The 1 Icppncr GaZcttC tak,in 'r' important niattor. ' M !- i Luis' .! .v:. ' lipppiwr lia. nevor had any svs-j 'pii ! iu ivnK! l--.iiM iho r.'si.t n i . j i ii,i rinv Mnri.iue W.'inioi'k V Mii'holl. It), n Hi n. I'mtnftrt at Hrppm-r On-ron . roti,i Mm miui'i, tern of M-worac ami with tht ac-' ear' income. Tt i toad cot i ' cumu'ftl ion of rrfim1 for m:tiy ' .'VI,iW. What is Senator I'UiW's yt'rtr. tlx fsct that soi'jt1 aotion ' nwoun ? TIhti-'s it I'lmiu'i' iiir iii'kh." iiitibl !- tHkfu in the not lar dist-! """ ant future i well understood. The LEXINGTON NEWS. '-'""'-------""---:-::.:, preatet harrier to the euocetful , Thi KhiAT June 12. 1902 ! operation ot sewers in this city ia ! 1-KUV,'!"V '""e v:' the lack ot water, however, from "lu-"ir" "cul ;.-.,.,,.. i;.. .1 .. :.. . 'last Thnrsihiv. LUirBllflH'U IUC UirtTI IB Ul j I tioahle and it is claimed that .loe Potter was 'visiting friends' The omz ofKetalmlen, situated at thr ft rt of M(unt Taooca. in Unatf uiala, Las Ixmii destroyed hx an erurtien of Tacona. One ILoufMid people lost their live. Oregon is a ftate of wonderful resources and " wherever her products are placed ou exhibition, th highest horaora are won. The finar reports of the committee ot awards for the South Carolina In terstate and West Indian, Expo sition give to the State of Oregon and Oregon exhfbitora a larger per centag: of medals and premiums than to any other state. The list includes oDe diploma of highest award, 34 gold medals, 43 siher medals, 55 bronze medals and W diplomas of honorable mention a total of 2-V medals and diplomat Indications for a very prosper ous year in the Inland Kmpire and especially Morrow County still continue. The wool clip has been fully up to the average in quality ' aud quantity and the per cent of Iambs saved has also been up to the average. Prices for wool have been better than last year. Grow era have realized from 11 to 14 eents per pound for the better grades which will return a fair profit The season has been very favorable for the growth of grass and stock will do welL Reports everywhere from the farming dis tricts are etcouraging. Morrow county will harvest one of the largest crops in her history which will bring prosperity to the farm er and to erervone. nough water can be obtained for Jin Lexington. Monday. I a very good system. What action! K. I Beach returned from will be taken remains to be seen, j Portland. Saturday evening. It should b given careful study: MrB Cfe0 Sinith vetul.ued from'; for it means a large outlay of . ftn ,xtl3.u1tV, vl,,t h,st s atiirdav. ' money, but the health of the com- . ,, ... , ,. . . . . . , , berj. Thompson will closa his munity is not to be reckoned by . , . .. ' t , ,, J , . . . . . J school lu the Burcliell district next dollars and cents. The design for . , e n T ,'lnday. a system of sewers will depend i entirely upon local circumstances, I The different committees are and can be determined after thejbuuy at work making arrange peopJe have rendered their de- j nieuU lor the celebration. cision. The first thing to get at is the amount ot water supply, for the amount of sewage per capita depends largely upon this question. United States statistics show that the use of water varies in the dif ferent cities from 25 to 175 gal loos per day per capita and that the amount used is rapidly in creasing. In many cases the in crease has been 100 per cent in 20 Miss Virginia Deatoti, of the lone Post, was looking after the interest of that paper here Mon day. A grader has beeu secured with which to improve the new road from here to the Eight Mile couu try. The ball game between llepp ner and Lexington resulted in a