Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 26, 1901, Image 4

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Khenmstic Jinith crle 0 rPtf I
nd distress fnm tortured tunst lev aching;
7 V , ,. .. .7 , ,
jovtnta ;cl eii ilcd iiervra. The bicxxlha ,
Wn j..i:.n.-a by the accumulation of ;
waste matter in the system, and can no,
.rm4rrrf.0pj.lv the pure and qesUih sustain-
Ini' x-l thf v require. The whole evatein
teila the effect of thi acid piHWo'j end
it ntd the M'xd has tnn purified and "j
trftt:!.t hack to a healthy coudltion I
lhe;b and fauns cease. j
Mr. ta-a Ki it, of e Nmih street, N. K I
Waabiat n T. C. wrtov ma i "A f"-
anoattta agn 1 H 1 an attaik of ScuiK Jthmm
im In luwrt ff 1 !f
Mia vw tniraar that I
T' a in f or mpietr'v trrn.
tratnt Ttir al'ai k a an
iiaaal'v rAr ooe, and
tT Tnli)oo T-i-f 1 -tV
ed aa r;e w" dsniprr
mu 3 ma aUcrnled br
r of iv mt atlr tnc
nra la ah'.n(,-1"'n wb' 1a
ala me'.her of the ff
1it af a )-alii.g mrlimt
mi'iarr br. lit t.-l! n e
Vftain a. "aairAal
to onr.ttnar " pri--rv
ItnatkDillmdtMml. AfW Bttia 6Ui
twrlv tiraa without rfCfinnfi a.iffhtvat
Weftl, 1 rtec'infd torrmtinwe hi treatrnent icf
kmarar H-ni hrartj 01 S . S S , Sr-.f; 1 SKOtf
rrr.ua mrniied foi kDcumiuini, I denied, almoat
in daariair k.-wtt to rt- twe mrdivTce a trial.
and m irt I had lakrn a frv Ktllra I m iNt to
fcohbfc arun. 00 crutche. and vrrv svxo there
mtirr ad en ne thrai at a'.l. S S S harine
eurea me nd and weil.- Ut bKrrmm
aia ha left jr.e, rr.a rfaei tie kas erttirn
'v :
and J am'Siapi? to be afna Tcirrc4 to feifeet
ara ia.
the preat veritable
purifier and tonic, is
the ideal remer in all
) rfcetunatic troubles.
There are do opiates or
minerals in it to disturb the digestion and
lead to ruinous habits.
We have prepared a rcial book on
Rheumatism which every sufferer from
UusfiaiafttJ rKseaae should read. It is the
most corrplete and iaterestinjr book of
the tind in existence. It mill be sent free
to ar ore desirinjr it. Write our physi
cians fufiy md freelTabont tynrce: W
BiaJre ca charge fear raerficai adrioe.
ml twin specific co, atlakta, u.
Mr K. Oray, whn li B-ar .VtneBis,
Daebea cono , N . 1 ., eajs: "Cb am hrr
laiu'a Caatfh Keme iy is toe bM tucdi
em I bsve fcr nd. Il is a fiae cbild
rn'4 reabely lor cronp ard ocvrr fails
eoreu" When .uea as goon as tee child
twcmjpB hoar or eTo after tbeeroopj
eontfri b developed' it will prevent tb
attack This abonld be boroe in mind
and Ntti cl U Coonh KbuJj kept
at baud ready for intact ne at soon as
tbe TmpUEe appaar. . Fat .ml bj
Conaer k Ayers. Draggis's
The Oonsolrt - ImpiemeDt
CoajwiDy an J . the Co-operative
Machine CompaDT of Salt Lake.
two of the largest establishments
of thw 1riol b th west, hT
been cosolilatJ, Tb? Hew cod
cern will be known as the Consoli
dated Wagon end Machine corja
Arij'iiig the tens cf thousands wtobave
c-d Cbaajhrlsin'i Cough Eecasdy for
old dJ la gntp? daring tbe psst rew
jear, to oar Knowledge, cot a single
ee h'a renlied 10 poeamonia. Tbw.
WbuMJt Co. 21-) Wabsb avenue
C'tiio,'1, oce of tbe mast prominent retail
dmzz;'. in tbtt eitv, in rakiog 0? thia
sva; "We rec tamend Chamberlain'e
Cotijb Il-tuely f j la inppe in many
efcs. a i: not only gives paiirpt and
complete reoovry, tot a!sn counteractf
any t-nie-ev rf Is erippe to sesnlt id
pneotaonia. For Sale by Consr i Ay-
ert. Urugi'ta.
The national amateur skating
race will this year be held oi
Verona Like. X. J.j and in all
probability will take plat?e next
month- y
Ap'eoeof flanoerdsropeoed with Cham
berlain's Faio Balm and bound to tbe
afTnetol parts is snperiur to any platter
Wbea troubled ;to lame back or pain
in the ule or ebet, eiT it a tnsl and
jot ajr Certain to b? more than pleased
itb prompt relief wbicb it affords
Fain Bairn aie cortt rteomt;sm. One
appliOJition give flief. F"r sale by
Confer A Ayers. Drogjiatg.
Richard Crcfcer has returned
from a brief vieit to tbe faria
owned Ly ' David Gideon, near
Vet Baien Springa, Ini.
