Taste Good. Do Good
Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, 25. and 60 rente
per box. write for free sample, ana ooomei n
health. Address "1
The Man Who Wears
Oiled SuHs
Warranted Wuterpror.
Mailt-to stand hard work and
IuiikIi WHtlx-r. lak for trade
mark. If your diler doesn't
have tliem.nd tor cutaioiMii-.
K. T. Rellleft sad Partial t a. ,
Art. , a Fraarl.ro.
H. V.94WYEK at NOK, Sole Jlfr..,
Kat (aabrMcr, JI.
Pendleton, Sept. 16. The annual
meeting of the Oregon Wool Growers'
Association was held at Pendleton to
day, with an attendance of 50, repre
senting every portion of the fate. The
delegates were welcomed in a short
speech by Mayor T. G. Hailey and
Congressman-elect J. N. Williamson re
sponded with a short address.
President Belts delivered a very sug
gestive and well considered address,
briefly sketching the recent work of
the association, shoeing that when the
Cascade forest reserve was created it
was to have been closed against sheep,
yet, through the efforts of the associa
tion, 200,000 sheep range within its
borders today. By fixing dates for
sales of wool at Pendleton, Heppner,
Shuniko and The Da'les, sellers snd
buyers were brought together, to their
mutual advantage, and prices ra- ged
f om )o to 14 ce'.ts more per pound
than hart been anticipated.
Mr. Beata called attention to the se
rious problem of the overstocking of
the summer range, a problem which
would have solved itself except for com
missioner Hermann's and Congressman
Moody's Blue Movntain forest reserve
The secretary, R. F Hynd, of Hepp
ner, read his report, which showed 119
members in good standing, represent
ing 325,000 sheep, and that the wool
growers of Oregon realized this year
not less than 14 cents a pound for their
The scalp bounty law was taken up.
and Congressman-elect Williamson read
an able paper on the subject, favoring .
the continuance of the law, which me:
with the unanimous approval of the as
sociation. At the conclusion of Mr. Williamson's
address it was unanimously resolved to
urge on the Legislature the retention of
the scalp bounty law
QUI at the Gazette office and learn of
our clubbing offer with the Weekly Ors-gonian.
! Ne
yi nnnni
it mnnn i
ftfirUDlM J rATM
Editorially Fearless.
Consistently Republican Always.
s from all parts of the world. Well v ritteD, original
storieB. Answers to queries on m11 subjects. Art icles on Health,
the Home, New Booke, and on Work About 'Che Farm and
The Inter Ocean is a member of the Associated Press and
also is the ouly Western newspaper receiving the combined tele
graphic and cable news matter of both the New fork Sun and
New York World respectively, besides daily rep orts from over
2000 special correspondents throughout the cov ntry. No pen
can tell more fully why it is the best on earth.
52 twelve-page papers, brimfull of news from everywhere
and a perfect feast of special matter.
r II BL. tf fr!Xl llrt.IIEtT I'M
W J.L.E!
Cflfin man praam ouummntmma ivuz moutu trie
DUIIIJ overntix:k of one of the best known ffr f . Oil!
hlah aradm twarmntomd I BO 2 MODEL the
factories of tbe country, secured
bv 11a at one-half cost. Four Miatmtm.
1900 and 1901 Models GHr9 $7 f0 $l
Catalogues with large photograjJiic engravings and
full detailed specifications sent free to any address.
Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL U anyone in U S.
or Canada without a cent in advance and allow
You take
no risk in ordering1 from us, as you do not
need to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you.
taken In trade by our Chicago retalatl ores. QO ff CQ
standard makes, many srood as new ..TV l,v
Tirol, equipment, siindrlea.sportinir fowls of all kinds atH regular
price InourbiKfreasundrrcatalofc. A world r f information. Write for It.
902 model bicycle. In your spare tlmt you can make $1u U
SBO a week besides havinf a wheel to ride for yourself.
reliable person in each town to distrim.te catalosnies for lis in
v.tnlA IVrltA torinv tnr fprn fntnliumc nni our HoeClUl I'lMT.
EAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, 111.
f.lMa Blcth aat lnu.J
Ths larf est Anatomical M
la tha World.
Grrariutt attraetto tn (A CXff. A
eondrful lightor vttara. ,
Waknasea. oraor MB.trat
ed dlsnase,aoalllTly smrad l,f I
thft oldaxt Htiaclallaton tf-t Pnlt
I'oaat, iuttabUaaad M
Tons t4 mmi4l '
red mmmm wss ara MlftrW .
from tha flWHa f voatfcfbl luaUs- I
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner
His work first-class
and satisfactory.
Give him a call 31 av Street.
crrttena or iicmmi la csaturar
jaara. Narvous an4 phrsleaJ sklllt7, Iss.
IHilrnrr. Loat nnliwd iaaJUIiaeomBkl.
cations; K prm ittor r faoaat, larte(r.
riiica, uonorrDura, Hifri, rrcaamrr
of t'rluatllnar, r t. By a eomblMliea mi
remedies, of great curative power, Iht lXvnr
has so arransraa ma treatmwit tba It rUi al
only aff ord Immedlnt rcllrf. but Brmaunt
cure. Tho Iu tor dues not cia-aa to farforsu
mlntclr. hot la well knnwn U M s tatr Md
Qunrs t'fivsiflan and Surgeon, iiffa-csaiaaxii
lu his speclaltT Ilaaa oC Mm
MTI'IIII.ri thoroiirhlr aradlcakad froa
1 the srsteiu without the e of Wax isiry.
Truaaea fitted br an Exsart. dlstl
I fare for Kaplnre. A quick m4 m if fasti .
cure tor I'lie. nnr ani rtaaaiiaa.bf
Dr. joraan a sciaj puiuiaaa unasoa
EVKRT MtX anplrlniUoawmilMtT '
1 our iorcr.tt opinion of nil complaint.
M s will Wuarrmttm a ru&ITlVM WMMm '
, every cue we undrfd.
Consultation KHKK ana aTnowT n,
Treatment paraonally or by lot tar.
Write for Rook, PHILMrBT 9)9
ntKRUUL. Utltso Fsia, a4atW
book for men.) uuiorwnw
Tlie C. A. Rhea farm on Willow
Creek, one mile below lone, may now
be bought for $20 ao acre, easy terms,
one third cash, lias 2i0 acres, mostly
rich bottom lanJ, anl good improve
ments. Several tracts may now be cut
.tfTaii'I poI'1 at an acre. AdJrees
C. A. lihea, lone, Oregon.
Dalles, Portland ami Astoria
Navigation Company.
lenvee Oak Htreet Dock.
Portland, at 7 a. m. aud 11
p. m. : : : : : : :
leaves Tbe Dulles at 7 a. m.
and 3 p. m.. daily (exoeut
Sunday). :::::::
Regulator, Dalles City,
Reliance, Iralda,
G. W. Shaver.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent, The OalUa
The Only All-Kail Route Without
Change of Cars Between Spokane,
Rossland and Nelson. Also between
Nelson and KosslanJ, daily except
LTrV ArHra.
8rtl A. M Spokane 8 40 P. M.
lKO A. M Kooslaml. S.-40 P. M
b.10 A.M Nelson 6.45 F. M.
Close connections at Nelson Trith 8teaaier for
Kaslo, an t all KootPtmi ltke points.
Pawxneor for Ktt!a Kiver ami BounJitri
reek connect at Alurcut wiUi dailf. .