Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 13, 1902, Image 3

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    Tim I Icppner Gazette
'I'm hsuav 1'Vbruary I'i, 1902
The Weed's News
Local ;mJ I'crsoiKil Haiijtcninirs
in and About the City.
Tomorrow in St. Valentino's day.
T. li. Howard for line groceries.
M m. Mikt-Null of thin city is very sick
2'iik delivery und clean groceries is
vn licit' lint .v r.iiiko shine.
V. I!. McAllister, of Lexington, whh
in tlii citv yi-Hlerdiiy on business.
Mr. V.. I). McMillan, of Lexington
culled at thi; i M ii; ufhoo last Satnr
J. M. Humphrey, of Might Mile, made
tin) i i ik ollici! a pleasant call last
I'.xtra copies of the (jazkitk New
Year edition can he obtained at thin
ollii H at 10 cents per copy.
There will bo a grand masquerade
hall at the opera house on Iriday even
ink Keiirnai y II.
I rank Mi-Knight who has been visit
ing ill l'oitlatid for the pant month, re
tinned l riilay evening.
Il.irt ,. I'.luke, the grocers are now lo
cited in their new iiiiirlera in the new
Slocuui building on Main street.
The regular price for the San Fran
iki-ii Wei.klv bxamiiier iill.M). Yoo
can net it and the ' uizettti for 2)
The chiiiook accompanied by rain
since Sunday haw caused a rapid rise in
Widow creek. The miii has disa
peare I .
All of the wheat in the Lexington
waiehollHe I. an bei'll "old hy the larru
ith. K. I McMillan held the last lot
(iliim l11'1' huihels at cent.
Howard's Kr.'iT,v store in a very pop
ii I it r pi.ice f ,r the punhae of supplies
for i.iinieiM and niitlits for outing in the
w:iv of i-xlia line i;;ocerien. Almost
e . i-i I to hi
I t ' hull 1
5- ' af'.
'II.. ' 1
a'' ' . ' 1 1 I .
tciiiu' a
1 ...,!. oil !
1 1 . .
im ii
i .
r i
t- ,!..-...
I . ,rly M
aroun I I ! f
t hr . v ir -
( . !l . ill s ):,
hi t 1 'the-t
1 -II r n. -d tlmt
I. n.
1 1 i-.-n
1- Mi
..II I'll
mal ie kept in stock,
y. il ran get anything
of Lexington
. pr position of char
1 . 1' and nuk i nn an
. su in ii. er. They will
.in. I products of Mor
t ! vi'. t ie the J.exing-
in. . -ti : 1 1 tr while playing
.... riueiie, Hie little
of Mrs. A lue Mor
w n milliner caught
lit e and a bo badly
lived m!v a few bourn.
- j.niv t oil i it,
l:-v. Cha". W. Went worth , of Chi
lij.i, pic.-icln-d in the M. K. church lat
S in. lay evening. His text wa": "The
, ; ,i! Message of .bin to the Men of
thin Ace." Mr. Went worth delivered a
tciv.i'' le net moii. w !i it'll n appreci
ate 1 I'V nil pll'd.'lll.
l itiithd iv while descending a i-hort
t! .! t of Hli'p" ill the rear of hit house,
hi ll'inlot k iiad ihti misfortune to fall
heai!--'it would he dillicult for the
do. ! c t i f ill mherw ihp and suffered a
hcv h i c , on the hip. It in not 80-
rc in. 1 hi nevertheless causes the good
mm to 1 : 1 1 1 p. painfully. Spray Courier.
Iciij M.iMheWH t ii in week nold to
I .hu 'haw for shipment to the I'nion
M... Y-nds nl l'.iitland, 4ii beatl of
vi . -, ! i ; e 1 1. ef c it 1 1 e . Thin wan one ol
the Mo I..! of t attle ever brought to
i-.?ier. The largest ftrer weighed
;- in U. line -year-old weighed
veir tildi averaged ll'Ul.