No one c reasotably bofr for good
healtb BLie- bis bowels move etc eaeL
day. fflu tLi is ol attended to, di
order of Ibe stomacb arise, bfhoatneas.
btMadebe dyapeia and piles soon fol
low. If joa wisb to avoid these ai!meni
k-p yoor bisfii regular by takit,a
Cbamherlain's estaacti Mid Lrvr Tab
le's wben rt-iaired. . Tbf ara st easy to
take an-1 miij aod gectla 10 effect For
a e by Conser Ajert.
Bids of $77,010 were made and
refused for wat in tbe New Y.rk
rf Uxk Li change. The sale of oue
B-at oc Saturday at tlofj a
the record price.
!f y..n wouH bavs an appetite like a
H-r sr 1 a r!nh f r yoir meals fsi
Ci.!:i''! s'l Hhuft sl J Lir Tab
!' 1 1 i riwl di'jrhr of Ihe s'
tj.HC . i.' i rrfuiat. Ihe Ii we sod bowt...
I 'tie-, j e-i .' t-sn.p les t ree at Ox cr
a A er i r tjre.
I he Crt t rt-io Vtont oilt by
Il Ht tb new rt Arthnr
I. O I Utd ir a Hi' -er. The r .at
i: i.;t-i h inr-aii r-jj-d of i
k : .ti ! r trial tri j.
uuri if try - . '
m:l' ar u
trtri.f ft
f t m and out" atrtMig we
I j f If T ""tf' cmrro- Trfwie
V 1 ,1NNM t tktl . e nd jpm
! Itlat lt ( . - fjr at.
miii.1 'i s . , a;. tk. a ' .: cut. t v-
o4t., h,furtia. ,itm nn .t a-.d '!
Ixtrli. IftlltriTf , -t1l I f ra.l
in a .Vv .aMd tva utrw t m imi11
It h lii d i g t:rc V -i a f il j-ora.
K C iiii in Xjt kw N V.
S m.afm t L -1 Tr. I M. M.. 1 a, 1 ' ' fa
Tbs Antl-Vaccination Movtmmt,
i Tta' anti-vsct illation move meet. hiih
' ! ha ehoa n nu ll urt'tii..ii Ktiei.uth uf
late nra iu lUatland and l-'nuiatid
,,,...., i.. , , ,
seen: tecenllv to hvf been luakini;
mn,c .. t !. I ailed Stales,
A tek Ht: one 1 I the teachers in
L sdiooliii I'liiUtlelphia re-
. . , , . . . ., . .
i to ol"'v ' ,l,"r ' KlrJ O'
r,' ctin re jinrin aevtmition, and,
hen dismibsed 111 oonae.j.ielioe, ap-
peaied to the court,,. The Inner courts
iwiw (he tfaru. but before liercaee,
1 a j
id time to come heiive the hicber
ucwrts an alarming eaocessnin of deaths
fjllowin. vaccination awakened a new
sentiment in her beha f. In I'hiUdel
phi.t itee'f, accoi ding- to press dispa die.
tin re were Sterai cases of lockjaw fal
low int vacoinatioa, and in the neik'h
lorinc city of ramden, N. ,f , fl.e Board
of hiitication was. coinjwiled to rescind
the order oT com pu'eory vaccination by
the development o! seven lata! cane of
I it a oUit) dii autoiiK mttiiit v vacci
nated ie- ns. The Hoard of Health of
Camden ret'ieted physicians to stop
. m-HrvtinTJ. o? f Until tliere h he-e.
' 1 t . '
it rtitwoiitfli hivevtidjition. Tht physi
cian at tbe head of the Hu.nd publicly
epre!eJ his o 11 l?elief that vaccna
tion has not t &asid the riceut deaths,
' ,i pl. sii'irtnit nowhere note that the
tockjaw or tetttnus germ may appear
wli-never wonnils of any kin l are not
properly treated. Whatever the cause,
hOever, the prt-senra of an epidemic
of lockjaw and the simultaneous appear
ance of press despatches announcing
iiej;ti imm ) ckjaw following vaccina
tion in Atlantic lliiy, X J., and Biistol,
l'a , hare temporarily made U19 fsar of
vaccination in the Camdeo district more
at Mite than the fear af sraal pvx. Fhy
siciaos are all hut unanimous in dsclar
tuf the fear of vaccination uroundisss
if care has been used in preparing the
vaccine matter and if ;l.e wennds are
cared for, and tl.ey point to the great
reduction in the number of deatl s from
S3ia'.!pox since vaccination succeeded
ioocuiAUOrTa epntnry ago. In EngTand
it may be ssid, the anti-vaccinator.,
with Alfred K'jsset Wallace, at" their
Bead, admit the decline Jn t he death
rate from smallpox daring the present
ceritaryj but declare" "thai almost tbe
sax a rate bas teen marr'fest in the
death-rate frm all kindred dieeaaeatbe
rictirr-s cf which are promptly isolated
Better aauiuiion, greater cleaohness.
an i the prompt isolation of persons af
fected with the contagion are. it is
claimed, the real causee vt the better
C5fiJ!t!ons now prevailing. In EngTanc
the coatroveriy has been f atherinj head
fay rapidly since the recent recurrence
o' a smallpox epi lemic, ami has in gen
eral been more marked by heat than
Besides binga murderer, Green
was a notorious crook, and is re
puted, on his ovn story, to have
run an illicit distillery in Kentucbv
says the Stevenson Pioneer. Wheth
er or not this is true, it is known
that Green, with a partner, hail
fitted up a still in a remote nook
in the mountains of Skamanih
County, which wa? discovered after
his incarceration for the murder.