years. If the people of Heppuer score of 12 to 8 injavor of Hepp decide to put in sewers, let the system be substantial and perma nent, and provision must be made for the extension and growth of the town. It is well that the agi tation has been started, for it w ill culminate in lasting benefit to the community. The problem is be fore us and it cannot be put aside for a great length of time. From the number of signers to the pe- ner. Mark Leach returned to Lexing ton from Portland last Friday. He has been studying dentistry the past year. Miss Elsie Palmer returned from Monmouth. Saturday. She has been attending the State Normal School. Miss Daisy Phelps completed a tition that was circulated this j term of school southwest of tow n would appear that the last Fiiday, and aud is enjoying citizens are not inclined to put orYj vacatiou ti.w week, this question. Comparatively j Crop are looking first rate in speaking, there is very little sick-1 tis vicinity. If nothing occurs ness in Ueppner. The absence of ; to rrf.Ve.nt ailing, the wheat crop fevers is remarkable, but these wjn be a record breaker conditions will Dot always con tinue without proper care and dili g?nce on, the part of the inhabi tants in regard to sanitary en vironments. The cost and trouble of putting in sewers would be small compared with a scourge of Raal Eatat Transfer Now- that the smoke of the elec tion has cleared away, the people of Eastern Oregon, and especially the Republicans of Eastern Ore gon w ill have a long time to medi- typhoid or malarial fever tate over the mistake of the de feat of our home man for govern or. There is hardly a county in the Inland Empire but what could have wiped out the small majority of Mr. Chamberlain. When will Eastern Oregon get a place on the state ticket again. Western Ore gon will claim, and in a measure there will t truth in the claim, that Eastern Oregon voters are dis loyal, and will be afraid to take the chances of putting up an East ern Oregon man. Too many people voted against Mr. Furnish who cannot tell you the reason for it. A 1-iige well is bring dug back of White ik Wood's blacksmith shop to furnish water fur ranch-, men who have to haul water. HARDMAN ITEMS. A report from Salem is to the I'.-nf. K, JiV .Msrriil is reorti''l on 'f n-k hJt. . T. Uobi-sun of lwht Mile vis;te.l at l'a'ker? Mill last -'iuliv. ('has. Ham-' has p -urchase 'I the City II jtr! of Mr?. K Stiilwell. i). J. Cox hrt! rn vt t onto the J&-. Vi:!iani i!a e he'oiik';n to J. K. Nun- A M Markham and wife to Wm H Pa.lbervr, in) acre, sec 26, t - i, r 25 e. ( R Jones and wife to Cha. P. H w ton, ln acres, sec 23, t 3 , r 24 e. '"0. O K. Farnsworth as attorney in fact, j amakT. to W K Hiatt, parcel of land 1720. j T, e tUr, e M.jn,!av lli)ht wa9 nof EdK Bishop and wire to Thomas ; &Tlv AV(,a.M ovinj, to ti.e in- cjuaid , ac-ea, sec. lo, t s, r2 e. ! 700. j T H Kisbee and wife to Thomas I Qaaid, U) acres, sec l'i, t 5 s, r 27 e c'emei.ey c f the weather. John Wihiani!" of I'jne has bought the property of.. H. lioyse, fo rumor hath it. Consideration unknown. W T McNtbb to Mrs Mary Hale, tract Mrs. fcmma .Martin oi J-.oterpnge, of iand in lone. Vl. i Oregon visite'l wittiner sinter Mrs. j. E'iar-d Nancy K Sj.erry to Cyntha j R- N unamaker of prinf Hollow, last effect that Governor Ger is cou- P-or-Lran, icta 4, o. e, 7. . 9, to, v. , 12, , i-Awno th rironrsitin of calling i rj' -PrrT and Wilis 21 ad 1 to School meeting is ner at hand and it an extra session of the legislature a fcw dav prior to the time for the regular aeaaion for the purpose !sf lot b!k 4 in Heppuer.. 2-). of giving the law tu kkers a chance ! to enact a law to place all state j FIP.