II vrra l ! Hmrt liornn anil
, cm. 1 1 1 i. in . Mr. Matthews
1'. M. Howard will build a new resi
(i. W. Crabtree went to Arlington,
Hanker C. A. lilies wan up from lone,
J. I'. Rhea of lone, was in the city
Mathews makes a specialty of flllinK
mail orders for meats of all kinds
Richard La Hue and George Utt of
lone, were Ileppnar visitors yesterday.
A. A. Wright who lias been suffering
with erysipelas is able to be out again.
Cahier (ieorge Conssr returned Sat
urday evening from a visit to Portland.
Hart it- 15lakere showing one of the
best and moat up to date stock of gro
ceries ever brought to the city.
Full line of legal blanks at Portland
prices, at (iazem office
A marriage license has been issued to
James K. Downing and Margaret C.
An effort is being made by the demo
crats of Pendleton to get the democrat
ic state convention in that citv.
Mr. VT. A
Is a discharge from the inucons mem
brane of the; nose, throat, stomach,
bowels etc., when kept in a state of
inflammation hi' an impure condition
of the blood und a until of tone in the
raoothu the inflame'! membrane
strengthen the weakened eyHtem, and
the discharge will stop to do this
purify the blood.
"I wan troubled with catarrh for years
ana triea various reiiieuleii but found noth
ing that would cure rue. I then resolved
to try Hood's Harnaparilla and took four
bottles which entirely cured me. I have
never been troubled with catarrh Since,
As a blood purifier I can find nothing: else
equal lo Hood's BarBBparilla." Wii.mam
dhkbman , JU30 eta Ht., Jlllwaukee, Wis.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures catarrh radically and perma
nentlyremoves its cause and over
comes all its effects.
Citizens of DalryvilU Opposed to Now
Court House.
At a mass meeting of the voters and
taxpayers of Dairyville precinct held at
Ifanlman, Saturday last to consider the
building of a new court houne, H. Fer-
gerson wan elected chairman and trank
Leathers came in from Moreland, secretary. A committee of
Hardmau .Saturday to meet Mrs. I five was appointed hy the chairman on
Leathers, who has been visiting rela- J resolutions as follows
tives in Pendleton for some time. J. P. Hadley, J. W. Stephens, C. G
Frank Ilabhe brought in 4' coyotn Fuqtia. C. H. Ktnery and O. W. Max
scalps to the coanty clerk one day Ibis well. The following resolnMon was pre.
week. The coyotes were trapped and seated and adopted :
poisoned in the northwestern portion of Whkkkah, It is currently reported
the county. 1,16 county court nan aeiermineii to
ti,..i..,i.i.0, ini,. Knk rfllinrl. build a ourt house and to lay a heavy
A li xj nioU'ii i v
.. . At i . I il .
tb.f b. rn.,1. mr. nr.. in ver ha,l con- "fon wie laxpajers OI me couuvy
dition and states that he had great
trouble in getting across Sweet Milk
canyon on account of washouts.
James Jones, the lleppner mail con.
tractor, as in town Saturday settling
tip the affairs of the line. Mr. Jones
concluded there was no money for him
in carrying the mail t the price he was
being paid am) threw up the job Blue
Mountain Kagle.
Kvangelint A. B. Mnlkev, of Texa,
ha pro identially b i"i hindem! from
Wni:kKiH, many of the taxpayers are
already burdened with debt so much as
to be unable to assume greater responsi
bility in that direction, and
WnLSKiH, the citizens of iieppner
have held a meeting claiming to repre
sent the voters am) lax payers of Mor
row county, arid
YYiikKKi, there a as an unfair repre
sentation of voters and taxpayers a1
sairt meeting, therefoie, fie it
Resolved, Tlat we condemn the ac ion
eitig here on the M'h itn-t, but will he o( tlie t.oUty court and the socalled
lere March 7th. He wishes the co- j citiKensi meeting as being unfair and
operation of all the pastors, and tbeir tasiinif unduti aJvantage of a large ma
people, we take this means ol inviting jorlty 0 the voters and tax pnvers of
II to come and help. F. M. Caufield, Mi( cotntT
pantor M. K. I hureh, houth. Resoived further, That we, the voters
Geo. McKnigbt was in from his sheep and taxpayers of Dairyville precinct,
i - ...