He pretendrtd to run a chicken
ranch on the -monntain slope to
cloak his operations iu ti aLrsport
irg wheat with, which to manufac
ture the whisky. After his arrest
for tbe murder the auspicious of
the neighbors, previously aroused,
led them to make an investigation,
when they found the apparatus all
ready for tbe commencement of
operations, which was pUce l in a
nook at the foot of a precipice sev
eral miles distant from the river
Or any traveled road. His part
ner disappeared afteir tha murder
aad haa not fernc beeta tees.
MrsEiizabetb Poulsno, who is
believed to be the oldest woman in
tbe State of Washington, celebrat
ed br 97th btrtbday Dumber 12.
at the home of her grandson, El
mer MeKinney. near WaiUburg,
Too rum h h'ii-frw ork wrecks wo-ajen'i-
i'-rve. And the constant
Cure of i i.i'dn n. day an i niyht, i.
rfrr. oo !r--r,j: f-jr -ven a fron
worf:-. A h-.'ird f iee ?!! the
t'ry f t:.- ov-rwork house-xife
i.Ld rc-'th' r. D' t-.n'id iMn,
iTrwxrrhi-a m l I iihn of the
wr.n.b r1 i!t from overwork.
l. of i,ouw.if. riwd a r'-ir.e!y
to r ie i lit iiv arol to
k'-'-p i.er M-Ti-itiv; f- ii.ale or'an"
ii: p-rf. t r dition.
ic diD( tl.U for li.ousanda of
Atut-riian oweii f-day. itcur.i
Mr. l-j.f - ai. ! that i- by ia!
r.: - thi- Jr ir.K l-tt-r
li.vIhik. r., r. b. n, ia.
I air Kai:i nt y -jg Wr it f 'avrdo i
la ri. :r n Un f-iir.g t-'trr tr.ao
I !." U I t )ar J am U.eag .)
. n aorl ttr)r,ut a.ev bf.p. aaa J
ai.i it . ad it. "r. bit
t r- i Tiat trAt t :i W.. la
lug n g'l i aji g"r-r( firr.,.r
Utaa I t"T ' f'.f. ant P fyi
a 1 t h'r" ht"r i kr-a tagicg
Wt '4 Cari! i '-) W fia to lsv
tit wb fktt, r i :.!.. vnrrf ag . axt
t& 5J la-tUMjwB.
Sl.vi At lMI g.lMTSa.
tm -- .w r'va
. im H- - - a.'.a. I - .
Kaia a-.'. IVMt
hue r' ct on
with kurc'k.4 H ar
Bcu I 'll. It rr
the lUntp,
kn-pMhe r.OD
rr s. It jti.i vtf
a1 i. t1tl'ea
cr!y V yv
K Wear isf
me titFurrkl
So4 ,
in .an
a.lv te-i.
Sunilard Oil
MFor six years I was victim ordys I
Mvsla in iu n orst form 1 cuuld eat nothtne I
K-I Jl V- . .-aawar i
butmilk wast, and ai tiroeamy su siinrh would i no one ou rlit to leMii-tti.ed urolT 'u led
no retain aad digest eeee text. Last March l'.. ,, ,
befan taking CASCARETS and since then I , " reque-l U !. .ouii of a hCcl is rt
haveawadiiy improved, until I am as e;i as I ' fusett.
ever was la my
David H. Mckpht, Newark. O.
Good. JiTt fickea. Weaken, or Urn llv. tec. iVuc.
I'MIUI, Ckkna, natrMl, I art. Ill
MTft Blf Sold and sn.nrnnieed hy all drog
lU'DAW glsuioeVllETolMkCcoUaDIv
Prppannr Opium from the Ioppy.
A Boston merchant makes some reve
lations that will uot. maie tilings very
pleasant for opium users. ''The process
of preparing opium from the poppy, as
practiced in India and l'ersia t.vday."
said he, "is very nearly the same as ivas
employed eighteen hundred years ao.
As the capsules mostly aSottiul iu the
narcotic juice, it is fr-om these' the opium
is procured., Afewtlays after the fall
Of the flower, men ami women proceed
to the fields and make horizontal in
ciikma in the capsule, bein,; careful not
to cut too deep, so ttie juiee dies not es
cape into the capsule. A white juice
exudes and appears in the f ..nn of a
tear upon the cdu'es the ini'ii m,
which ia allowed to reuii-ia t . e;.ty-four
nours. when it is scmped of? and col
lected in smaller vessels and beaten,
beic moistened with saliva, ouiy one
tear beinj; obtained fruiu a siuie plui. '
The liranita Repahlican cln'ti of ii -trite
has been organized with a die e:
ruembership of 50.