-'T DISCOVERY OF GOLD. lone. Illo. j is the duty of ever? verson to turnout Li.ia Micor and wife to J C Bory tiers, j and asaiat in the improvetnent of our public sctoo'tf. Claut Johnson, J. W. S rivner. M. A. I.overeen and Addison Inlteep of oSiciaU on a flat salary and also to' A'W esrful inetigioo it habeen : Hail Kidge were in attendance at the put into effect the initiative and j determine! that the date of the disrov. i j ,( F ,if. :ft(lt Saturday evening , i c u . u u-(erTof gold in Ooliforoia ws Jannar j rtferendutn. Such action by the I , Abonl that sime time tb-re ' The Ha.dnan shearing crew coni,t- goverti'.r would meet with the 'P" J wka toother importsol diioovery, wLicb j in of H. A. Knirv, N K. Paul, O. W. proval of a great majority of th j thonnds of people btben worth I, d. A. Bieaicman Jr., C. F people of the State of Oregon. To 1 tnoe bao all tbe r-U, tjeesue it re- I Kovp,, Holly Leathern and A. J. Wind pUc official, upon a flat salary ! ""red ibem to bealtb. and that u Ho.-1 ,j ,aMt Mon,Uv flr ,,,,, i , . , ,i . -.1 ;;,., 1 ,u i tetter s bU)ainch Buters. Tais w.juder i Haa plauk lO both political P't-'fQldicioeeootiniiMt5 011rettoBMh Mont., to shear 1 V, fM, flheep ened form- donog tbe campaign. It t(J i e7n)pifcintii the an.e today 1 at that place. w aa tjODUIar becaoae it was right as id tbe pwt, and alibongh many nodi-i ... ... i.e.. VV7 1 t e.oee L.e coma and (,od. the B.tter. , Har drnan is reatlv in need of a first and LO .a!jflllat Oarea - onur . etl r,miin ,h, p.ope', fnvonts. To class minister, for the religions servicen obi'X'tin to tbia plank. Th 1 those to eoff-r from dyspepsia, ioii I W J , L . . ... - , gest.oo. beadscbe. heartburn, consiipa- h"r " nt what they c.Ifcrht to be, as people have demanded tn mi- ! ty D m bllloaillif.Blli ,r,d bsve tried other ' the appointments are so far apart that tiath e and referendum bv a large t mediciti- witboni obtaioinK rehef.his , ... . u remedy wd! tr0T, . blesem. be. ..ise it they a-e of,n forgotten or the minister majority. itnout an extra a- ; Wli, fWiy core ,fjm Trj , bo,.le -0i, Why n we iifjt u 1 )U 11 w UI'J i'JUl jr-m i-rc- fore a law placing officers on a t!at lary could into efi- t. Th p..j le ought to have what they Tot-- for and th1 yJc-r th- bett'-r. ClarV's Big Check a n,iri!.-r or two. we net-d ttiem. Kvery trjdy knows Senator CUrk lraw ii'j ihe hrpt of every nion'h and e ds it to Los Ane'es to the ori lu. tor who is build ing his real fr-f.-i I. s Armeies to Salt Lake and it do-:. t dec a'e tils bank account." That was the -'atemei.t of II. i. arlos '.f l.r 0'!ay. Ile'on- t.nued --na'.or C!rk hae a uff.r.ent in' or;e S) that th drawing of a check trie first I. a 1 The (jueetion ,l ie-rae i tow t-ing agitated in Jiej;.L-r. It ia a quer-tiou that L'-w cor.fror.U u .li.l will .!:.. L--:-" ith greater f.rce with the growth of the city. A j.roj-r regar j for xi.r health of it.f oiintrjuti.t v hh'lut-lv reiuire'i the removal of th rfuee al..-b ia "r? rnonn' ,'n'mn ir,lf r-ri-v' ; ke.-o from ar umu- """ "'"n ,! " U latu-g. In all t-wn- where there v-"""- 4 t . i .. -t.;.t. he ' u . ar DO aewrrr, iu'- r- u.v... in run into ceeijla lecfime a dan- ' '-' I. Ke,U, elrrxHt. From dxmft- It i-n't gener.My known. Vr., h,n Miou it eontauitnat.-e the rth, '"'- l"-H. s r.urvtd K.f r sum! waU-r atd it a diw-iait. H"". '- r"'J ,) tor of d.-. Th- -,tina and aoItl boniiio t Ul,,,1.,I have, with hutt,r,,.ein ..t.t .e H.mmao eyn- bardlv dntiPK . figtl a t a c!rk 'fj,f .