ranch Saturday. His sheep are doing Morrow county, are absolutely opposed
ell. They were well fed during the to building a court house at this time
recent snow storm, and Mr. McKnight unless left to the majority of voters and
as a large amount of hay left. While taxpayers of .Morrow county, Oregon
being fed, sheep do better daring cold, John H. Johnson, J. P. Hadley,
I I ' L -
A WORD TO THE WISE "s sufficient
Those who have already visited this store
since the inauguration of the : : : : : :
found even GREATER BARGAINS awaiting them than they had anticipated those who have not yet
visited the store should not wait, because this sale i3 advertised for the entire month of February, as those
who come first get the best selection in fact some lines are already nearly closed out.
It's Up to Yoti
100 Pairs of Shoes
tat Ladies and Children tre bow included in Ibis
ssJe. Thirty pairs Ladies' Tan Shoes most of
Ibem silk vesting lap, baud turned soles of the
very finest :
All S3 00 valaes, in this sale $1 98
All 3 60 " " " 1 75
All 2 25 ' " " I 4H
Forty pain Ladisa' Blsek Vicl and Kid, Isoe,
wells, turns and MoKsye:
All S3 00 values, in Ibis sale 81 98
All 2 50 " ' " 1 83
All 1 38 " " 1 00
Thirty pain Children'! Sohool Bboes, sixes 5 to
8'a. 9 lo 12,. 13 lo 2 :
AH $1 00 values, in this sale $ 75
All 1 25 " " 94
All 1 85 " - 1 05
Ladies' Fleeced Wrappers
including Black Betteen, nioely trimmed
Former prioe $1 13 Bed figures $ 81
1 69 " ' 1 21
" 2 38 " " 1 69
Children's Outing Flannel
and Worsted Dresses, ages 2 to 14 years.
Former prioe $ 63 Red figures $ 45
" 90 " " 68
' ' 98 " 73
" 2 89 " " 3 04
Men's and Boys' Overcoats
Bsialar price ...20 00 Bed Scares 115 25
" " .... 10 00 " 7 T5
" " .... 6 87 " .. . 5 15
" " 4 45 " 3 15
Ladles' and Children's Warm Hoods
Rsgular prioe 29 Red flaree
Sixty pairs Men's Working Gloves from New York 1 lot at 15c per pair; 1 lot 35c per pair;
1 lot at 43c per pair; 1 lot at 50c per pair; 1 lot at 60c per pair; 1 lot at 75c per pair
Every pair worth double the amount we price them to you just a hint of the tremen
dous bargains we get from them.
Don't forget to read
our ad., as each week of ,!
the Sale as the month ad-
' vances we will quote you
MsfcaSsasMMat .
r Wa riavo in of kwou'iv1
another con signment
of Dry Goods from our
New York Buyer, D. J.
f nrtrvn 4S7 R
Ceurt Notes.
ine wet weather they run around over
. . ... ii
ie nsv ami wlien ii iiet'oniea mn i'iy
ey will not eat it. So far, the wintsr
ax heen very lavoranie lor sump
epp all over the county are in fine
condition. This spring's dip will uu
mtitedly b of very fine ijuality.
(i. W. Maxvrell.
ii. A. Kmery,
Frank Motelane,
Henry Coats,
1 1'. Kiley,
Frank Cramer,
John liuusel.