The Fulton hold up a-tist l a-t rr-tv
mitted thirteen robberies within a little
over a month near l'ortl iml.
f f.ti1. - ii..; i..,, i .....
T:l ' , "v. :.!.? .i;tn:fr v 1
tU.t -a t. r it ."arm . i ; . I--' t .
or - ' : ' r V.-M'-!.i
u-ei .ji.iij. it: : lS,.-l'tr U;r t hi -r.t
ti r I, -t. .'.M.t. iu, .; IV t i.-i-!..,!.. ..i L'
. . ?L.-t CHtMlC.L CO.
hiuti.iak tatiS) pB,,r.
s. riwcisco
II fin.,
Poa? OlslV S6.70 8 )UL
Potid Only SI.50 a Year.
To Anr Part of tiix tn:tl Stat-a, Canada aa.l
TO WEf-Kt-T HBOftlCT.R. Biigtf it
sr.g uilt no-pl't Wtwalr N-wp-r In tin
WorM. p'lnla irula-lf 112 O.ircn,:... or S a '
l'.g T N-wa. i.:t' ratur ar.d o ara, I ,fo ;
i ci.. Sl. a mni. iK-m '" ' -
U.rMeoitiwa: l"-p.rtiwt. U.i la on uf Ic :
I cr-ai.al 'Vl ar-roiea m a-,y p--r oo t. '. .
I Gtat E.-7tl.'.r.g wt-ltf-n if l.4 . a t- i
per -d In ic- ( '. Hiat-, utti on Ka-t-fa
oh knowing of ra.lr l'Kailt,'.
I THK f.nP.OVI'l.Vt ra-ta wl'h the gr.at. at
' .a.p" I" i t'nttxl S'at...
i Ilia t,lifcy.Mt Lk. b il 'n I a IS
rat. It l-.'-a ail la al.!llt. n-: a ..!
TUB CHRr'VtCt.K-S TlfrpM' rp.r'i ar. ,
tlM ii!t ani m-t rtl1an-. l-. - tr.
full.r ail ax!'-tJt. atvl la IMi'r::. fr'.n. taa
ii.i,.i p-o, in th atr
Tnr lll.OM' LK la. alw.ra t -r.- i- i;.
rari !!! b. th f r1 b4 a-.4 -h-- i'i ti"
. ,-.., a. aa.laat .tnblaatV' n.. -M', ,fi. rorj r j.
tVa ar cpvr.MVM 4 atir air i. If tr'l !m i. .
la rT.rju,.Bg. atontral ll. B'tLlr.g.
i r.
Reversible Map?
sytcwlrf tria T,e!t4 fi-a'es, T'.m.r.um f
Canada scd Mcr.t-n Mesicci
Ol sh. f I Ij K..
SrM S an4 ft la Kag an4 We-a,, ci r. . l-.
av Caa Xaar, r-i. Pv- a mtu an V'V
lr. Am Yorvo.
Mrlaar S T rt.ialrV
aM raACfoo. cak
The edttorlaj page cf tr.e W,Cy Ore
fc .
' X Y If I
fll. II
roctava artvt t,roa4 treat rnt t a w'd
KoHher Ilorr Nor l.riid la the Hale
for ll.
! Tlie othio of bicycle borrowing ore
' litkriimitik.' U aritat whtcliniir circles
luv that what is termed tin- lcptiuiAt
liilini: mmsimi i- at hsunl. Arc cycli..tii
lAjU'i'ii'il t l!o i!.hcr ptvplt" to I'itU'
their bicycles '.' This is thofriiMt nucs
j tit'n. In tlts.-isinr it ti ijt uiul iiiul wt'll
know!- w !:ct'. :i.i n. wl'O ..:f ; iTVrt A HT
I ha.1- ... n.'i.-'t n i.o from the wr
j r'v tr.ir h.io :, a.s practiced bv oth
I I'n'in i,;l- trctjiu-jicy w 'ft h, which re
; ntiesi ini' t'-' 'ItKiii't'if yur wheel' srv
liii.de hy eiin1
jvirtiei'.etl i- i
Uli.-sioi; iu f'l
bieyele u !o
lir.ii liv - liLiiu
1 o - c
BKinii: Mich .i
I 1 1 elf, ni'.d .
ciui''.": , :.ih
the in v. If.':; r
an eau ..i .h 'v 1
n.f ii! ei f; c i '
I ii lit l nie.l n
ly tru-ti!:' a. s
fers to '..-ml :.
bound t ref'i
; ilde ore luisrlit le
li i.U r.g ! l ..t t lie wle
tt"-ltl of d'uioM ncr tif u
lentl i: to .".II his frit'Qtks
-w. :i ; .1 :Rr i;crof
s 1 he ! ;i i . u-'e f'r
t ; u St Of I . ' f.riiri' of a
if '-s ':!.: 'i: n:!y alul
'us;' to en!i'l wlih
' Tf a l'l'.ii'er :'i wom
.1 to :a in r the laniisc
i i'f : '.t in iVieiro it.