-.litioL U tw LrtVfLtJ to the U1J Marr.Uia.. uA 1 ...... th t le . i .1 cou'diTt get the rnor.ey In W: street Half- Sick i '.rr,.!.'e J u ... o n a i "I fi'st ued Aver's Sarsapsrilla J in the fail of 1H48. Since then i I r.a e taen it every spring as a blood-purifying snd nerve srreng'hening medicine." S. T. Jones, M ithita, Kan. If you feci run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then bcin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. tlHtVxti snirsflM. .4 . i f ' t..w bit 4rW-ftfttl4 lied Front Livery & Feed StaDles Stewart &. Kirk, Props FIRST-CLASS: :LIVERY RIGS Kept conxtuntlv on hand and can he fur iukIk's on short notice to patties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : Hocks and Biigijies l A 1.1. A KlH'N I AND SKK I S VK TKU Tt) TI1K : : commi:kcial tkaveleks AN1 CAN Fl'KMSH KUiS AND PKlVKlv ON SllDKl' NOl'H'K : : : Heppner. Oreoon (iiAtnte and Marble Mouu- ments a Specialty : STONE AND -MARBLE CUTTERS Finishing Stone Woik for l.tiild iim. l'.cst Murltle and tlranite kept in Stock. MIOH ON MAIM STKKKT, :M1N0R 4 CO.I Heppner, Oregon "PALACE" M M VNI K AC rt'KKKH OK B I FINE CANDIES aud ICE CREAM J H. D. Wood & Co 1 .LIBERTY MARKET. J. H. BLAKE, PROP. Beef, Pork, Mutton.Veal and Sausage POULTRYand FISH MAIN STREET, Heppner, - - - Oregon The Gazette has just received a fine assortment of ladies' visiting cards in the very latest styles. WE HANDLE A COMPLETE I. IN E OF Gang Plows. Walking Plows, Single and Double Shovel Plows. Disc, Spring and Spike Tooth Harrows. Cultivators, Star Wind Mills and Myers Force and Spray Pumps. Barb and Smooth Wire, Shelf Hardwarde, Studebaker Wagons, Hacks and Buggies, Superior and .Monitor Drills, Bee Hives and Supplies. Garden Seeds in Bulk, Alfalfa Seed. Tents and Wagon Covers. S. P. GARRIGUES The First National Groocrj r . ft Can be found on Main ntropt and is the place to buy ; : : : : : r i 5- Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,Tin- J: V ware and Furnishing Caoods 4 4 TheHe CJfjod.s are well adapted to 'T- either City or Country Trade : : : Staple & Fancy Groceries. Fine Teas it Coffees J r ' Good Goods.... Fair Prices. i T. IIOWAKD, Heppner f :z:jr:4z:47ir!4;. :'4':4.r4:c.'4: :4: ;jcZ44jr!4 j Have houoht the stock and Good Will of Hart & Wake. We have moved the entire stock to our new store in the I. O. O. F. building. You will find Mr. James Hart there to wait on you for your every day wants. fr fr fr fr tfr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr it si I fr MINOR & CO. 1 SPRING AND TP LICHTENTHAL. THE l)P-TO-DTt 5HOE DEALER.. When yiii lici'l anything in th' iii- df Hun-. 'i inn' in and t'.vainiiif niir iiunirn.-c stock. Can 8Uilv ymi with neat and wt'll-inailf funtwi-af at re vxina li!c 'ricc-i. :::::::: .SHOES. Custom Work a Specialty... HEPPNER, OREGON CENTRAL MKAT MARKET J. H. KINSMAN. Managar Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage and h...n I'ouury jw.-u ilwiv on 'rfx ! r " -:. " 1 Hams. Lard and Bacon of the Best Quality. tft FitiHh Fish r ii n T-'' i! "riViflf- it : hand. ''"iA--tJa " FiiUavn CORNER MAIN AND MAY STREETS. ..The City Bakery.. Crabtree & Morrison, Props BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY Onlers Kolicitl for plain ainl fancy l:ik iujr Confectionery, Cigars, Soda Water. ICK fJHKAM IN bKASON Fmrnrnm STEEL PEflSl 2 f THE $T0RD PE.I EVERYWHERE. 150 Styles XZ.:" woriri. u. ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN C0.'" r?h?it7V. 'VIUZ 15X1 WAGOX In one tlmt pvcrylKMly kilown. It ih rum of tli- lir-nt on cnrtli. Gilliam d Bisbee II:ivfjiit r'eiv'1 f.m; of Ih lnrK-ht Hlockn of Ilain Wbl'oiih i'Ver hrmiht tf IIipnrr. Prices rir3 1 I 1 1 1 lli-ay ami Shelf flnnlwnrp, (Irnuitfiw rtp, Tiuwr, Agriralfurl IrapUrnHiita, Wa.nn, Unckn, Kfc, I'mdIh and (the lcM io tbe world). Crockery km) GUaswarc.