K. J.. Moreland,
C. S. Kinerv,
Nearly hoifs have died in I'nia- John Adams,
John Stevens,
VV. O. Kover,
J. C. Ourer,
J. Merrill,
U. F. DeFord,
J. W. Stevens,
Hiram Tash,
M. C. Merrill,
A. O. Teel,
V. Moreland,
H. Fererson,
W. K. K..yse,
F. 1. Fuijua,
Hub Adaias,
J. W. Tash,
J. J. Pavis,
C. F. Koyne,
F. Kovse.
1 1. II. ;llnl II
'I j i . 1 V t'T I'
W.'l'' 'I L'
I'll!! l.'l.l ' i
Mt'l .ii I '
l ! r
tills county during the past (sw months
This is the startling fact that has come
to lifc'lit since the article in the Fast
(reunian a few days ago conveyed the
news of hog cholera in this country. It
is impossible to get the exact number of
hogs lost froia this disease, hut the fig
ures will run from 1250 to &K), and possi
bly more. That hog cholera has been
raiting for several months bas been
known only bv those losing from ,he Havers closed a week's engagement at
,1 .n.l . f- oih.r. .ho h.v. 'iarrigues' opera house in th.s citv, Sat
been sworn to secrecy because the own
I Bright Prospect ef the Youngert As-
tress en the Amerioan Stage.
Fischer A VanCleve'i Company of
Judge W. K. Kllis was over from
Pendleton, last week to dispose of bus
iness at the adjourned term of court:
Following cases were disposed of;
Mary Blahm vs. l'hilip Blahm, action
for divorce; findings for defendant; de
cree as prayed for. By consent of de
fendant p.aiotiff was allowed property
for support of children.
Linie Kelly vs. Andrew J. Kelly;
action for divorce; decree as prayed fcr.
Wm. Bendrix vs. Bessie Hendrix;
findings for plaintiff; defendant allowed
to resume maiden name, Bessie Settle
Hugh Fields vs. Jane Peniand, ad
miuistratrii ; motion fer new trial de
nied; judgment on verdict.
New Ceurt Heme to Cost Not Ex
ceeding $25,000.
urday last. Notwithstanding the fact
1. 1 . . iiti.L-. I-:-. i .1.-. . .
ers of infected herds wanted to get rid Dmu r"u'"' l" "l"
of them before the ,ople became traction, was sick and was only able to
I 1 1 - I il, ... 1 - ,
aware of the facts. Perry Houser is H'er w.e -TeU.nK-. u.r, lu
said to have lost 70 head, Pat Kine 70. Kod houses. When it was announced
Frank B. Clopton, Sam Lowe, Charles Thursday evening that Miss Hscher
W.lkins and many others have lost wu" 1""J '"
smaller numbers. Pome of them denv be,1' in Est L-VUDe' s",rJv nih.
that there is any such thing, but lr.
Christie, who has had years of experi
ence in dealing with this diBease, Kays
soon as the box office was opened Kri
day morning there was such a rush for
seats that at noon, even the benches in
has dissected eeveral hogs that have
died, and some that were found sick
mi; tlicxe steers on the
. .inber :i.d they haven't had
but alt.ilf.i. They brought
i .. . i. M. Kn irlit the popular sheep
lunn, i" " ci'it.imiy entitled to the
.,.;t ,i tr.ipi"'i. lie bus trapped
,,r,.s ,,( , i,'i .. h inl one dav lat week
, ,, in tuipn and there had
mi i iii in. laid iirlf It was only
.-..Hv ; i . i r I mi l l.e now lias the
t,ei ;. .in I'H'I in cupiivity. Mr.
, i"v priiu.1 nf his prir.e.