; '.' : !:.. ; !f r.n u :ni - lail-
iVii-:. ' h : cil fiie.itltif
i :e 'c ei-.f is morally
ii, hut 1 do iHe.ui that
not n eh -it tnsi'y re--ucH
;ui ii V.'.seball hatior
. Airain.it .if mmov hi
'.here : no huv, but yjiir
i- -it M.it'i':-. Xo one, nt
placet! article,
a liir of skate
of such tbir.
hvl is a ii ,'i
even the n--'
r rl,
c:m rruarau-
i te it tijraint uiiiha;, even If the it'Ja-i-
dent Ih; tuny the i!:ie;;i:o of n tire.
Ttx of: n, however, the villa!! uliioh
txft the iiu-st -wary r!'jr p.re far more
serious. T)ri iUi:ijtoi.s of crow 'led
Streets, vt acri; It scenic ?i
ohntriio lor-
rower of bicycle"! most 1o' n like to rido.
thee is no need to cLiiii - e i'.;on. They
are so comuiou that the vciacle of a
wheel ln-;i'? extricated from beneath u
beer wa-ur.. a street enr or a cib, no
lonijer a;:i-.;ers , crow d, even on Broad
way. But even ilt- f rej oentcil oxtsile
& cyclic: eannct always avoid ilanirer.
nor insure immunity- ft r the machine lie
is ridintr. Aceicieui. hwvvever, uuJcir
able as rl-.ey are, are of compnrytively
snuil! mfipient to lonjj ns the tlamapetl
wheel is your own, but if it is the prop
erty of i'tme one else the ease assumes
a ditT. n at compltxiun. Few jxoylc en
joy the j roc ess of cjo n f ew i njr that the
horroweal maciiiiMi haa cuiue U Krief
while in their hands, ami I sitr.pcct ttiat
few even of the mot porxl-nnt ured of
friends are not moved to n-s-ret their
iwrlflfhness vrhen the - Trwnfrted re
mains of their machine are brought
"ever lend your whl, and ait down
most ajyrf.tsively on ail who make a
rt'iiuest for a lonn of it. The.ie
chronic bicycle borrowers should be
Uiue-ht lessons." N. V. Sun.
in'.. nt I he Pallet, tires-oi . Iier :!. liaij.
N-'tlre i t..irely icn tiikl Itic Itillo'-t lug-rwii.i-.l
r':,-r iicfle of h! tiitPl'.tion
t' t "':ii.:i:'t' HTl I liinke ril 11 ITOtif III aupl-nrt of
hi i ' . i i 1 1 , n-,,1 tiiat Mtel pr.-t'f " ill iiile 1
! tri-V,t a rer i irtw :tr1. I o u-ity ('it rk of Murrtiw
' 'i.Mt. ul fiej-'eiicr, tri.-'iii, oil Saturday, tcb
r nr. l'i, ? " J. . :
Ki A '.HD h. 1'KIipi'). of Hanlman, Ort-fon,
ne.r. .ttn-i e.i:; N.i. 7-Tu. for trie E , r V
as.-l - i K ' i .-c. .'J, T. 5 k. -i". h W. il.
H.-eiteew !h-J l'i:l'nviij t Itllr.-eB to (TOff
ri ,lie:i.'L' nm!i m,l oil iti ai ion
o: -n ; l ot . U . '. u.
' M I.-.e K H. -itill .:i. Charlea Hams
'f ! K S. l ox ai. of HurU man , Irtrgoii.
-''1 JiV I'. l.i e a. lU'iatc-r.
DKi A K I -V i.NT oK I i! hi SNTKklOK. I. A N ti
t 1 1..- I,i.;.;. Dr.. Nintmin 1'.,
.N.i-.litf t i.ereny giv tnat the follow lug
naiio -i B.;t !.: i, t ii ...! notice of ner liitviiUuii
It.'-fir.ni'i'ei.-.fi en He Una I proof in ipnortuf
iu ii. ni:,'j, an : 'ini' nuil ir.oji wi.i rw liiavlo l
i i.) a rr ra.. .'..r 1 . i ioii'v l'1-rk at Hop
iwr. orieuii. mi .-ati.rCaj Januar; 4, livj, vi.;
JtNME K Noill.K, ut Hii-pner, Ore.,
!i ! . t. :,.1 n'ry No. '.'1:7. lor the N' , sin,
aii.l - .t 4 ll an. I N A N Si ree II.
! l - 1. K, W M
rli" i.r:,! tt.-1 iHowInR w!tri(-"me to proe
her t.oiiti-.uoua fsattXoto.it u(iuli ak'l cultivaluiu
m1 trti l lauil, rt
A. Jv Hit-tin. Ii. A. T iKimiiaon, Slla Wjilit
an. I If vis Karrant, al of Hej inner, Oregon.
' Jar t". l.utas, Ucglster.
nr-lMKI VK.ST f.F lilt IMEklMk. IAND
' 'l.o .- at . be IiiiI!e.or , No. i-mlii r J'.,
la l,t;rel- klvtrii thst tin- ft. Homing.
.a:i f ' -i-.V.i r iiH. tilvl ni.Ute of l.l inteiitioii
r.i ii. a.,- iii.ai iooot in Mill port o! iiii. fiaim. and
iIih ail prooi will be iniflM tottt awter
'!.:! rl. i.ii.ii'; t ier;:, at ileiipiier, Or-icoii,
on Mturtla,-, Ja.iuary 4, vu:
jii'yMA- J. jiiNt.-. ol Hi'pi'iier. Ore.,
Hon.farad critry No. Ml !. for tr.f H14 NESt and
h-, -i. .v.: ."J, J p ; rf, h fc. v M.