,1,- a L-.ni.ine American ! Wt M V AN WINK l.K At the home
iu iii.h'in'iidcnce by only
, nf meat anil is
ii a sci ap. Sniiie nf Mr
1 1 1 1 n s "t v that he l ad
it is cholera, and in the worst form. He
were eagerly purchased. In a few
minutes after the theater doors were
I . I . I : . ..i.i I v.
and killed lor this purpose-Kant Ore- "'y u.....
tained. While Miss Fischer was ex
tremely weak from her serious illness, '
Addison Kidd, the trainwreckar, was
brought before Judge Bradshaw at The
I .tiles, Friday, and pleaded guilty to
murder in the second degree, asctiarged
in the information against him. He
waived further trial and was immedi
ately sentenced to imprisonment for
life. Under the lsw of providing
for the punishment of persons placing
obstructions on railroad tracks, this
sentence was the highest degree of pun
ishment. Sheriff Kelly started for Sa
lem Friday afternoon with Kidd in
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Hart, who has been sick is im
proving. The citiiens of (tuldendale and Klick
itat county, Washington, have raised
f 10, (XX) for the right of way for the rail
road from (ioldendale to Portland. The
committee in charge of this matter con
siders this amount sufficient to secure
the right of way from (ioldendale to
I.yle, 41 miles. All rigtits of way have
bven secared, txcepting three or four
The county coort met in adjonrned
session Wednesday of last week. The
countv officials were all present with
the exception of Commissioner Howard.
In the matter of building a new court
Plans for new building were invited
to be submitted by the 20th of Febru
ary, on the paid compensation plan,
that in, award the contract to the party
presenting the mopt acceptable plan, at
five per cent of the cost of the building
for such plan, and the superintending
of the construction.
Tbat the party presenting the second
best plan be awarded o0, and for the
third best plan $25. The amount of
fees for second and third beet plans,
amounting to $7t, be deducted from the
amount of the fee of the successful bid
der. Main building to be about Siix'iO with
jail annex to be large enough lo accom
modate f.mr cells. Total cost iiot to ex
ceed $25,000, including clock and one
vault door and all fixed counters. Vault
to be not less than 14x20, with base
ment vault same sir.. No excavations.
The court reserves the right to make
such alterations as they deem a Ivigsble
and to reject anv and all bids.
To Fight Disease
Successfully during the changeable Spring,
the System should receive a toning up,
and for this purpose
Has oo equal. Prioe $1. 6 botilav for $5.
Slocum Drug Co., Main St., Heppner
It Will Pay You
in i
tin 1
rut i Hi: I In'
B ; n ;U m I
M Kinirlil
I.OUAN NASH At the parsonage of
the M. K. church, South, in this city,
February 8, l!M2, Mr. Leon Loiran
and Miss Hattie Nash, both of Mor
row ce'Mity, Key. F. M. Canfield
still her appearance as Lady Isahelle, i between (.ioldendale and the head of
tin- t tap ha, t I'd it h the Mara and dtiipcs
(In. b" i' a' be siivs that he
r.in tiap anv tiiin.' "'at walks or Hies,
lb' will I'H'i; i' i" 'he next Fourth of
.i .i ; v .
,No. 2222 is the
of the bride's mother, in this citv,
February f, 1002, Mr. William Wood
and Miss Iness Van Winkle, Bev. V.
Cantield informing the
had a magnetic effect opoi the immense
audience. Her soul was in the charac
ter. Her porlraval was so real tbat it
wa marvelous to come from a person
so voting in year. Ilie people -.a aeu
about it in the theater and on the
streets and all weie of the opinion tbat
il was the greatest portrayal id this t encountered on this score.
character ever presented in this conn'ry.
While playing Fast Lynn in Silverton,
some time ago. Homer Pavenport. the
marriage lprl(, famons cartoonist of the New
York Journal, was visiting his old boms
Mr. Paven-
Swale Canvon, a distance of about IS
miles, through the farming part of
Klickitat county. The rest of the route
lies principally through government
lands, there being but few settlers and
a few Indian claims along the H g
Klickitat, therefore bttle trouble w ill te
Henry Welch is suffering with rheu
Alex Walker of llardman, is very
sick with pleurisy.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Avers started
Thursday lor New York.