Hi- iitini-t the foilowinr witnp.wt Vi prove
nia i-o-Hiinii.ua rt-tweuce upou a:it cultivation
ol ill-, .ai.'l. vi
li'-'.r w herltigfr. d-oige W. imlth. . L.
Joi.- .....I jhii j row it-, ail of Hepner, Ure-
Jtv P. Li cas, Kt-iltfr.
ortice at lj oran le. Or.. November 1ft. 1901.
N'ltu-ts 1a l.rr-l.y given ttiat tbtj fiiilowli,g
M:.'"i-I'ltr h filed iKitlre of hia lnt'iitlon
to -jiiii. 1 i rial pro.,f in ifipport ol hia claim, and
that .afl prif wiiii i- n,a1 before 'avtt,r
I I raw :oi-l . 1 ,,;.i,t t rk ol Morrow ( oiinty at
ii'-.piier,irea,on. on rfain.arjr ll, jrvii; n. K.
No '.ii.VI, of
Jn-KPH R POTTER, of H.ppner. Ore.,
for ti.- (-.', .NW,, y-, H fee ie, K
.. V. M
If-i..iir.. tl.e following aitnen ea to prove
)., 1 o-.'ioffii" re.i leoev iipm and cultivation
of iai'1 iai.ii, viz .
11 , ;..-ri.. I'enlani jesa Hall. A . Mi Kfn
v. 't'-orgc ,-peri), all ol flepiier. Oreg.m.
"ii ' t. W. kAKiLtTr, Keiaitr.
-. l'i HT VEN'T fif THE INTKkK'P., I.ANf)
O'f.i-e at 7 lie f)al'.. Oregon, Ie-eiiiher
'" '".T given that the ftillotvlng.
- M-niirlm fi.nl nolKeof fier intention
:.i-i ,e ai. : r.-.ake final pr.of ji, a.tp.rt ol
':-. ' 'hat. ..11 proof fw Iiiddta-
"'' ' ' !o: I, toitity c it-rg of Morrow
- at H'-f ' :er, tm gim, on f-at'iraday.
a - y II t
r. -I- ii'Ai- f.rrn IT Jtr-le .'Ilrg.
of ii.'j.pijer, itrrtitu, .
I f 'r . "' .' for the M-it h KSl
. ' I A -.t :-t:, .ti, ip
i-.-. !n- f- I .w'ng It- i-mwfp In T,r.a-.
i i rowls all ff H j-.fi-r. ' W
Jav IVl.f K int. r. ' M
a rAvitir i-ff.aARy
The liest in Current Liferaaurc
1P conrn.r7,i nivi ts vi;ah.y
"ei ANY SSJOfci .STtkJli.S ASH
PAM-PS OS lltlr '.Y n.-IC
i.'Q rt..- c.ir; 1.': .lr-. a fi-iv
' So
, a.
1 SI
- evr v MiM-'i tr compi n f. r rrspi.: M
. . ', ..
Main street, you can find;
.$ Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
' 1 Tinware and Furnishing Goods,
All well udaptetl to
$ttpte and Fancy Groceries-
J in. Jem and Coffees.
r. Ka, irOVVARD,
.silIIJI I'lilJIl "1 LilLll IfllUIJUUl
Hqtial to Gold Flour,
Wheat Flour,' Rye Flour, Cream
Middl ines for Mush. Steam Rolled
Chopped Barley, Shorts and Bran
We pny tbe bigbsxt market priOA
liniiibtry , ,
f iKsr Rational Jank
.Vie President
Transact a General
Collection! mule on all poluison reasonable
. TViinoiincemoiit,
Wo have arranged with
nish this paper with a limited
a limited tune to its great Monthly ediion. We are en
aided to offer ten numbers of the
Monthly World Magazine
What the Monthly World Newspaper Magazine Is
The Monthly World is a 3u'-ta(re Maimxine with colored cover. It is copiously
ilhiHtrated itli pn drawing aad half Une reproductions of ' photographs The
illiif tiMtiun" are the result of tbe best artistio skill, aitled by all the latvet printinu
rf appliances, making a uiMgaiiue uur ivalled la the nimiily of its vontenia and
the ripanty of its appearance.
Fach issne contaitid stories of romance", loye, gilventnre, travel; stories of
fiction ami fact? stories of tbinia quaint auil curious, (tatlieretl together from all
over the world ; tht results of sx ieutitic remearcB, and interestinir editorial reviews
It nu in be is anions; its contributors the leadii literary men ond women of the day.
lis comic pxes will present tlie work of famous oiinie artists. There still lie
funny paragraphs snH ph-nifer.' 1
A feature each month will he the larjr first portrait of the most famed
umn-or woman of the moment in thr perhtie eye.
In collecting and rr'eparlnjr for purrlication the literary matter anil art snh
jects for the Mon'hly World no ext"4) is asared. It is one of the most attrac
tive puhlii atiosn iHsued Iroui the ureal tity of New York. It furnishes hitfli-class
an'l widely varied entertainnient to nmny ihonssnd readers tli roiitt Tiout North
America. The size of the paiss of the Morttids WofW islen and half hy eigh
teen inches.
Sample Copies f the Monthly Would Newspaper Msisilne will be
sent free on application. Write a postal ears! anal ask for sat.
rAouiuia Vauic, i ice:
Asthmalcnc Brings Instant Relief and
Permanent Cure in all Cases.
rrf Asthmaleoe, similsr to the one thotttsred Iff. -itM We'll eend it hy
trial I Pi.stpaid. Atieohatel? res l Chaffee, to any sufferer who will write
for it, even on a postal. Never mind, tbnhgh 70a are despairing, however
hr.d your esse, Astbrnalene will relieve) and enrsr Tbe' Worse yottr ease,
tl.e more e-lad we are to aewd it. n Dn Aetaywrtfe' at ntiee, adilreeeiriff
JJK. TAKT HK08.' MEDICINE CO 79 Easl 130th HI.. N. T. City. Hold
by all PrnaBists.
either Oit' or ( ountry Trade.
Good Goods.
Fair Prices.:
Graham Flour Whole
for Wheal and Barley. FatniDixs a bume
... Manager
(J. W. CONKER Cashier
E. L. FREELAND Assistant Cashier
Banking Business.
terms Surplus atltl undivided profit tw.ono.
..Reading .
the New York World to fur
numher of subscriptions for
pi mm
man i
Ttiers is nntl.lnf like As thmaleoe. It brings in
etaot relief, even IS the worst oases. II cures wheu
all else lail-
Tne Itv. C F. WeIl.of Villa Rlde, HI , says:
"Your trial rHillle of Aalbmsleoe received in good
eondiiuin. I canncl tell yorj bow tbankfal I fee for
the food derived from it. I was a slave, chained wilb
tiatrtil sore tbrrtat and ssthms for lee yeaas. I d
paired nf ever hxin enrsd. I saw yonr adfeetis
meat for the eure of this dreadful aod torraenlinir
diaexse. antbma, asd itionfht yoo bad osersixiken
ynnranJeea, birt reeolved to give il s trial. T" tnv
aslomsbmeat, the I rial aotetl like a charm. Hend
me a Iall-aitv.hoJtla n
We want to seod to every sufferer s trial Iraatmsal
at a
Feed and Sale Stable
Hhn jiiNt in'eft epttiii'il lt (hn
imlille and Mr liiinlnli. tliu
uropriflor, kindly lin Ilea Ina
f r I lot M In rnll ami try lilh
Ii t m rliirtii Hei imin.tMlutttiiia.
Ili-itj- of 115' ar.5 a rain, ttz Cuilat
Httililu Ux'ittuil on weHt alilu ol Miilti
itrin't liflwi'fii Win. Ncrivnrr's ami
A. M (.uiul n lilHt'kaiultli alinpa.
Kor the Isillea A tine horse ami Utly'a m hlir
and ukion Pacific
Onlv I.ino KAfcT via
' II afl nsk. Ok '
A kbi v aa
Kant Vail for
Cuat and VYctt
Kb Vall- Fmin
Kail anil M cat
! Kiprew - fur
! ha, l anil Wrat
i.iin i - Kroiu
Kat and Weal
S l 'ie m
i li p
i ll p.
Haa fgNi mi o I'f IITI..NH Kut is. bteam
alia from I'ortland H p. m. ?vtry Stlaya.
Boat erTi.r hetwrcu I'urtland. Aaiorla,
Oriaron City, iHtyron i-aU-in. Itit1feiidriite,
Ciirvsllli ami all ('oiiiiiihla anil M niainrlle
Hirer pufnta.
Steaiiii-ra botwi-en'klpnria and It laton Iran
KIMtrla ilal'v at 4 i a m , rplurnli g leave
Lewialoii dally, cu ept Mouda) . at .Hi a. in.
J. M. KE11NAN, A Kent, Ileppoer.
A. U ( KAlli,
(ieueral Paaaengpr Agent, Portland,
Ts the Name ijf the Net ami I.ut, ii' ion-
Rock Island Train
Whli-li t;ni I.iueeii Colorado dprmg. ati.1
Ja-nt.-r. and I'lili ag... ,. r.in ( .....la in
ri.rliiK even iUi at i ji p M.annnn in
I-,:, a.-- - i v. in '.I lt in,;.. i i.i'.-
mil r.tcs'ir f-,..,, i-.,-,!,i-. i i,.n m it!) ..if hi ,
tral- tr..nt t rit.-.ig.i lor a. I .im'. .-ail ai.o
i i net t.ng at t mi aha I'h morning iral i. for
Minn. and -t l'-.l
W'fikit i . , r.i i ii a in p. ro: ni.v i,n.t .'r.'.
t.inn.l "...pui- uri tla t oreal Mr
I. Ini- lr. --i l ai irir l mil punt. !o c,!,
llhoiit hanve
A.it th i r tirlit t agent to n.aky ..i;r I!, I, eta
red via the
Great Rock Island Route
from 1'ioiver. t rite fur foi.ier
A. K. COnPt.R, - iien.-rai Ak-..-nt.
.'ii Alder ct.. Portland, ore
Independent and reliable The Orrsoa.