Mrs. J. V. Crawford, who was re
ceotly injured by a fall, ie improving.
to write for our rate before jea
purchase a ticket to any point in the Eat. Through Tourist
NATI, connecting with through train for for all point- in the
far Eat, South or Southeast. Fast and haadaomely equipped
steam-heated trains Dining Cars, Buffet Library Cars, Bleeping
Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars throughout the followine
states :
For particulars rsgarding freight or pas-
enger rates and aeryice, call on or address
J. C. LIKDSEY, T. F. 4 P. A.
, . . Oom'l Agent
142 Third straet, Portland, Ore,
i iJi-i' 1 i"iv"rriiirvvvvvvvvs,vs . . ji. i
AsrsrtiMS Lesura.
. The following letters remain uncalled
for in the postoftice at Heppner. In
I calling fer these letters aay 'advertised.'
Bean, Robert S. Barns, Mrs. liladyi
Kurcb.S. T. McPaid, Edw.
AnJrew Todd.
K. F. VnoHO, T. M.
8oeft1 Claee Settler'
and was in the audience
. . , . . i i . .
tin ne nrf psrauous iiuiiiij utri. , ..-,! m ,lh her aimear
opilrvralarrh; thay dry up the eecretious,
" ' .. ' ... I 1. . ....M..l....lH all... t I . a CAr.
which allieri to the mrniiirmne ana aseoni- ancr iiiw iir Miiiiir.iin.-.. ". ...r ,
rKii,cauingafarmorsrioostrollUian ( rnuin,.e ,-oi.gistnlated the vcung lady
i, ..r.i, ...... rrm nf rsl&rrh. Avoid all drv-
nillllhcr imr inhalaula, fumes, snickes and snuds and advised lier to go lo e tuikas
n,t ! tlmt which cloansaa. soothes and . :. ... , - ..,.,
Ih.l LUrUlirlmokrAsrand uu ii.. t'r..m Halm U such a reme.lv "n " i""
, will cure eaUrrh or eold in the bead She is an Oregon girl and was C m-si
fit). UZJ IS MR- llUIIlirtl I. Ill ellsl,r .,, ,,u...Uy A trial ..raw, It.. if ( m , ,.,,,,
. . m tivm Mil ittr t rfDia. jiii u mkk'"" i
tlraWS IMC (in SSIIKJ CaSC. II . rlTiiroliier,.6r,Warrn8t..N.Y. Ineoi'le wei hitjlilv pl.-sed wuh li e
Ihece l ilil-k .irP not nrC- The Halm etire. w.U.on pam. ao n.
irriLata or cans, anesung. It spreaas lisrll
SCIltcd llCfOIC March I, 1902, oer an IrrilateJ ami angry surface, relie.
int; imioadiaUly tha painful inflarumation.
aMOtllCr (IrawilWJ Will IC MCld. With Fly"s Crtim lUlin yon are aruisJ
",k f , sirinat Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fever.
Conscr Aycrs Irinj Co.
Kischei fi anl'leve compsnv
IHwhm IVtli jiihn is vei v siik
rheumatism at th I'enlaiid lam li.
PaaraaM Csnsnt !. Carr4
By loeal applicatinns, as Ihsy csono
teacb the diseased portion of the ear.
There ie only tine way t.i core deafnees,
and that is by cotitot!ooal remedies.
lteafBesa is caused by an ititUmed con
dition of the mucons lunua ol the eusta
chian tab. U'bro Ibis tab i ii in
flamed you bsve a rumbhos souod or
imierfeet bearing, and when ii is en
tirely oloeed deafoess is the result, and ! 'ancv rolls
nelt sa tba iurlsmmation cao be tskt D I A 1-l.ii.e s.
ont and Ibis In be restored to II norms! j
eondilion, lis an of will be ilestroyrj f -r-
ever ; nine cases wot nf ten ate eaus-d
by catarrh, which is nothmw boi an in
rJsmed ecnJitlou ,( Ihe tsacuns snrfsces
We will civ One Hiimlred I) ,!lsrs I -r
any ease of deafoeea (pkii,I by cslarrh'
! llnl CIS not hu co re. I by Unit's Cure.