ftHsaabtA aVftVl HTKUe ffifR Of WcmTl, by flf
Erm. mf 'it'-cl in tj lwn in r-j.rnt TIIK
KIM.ItH tlONTIII.V. Arnsrl. ..irr.l Vmj
twrtaslnf " 1 b I .atrr Manihlr I" h'lrh
ynkliravunn. vrtnlsM on fin ipr, vtih taiihit
rnvstr In rflluri. nA tntrt m"mliT of thm
frs)iiT All ihwrTit,r for I 1 rfar-)r onr nr l
1 i-anf I rtalMilatr FKFK. A n ! rr t.&irl Itrral
eenimlflimm nri mn lir in rlivttM fcrtvn
ihit v bo swnd ih frrti notaber ol ubKrlatv
Vmdmf BtUlsllAai. . . Kr Trkv
The -Argonaut-?...
ll lit rUkll!T
-f nrtl
.rlaW arul
th-' r r .rrt- tV" f-t r-llv i.Mt."f ,-. t,
."Me-W f PAIH-f .-fl ) i'A.lff M.iirf. It SO
wi'ifly t.pifJ aiisi-, Ai fc"f.4ti. It p n-t-d I'.ir ill
S-fcort rtrtt-( iff ,fitfrtt N',-w V -rk nrt r' b' -1 A n I-t.
Ur, ilk unuiue I ttUwrulha 'h1 ill vi.ui. ii. Arreri.
C-H cdit'irUltL, K r the Ar.- n jui it A ix-m. an hrtt.
il. sinQ mi
The Argonaut
tht tnnf.
blcril) for
TIB HonnwBsiern Line
Stralua daily between Ml. Paul and I hlcago
Tbe Luteal 1'ullmsn fSleepers,
1'eerless liniog Cars,
Library and Observation Cars,
Free IieoliuiiiK Chair Cars.
Ths 21) Century Train,
'The Northwestern Limited,"
Kuua (very day In the year
Tbe Finest Tiaiu iu Hie World.
Rleotrlc I lghte.1 Htesm HmM
To ( lilt ago by l'a light.
Ths Badger Stat F.xpreaa. the Uncaf Hay Train
rnnning rtwern HI Paul and Chleago via.
the Hliort l.lne. f onn.t tiona from the eat
Made via. The Northern Pacific, (Ireat North
ern and Canadian I at; I Ik: Kya.
This la alan Ihe heat line l.etxit-n Omaha, Ht
1 am attfi Minneapoiia.
All agrnUi aell tl'iketa via.
"Tbe Northwestern Line."
W. H MEAD, H. Uel.-I.F.R.
Ueu. Agent. i i-k.-t Aft
Jla Alder HI., Portland. Orn.
visit DR. JORDAN'S oesarl
lla.M. Stria u hwlj
ThalargMt Anatomical Voaaaaa
to ia Won4.
ewirer nrmwfM fa thi Ctfy. A
ammUrfut Mfht tar tituu . I
W.aka.un , ar aay contrae.
ri viwaae, pwai ti g f ar.a l.
.u iail nperlMiNlttia Ilia I
Coaat KitabilahaS M years.
Tvaiaia aaai aad Mldii. I
ai anva .hi ara atiffertBg ,
from ths rifarta at yeutbftil Iii4l- I
eretlona ar Hrilai In mintu
..leant, latal naakug ki.ll lumaniu!
I catlona; p.rmal.rrhaia. PrMlalar.
I r I rla.ila,, attt Hy a eoir.blnailnn at i
r-tne.a, f,f err., curative f.H,r, lite laietne '
I 1. a. pi a'lane.i i.i. irealoiei.t tlial II lit nul
nlr alT..d iaiine.l:al nllef. bill n.rma .nt
e'" 1 "a iwa-n.r n.-a nm rlalm tne..r,rm
mlraelea. h.11 m arau km... ta to a f.ilr aaof I
aqilaea Pnv.lrtaa and Hnrgean. nre ernluaal
Dr. J irdiin a ol ealnleu methnela
V r.VSMT MA aii.lrliigtnuawlll rmlrt I
m ... in.i..r "m.i,,a ..I In. ei. . f . lai" . I .
f n- u-m i,ei n fu.siti 1 jr cm K a I
A T i H ritr irr ururerf. ....
f C I.n .it l it I I .ed .trlet'T pr'.'atav
k .rr.. ir'.ew lew I Kr.
m T r.alliiaiit M.iiitalT ci
vHt f.,r n...,g. nti
i IIIHNItor. M.irai
bMa l.ir men. 1 Callur w
f tin J0RDSN 4 CO . 10!
, nin-ira i r a I r e. A ir. A H I a.
or l letle
IHII.rMir tT
t r
"fmi (A.aJaaDlai
I0SI klarVal L, I
g til flak
i 1 a 1 n m
m ill nia.pe, lantr. Illeraw. atg Jlea
airnil II thomiiglilT irfi. atd from
m th. av.t.ni v lthn.it I ha n... ef fl, rMt. v
'"" II'IM hv an rtnerl naairal
J ear for llu.wre. A quieh a.ol rr,rirj
T e'ecfof fllea. ri..ar aiet riilala i..
ranjre tf jldee'a i