; Sen.) (or circulars, free.
I K J ('hit A C.i . T.ils.ls II
Sold bv drosl. ''
Hall's Family Fills are the brel.
I.KACH At I exngton. ,'annary ;U, to
Mr. aud Mrs. U rn 1 ti. a b pound
SHANKK-I ,'inn.i'v s. VHt'. to Mr.
and Mr. t i -b.-ii c, a ". polled boy .
SKA!. KeiT'Li'v .,. 1 to Mr. and
M-s. O. K. Ne.' : tl is city, a y
pound 'la .if. .
srKWAKr T. Mr. an! Mrs. Join
Mewa-it of t:. . a '. weight
Star Lwrisjinsj Heusa.
i Tlr.ii new Loafing House located in
the Odd Kel.ows building, coraer May
and Chase streets is now ujti to tbe
public. No pains or expense has beeo
spared to make this bouse first i lass in
every particular. Ttie bis: 'ling bas
' been thoroughly remodeled and every
room :s tin:he.l new and complete and
, we'd ventilated. Kooms bv day, week
i or month. Call and see for vocrself.
On March 1st and continuing cV.r to
and iacloding April .Wth special uoe w,y
second class settlers' rates as follows
will be in effevt via all lines :
From Missouri river terrain sev
cept Sioux City via Huot.ntun
to Portland and intertued i-e
points, alse Heppner branch :..
Fro a: St. Paul and M.nnea;v s
via Spokane to I'matola a;j,' -
teroiediate points
to Fortiacd
From Chuagj to l aia'i. a -kaoe
and intertue..:e r
and brancb line pii.!
to Port. and and P iet .
From St. Louis tj l'ma'i.:
Te Cur a Cold in One Day
Take l-axa! ve Kion o i,' nr. ne la'i.ets
All drugg''. ii'Mn i 'be civ nev it it la is
to cii'e. 1 . W ii'i'ii' ' ::'.iture s op
each bo. L' -c
Stop in an I get oi:e ot th e choice
i rrani" : ;:tcr a'. I Isrt
Notice is hereby given that a ".isetieg
jf the t H kluhlers ol t'..t Morrow
t'ouoty land and Truat Ciunpany will
be held at the orlice ol tb tVii.panv in
flcppner. on Monday. Mari Ii V, !(:.
at - o'cl.vk p m . fot the i".-rtoe of
e'ectmg director for the ersj.rg year.
K. F. IltMii. v.N-rel'.
Heppne'. Or , Jan. 2:;, 1.4V TJ 75.
For Infants and Chillrtx
Hi e Kind You Hare Always Bought v
I Tl i.aiette bas tbe agen- for ail
i newspapers and rragaxinea.
1 eave orders at thisoffic for tbe Jew
ear editi.m of Tna 'iwiiik.
kane an 1 .' '.e'lrc !
and branch i ue io'.nt
te I'ortiAQ ! si ! I'.int ,.,;
L::r r, - r . , ,
Continuous passs.- i-,
poml to destination, rt - :
over of not to exceed ten u
granted at Po. ate. lo an 1 Ma .
pom! west thereof.
f M K
f-'Hal gei.:. II
A. L. Casio,
"i. P. A . Portland, ( ir.
Bears the
X S ' - t' nth nt S l..n IV... .v, hl.
Bla-naturs U&V -UcJju .... . , ,
r !!'t A I? ske delier grocenee.
P- k A Visthews bars ...
nership, but y u ran get a
meat aad lard (rum Ms'J.rs-
S ropy fV.ff w v .
to a fr'en.l n r e Y m